Chapter Two: The Cage

Story by darkclawgreatone_nas on SoFurry

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#2 of Red Ridinghood

here it is folks, the second chapter of my take on Red Ridinghood, sorry about the wait. please comment on this one! all the usual warnings, even though this one doesnt have any yiff

Chapter Two: The Cage

The first thing Rika became aware of as she regained conciseness was being in a

confining and yet warm place. Some kind of drum or something was pounding near by,

but the sound was soothing to the fox-girl and it lulled her back towards sleep. Later,

when she woke up fully, she found herself in some kind of cell. The walls were nothing

more than metal bars set into the floor and ceiling, offering no privacy to the occupants.

The rest of the cell was fitted stone, though an old and very dirty blanket had been thrown

on the floor to offer some small comfort. Looking through the bars, Rika could see other

cells, most of them occupied by furs of many different species, both male and female.

She saw several foxes, three entire cells full of rabbits and dogs of every breed. There

were also deer, squirrels, one or two reptiles and even a few cats. She noted that males

and females weren't kept in the same cells and that every one of them was nude except

for an odd collar around their necks. Glancing down at herself, Rika found that she, also,

was nude. She felt around her neck, but didn't find a collar.

"Don't remember seeing you before, Masters must have just brought you in last night."

Rika whipped her head around to identify the speaker. It was one of the foxes, a Todd,

he looked several years older than she was with silver-black fur covering his body, light

blue fur tipped his ears and tail while his paws were completely black. He was an

attractive fox, well-toned muscles rippling under his fur as he moved and his dark eyes

flashed with both intelligence and comfation. Rika caught herself as her eyes moved

lower down his body toward his crotch, shaking her head firmly.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean. Where am I? What is this place? Who are

you?" The Todd held up his hands.

"Easy there! One question at a time! First off, you can just call me Blue, that is unless

the Masters change my name on me again. As for where you are and what this place is, well, this

is where the Masters keep their pets so to speak. That's all any of us are anymore, pets, to

be used by either Mistress Moonbeam or Master Firebolt." Blue grimaced. "I like it

better when I'm called by Mistress than by Master, you usually know what you're in for

with her." Rika was still confused and trying to cover herself with her tail, but failing


"I'm not sure I understand what you mean..." Blue chuckled a little, his tail starting to

slowly wag.

"Most of the time, the Mistress just wants you to pleasure her, though sometimes she's

looking for a scapegoat to vent her temper on. Master on the other hand, he uses his pets

as test subjects for his concoctions sometimes. He's really a brilliant chemist, and most of

the time whatever he's testing works, though there are often side effects that he didn't see

coming, and every now and then one of his experiments fails. He's lost a few pets that

way." Rika was horrified at what she was hearing, her body shaking like a leaf.

"What do you mean by...side effects?" Blue looks thoughtful for a second or two before


"Well, let's see, there was this one time...Master was working on a pleasure enhancer for

his sister, that's the Mistress by the way, and well, he picked me to test it for him. The

stuff worked a treat, I never felt so good, but it kinda messed me up a bit. I only felt

pleasure when I got hurt, in fact, the bigger the pain was the better it felt, but by the same

token, when I did something pleasurable, it hurt like hell!" Blue looked away as a new

sound echoed through the cell area, it sounded like a lock being opened. A few seconds

later, Rika saw a male wolf in a white lab coat leading a rumpled looking female lynx by

a lead attached to her collar. The lynx's paws were cuffed behind her and her eyes were

slightly out of focus. She was led to one of the cells, the cuffs and lead were removed

and she was locked in. The wolf nodded in apparent satisfaction and left.

"That wolf there? That was Master Firebolt, wonder what he's got up his sleeve this

time..." Rika stared at Blue for a second.

"How can u live like this?" Blue shrugged.

"You get used to it, if you're lucky. If not you end up like her," he jerked his thumb

toward the lynx. "She used t'be Moonbeam's favorite kitten to curl up with, but she didn't

like going to Firebolt and wreaked one of his experiments. Long story short, now the

only time she's let out is to test Firebolt's stuff for him, most of it's real hard on her body,

but she can't complain since Moonbeam cut out her tongue for talking back about the

decision. We're all just pets, and that means we got no rights the way other folk have."

Rika shuddered at the thought of loosing herself to this place. She wanted to leave

immediately, just go home and forget about all this. Then her thoughts turned to the

others trapped here. Could she help them? Could she live with herself if she didn't? She

huddled up in a corner of her cell as Blue turned his attention to the lynx-girl, hugging

her knees to her chest as she used the blanket to both shield her from the cold stones and

to try and cover her body a little better. She whimpered quietly as the white furred wolf

returned and walked over to her cell.

"So, you're awake I see. Well, I'll give you the speech then, I only have one and I only

ever give it once, so listen up and listen good. You belong to my sister and me now, do

as your told and your life will be fairly easy, disobey and you'll be punished. I'll come

back in the morning and then you'll start your training to be our pet." With that he turned

on his heel and headed back in the direction that he came, leaving Rika more frightened

than ever.

-end of Chapter 2-

ok, now we know a little more about Moonbeam and Firebolt and even a little more about Rika, but what terrable fate is waiting for our young fox now? comment and tell me what ud like to see happen in chapter three!