A World of unknown tails (ch1)
Story by John H, Pierce, Aka Kiyoshi Yamaru. All names are Copywrite and created from the Mind of the owner, and shall only be used under permission of the Creator, if anyone wishes to know more, E-mail me at [email protected]
"Hey Wait up" Yuki yelled out as she ran down the street towards me. " Huh What?" I stopped and turned to see th young girl running towards myself, slightly out of breath, it was Yuki's 18th birthday this very day. "Why didn't you wait for me.... this morning " Yuki scowled some panting for her lost breath,smoothing out her school uniform a bit.
grins some a bit inwardly to himself "You seem pretty Tired today Yuki, maybe you should start taking the bus" stretching a bit now, the clouds slowly floating by over them both. "You.. You could be a bit Nicer to me kit, it is My birthday after all, it's not like we haven't been friends since we were little" she smacks me and sighs starting to walk on. "Oh it's Your Birthday, I wonder how it got here so soon" starts to walk alongside her " so it's your 10th right? maybe your 11th?" looking ot her, a hand in one pocket and my Book bag slung over my right shoulder, a Bus of our classmates driving past up the hill towards school. "So What does the little yuki want to do for her 18th Birthday hmmm?".
Their was a slight breeze picking up, as well as the sky getting cloudy, we were walking at a decent pace up the hill into town. it was still a while befor classes would start but we lived a mile or two away on a country road, Both of our houses wern't all that big, but they wern't small either, Kit's home was a nice 3 bedroom house, a basement wich held all his familes excess junk, Yuki's home was a Four bedroom, and a Basement that had been all fixed up to look like another living room and garage. " I'm not to sure, actually" She looks at the sky, letting a soft sigh escape her lips as she saw how dark and stormy it was getting. lightning could be seen off in the distance streaking the sky in strange patterns. The wind had also started to pick up as well. " Come on Kit-su, lets get to class befor it starts raining." I looked to the sky as well, letting out a sigh of my own.
As the day ran on, it had started to rain and lightningquite a bit. Class soon let out and everyone started heading home. The streets were mostly hidden under under all the umbrellas. Yuki met me at the entrance of the school, since I hadn't brought an umbrella of my own. " Hey Yuki, What would you like to do since it's raining and it's your birthday? " We both started out into the downpour, the two of us huddled tighly under Yuki's umbrella. "Actually I think I do..." befor she finished her words, and in the split second of trying to do so, their was a loud Crack and bright Flash as Lightning hit the umbrella.
" Ow Damn my head Hurts." Kit Woke up rubbing his head and looking towards a still Dark and cloudy sky, thunder rolling far in the distance. As he lay their he knoticed the grass all about him was Black. All the grass looked normal other then the coloring, and by the looks of it it was far taller then himself as he sat up, still unable to see over the grass. Their was a cool, but still warm breeze that blew through the air. Kit was still slightly dizzy, rubbing his temples, he took a few deep breaths calming himself a bit as he wondered what was going on or what had happened. About 10 yards away Yuki was laying their, she was still asleep, the grass around her that odd color and quite tall also. " Geeze this doesn't look right at all, I think that Last lightning strike threw my color vision out of whack, and thre me a ways from the raod by the look of it." Kit Sat their talking to himself till he started to try and get his bearings.
He gets up and starts to look around, his head just barely able to see over the Tall grass. " Well looks like somone forgot to mow the lawn." The Field Stretchedout and on further then he could see, it looked thick enough to walk on also, he caughs site of what looked to be a few paths that led off to who knows where. " Yuki !!!, Hey are you out their?" he started calling for her, not seeing her yet, he didn't know if she was alright or where she actually could be. he didn't even care that there wasn't any sound besides the wind, nor did he at not seeing a raod or town within site. " Hmmmmm?" Yuki slowly started to wake up groaning a little as she had a bad headach and felt weak. She hadn't taken in her surroundings only wondering why Kit sounded so worried. " K...Kit I.. I'm over here!" She called out weakly for him coughing just a little.
He turned looking for her after he heard her calling out. " Yuki ! where are you, I can't see ya." She called back as she got up slowly making her way through the strange grass, unable to see over it at all "I Don't know whre I am, all i see is Black grass." he starts to walk towards her voice, he didn't have to walk far to find her, they bumbed into each other after a few seconds. " Oh Good your alright !! " he sighed relaxing a bit since she was ok, at the same time he just seemed to stop doing anything and spaced out, he wondered why she looked just fine, but the grass was black, and the sky looked like the storm wasn't going anywhere. " Kit !!!! Kit !!!!!! " he shooks his head a bti hearing Yuki yelling at himself, he came back to his thoughts and looked at her " Sorry Yuki, I spaced out their for a bit" he looks around some then back to her " Yuki do you have any clue where we are, becuase iI don't."
She looks around alittle then to him again " How am I going toknow where we are when I can't even see over this grass?" He smiles a little and sighs " that would be a problem for you wouldn't it." She just glared at him some "Yes, yes it would." Kit he takes her hand gently in his. " Alright, Alright !, I get it follow me" he led her over to one of the nearest Paths he could see from over the grass. "Kit i'm getting scared, this Place doesn't feel right, I feel like were being watched" He stops at the bare dirt path and looks at her. "Yuki Don't worry, nuthings out here, if their was we'd know about it." She sighs relaxing a little "If your sure Kit" she was still half hugging his arm as they walked along, moving down along the path.
They had been walking for around 3 hours befor they sat down to take a break. "Kit I need to Pee !!!!!! really really really really Bad" she had been whining about this for a while now, half crying to him as if he could help her. "Yuki why don't you just walk out into the grass a bit and go out their, I did earlier and I came back perfectly fine." He looks at her with a look of exahstion after saying this. She pouted to him, fidgeting for about 2 more minutes befor getting up. "Fine then ! I'll Go out here, I Hope you get attacked or something" She walks off making a little path out into the grass and curling it a bit so he couldn't see her now. "Kit i'm getting Hungry ! have you got any idea where we are, or where some food might be" She yelled to him from what privacy she had.
"No Yuki, I don't and I'm just as hungry as you !!" he yawns some stretching, He sits up looking around thinking he hears someone running towards their direction, he gets up and looks around to see if he can see who it might be when he suddenly feels a sharppain in his chet and flies to the ground with a thud. " Ow Son Of a...." He blinks a git getting quiet quickly, he lays their catching what air was just taken from him when he realizes theirs a Female laying on top of himself. He gently rolls her off himself sitting up and laying her on her back. he stands up looking down at this Female befor himself, She was wearing close to nuthing, but that wasn't the strange part, she wasn't yuki, and she had two Fox like ears, and two fox like tails, she looked human other than that.
Meanwhile Yuki had made another little path and started laying more grass down for a bed as what she could tell Nightfall as almost their. She wasn't close enough to hear Kit though as she worked on finishing her bed.
"This Can't be real, theirs no posible way this can be, I gotta be dreaming." He was mumbling to himself, trying to tell his mind that the tails and ears wern't real. He had to touch them. he reached out as he knelt down brushing his fingers over the two fox like ears looking them over as he did, The Soft white furr soft as silk, he stoped after a second and let his Ice blue eyes slowly wander down her body, she was attractive, he'd give her that much, a 10 on any scale of rating. He quickly shook away the Thoughts that popped into his head, he looked to the two long white fluffy tails now, he moved a hand slowly over them to see if they to were real.
To be continued, leave a comment and such for me to let me know what yout thinks so far.
Thanks Kiyoshi