Well hello Jill

Story by Rosawolf on SoFurry

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#3 of The Legend of A Blood Wolf

The first time Mark and Jill met ^.^

Mark kept walking not knowing much where he was at the lab that those two wolves have tried to kill him by kidnapping was unfamiliar to him. That part of the forest must be much thicker and deeper than where he normally jogs at. It was strange, but Mark could actually feel the power with in him flow in his blood coursing through every vane in his body it made him feel quite powerful. Mark stopped as he sat on a tree stamp to recollect all that has happened to him in the short amount of time, he has the power of fire and he can make blades appear just by moving his arms quickly, but at one cost having a month to live. A deep sigh escape Mark knowing that this be the quickest relationship he ever had, but he promised that this well be out of love not just for someone in his life. He looked around still no clue where's he's at or how to get to a place in the forest Mark knew very well he thought of something, he grab a stick marking it at one side. He throw it in the air making it tremble and tilt as the air hits against the stick, the stick start to fall back down and when it landed the side Mark has marked pointed to the East.

"East huh? What can go wrong? I mean I am a blood wolf now so if anyone dares to fight me I can easily kill them with my own arms." Mark start walking to the direction he pushed the vines out of his way. As he kept going through the path he startled a wolfess that was laying in the grass relaxing, but soon she heard some rustling and foot step she yelp as she frantically got up backing up keeping a eye from where the noise is coming from. When Mark got through the mess as he noticed the scared wolfess slowly backing up Mark pondered as he saw this, he looked at her. She was a very beautiful wolf with snow white fur, long black hair that sometimes get in her amber eyes she stopped backing away now looking at tan and black wolf with short black hair looking into his soft green eyes. A soft red blush appeared from her cheeks no longer seeing Mark as a threat he kneel down to her to speak "Well hello there, sorry if I scared you my lady I was just trying to find a way out.

"Oh.." she speak real softly being shy still blushing "It's okay, I just thought something bad will pop out but it looks like the opposite allow me to introduce you to myself, my name is Jill I been into this forest longer than I can remember. I know the way out from the back of my head but why leave such a wonderful, peaceful place? That is my question to you, won't you rather stay here all day to relax from the city life that you may have I'm guessing you live in the city. Judging by your clothes and hair style it sure looks like you do, I haven'y been to the city ever since I have left that place." Mark blinked a couple of time smiling

"Well..it is peaceful here a lot less noisy than the city I can get use to this so I do see your point why indeed leave such a place is beyond me. Will Jill I'm Mark I do live in the city but I jog in the forest everyday, but today...I have token the wrong direction I suppose." Mark knew he lied but he also didn't want to scare Jill again from his story about his kidnap "Anyways that doesn't mater now heh I will never go back to the city now. So Jill have I ever told you how beautiful you look when the sun shine on your white fur like that?" Jill blushed heavily as she shook her head Mark smiled as he lean closer to her pressing his nose with his. He take her paws as his eyes looked at hers, Jill's face is redder than ever from blush "Jill I think I'm in love with you." Jill spoke no words as she smiled the tilt her head up to press her lips against Mark's

They rub each other's tongues around as they shared a passionate kiss the sun over them in the clear sky Jill murred diving her tongue deep in Mark's mouth wanting more of his taste. Mark held onto Jill as they kiss his tail start to wag thinking to himself "I really do love you Jill and I will do anything for you, I know this is quick and fast but please understand I need you before I go." Both Jill and Mark broke the kiss smiling and blushing "Mark..I love you I do hehe that was a great and wonderful kiss so now that you're staying here I can show around to all the areas I know that you don't know so perhaps you won't get lost next time you big goof ball."

Mark giggled "Oh I'm a goof ball now huh?? Well aren't you a charmer I'm so turned on by that." Jill rolled her eyes as she ruffled Mark's hair into a big mess smiling at him before she take his paw leading him the way.