Chapter 2 New Friendship
#2 of Rain, Teenager
Snow wakes up to the smell of cooking food He timidly gets up and looks around a bit before peeking into the kitchen Seeing Flare cooking. Snow gets up going to the kitchen
"G-good morning." Flare turns around after putting some more bacon into the pan "Morning, Snow. You feeling hungry?" Snow nodded, sitting down. "I'm sorry for breaking in last night..." Flare puts a plate of food on the table
"Don't worry, no damage was done. eat up" He hesitates before taking the plate, starting to eat "Thank you for letting me stay with you." Flare smiles, patting his shoulder "It's fine, I'm gonna go call my brother, clean up after you finish okay?" Snow looks up" you have siblings? c-can you tell me what they're like? I-I mean only if you want too." Flare nods.
"of course, just after I call him, if you have siibling maybe you can tell me about them as well." Snow finishes eating, washing the plate off and putting it in the sink" I guess I could." FLare smiles walking into his room"great, hopefully he won't want to call my sister." Snow lays on the couch, wrapping the blanket around him, thinking Maybe, just maybe I can get him not to call her. if I can't she'll freak and wanna come to get me. dammit why did I even ask.
Flare walks back in, looking at him"you need to call anybody?" Snow hesitates, shaking his head" no thank you, but I wanna know about your brother, or maybe even your family?" Flare sits next to me, thinking
" well I guess i'll start with my older brother, Vapruro. he's a big golden dragon that can be a bit scary, I don't think you'd wanna meet him though, but if he likes somebody he will be a lot less mean looking and more happy to strike conversation. he's also the current head of the family.. then there is my little brothers Xavi and Xene, they're twin aquatic dragons that are playful and pull pranks often, I think you would like them a bit. they look to be about your age. they like to play and swim a lot. what about you?"
I nod, pulling the blanket tight around me" I have two older sisters, an older brother, and a little sister. my older brother is... mean, hateful and just overall not somebody I want to talk about, my older sisters, Serah and Vanille, are twins and very nice people, Serah a bit less so but she still cares about me, Vanille treats me like I'm her son cuz my parents... I'm not going to talk about them. the things I would say are too rude. then there's my little sister Mol or Christy she's sweet and innocent but also really social, and we actually tried to get her into a school so she could get out more but the wouldn't accept her for some odd reason."
Snow looks out the window seeing a black wolf in the drive way, before he gets up hiding behind the couch" I-If he nocks on the door I'm not here. p-please just trust me on this. I'll explain afterwards."
Flare looks at him, getting up and walking outside" can I help you? are you lost?" He shakes his head" I was told a white wolf by the name Snow Verille was seen here, is he still here?" Flare hesitates, shaking his head" he was here, he left this morning, try looking around town maybe." he said lying, the wolf nods" thanks anyways." he walks off, Flare goes back inside" what was that about? did you do something I'm not aware of?" Snow looks away"they just keep harassing me, I never stick around long neough to find out why though" ~end of chapter 2 - Snow