Love Ensemble, Part 3

Story by CodgetMage on SoFurry

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Hi everyone. Wow, I'm so sorry for disappearing all of the sudden. Life got really busy with work, and there were love issues and all sorts of stuff I don't want to talk about. But everything's fine now!

So anyway, here's part 3 of my high school love story. Again, all criticism is welcome. Please don't be afraid to leave comments on how to improve. Tell me if you love characters or hate them or if you think there needs to be more. But most of all, please enjoy the read :)

Warning: This story may contain content involving romantic and/or sexual interactions between two underage males. View at your own discretion.

"I uh, sure. What's up?" Blake said, faking confidence. His face was so red with the wolf's full attention and no way of escaping it. This time he had to stand his ground.

Oh god, what's he gonna say? What do I do? Why did Caitlin have to say something? I'm gonna kill her!

The wolf rubbed the back of his head, nervous; very out of character. "Well I... I just wanted to see if you wanted to go ou- uh hang out sometime?" He smiled.

"Hang out? You mean like a... date?" Blake said back quietly. His body shifted forward a little in surprise.

"Sure. If that's okay," Jordan said with a bit more confidence now.

Blake was quiet for a long while, or at least it felt like it in his mind. He couldn't believe what was happening. Here, right in front of him, the wolf he's been crushing on for a year and a half, the man of his dreams asking him out on a date. There's no way this was real. Or was it? He could remember waking up this morning. He remembered the three classes he just went through. And he couldn't forget how Caitlin freaked out about his crush. But the fox could only stand there in disbelief. It was like a badly written scene out of a romance movie without the background music.

"I... uh..." Blake stammered. Just say yes, you idiot! "I'll think about it..."

Jordan frowned slightly; it wasn't exactly the answer he wanted to hear, but it was better than no. "Okay. See you around then?"

Blake only nodded a little, shyly holding onto his own arm. "We have 7th period Gym together, so yeah..." After Jordan walked down the hall and turned the corner, Blake growled. "Why did I say 'I'll think about it'? I'm so stupid!"

Once Blake got to his friends, Caitlin was waiting there with a big cat grin on her face. "How'd it go?!"

Blake glared at her. "You told him that I liked him!"

"No I didn't. I asked if he was gay, he said yes, and then I told him to ask you out cuz you're gay. You're welcome!"

"Caitlin, that's a very twisted sense of helping someone," Josh said.

"Oh what do you know?" she said back before sticking her tongue out at him.

Blake sat and dug through his lunch box, pulling out his sandwich. "If you must know, I got nervous and said maybe."

"Maybe?!" Josh exclaimed. "Dude, he likes you! It's so obvious."

"How do you know?" Blake asked.

"Uh duh. He asked you out on a date."

"He said 'hang out sometime' and I said maybe. That's it."

Caitlin groaned in frustration. "You've got some serious confidence issues, fox."

Blake didn't reply as he took a few bites of his food.

The rest of the school day was average and boring. English class went over a lesson he already knew, the Spanish lesson was just another thing he'd forget in two years, even Photography wasn't anything special. A fight broke out in the Math hallway over some girl that was sleeping with two different guys, or so the rumors say. High School fights never made any sense anyway. Blake often ignored all the rumors and badmouthing. It felt like everything was such a big deal and other furs blew things completely out of proportion.

Gym class had three options to choose from since it was a short day. Basketball, Volleyball, or jogging the track. Blake chose to do some volleyball since no one took it seriously anyway. Jordan decided to jog. Blake found himself on a team with two tigers, a jock rhino, and an otter. The other team was three horses, a wolf, and a rabbit. The fox didn't know any of them by name, but he could recognize their faces.

"Today was so slow, dude. I thought short days were supposed to go by quickly," said one of the tigers.

"It's school. What do you expect?" said the other tiger.

"I can't wait to get home and play Guild Wars," said a horse.

"You play Guild Wars? Pfft, gay," said the rhino.

"Hey, fuck you," the horse responded.

"Yeah I bet you would, fag," said the rhino again, getting a few laughs from the others.

Blake just sighed. He turned a little to find where Jordan was. The wolf looked at him, gave a smile and waved. The fox blushed slightly and waved back before turning his attention back to the game. He hit the ball up and then the rhino hit it over.

"You guys ever notice that Coach is never out here on these short days? What do you think he does in his office?" asked one of the horses.

"Probably enjoys a good wank. I'd do it," laughed out the wolf.

"That's gross, man," said the tiger.

"Don't act like you wouldn't!" the wolf said again.

"I can't believe this conversation right now," Blake said to himself. He turned his attention back to Jordan, who was still jogging. The fox just stared and smiled as he admired the wolf's body. His legs were thick, his arms were muscular, his butt still round and perky, and his tail looked fluffy and soft like you just wanted it wrapped around you on a cold night. The wolf's fur was so elegant and white. It probably shone in the full moon and made the wolf look even more beautiful. Blake found himself so lost in a fantasy that he didn't realize one of the horses on the other team had spiked the ball and it was heading right for him. In that quick second the ball pelted the poor fox right in the face just below the eye. Blake yelped and fell to the ground, his glasses falling off and bouncing a few inches away. He groaned as he sat up slowly while reaching for his glasses which were undoubtedly bent. The otter on his team offered a paw.

"You okay, Blake?" he asked.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine. Oh god, I hope he didn't see that..." the fox said quietly as he took the otter's paw and stood, brushing himself off.

"Who?" one of the tigers said.

"What? Oh, no one. Sorry," Blake said quickly.

"It's a good thing that ball didn't hit you right in the nose, fox. Probably would've fucked you up," said the rhino with a little laugh.

"I'm sorry, dude. Didn't mean to hit you," said the horse who spiked the ball.

Blake was changing back to his normal clothes in the locker room. He touched his face gently. It still stung. "I hope it doesn't look too bad," he said aloud. He pulled off his glasses that still felt like they were bent. He took the next few minutes adjusting them in small bends and twists until they felt comfortable again on his face. Then he cleaned up the smudges.

Jordan came around the corner in nothing but a towel. He had just gotten out of the showers and he saw Blake and walked over. "Hey. Are you alright? I saw the volleyball hit you."

Blake couldn't see who was talking to him as he was putting his shirt on. "Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks." As he lowered his shirt over his face, he instantly blushed and looked away.

"A towel? Really?"

Jordan tilted his head a little, confused. "What's wrong?" And then he remembered what he was wearing. Or rather, what he wasn't wearing. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'll put clothes on and meet you at jazz."

Blake almost cursed out loud. He forgot that jazz rehearsals were on Wednesdays and Fridays. There's been enough awkward moments today. He just wanted it to be over.

The small jazz band set up for their after-school rehearsal. Blake grabbed his baritone saxophone from the locker room and made sure everything was working properly; keys didn't stick, pads were durable, no big dents, and the corks were greased. As he was walking out, Jordan passed by and gave a small smile. Blake shyly smiled back, holding his saxophone a little closer to him like a shy young girl would do to one of her stuffed teddy bears.

"Alright guys, let's not waste any time. Get your horns and set up. We'll begin with our Blues scales. Circle of fourths," called out Mr. Koln, the assistant band director.

Blake took his seat and started the warm up exercise. Soon Jordan was sitting next to him with his tenor sax and joined in halfway through. The group went into their rehearsal of "It Don't Mean a Thing if it Ain't Got That Swing." The song was fun, but the bass riffs were challenging. It didn't really help that Blake couldn't focus either. There was a lot on his mind. "So what if I -do- say yes? Where do we go? What do we do? Movies? Dinner? Aclub? No, that's too much noise... Maybe just a walk would be nice. A walk through the park at night when it starts getting cool. Jordan could hold my paw as we stroll along slowly, going nowhere in particular. We could sit on a park bench and he'd put his arm around me and we could cuddle. After talking a little while he'd lean in slowly... slowly and..."

"Blake!" Mr. Koln shouted.

"Huh?" Blake snapped out of his daydream.

"We're starting again. Focus."

The band went through the song a few measures at a time. Mr. Koln told his students to mark down any accidental notes. Blake reached down for his pencil which happened to be conveniently located next to Jordan's. Their paws touched on accident, causing the fox to blush and pull away while the wolf just smiled with a small blush on his face as well.

"Sorry," Jordan said quietly.

"It's okay. So um... I decided that I will go out with you," Blake replied much braver than he expected.

In the back in the trumpets, Caitlin squealed like a fan girl.

So cute. I have such a good time writing this :3 I wish I didn't get so busy or else I'd do it much much more frequently. But again, thanks for reading. I hope you liked it! Stay tuned for more.