Chapter 5

Story by Kynexn on SoFurry

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#5 of Started with a Rock: Arc 2 - The Reunion

"Hey now. Don't you be makin' any secret deals with Tensa now, ya hear?" He joked right back at her. He wasn't surprised at the fact that Fire-types weren't affected by lava, but here was Serena proving that Dragons were just as resistant as Fire-types.

Serena chortled, then practically pranced to where Tenshi was laying, likely still sleeping off the morning droops. She pawed at his face fur, for being about half his size, she had absolutely no fear of him. "Only if I could FIND him Kyn." She added, turning her head back over her shoulder to look at him. "Might need help waking the fluffy White One up from his slumber though."

"Tensa, where in the blue blazes are you? I know you don't like the lava, but we've been wondering where you managed to disappear to. Tensa didn't respond right away but after a while Kyn felt him reach out.

"I was with Clair. I'm in her meditation area, so come and get me. Oh and, please... put me in my Ball, Kyn."

Kyn traversed the pathways to behind the throne, and pushed the button while he was sure no one was looking, and then he entered the room. /Serena, I have found Tensa./ He then for the first time in a while returned Tensa to his Ball.

/Good./ A single word answer. /I have no doubt that he can take care of himself, but, well, you know what I mean./ She paused in trying to wake up the fluff below her claws, and sat back on her haunches. She had almost forgotten that she could keep in touch with them via her mind, and it was a little rusty at doing so, even if she was now a relay point.

Tenshi managed to stir slowly, and it would be apparent to everyone that, Tenshi was a very light sleeper, and if Kyn were directly there he'd probably make a reference about the thousand or more year nap that Tenshi had only woken up from several years back. He let out a yawn, which strangely enough, sounded just as majestic and angelic as his roar, though obviously a whole scale softer.

/Serena, where abouts would you currently be located?/ Kyn made his way back outside, and looked around.

/Me? Oh, I'm the blue speck against the backdrop of white fluffy dragon./ Serena licked Tenshi's nose in good morning, then laid down beside him.

"Sleep well?" She inquired, thankfully the wind and lava had blown most of the scent from the morning's activities from her scales, and she once more smelled like herself--if a bit windblown.

"Yes. I was having a dream about the older world. Serena, although I tend to fly up very high, I do not necessarily know many of the places down below. Like you, I use landmarks. So, I'm thinking of asking Kyn... if he could direct me to some of what will NOW be ruins." Tenshi said. "I am feeling a bit nostalgic."

/I'm assuming that you're only being half serious about that blue... speckiness... Serena./ Kyn tried looking on the roof of the building and calling out. "Anyone up there?"

/He's double my height Kyn./ She snorted with a bit of a laugh. "Well, for a flyer, that's the only way to travel, by landmarks, I mean." She nudged him. "Won't it make you sad to see some of the old places that you knew in their glory, reduced to rubble?" She knew she would be doing the same thing, between her world and this one, eventually she would be looking at places turned to rubble as well, would Tao even be there when she returned?

/So? I was three times your height. Comparatively, it'd be like if I was standing next to Merlot. Also, Tensho is only a few feet shorter than being twice MY height. Zekrom is shorter than Tenshi by the way. Just a bit of random information./

"Old glory? For whom? The humans? Their civilizations were not mine, their adventures, their wars. I have also occasionally found a few statues of myself and my other, which of course is rather interesting."

"I was intending to ask if it would bring you down to see the difference in how much time has passed, White One." She poked, then stood. "Kyn's looking for me, I'm going down...think about what I said, sometimes...Well, sometimes the places of the past should be left in our memories...even if you only looked on them from afar." Two steps, and she dropped off the roof, just using her wings to parachute down to the ground, and found herself back beside Kyn soon after.

"There you are! Of all places to sleep, he chooses the roof. Perhaps... just maybe Tenshi is generally used to sleeping in high places. Serena, if the Dragon's Den is to be yours... then, how far are you willing to commute from it?" Kyn asked, in a way that probably indicated that a second question or topic was incoming.

"So long as it wouldn't be multiple times and for a week's travel in one direction...but we were in Sinnoh when I traveled here, and that was only three and a half days travel by air; so I doubt that there is a distance I wouldn't travel."

"....Heh. Well... the place I had in mind was much farther and longer than that. Well, unless of course... you go one of the obvious ways." Kyn took out his Xtransciever and input a route into the GPS.

Serena turned her head to look over his shoulder, resting her jaw on him. "Well then maybe you should clue me in so that I can...well, prepare for it? I do have a few things to get done today."

"The area I was thinking... is literally on the other side of the planet. It took about three days for you to get here via air... Unless you can manage to go supersonic speeds for extended periods of time then it'll take you at least a week. For boats it takes even longer. Two to three weeks." Kyn then turned off the GPS, and set it back to watch mode.

".....I will not leave my egg alone for that period of time, nor will I be able to permit you to carry it for that amount of time apart from me..." She sat, tilting her head upwards. "Carrying it at the altitude that I would need to get a decent plummet would ice it over as even carrying it with me is not an option..." Her earfins flicked back. "Where is it you are speaking about, the home where the other originated from?" She tilted her head towards the roost that Reshiram had chosen to infer that she was referring to him.

"Yes, the Isshu region. A specific area that I will lead you to, once. However, there is another way for you to get there, as you recall. A method you have not used for twenty years. Do you still remember?" Kyn said, hoping that whatever she had been doing hadn't caused that little bit of information to whittle out of her mind.

"A dragon has a hard time forgetting the deeds of the past, even if it is only travel...I remember the Spacebender Miru, yes, that was how I got here this time, four days ago." She looked back down at him. "Though the last time I had a rift take me from one place in one world to another place in the same world, yes, that was 20 years's funny you should mention that Region, the White One was just speaking of looking at ruins."

"Heh, there I go, not being specific again! He was...? Hm... well, also, didn't Clair say something about I should check the television, or something?" Kyn said, remember the previous night.

"Yes, she was saying that the entire Isshu region was frozen over..." She shivered, then realized that she hadn't been there for that, where had that come from? She remembered being there--no, wait, hadn't Kyn mentioned that he had relived yesterday in his dreams? Maybe that was it. "Meaning that if we intend to go there...I'm at least going to need my scarf...and the goggles wouldn't be a bad idea..." She flicked out her tongue. "Ice...who's idea was it to encase a region in ice anyway?" She pulled herself to her feet. "Think you can give me an hour to create a few things before we go? I'm sure Heji's done with his swim by now."

"If you wear your scarf... It will be the first time I've seen it since your Bagon stage. As for who would encase it in ice... I have... some idea. But I don't want to jump to conclusions." Kyn said. "Go ahead and take as much time as you need."

"Well you couldn't exactly see it when I was a Shelgon, even though it was still around my neck." She nosed him softly, then down to where he kept his Pokéballs and said good morning to Tensa. "See you soon." She turned, taking four steps before taking off back to the other side of the Dragon's den, and looking for Heji, she would explain the situation before setting to work.

Heji was laying on his paws, having dried off a while ago. He was initially very fluffy, but had since given himself a regular tongue bath as well to get himself back to normal. He was lying near the cave entrance to get dried off faster via sunlight as well.

Serena dove as soon as her eyes caught sight of her mate, and let her wingtip skim the water, leaving ripples in it's wake as she pulled back into a hover, both to keep from showering him in sand, and to keep from landing roughly. "Kyn never seems to stay in one place for long, does he?" She chuckled, setting herself down to nuzzle him. "He's got another trip planned, probably worried about his home town...but he claims he wants to show me something."

"For the most part, that comes with being a Pokémon Trainer. They've scattered their gyms throughout their regions. After the League... those that do not win... some go crying home to their mothers and never touch another competition again... some try again... and some... some do what he did."

"Mmm....well, I told him that I'd be using about an hour to get ready for the trip, so I came to see if you were staying here, or coming with...either way you probably wont see much of me until then." She did remember that he'd said that he wasn't keen on staying in her den without her...something she would have to remedy one way or another, and she did remember that there was a cave full of charge stones...well, maybe she could kill two birds with one trip then.

"Serena, I believe I am going back to Isshu. One way or another I'll see you eventually so go ahead." Heji got up and attempted to give Serena a lick by standing up on the tips of his toes.

She did lower her head, guessing what he got up about, and returned the lick while helping him balance "Let me know when it's time to go, wont you love?" She touched her nose to his gently, waiting for him to get back down before turning to take off again; thinking about the materials she would need for the rope ladder, a tree that had fallen, and rope--well, she still had the rope from before, but that wouldn't be long enough, perhaps taking the bark from the same tree...

"I'm going to stay with you until I'm old and grey." Heji said, before stepping back down, he then exited the cave and waited for her told her that he'd wait here for her return, before heading back to Kyn.

Of course, that sentence snapped her out of her thoughts, and she gave him a sad smile over her shoulder at him. "I'll be right there with you darling; we'll both be old and grey together." Of course, these were things that he knew, and things that she knew as well. She fluttered out, and spent her time weaving bark from trees into rope, and turning the wood itself into planks, carving connection hooks into one side of the wall of her mountain and cutting off some of the sharp rocks at the bottom was the easy part in comparison. She tested it from both the bottom--pulling on the rope at the bottom to extend it, and from at the top to retract it back up to the top, then finally went to work at carving away a proper ledge that could hold two of her feet. The lighting wasn't ideal, admittedly, but she took time and turned the spots where she had clawed into the rock during their heated night, into almost diamond shaped openings that she would place the charge stones into later on. Finally, when her hour was almost up, she pulled out the case she had brought with her, empty as it was; and took her scarf out of it, wrapping it around her neck, and then pulling the flygoggles off the hook, putting those atop her head.

Heji exited the cave and waited by the waterside. He hoped that if anything, that Serena might consider joining them in the team for the most part. Or if not, at least staying with them while Kyn did a bit of his traveling and training, after the egg hatched.

Serena emerged from her den, and 'jumped' to the outside of the dragon's den wall, and then dropping down to where Heji was. "I suppose I'm a bit early then?" She chuckled.

"It hasn't been an hour, so yes, you are correct. Now, correct me if I'm wrong but, are you planning on lighting up our cave?" Heji had some basic understanding of the way human electricity worked, but didn't really much understand how the use of charge stones would work since they have different properties depending on the source.

"In...a manner of speaking, yes...not with fire though; I thought perhaps I could make a detour before coming back, and get some charge stones that would make you feel more at home in our cave...You should be able to get to it without getting wet now too."

"Perhaps you should also encourage some of the humans to create a bridge from the cave entrance to the Gym. That is another place of wetness for me. Also, electricity then? You sure you don't wanna use the human version?" Heji scratched his ear with his front paw while he waited for Serena's answer.

"Would it make you feel more comfortable to get the human version installed?" She lowered herself into the bow he would recognize as an invitation for another jump across the water. "Hmm...I think the point of the other is to make the journey difficult to the entrance, so that they've earned their entry every time they come here...but I can see if I can have jumping stones put in...Maybe; though you'd still have to be sure footed, as I'm sure that they wouldn't be allowed to look like jumping stones."

"Knowing them, they'd put in a super crazy pattern to. Nah, the human version or the other version doesn't really matter. It's just, I figured, that being able to dim the lights would be a good option. Actually now that I think about it... Perhaps you'd be able to set up a sequence of charge stones that, when removed in sequence affect the level of lighting." Heji began drawing on the ground with a claw.

"We both have electric attacks, I'm sure that if we wanted to, we could dim the lights by just reabsorbing the current...but yes, I suppose that I could arrange them that way...I had intended for them to lock in place so they wouldn't...float away when we lit them up." She mused.

"Only charge stones from my world do that. We could just go back to your world to gather those charge stones. Kyn can help us locate major sources. There might even BE another version of Charge stone cave. Since we are on the same planet after all." Heji continued making diagrams in the sand as well as erasing some of the previous ones.

"I'd rather not have too many...artifacts of my world lying around here love. It would give more incentive to come and try to get a look at me and my cave, and you know how I get around crowds...granted, it is a little easier now that I'm as big, or sometimes bigger than most of them."

"I though we covered this. The human elder will protect you from large crowds. Besides, what's a dozen or so charge stones gonna be eh?" Heji tried.

"How about this...we take half from my world, and half from this one, and combine them as a true union?" She lowered herself the rest of the way to the ground, and for the first time in a long time, wrote in Unown script on the ground, simple sentences, wiping out one as it was finished. She figured that they could come to a compromise, understanding that he clearly liked her stones better than the ones he had here.

"We could do that. Now you've just gotta show me how to do stuff with your chargestones. Teach me your form of electricity storage." Heji said. "Also, I cannot write in their language."

"Compared to footprint runes? It's rather simple...and hmm? You mean to say that you've never used the Charge stone that I gave to you? Hm, I suppose that I will have to teach, yes....Shall we go find Kyn then?"

"What could I have used them for? To perk me up? I'm not sure what I would be able to do with them. Now, yes, we shall go! All aboard then?" Heji said, standing up.

She too stood in the bow to let him climb rather than making him jump up onto her back. "Well, yes, you could have used them to Re-energize yourself, or to boost your attacks beyond what you could normally do, or use them in an event when you could no longer normally protect Kyn...though that one would mean smashing the charge stone." she paused. "Of course the obvious uses would be to be used as a light instead of using your own energy up on menial tasks."

"I'm with Kyn most of the time, so that last thing you said... doesn't happen, when it comes to light." Heji did climb onto Serena's back, and then he wrapped his paws around her neck. "This looks rather odd, Serena, I hope you realise that." Heji said with a few chuckles.

"Mmm, If anyone ever asks if I care about it, I'll ask them what they believe it looks like, if they don't get tongue tied about it, then I'll tell them that's where the idea came from." She twisted her head back to look at him, then took a jumping leap to glide over the water. "I suppose though, if too many ask about it, I wouldn't be...severely opposed to wearing a saddle; but you're warm, and fluffy, I don't mind how it looks when my mate is riding me...and yes, I know how that sounds too."

"Black on blue." Heji simply said, lightly tilting his head to look at the water.

"Oh please, if anyone could mistake YOU for a bruise, then they need their eyes checked." It was soon, perhaps too much so for her tastes, that she touched down on the other side, and offered to let him off.

"You so silly. It's obvious that I'm a Luxray. Where is our egg again?" Heji said, sliding backwards past her wings, and down her tail.

"Up in the cave, I'm not going to take it with me to a land that has an abundance of ice, where it would be so easy for it to...well...die. I would rather chance asking Clair to eggsit for us."

"That does make sense. Alright, I see Kyn over there. Go get him and such." Heji said, pointing in his direction.

Serena chuckled at him, and swatted his rump with her tail, lightly. "I'm not a canine, I don't do fetch...but I will go SEE our human." She walked over towards where he had pointed out Kyn was standing and waited patiently to be seen and noticed behind him; ruffling his hair with her breath.

"Oh, you'd probably be expecting me to say something attack pun related, but it's not going to happen." Kyn said, turning around to face her. "Have you finished your preparations?"

"Well enough, though I do need to see Clair before we go to ask a favor of her, since, as you may have noticed, I'm not taking my egg with me...As if looking after an egg is hard...though I would like to show off a bit, shocker, I wouldn't happen to have a slip of paper and a pen on you, would you?" Her eyes sparkled. "And, you can feel free to pun all you like, you're very punny."

"I do have a pen and paper. And the pun is, 'That's not how you use a Dragonbreath attack!' so, who are you planning on showing off to?" Kyn said, digging around in his pack for said items.

"I would think that that would be obvious right about now, I said. 'I'm going to go see Clair' " She answered. "I would hope, though that you wouldn't want me actually using Dragonbreath on you."

"You are correct. I like my skin remaining on me." He said with a chuckle. "So, are you going to tell me WHAT you're going to do to show off, or am I just going to have to wait and see?"

"It's a pen and a piece of paper, I'm not going to be showing off my flying talents." She flicked her tongue out as if it would be obvious.

"Tips for writing with a pen then. Scribble on something in the corner first to get the ink flowing, then write what you need. My pens aren't the super expensive kind.... despite the fact that I can afford those, as you know I'm not really one to show off. The opposite of you DRAGONS eh!" Kyn said with a huge hearty chuckle. "Let's head in then. She's on her 'throne'."

"Charcoal does that too sometimes, gets hard and wont make a proper mark...the pen is going to get a bit...wet though Kyn, I do hope you wont mind too much...and I don't show off all the time." She faked an offended look, then walked with him into the gym for the second time of the day, though this time she didn't go for a swim in the lava. Sure, she could have, but that would only make her colder in the other region a little later.

"Eh. If it gets wet it's no biggie. Besides, a little moisture ain't never hurt 'em." He opened the doors, and told everyone that it was, 'Only us', to which some of them responded with sincere disappointment, which he chuckled at, and others responded with an almost godlike worship of Serena.

"Okay, they're going to have to stop that." She directed the comment at those who were 'worshiping' her. "It's going to get old really quite old...and if they're really that disappointed, I'll be more than happy to give them a battle when we get back." She chuckled. "If they're that eager, that is."

"Hey y'all, Serena says you can keep worshiping her! And for you all that seem eager to battle, she said you'll be kept waiting for a while!" Kyn shouted over at them, with a devilish grin on his face. He knew that he'd probably either get bonked by Serena or something else.

He didn't have to wait long before her tail did exactly what it did to Heji, to Kyn. "Stop that or I'll find a gag, honestly." She snorted, then straightened up as they approached Clair.

"Ack! Heheheh." He burst into a fit of laughter, only managing to stop himself when they finally reached Clair.

"Something you find humorous? Would you care to share with the rest of the class Kyn?" Clair said, smiling back at him.

Serena nosed him for the pen and paper. "If you say you taught me this trick overnight, I'm going to hang you up by your ankles over the lava Kyn, gimme the pen and paper now, please."

"As you command, your highness," He said in an imitation of some of the dragon goers. He first handed her the pad of paper, and then the pen.

The pad of paper she took in her claws, the pen she wrapped her tongue around, and then her tail wrapped around his torso twice, enough to put pressure there, but not actually hurt him, and the tail tip in front of his mouth to silence him. On the pad she wrote, big enough for Clair to see where she was at; 'Sorry, it was getting a bit obnoxious.' then below it 'I was wondering if you might do me a favor?' She held these up for her to be able to read, again, with her mouth.

"A favor? What might that be?" Clair said, deciding to stand up out of her chair.

She nosed the page to turn, then wrote again. 'Would you mind too horribly checking in on my egg a couple times while I'm away?' She held up this page, then set it back down, flipped another page, and added to the back 'Kyn is going to the Isshu region, and I'm going with him for a bit.'

"I would be honored to. Caring for an egg is not a test left to amateurs. I am a bit surprised that some of the Trainers are even allowed to own specific types of eggs." Clair put her hands behind her back in a thinking pose and said. "Dragons especially. We are specialists for a reason."

She dropped the pen to the paper, flicking her tongue out as it uncoiled. "It's an Electric typed egg...Luxray and Salamence aren't...compatible." She tried, waiting to see if she understood, and if not she'd copy it down onto the paper.

"That is... rather interesting, but understandable. I don't know much about Salamence, and very little about Electric types, but that would make an interesting combination of types. A Dragon-Electric type." Clair said, waiting for the next set of writing.

'There is only one' was the next writing. 'The black counterpart to the White One that you took me from my mate last night for a joy ride on.' when the pen started to slip from her tongue, she decided it was time to uncurl from Kyn so that he could translate, and yes, stuck his sopping wet pen in his hand to symbolize that he would now be the translator. "I thought that it would be disrespectful to ask for an equivalent...and so we adopted."

"Adopted? Well, I wish for the future wellness of your hatchling." Clair said, before turned to Kyn. "Kyn, you can be so carefree sometimes. Blatantly annoying Serena several times over. It's a wonder she hasn't give you the dragon equivalent of a time-out yet."

"Hmm, yeah, but she knows I'm just messing around for the hell of it. It's not like I do it all the time y'know. Oh and you really should kinda... deal with those rather obsessive dragon-worshipers. If they want to worship something, they should worship Legendary Dragons... like Lugia... Palkia, Dialga... beings like that."

"Merlot would love it here." She turned to look at Kyn as she spoke. "Think they'd put on maid outfits? We could send her a picture and claim that it's just a really good painting." She chortled.

"They sure as hell would put on maid outfits. All you'd have to do is just mutter a few words, and I'd say that you asked them to do it. Honestly... they're so blind in their worship that they'd never want to leave the Castle. Though there's still that issue of them being human, and not understanding Pokémon speech. Though it seems like they might actually gain the ability if they crossed over. Actually... uh..." Kyn looked down at the ground and away from Serena, hoping that she'd just think that he lost his train of thought.

No such luck for Kyn, but at least she was kinder than he was. <Out with it.> She turned to nose at him curiously.

<Well... heh. Bill told me a story from a while back. There was an incident where he sorta turned himself into a Pokémon.>

Clair did look on curiously, but figured that they were talking about something that would go over her head, so she just continued watching until they decided to come back to THIS world.

She pulled her head away and snorted. <Oh, that had to be awkward.> the shock eventually gave way to chuckles. "I doubt they would gain the ability crossing over." She said finally. "I'd have to teach them footprint runes and insist that they were mute...of course then I'd end up in an outfit too...and NO, I would not be willing to submit myself to that, even to get them to knock it off."

<There is another way to get them to be able to understand Pokémon speech. We've done it once before. By we I don't mean our group. I mean some from my group and another human. So then, guess you'll have to put up with it. That would have been hilarious for me to see though. Serena, you still wanna do that outfit thing though?>

As if to answer she wrapped her tail around his ankles. <You better be implying YOUR outfits and not hers.>

<I'm talking... about THEM in Maid outfits, Serena.> Kyn answered.

<Oh.> She chuckled and released his ankles and nudged him. <Maybe when we get back.>

<What exactly were you planning on doing with that there tail Serena? I DID notice it.> "And we're back folks!" Kyn said, imitating a Pokémon sportscaster.

"I take it you two do have more to say then?" Clair said, folding her arms. She didn't really mind the fact that for the longest period of time they were silent, and then suddenly the topic changed.

Serena blew a cloud of smoke over Kyn's form in response to the terms, and she wrinkled her nose, snorting again. "A little, A thank you for watching after my child to be." She stepped forward and ever so gently nosed her forehead. +Testing, Testing, hear me Okay in there Clair?+

<Last time I checked Serena, a cloud of smoke does not constitute an answer. Unless you're sending a smoke signal, which I'm sure you weren't.>

"I do believe that something is going on Serena." Clair said.

<That was for that 'and we're back' statement, no, I haven't answered you. I could say that it was going to crawl up your pant-leg, but that would be a bald faced lie...It was going to follow through with that threat that I made previously and hold you over the lava.> She pulled her head back. +Good, I hadn't established a new link in a long while, not since with Kyn, and certainly not since I became an access point myself...uh, consider it like a computer home network.+ She added hastily. +Now, name something you'd like to see of my past, and I'll show it to you, no questions asked.+

"How... exactly do I utilize this?" Clair said, trying to wonder if all she had to do was think, since the voice was in her head.

/She's a slower study than you are Kyn./ She essentially broadcasted to the 3ft radius, flicking her tongue out. /Think something that you want to be said to me, and only me. If you think something that you have no specific recipient to, it'll behave like as I am speaking now./ She licked the corner of her eye up near her horn.

"Remember Serena, she doesn't deal with Psychic-types. That's also a major difference." Kyn attempted to defend her pretty much ineptitude.

+How... about... this...?+

+Awkward and slow, but good for your first try. So, your question?+ She glanced at Kyn, then finally nosed him again. <You want to see too?> She inquired. +Now imagine trying to do this with four people at once, and you've got what my head is like any time Kyn, Lacu, Heji, Tensa and I are all in the same room.+

/Hm, well, as odd as this sounds... I would like to see your first time meeting Kyn./ Clair said.

<Yes I do.> /Hm, well, I do suppose that would be a good start as well./

/ I can manage that./ She laid down, essentially at their feet, and brought the memory as she remembered it to the forefront of her mind, and then shared it with the both of them, How her curiosity had lead her to meeting Kyn; how it was a total mistake for him to even have interpreted it as her okaying going back to her world...and then it ended as she walked back through the rift, denying her the look at her world.

"Serena. This is probably going to sound even odder coming from me but... What happened to Anana? She... probably would recognize me, but would notice the difference." Kyn put his hand on his head, trying to remember his last encounter with Anana, and wonder how Kecleon aged opposed to Dragons.

/It all started with just such a simple object.../ Clair mused.