Lost Souls Chapter 2
#2 of Lost Souls
The second chapter to the new series "Lost Souls"
As i stepped into the portal i felt a strange sense of wonderment and i was exited, i was also scared and had some fears. As i entered i heard a loud sound like wind roaring but only for about two seconds. I appeared on the other side and everything seemed okay. I appeared in a barn but it appeared to be abandoned. I saw a few pitchforks over by the left side of the barn as i faced the door. Most of the floor was dirt but there were little grass patches that seemed to be growing around parts of the barn. It was rather barren but i decided to look around anyways. I didn't find much around the barn. I decided i would come back here for a small base and clean it up after checking the surrounding areas. I left the barn to be welcomed to a vast forest of trees. I couldn't see past the trees and the forest seemed rather thick compared to the forests near by my home.
I decided i should search around the area for anything i could use or to see if there were any towns or villages nearby. I found a small village to what i think is the east and a plain field just a bit past that. There wasn't much around other than trees though. I had my mind on the task at hand and went into the village to see what i could find out about Helvas. I started asking around but no one seemed to speak any english. I couldn't find anyone that understood me so i wandered around town getting weird looks because of my clothing. I was wearing my favorite green hoodie and some normal jeans with a belt because they would have fallen off without it. People around town were wearing what seemed to be cotton clothing died around the edges with blue dye. I would see a person with red on the edges every once in a while but they looked rather tough and i didn't want to mess with them. Many women had on these cloths.
After about an hour or so of searching around town looking for nothing i finally went back to the barn. I had some trouble finding it but after an hour or so i finally got to what i can only call "home" in this new world. It wasn't that dark for all the time i spent out searching for clues so i decided to tidy up a bit around my new barn home. I found an ax buried behind a pile of logs that seemed to be sitting there for ages and decided to use the wood to see if i could start a fire. I found what i hoped to be some flint and i struck a rock against it to see if it would cause a spark, thanks to my luck it didn't spark. After searching trough a few rocks and trying a few times i found a flint stone and got a spark. I placed some of the wood in a pile but the wood seemed heavier than normal to me and i tried to place it down but it slipped out of my hands. The log burst into a bunch of smaller shards and a bunch of water poured out of the shattered log. I decided that i wasn't even going to try to pick up another one and try again.
I went outside and looked for a good tree to strike down. The trees were fairly thick so i knew i should look for a small one before it got too dark out. I wasn't too worried about it because the sun still seemed to provide enough light for a few more hours. I found a nice, small, tree and started hacking away. The tree was easier to cut down than i thought so i drug the small tree back to the barn home and started cutting it into smaller chunks. This wood looked different than the ones in the back that i had previously picked up. The wood in the back was a dark brown color but this new wood was more of a white color. Both colors of wood are fairly common where i lived. I started chopping until i had enough for a small fire. I used the flint stone and started a fire, it wasn't as big as i thought it would have been though. The fire burned a rather welcoming purple flame that i had never seen before.
I was getting hungry by this point and it still wasn't dark yet so i picked up my ax an went hunting. I had no other weapon so i was stuck with an ax for hunting. I didn't know what berries were good on this planet so i wasn't sure what would kill me and what wouldn't. I saw a bush that looked a lot like a strawberry bush and decided that it might be a good idea to take some for a trap or something. Maybe a villager could somehow show me if it will poison me or not. I walked around and was getting extremely tired and went back to the barn home to make a bed or see if i could sleep on some of the grass that had grown there trying not to think what caused it to grow so fast. It was still light out when i fell asleep which seemed very odd for me, i must have been out there for at least eight hours just wandering around. My fire had burned out after i fell asleep. I planned to put it out before i fell asleep but never got around to it.
I decided to try hunting again to see what i could find. I was lucky enough to find two wild rabbits out in the woods and i took them back to my barn home. I started to prepare the fire but i heard a voice. It was a females voice and she said "What do you think you are doing?!" I jumped at the voice and pulled out my ax. A lady came around the corner looking rather pissed off at me. I gave her a questioning look and she said "You really shouldn't be doing that, what if they found you doing this?"
I look up and i see woman with cheetah spots and a cheetah's tail standing in front of me. She was wearing a pair of shorts and a rather revealing top. The shorts were all black and the top was a dark blue color. Her ears were pointy and twitched to every little sound that she heard. She seemed to be rather snappy and bossy.
I was so confused by this point i was silent. "You can speak english right? I mean, you can't just be another one of those villagers right?"
I stuttered by this point "Y-yeah, i-i speak english" and she looked at me in shock.
"So you aren't like one of them, good. Well, you might want to let those poor creatures go before 'they' spot you"
"Who are 'they'?" I responded in question.
"'they' are the rulers. The ones who 'claim' balance between light and dark."
"Light and dark? Like day and night or good and evil?" I responded in question
"Both. That's why it is always light out. How long have you been here?"
"I'm really not sure, i think it has been a day or so, i can't really tell due to how much constant sunlight there is."
"Well, that constant sunlight is caused by an imbalance of the forces. That isn't the sun at all actually, it is a light casted over by the castle to the south of here. The world has too much light in this world. The balance of evil has shifted to the light side."
"Wait.... So you are saying that the light is evil?"
"Well, yes and no. I cant really talk much about it here. Oh, so you see those logs behind you? Those are water logs. They come from the Tree of Healing and carry water that is said to cleanse the soul on the right time of day. Just thought i would give the tip because i'm going to have you come with me, i'm sure you are hungry."
"Alright, but only because i am hungry"
After a while of following the new lady into the woods and running around branches i finally decide to break the silence.
"So what is your name anyways?"
"That's kind of a secret right now" she replies
"You don't want to tell me? Alright. i can deal with this for now"
"I'm not telling you so i don't get attached to you. Help me out a bit and maybe you will learn my first initial"
We pass by many different types of rock formations in the woods one waterfall before stopping to rest. The log is a it heavy and is taking its toll, it was a good idea she wanted to rest for a bit. She pulls a bunch of leaves together and makes a pillow out of them before tying them together with some string.
"What are you doing?" i asked in a calm voice
"Falling asleep, you should get some too before you start getting too tired and pass out while walking." she responds
Sleep actually sounds like a good idea right now. After making a small makeshift pillow like hers without the string, i fall asleep. I then wake up to her poking me awake. I grabbed my log and ax and we started to continue. I had no clue where she was taking me. I started to see a part of a medium sized building appear out of the woods.
"What is that?" I asked
"That is the devils den, the darkest place on the planet. It helps to sleep here and since evil belongs to the light then that means that nothing bad happens in here that often"
"that often" I mumble under my breath
We walk up to the building and all i can feel is this chill down my spine. The building was a dark red shade but looked like a normal house. It looked fairly big from the outside and had a second story and from the looks of it a basement. We slowly approached the door. I was scared out of my mind by this point. I didn't want to move and i didn't want to know what was behind that door. She slowly pushed open the door and we entered.