The Reality Chapter 14

Story by Strikerthefox on SoFurry

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The long awaited chapter 14 of my story. It has been quite a while since I posted a chapter and I am sorry for the delay. I hope you all enjoy it. Thanks to WolvineDragon for editing this chapter.

One final note. If you think I may have rated this wrong please P.M. me

The Reality Chapter 14: Some Nights

I sat there at the table with Lex, Sasha, and Ren, we were reminiscing about what we did when we were human. Except Ren of course, but he was fascinated at the topic and enjoyed listening. I got to hear Lex talk about Kiara after I had left. Also I got to hear about my son I never got to meet or raise. From the sounds of it though my son did not resent me for the choice I made and neither did Kiara. Only Lex did the others sounded like they somewhat understood what was going through my mind at the time. Even though right now I could not even understand what was going through my mind then.

Ren and Sasha both left the second Lex and I began to get changed to sleep. It took each of us a few minutes. Once we were ready Lex looked at me curiously. "Aren't you going to put on any pajama pants Kyo?" I tilted my head a bit in confusion and said. "Don't you remember when we were kids? Well when we were human kids anyway. I after your father took me in before we had a bed for me we had to share I never wore them then. I can't sleep with them on. Besides it's not like you're not wearing diapers to. I'm assuming that's why you want me to wear pants."

Lex blushed a little and was obviously uncomfortable with the situation he was in. I stuck my tongue out at him and giggled a bit. "I guess I will just this once for you but if you ask me next time it will be a no." Lex sighed a bit and said. "You know Kyo, we are not children anymore so I don't understand why you are putting up the façade. You can still act like you used to, besides I hear the school you're attending even hides you from the school mass so no one can find out about your uniqueness."

After I put the pajama bottoms on I turned around and stared at Lex. "Ok so just saying yes, I am not a child anymore in mindset. Also I am a child in body and that is how people view me as. I may not have to put up the façade around you but if I constantly do then that will just make it all the easier to keep it up around people who do not know our secret. I'm also not going to give up a second chance at childhood either considering the events that happened to me when I was young and the depression I went through."

I crawled into the bed with Lex and gave him a shove. "And you whined about how I was not going to be wearing pajama pants and you're not. Jeez Lex, what am I going to do with you." Lex grinned at me and swear I could hear him snickering a little. He spoke up. "Just tell me what you want from me. Point blank, no discussion, close mouth, close mouth, ow I'll give it to yo-." I smacked him on the muzzle interrupting him. "I don't want to hear you talk a song that has to deal with that right now especially not to me and especially because we are in the same bed!" I yelled at him. I rolled around and put my back towards him. I waited to hear him apologize or say something but he just remained quiet not saying a word. "Let's just go to sleep and talk tomorrow ok Lex." I waited for his response and heard nothing. I guess he just wanted to go to sleep now too. There would be more than enough time to talk tomorrow.

I felt his arms wrap around me. He squeezed his arms around me and whispered in my ear. "I cannot believe how oblivious you are Kyoga Kain Kazga. But maybe one day you will open your eyes and see what is in front of you and realize what others feel about you and what they have felt about you. As well as how important you are to them, never forget I will always be there for you in your time of need do not be afraid to lean on someone." After that Lex rolled over and moved away a bit.

"What was all that about." I thought to myself. "Did he just confess his feelings to me or just try to tell me to actually ask for help from others? I just don't understand what he means." After that I succumbed to sleep, and back to a place where things were simple.

I woke early in the morning to the sound of Lex playing his drums. I rolled over and gave him an evil look. "Lex why are you playing this early? You woke me up you know." I said to him. He stuck his tongue out at me and continued to play them. I got up and walked over to my night bag to pull out some new clothes. I got changed in my half asleep state and went and laid back down on the bed. Lex got up and started shaking me. "Dude please jam with me before I have to start studying." I was too tired to really do anything, but I really did not want to let a friend down. "Lex, I'm too tired to play at the moment. But why don't you show off your talents by playing It's Better if you do, by Panic! at the Disco." I just gave him a smile. Lex began to play. "Kyo, you know I never understood why you were into a lot of the older music. I mean there were lots of songs from our time you could like." I laughed when he said that. "Lex, in my opinion most of the songs from our day were just terrible the older songs just seemed to have a better feel to it and were more original, but that's just my opinion." I watched Lex play, I was always amazed at how fast he could go without missing a beat. I was never able to play the drums although I tried on many occasions and could never get the hang of it.

It was soon after Lex had finished playing when Ren had come up with food and his workbooks. Lex and I were both talking when he walked in and Ren looked like he did not get much sleep. Ren then said, "Kyoga, I want you to stop talking to Lex in English please it will be better the both of you if you just gave up speaking it altogether." I turned towards Ren, "Says the historian who learned the dead language. Look it has actually become useful, has it not? You can speak it to us, also what if you were not there after we had been awoken and turned. We would have the hardest time learning what we were saying and I would probably still be in this hospital until I could speak fully and I would probably still not know the language that well even if I were in here from the start." Lex was just looking at both of us. "You two are kind of leaving me out of this conversation you know." I looked over to Lex, "Sorry. Ren just told me to stop talking to you in English and well that won't really work considering you can barely understand what you're studying. So I think we should get started right now." Ren and Lex both agreed with me and we sat down and began helping him study. Lex has a short attention span though so we ended up taking a lot of breaks between studying. Time ended up flying and before I knew it we were done for the day.

We decided to take a walk around the hospital, considering there was not much to do other than talk. As we walked around I ended up talking to a lot of the doctors and nurses that took care of me while I was here. I also ended up noticing an area where I never went before so we took a look down that way. Walking down the hallway there were a lot of rooms with glass windows so you could see through them. We saw three of the cryo-stasis chambers that were deactivated. More than likely they were the ones Lex, Sasha, and I were in before we were transformed. There was one thing that was peculiar though there was a fourth chamber that was still active. I had gotten a little too curious though and opened the door to the room. Alarms started to sound the second the door was opened. I heard the running coming from down the hallway. I closed the door and tried to leave the area but two doctors blocked the only way for me and Lex to go. One of the doctors a rabbit with black fur and a white star on his cheek stood there tapping his foot paw looking down at us. "Well looks like we have two cubs that are in trouble." I looked up at the two doctors with big eyes trying to get them to be easier on us. The other doctor a raccoon spoke up. "Aww look at him Rylie. Trying to give us an innocent look. Don't worry pup we know exactly who you are after all without us you would not have your new bodies!" I rubbed my paw on the back of my head. "Well I guess I really can't lie about this. Curiosity killed the cat." The two doctors chuckled a bit. "First time we heard that from a fox. Either way, march you two." Rylie said pointing towards the way we came from. I started walking and Lex stood there confused. I motioned for him to follow.

We were being led through the hallways of the hospital. "Umm, where are they taking us Kyo?" I had no idea so i just shrugged. The two doctors stood in front of two separate doors and opened them up. Rylie began to speak. "Well hopefully you two will learn your lessons now get in." I looked up at him. "What are you talking about?" Rylie laughed. "Naughty cubs get punished you know. Now why don't you to be good pups and take your punishment like you should." I told Lex to go inside the room and he did as I had told him. I looked at the two doctors. "Well he is gone now not like he could understand anyway. But I want to know what is inside that other cryo-stasis chamber. The only reason why I want to know is I caught a small glimpse of it and it was not human and it is not an animal I recognize. So please enlighten me on what it is." the two doctors looked at each other a bit nervously. Rylie was the one to speak. "We are not supposed to tell you, its classified information but... I guess I could say we think it why humans are extinct. We are studying what is inside there but here is no way I would be able to say for certain even if we find out. If we were able to tell you." The other doctor added in. "Now on with your punishment. I don't have all day you know." I stood there shaking my head. "You know in mental age I am quite older do you think a simple punishment like this will teach me not to do it again? I got it when you said we were in trouble that I did something I was not supposed to. Do you really think I'm going to do it again?" The doctor just stood there thinking to himself he walked over to me picked me up and set me down in the room and closed the door behind me. I started getting angry when I realized that there was no handle to open the door from the inside. I started to bang on the door screaming at the two standing on the other side. An intercom buzzed for a second before a voice came on. "Now now, you said that you are mature, but only a little cub would have a temper tantrum." I speaker turned off. "Hmpf you two are the ones who would not have a mature discussion." I yelled back at them.

I looked around and the wall that separated the room Lex was in from mine was Plexiglas. Lex was laughing so hard he fell to the floor. I knocked on the glass and he looked up I shrugged my shoulders at him trying to see if he would tell me what was going on. He just pointed at me and gave a big grin. Lex pointed his finger downward. I looked down and saw my pants had fallen down and my diaper exposed. I knew I wore loose fitting pants today but the button above my tail must of come undone to make my pants fall down. I pulled them back up and tried to do the button right above my tail up. However there was no button there anymore. I took my pants off and tossed them to the side. They were really no good to me now. I walked over to the nearest corner and sat down back facing the wall.

About thirty minutes passed until I heard the door open. It was Ren who had come to get us. I put my pants back on and ended up holding them up with my paws so they would not fall down while we made our way back to the room Lex was staying in. No one had said a word to each other as we walked to the room. We walked into the room where the Headmaster was in there waiting for us. Two brand new suits were laying on the bed, one looked to be in my size and the other in Lexs size. The Headmaster also looked very angry while he was staring at me. "I want you two to go and take a shower. The four of us are going to be going to an extremely important dinner tonight I want both of you on your best behavior." The Headmaster had a little bit of anger in his words. "Okay." I said. "Lex you can go shower first." The Headmaster gave a shake of his head. "No you guys will shower at the same time it's faster that way. We don't have much time to prepare for this."

I nodded my head then Lex and I went off to the shower. We stripped our clothes and stepped into the shower. I turned the water on and all the shower heads turned on. This was always a pretty amazing shower water sprayed at you from every angle. I stood there and let the water wash through my fur. I turned around and faced Lex. He stared at me for quite a while before he said anything. "Umm Kyoga. I think I'm..." He just stopped and turned around and grabbed a bottle of shampoo and started to clean up. I grabbed the the shampoo from him and started to wash his back. "What were you going to say? Does it involve what you said to me last night?" Lex turned to face me. "What are you talking about Kyo? I don't remember saying anything to you last night. You were probably just dreaming." He turned around and crossed his arms. "Well I am washed, your turn. Turn around and I'll get your backside." I complied and turned around and started to soap up my front. Lex was washing my back. He started to explore a little. "Will you please stop and just wash me. You really have been giving me the impression that you're looking for something more than just our friendship back." Lex just sighed. "No I just want to explore our new bodies a bit." I laughed at him. "If you want to_explore_your own body go ahead. Just keep your paws off mine."

There were a few knocks on the door and Ren walked in. "Hurry up you two, we are in a rush. We have to get you dressed right away." We both responded with an ok and turned the water off. We got out of the shower and quickly dried off. Right after we finished drying off, the headmaster picked me up and Ren picked up Lex. The two quickly got to work diapering us up, Lex and I both could not help but blush at the fact they were doing this. They both stood us up and started helping us get our suits on. It took more time than I thought it would to get dressed. "So why do we need to wear suits and where are we going anyway?" I asked. "The suits make you and Lex look better and we are going out to dinner with important people, that's why. I want you two to be on your best behavior." The last bit of what Ren had said was directed at Lex. "Also Kyoga. Whatever is said by the people were going to meet, I do not want you to overreact." I nodded my head. I grabbed my school cloak and put it on. They had one for Lex as well, his was only plain old black. We finished getting ready left. This was going to be the first time Lex was out of the hospital and it was in mid-winter. Ren started towards the door and beckoned for us to follow him.

We stepped outside and the wind was blowing fiercely. This had to be the coldest day of the year so far. We were starting to walk to the carriage, however the snow was up to my waist. I ended up being carried there by Ren. It was warm inside the carriage once we got into it. Lex had a look of shock on his face. "I could have sworn when I looked out of my window this morning it was bright and sunny. With no snow." I giggled a bit. "Then you obviously did not realize it was a fake window. They display whatever they want on it to get you into a routine and to hide the outside world from you. You should be happy. You got to get out of the hospital quite a bit earlier than I did." The carriage started to move slowly through the snow. "I feel bad for the driver. He has to be out there in this blizzard while we in here nice and warm." Ren just smiled at me. "Well, you should not have to worry Kyoga. He is wearing the best winter clothing that we have available he is probably as warm as we are right now." I just gave a "Huh." and nodded my head.

We rode in the carriage for about thirty minutes before we got to our destination. Luckily here there was a path shoveled so I did not have to be carried into the restaurant. Once we entered we were led to a private room that was near the back of the restaurant. Once the door was closed behind us Lex and I both took off our cloaks and hung them on a coat hanger. The room we were in had a nice oak table that could seat eight. The walls had red base color and black stripes going down them and there were various paintings. There were a few side tables around the room with expensive looking vases and sculptures. The four of us had all taken our seats and waited a few more minutes for the others to arrive.

Neither Lex nor I had met the others who were going to be here. The door opened and a pair of leopards and panthers walked in. There was one male and one female of each. They were obviously couples since they each sat side by side holding hands. Once we all sat down the adults started talking. Ren was the first to speak. "Evening everyone. I thank you all for coming. Now let me introduce you to the two young ones here today. This young arctic fox here is Kyoga, and the wolf is Alexander." I smiled and Lex was glaring at Ren. I guess he still did not like his full name being used. He actually even hated being called Alex. "Now there is something very unique about these two boys. They both were able to understand and learn English before the common language. That's one of the biggest reasons I asked you four specifically to come. It's been awhile my old friends. Now I would like you to introduce yourselves to them." My ears perked up a bit and my tail started wagging. The four newcomers laughed at that. Once they begun to laugh I ended up going so red it was seen through my fur. Lex looked bored he had no idea what was going on other than that the English was said and our names.

The female panther was wearing a red dress that hugged her curves. She had long black wavy hair and purple eyes. She stood and walked over towards me and kneeled down. She spoke in English, "My name is Claire Jameson. How old are you Kyoga?" I was pretty sure no one in this room knew the truth, so I went with the best answer I could think of. "I'm four." I heard Ren let out a sigh of relief. "Kyoga you are five now, you should know better." I blushed even more. Claire hugged me. "You are just such a cutie. Would you like to come and sit with me for a bit?" I nodded my head and got up. This time Claire knelt down by Lex. "So Alexander how old are you." Even though Lex was not looking at me I knew he rolled his eyes. "I'm eight, and please just call me Lex I really don't like when people use my full name. If you want to know anything else feel free to ask, I'll answer any question." Ren sighed again but this time it sounded like he was agitated. "Lex, lose the attitude mister. I told you to be good." Claire walked back to her seat and sat down. She patted her lap signaling me to come over. She had picked me up and sat me down on her lap. It was kind of awkward sitting with her.

The introduction however continued. The male panther was wearing a white suit and had short black hair that was styled to be very formal. His eyes were grey and really close to white. He began his introduction. "Lex, Kyoga. My name is Kenton Jameson, you already know my wife. We have a son who is 16 and a daughter who is 13. Their names are Trast and Kaytlynn." My ears perked up again. "I know Trast, I think he is a panther like you with purple streaks in his fur. He goes to my school and he plays the drums doesn't he." The Jamesons both replied in unison. "Yes that would be our son." I smiled and started wagging my tail.

The two leopards began their introduction. "Hello Kyoga and Alexander. I am Rena Williams and this is my husband Klark. We are colleagues of Rens and we have two daughters who are nine and fourteen." Rena was wearing a black dress and had earrings with huge diamonds in them as well as a few gold chains. Her hair was long, straight and red. Her husband Klark was wearing just a plain old suit and had blonde hair that he had spiked. Klark began to ask me a few questions. "So Kyoga, what do you like to do." That was a pretty easy question there was not many things I really did after all. "I like to sing and play my guitar. Umm and that's about it. I don't do much else." He nodded his head. "What about you Alexander." I looked at Lex and saw his eye twitch. "Please just call me Lex I do not like my full name. I play the drums and that is all I'm interested in." This time Rena spoke. "What kind of games do you two like playing? Do you have favorite toys?" We both answered. "No we do not play with toys. Or play games." The two leopards looked at each other a little confused. A waiter walked into the room and went to talk to Ren then departed soon after. Ren cleared his throat. "Kyoga please return to your seat. Dinner shall be starting soon." I nodded my head and went to my seat. The small questions were resumed.

Kenton asked. "So you two, what are your favorite animal." Lex spoke up first. "I would have to say my favorite animals are foxes." After he said that he looked at me. There was a pause in the conversation. I soon realized after they were waiting for me. "I like turtles." The adults began to talk to one another leaving Lex and I out. "Excuse me Ren, how much longer until dinner starts." Ren turned towards me. "It will probably be a minute or two. Are you that hungry?" I blushed. "Umm no. I um, need a..." Ren cut me off. "Oh you need a change. Lex you should come along to just to be sure." I had never seen Lex blush so much before. "No it's ok. I'm good still." Ren grabbed Lex by his ear and started walking tugging Lex along. Once we got into the bathroom Ren did not waste any time changing us. However I was curious about something. "So Ren what is the real reason why we are here? You said this was important but so far its just been them trying to get to know us. They are not doctors either, they are your old colleagues. So what is this really about?" Ren said quickly. "You will find out when the time comes. Lex, next time do not lie about needing to be changed." Lex huffed. Once we got back we found that the food had arrived and we all had sat down and started to eat. Most of the conversations were quite boring and nothing was directed at either Lex or me. We both just sat there quietly and ate.