Close Encounter
#1 of Can I Trust Him?
People under the age of 18 should leave for the following contains mature material not suitable for young audiences.
O.k I gave up on my other story with the same title for this one which I think will turn out better.
Close Encounter
By Floralfur
It had been a month since it happen, she remember it all so clearly now. Her father coming home after weeks of searching, as well as a handful of other enforcers, with the worst news imaginable. They had finally found her, they had finally found Shelk, but it was too late. She was dead. That's how she remembered how it all started, as the emerald scaled dragoness looked at the tombstone dedicated to her close friend. How could something so horrible happen to the greatest person in the world?
"Oh Shelk," she cried, "How could they do this to you? How will I go on without you?" as placed a bundle of roses on the ground before the tombstone. "They'll catch the bastard responsible for this one day Shelk. I promise." as she rose from the ground ,spread her wings and flew off. She had arrived at the cemetery at nine but what had only seemed like a few minutes to her had actually been hours as the sun was at its peak as she continued to fly towards her cave.
"Anorith," called out the worried tone of her mother as she looked around her daughter's cave trying to locater her.
"Here she comes now," said the girl's father as he looked towards the figure of their daughter slowly begin to descend towards them.
"Hi mom, hi dad," she said in an attempt to sound as casual as possible but failed as there was still a touch of sorrow in her tone. It probably didn't matter anyways, they knew were she would always disappear to now-in-days.
"Anorith," started her mother as she looked at the depressed look on Anorith's face, "I know you miss Shelk but this isn't healthy for you. You don't talk to us anymore, you don't talk to your friends about it and you just go off for hours on end to her grave. If your not careful ...," she said but didn't need to finish.
"I know, I know, but it's just..... it's just so hard to let her go," Anorith finished as she looked at the floor avoiding eye contact with her parents. "I never thought someone would try to hurt her, she was always so strong willed and spirited."
"Anorith, you have to understand that there will always be bad people out there. That's why we have the enforcers," injected her father. "Speaking of which, we may have found a lead to who may have done this. That's why we came to visit."
"REALLY!? Who is it? Did you catch him?" asked Anorith with a tone of enthusiasm she hadn't had in awhile.
"Well, no, we haven't caught nor do we know how he is but we received an anonymous tip today about his whereabouts and what he looks like and everything so we may have someone in custody by tomorrow. He's supposed to be a black dragon, about your height and age if I remember correctly, muscular frame and a scar over his right arm." finished her father.
"That's great news. Did you already announce that to everyone?" ask Anorith in an excited tone. "Soon Shelk, soon," was all that was running through her head as she continued to look at her father for more answers.
"Yes, we have so people can be on the lookout for him," he said rather proudly, "I'm glad to see you smiling again Anorith" with a gentle smile looking at his now beaming daughter.
"Of course I'm smiling, were so close to finding Shelk's killer, she'll finally be able to rest in peace," said Anorith hardly able to contain her excitement.
"Well, I'm glad," said her father, "I guess we should be going now, it's almost lunch time," he said gesturing towards his mate to follow. "We'll come back to tell you more once we catch him O.k," he said as he was about to leave, "Be save."
"Alright, thank you dad," Anorith said as she waved to her parents. "We're so close Shelk, just wait a little longer," she said with a fresh smile as she looked to the skies. This was short lived as she soon heard a growling coming from her belly. "I guess I should go get some lunch too." as she flew towards the forest to hunt.
It wasn't long after she had arrived that she spotted a deer grazing in a small opening. "Perfect,"she whispered as she slowly made an advance towards her unsuspecting prey. "One, two, three, GOT YA," she shouted as she jumped and killed her prey, getting some blood on herself. "Damn it," she said feeling the blood on her scales. Grabbing her lunch she began to look around for some place to wash the blood off.
She spotted a lake and made her way towards it placing the dead deer near the waters edge before she stepped it. "Damn, this water is freezing. Better get this over fast," as she ducked in to the water quickly. She reemerged wrapping her arms and wings around her to warm herself. "Damn it," she said seeing the blood was still there. She quickly splashed some water on it and began to scrub the blood off.
"What I wouldn't give to be an ice dragon right now," she huffed to herself. Finally getting the stain out she began her trip to shore to get her lunch and go home. Except, when she got to shore the deer was gone. "For the love of Draco, why is this happening to me?" Anorith shouted.
She spotted a trail of blood leading off back into the forest. "Whoever stole my lunch is dead," as she began to follow the crimson trail back to the forest. It wasn't a long walk as she spotted a dragon up ahead. "Hey you," she shotted running towards the dragon, "how dare you," she stopped as the dragon turned towards her. She hadn't noticed but it was a black dragon she was chasing.
"A black dragon, about my height and age, muscular frame and a scar on his right arm," she said horror struck as she looked at the dragon before her checking off all the details her father told her about the murderer. It was him. He opened his mouth but she turned tail and ran in the opposite direction before he could say anything. "Wait," he cried to her but she payed it little mind as she continued to run as fast as she could away.
She couldn't fly her way out as the trees would caught her wings in the branches so running was her only option. She could hear footsteps behind her. "Oh no, he's chasing me" she said as tears began to run down her face as she ran to where she didn't know but she didn't care as she ran blindly into the bowels of the forest. "Stop, don't run," she heard him say but she wouldn't listen.
Soon she could see the sky not to far ahead of her. She could fly out of her if she just made it there. "Almost there," she said as she neared her destination she began to spread her wing to take off as soon as she made it there. She had failed to see, however, to see a fallen branch just as had made it to the clearing. She tumbled over it and fell into a frontward spiral as she rolled down a hill
She felt herself running into obstacles as she rolled down. She felt a sharp pain shoot through her as her wings and legs hit the trunks of a trees on the way down. She soon hit a tree with her back, crushing her wings, as she came to a sudden and painful stop. She tried to get up but was to injured to even move. "No, I don't want to die," she cried in pain as tears began to run down her face. The pain was to much for her to handle as she began to slowly lose consciousness. She could hear footsteps growing closer in the distance. She opened her eye just enough to see the dragon looming over her. That was the last thing she saw before her world turned black.
O.K I decide to change the whole story for I think a better one. Please rate and comment.