Lost Souls Chapter 1
#1 of Lost Souls
Chapter 1 "Entering the Unknown" is about the beginning of an adventure in the making. It is my first published story and I would love some feedback from everyone.
As a kid i always thought I would never be anything good in this world, that all changed when I met this amazing person. Lets start from the beginning. About 2 years ago I was sitting in my room sitting around playing video games on my PC while eating some snacks. I was your average 17 year old kid. I never got into too much trouble and always got good grades. I always thought my looks were below average and that things would be the same for a long time to come. I didn't like much about myself but what i did like was how the color of my fur was on my ears. It was a nice red along the sides of my ears leading into a deep black color. My tail was the same red but didn't have the same darkened coloring that my ears had. My body was always thin and I always had trouble gaining any weight, fat or muscle alike, so I always had a problem finding cloths that would fit well. I usually shopped in the men's section due to how tall I am but they could never get my waist right so I had to always wear a belt to hold up my pants but I prefer shorts to pants, it is always hard to find cloths for guy who is 6'2 . I had rather nice eyes too. They are a nice dark, calming green and are easy to stare into.
Most of my life was spent indoors and away from the world that seemed to hate me so. I didn't dislike school that much, it was the only time I was ever able to talk to my friends due to living so far out of town. Although I was able to spend the night at a few friend's houses I still had problems planning the dates. I was never good with time, I often got lost in my games and had many problems with falling asleep due to how messed up my sleep schedule was. It often interfered with school so I would always fall asleep in class but I knew a lot of the things they were teaching me due to self research at libraries and such from when I was taking an interest in things as a kid. I spent a lot of time on the internet as a kid, not much else mattered to me as long as I could burst into a room and solve a problem that someone was having like a hero. I ended up learning how to fight with both staff and short-sword as a result of my isolation due to a messed up sleep schedule. I was never too good at it but I learned more and more and practiced a lot.
Through my internet experience I learned that there are some rather amazing people on the internet and some are worth talking to. This is where I ended up meeting someone amazing. I started talking to a random person on a social networking site that I used for a while, one of my friends added her and I started talking to her, and we started talking daily. She was a rather nice person and always seemed happy until I started learning about her past. After a while of getting to know each other we decided to trade pictures. I sent a picture of myself and she called me cute, a term I have never heard used on myself ever before so I was a bit surprised when she told me. She was a rather beautiful site with her black/grey ears and beautiful wolf face following up with a nice grey tail with a black tip on the end. She had rather long black hair that reached about midway down her back.
As we started talking more, we got rather attached and eventually wanted to meet up. After a year we met up and she had told me that she loved me. We had told each other many times before that we loved each other but hearing the words come out of her mouth in person was so amazing. Its a bit embarrassing but I was 18 and had never had my first kiss so i decided to give it to her. After 3 months we had moved in together and spent the next 7 as a rather happy couple. After those 7 months something happened. She had become fatally ill and was in the hospital for months before finally passing away. Before she passed she had given me something, a key. This key was special to her, she said I was the only other person to ever hold onto it. She asked me to keep it safe for her till she got better even though we both knew that she wouldn't make it. I spent a lot of time with this key, I even fell asleep with it in my hand every night since she gave it to me. My life just wasn't the same without her.
After 2 months of sulking I met someone, someone who could bring her back. I never knew this person before yesterday. This person promised me something. The stranger said "I know your pain, I can feel it when I walk past you."
Confused I responded "How do you know my pain? Why do you even know I am in pain?"
"I can just feel it, like when you lose someone you truly love." I couldn't respond to this for a few seconds. After almost 30 seconds I responded
"I cant do much about it but it hurts to much to just stop thinking about the one thing I cant change"
The stranger said something I never expected
"What if you could do something about it? What if you could bring back the one you love?"
I quickly responded "How?! How can i bring her back?!"
"You must complete a few tasks for us and you may have her back."
I never even thought about the offer before i said "Yes! I will do anything!"
The stranger responded "Good. I will be finding you and giving you a letter, you must finish the deed in the letter and you will get a bit of information about how to bring her back"
I went home that night wondering what I had gotten myself into. I was exited about getting her back but I was scared to know what i must do. Later that night I had found a random letter on my kitchen table. My house wasn't that big, it was about the size of a small apartment but it had both a back and front yard, so there was no place that anyone could hide in my house. I picked up the letter. On it was my name, Jace, written in cursive. I never gave them my name but it spaced my mind at the time. I opened the letter and something fell out. The object that fell out was a small amount of black powder in a small baggie. I placed the powder on the table and read the note. It had a bit of detail on my mission and told me a bit about the powder:
"Your mission is to find and rip the wings off Helvas, a guard in the universe you call 'Heaven'. Use the black powder open a gate into 'Heaven' and find a way to pin down Helvas and remove his wings. You will be rewarded with information on how to revive Michel. To use the black powder, make a line on where you wish to place the portal and lite it on fire. Do not use all of the powder or else you will be stuck in 'Heaven' for a long while."
As I finished reading the letter I quickly grabbed the powder and started lining it up in my back yard. My backyard had a concrete slab in the middle of it that I couldn't seem to move on my own so I decided to use it as my temporary portal. I didn't know where I would be teleported to or where I should start my search for Helvas but i was willing to find him and take his wings. After the fire started a slow mist formed from the dark powder. The mist was a white color but wasn't completely transparent and took up a nice 4 foot width and 7 foot height. I stepped through the portal not knowing what the world would look like, not knowing what awaited me on the other side of the portal. I was truly scared but I wanted her back so badly that I was willing to do anything to get her back.