Verve Chapter One: The First Day of School
#1 of Verve
Drex awoke with a start, the sound of his alarm ringing with its high pitched tone. He put one paw on the clock to turn it off and sat up in bed. He looked around his new dorm bedroom. It was strange still, having only been there for two days. Still, he was excited and a bit nervous to start his first day at Portworth University. It was a great college and Drex couldn't wait to get started. He knew it would only be a few years and he would have his degree. Drex loved writing more than anything. He was majoring in English Literature with the hopes of becoming a fiction writer.
After a moment of sitting in bed, he decided to get up and get ready for class. He took a quick shower before going to his computer chair where he had left his clothes for the day. He always did this his first day of school since sixth grade, always worried he might be late and had to make sure everything was ready the night before.
Once changed, Drex looked at himself in the mirror his deep brown eyes taking in his features. The otter was about six feet tall and was slightly skinny even for an otter. His fur was an umber brown color aside from the patch of sandy brown fur that went from his muzzle down the inside of his neck, the rest hidden by his light blue shirt. He wore blue jeans as it was starting to get chilly outside in late September. After looking himself over thoroughly, he decided he was happy with his choice of clothes and headed outside his room into the small living room.
"Hey Drex. Ready for your first class?" said a tiger sitting on the couch in the living room.
"Yo Colin, just about, I was going to find something to eat. Have you eaten yet?" Drex asked his friend.
Colin was an athletic tiger just slightly shorter than Drex. He had orange fur with black stripes, much like most tigers. He had a patch of white that started at the tip of his muzzle and moved down his neck and was abruptly stopped by his black shirt he was wearing. Drex new it continued on to his stomach though. He and Drex had been best friends since grade school and it felt natural to get a dorm room together.
"No, I haven't yet, we have time though, lets go to that diner down the street we went to yesterday, they had great eggs," the tiger had a hungry look in his eyes at the thought of his breakfast the day before.
Drex couldn't hold back the slight laugh he let out and said, "Sure, sounds good, we should have plenty of time before class."
With that decided, they headed out the door of their dorm into the hallway. No one else was awake yet. Drex and Colin had always been early risers and didn't think much of the empty hall.
As they headed toward the stairs down from the second floor they were staying on, Drex caught a glimpse out the window to the beautiful view of the town he now called home. Braxton was a decent sized town with a lively community. The town was surrounded by a forest of evergreens so dense the canopy looked almost like a green field of grass more than a forest of trees.
Once outside, the pair felt a minor chill that made them huddle up against themselves to keep warm. They walked outside the campus to a local diner not very far from the school. The name "Fran's Diner" glowed in the neon sign above the restaurant. The diner had the feel of a Sixties diner with its metal gray exterior and fresh blue paint.
Inside, the diner didn't differ from the Sixties theme and had pictures of famous singers of the time, a juke box in the corner playing a randomly selected song and a bar style sitting area. The few booths in the restaurant were not occupied at the time and they decided to take a seat there.
A few moments passed before a middle aged vixen came to the table and said "Can I get you boys something to drink?"
Colin ordered an orange juice which Drex decided to mimic. The waitress gave them a nod and walked behind the bar to get the drinks.
"Man, I hope my first class is fun," Colin said as he looked out the window toward the school. "Introduction to Personal Computers, I guess they have to teach you the rookie stuff before you can get into the more advanced classes." Colin was attending the school in hopes of getting a job in the IT industry.
They both looked up at the school that was down the road. The red bricked building looked more like a castle than a school, but had a more cheerful air about it. The main building, as well as the dorms, were three stories tall. Windows dotted the buildings and the black shingled roofs slanted to a point at the top.
"I am sure you will learn something new, computers have way too much stuff to learn as it is," Drex said with a sigh. He was ok with computers, he could turn them on, make them go to a word processing program and that was about it. He was a pretty fast at typing and preferred the computer over traditional pen and paper, but he still knew very little about the workings of the computer. It was always nice to have Colin around to fix his computer whenever it failed on him.
"I doubt it, I've been doing this for a while, ya know. I just hope there is a cute girl in there that gets hopelessly lost so I can save the day with my tech skills." Colin had a big grin on his face and Drex couldn't help but laugh a little.
This, of course, reminded Drex that he hadn't told anyone he was gay yet. The issue rarely came up and he didn't want his friends to hate him, or his family to abandon him. He always worried about that and just felt it was better if he never came out. "Yeah, I'm sure that'll happen," he said with a very sarcastic tone.
"Hey, don't knock a man for dreamin," Colin said as the waitress came back and gave them their glasses of juice.
"Have you both decided yet?" she asked politely.
"I will have the ham and cheese omelet with a side of white toast," Colin said. It was the same meal he had the day before.
Drex waited while the waitress scribbled down Colin's order. "I think I will try the French toast and a side of sausage."
After she took both their orders, the waitress walked away to give the order to the chef.
The pair idly talked about how their first day would be while waiting for their meal which actually came out pretty quick. Aside from a bear at the bar table, the two were the only ones in the diner.
They ate their food quickly as class would start soon and they still needed to head back to the campus and find their classes. They didn't get to look around the campus much, so they still weren't completely sure where their classes would be.
They left the diner after paying their bill and headed back toward the campus. The streets were a bit more lively now, with people heading to work or just going out for a morning jog.
Once back at the campus, they split up, agreeing to meet at their first break. Colin headed to his computer class and Drex looked at his schedule again to make sure he got the right class. Literature 101 was the course name and while Drex knew he would already know most of what the class had to teach, he couldn't help but feel excited. He wandered the halls looking for Theory Room 10. After a few moments he found the class and headed in.
Inside he saw that not many of the desks were occupied yet. Class wouldn't start for another five minutes and he was sure the room would fill quickly. He looked around the room and saw there were about thirty desks. The room had two windows on the opposite end of the door looking out into the majestic city. As his eyes wandered, they dropped onto his teacher.
"Hey, I'm Mr. Johnson. Feel free to call me that or Grant. I'm not a big fan of formal names," his teacher said to Drex.
Drex looked the aged brown bear over quickly. He wore spectacles and had a very sophisticated air about him. A few gray hairs speckled his muzzle but he had high spirits and seemed very young at heart.
"Hi, I'm Drex, nice to meet you sir," Drex didn't know what to say, so he sounded much more formal than he meant to.
His teacher noticed this as well, "What? Are you a butler or something? No need to be so formal, come in, find a seat anywhere you like Drex." His teacher was smiling at him and Drex relaxed a little.
He picked a seat that didn't have anyone around it at the time, which wasn't a difficult task to do as there were only three other students in the room at the moment, that didn't last long though. As the final five minutes began to tick down, people poured into the room in droves. By the time the bell rang all but two seats were taken. The one to Drex's right was not occupied but to his left there was a female badger.
The teacher asked everyone to stand up and introduce themselves, so as they did Drex found out that it wasn't only writers that had this class but pretty much every creative arts degree in the school was required to take it. There were artists, game designers, and a slew of other fields people were interested in.
When it was Drex's turn to talk about himself, he told his teacher he aspired to be a writer which made his teacher's eyes light up and he smiled.
"We'll probably be seeing much more of each other then Drex, you'll probably have me for many of your English classes." His teacher pointed to the next person to speak and it moved on from there.
Just before half the class had introduced themselves, a wolf came into the room looking out of breath. "I'm sorry I'm late sir," the wolf said in between breaths.
"Had trouble finding the place?" Mr. Johnson asked and the room filled with a few hushed laughs.
The wolf lowered his ears a bit, embarrassed but had a bit of a smirk on his face. "Sorry sir, it won't happen again."
"That's alright, just be sure it doesn't. Take a seat anywhere you like," Mr. Johnson said and went back to the person who was introducing himself.
Drex thought the wolf was rather cute and sort of hoped he would sit next to him. His wish was granted as he sat next to Drex, looked over and whispered, "Hi, I'm Jason, nice to meet you neighbor." His smile broad and inviting.
Drex took a second to look over his new neighbor. The wolf had all gray fur with the exception of the black ear tips and black streak that started at the top of his head and ended just before his neck. He had light blue eyes the likes of which Drex had never seen before. He was amazed at the beauty in them.
"Drex, nice to meet ya," Drex said in a whisper as to not interrupt the person talking.
Mr. Johnson continued on through the room and when he was done with the last of the students he looked over at Jason. "Well, pup, your turn. Hope you didn't think you could miss out on this just because you were late," he said with a grin.
"Not at all. I'm Jason Brigam, I live a few miles away from the campus and am hoping to become an artist some day," he said this without a hint of nervousness or shyness.
Drex marveled at his new neighbor, how out going he seemed, and he had only just met the wolf.
"Very good Jason, I hope to see some of your work some time. I hope you plan to attend the life drawing workshops we have here. My friend Mr. Goldstein would love to see you there," Mr. Johnson said and with that he went to the black board. "Well class, while today is the first day, I still gotta teach ya something. I know, I know, it sucks, but alas, we must persevere!"
Mr. Johnson was a very engaging teacher, people didn't get bored of his lecture, they were enthralled by it. Drex had guessed he would know what the teacher was going to teach and he guessed right. He knew most of the answers well before any of the other students. When the teacher asked a difficult question, Drex was the first to answer.
"Well now Drex. You seem to really know your stuff. I think you'll breeze through this class pretty easily. Don't think all my classes will be this easy for you though!" the bear tried to sound serious but couldn't hide the wide grin.
After the teachers lecture, the class was broken into groups for a group assignment. Drex was grouped with the wolf. He was happy to be able to have some time to get to know him.
"What kind of art do you like to draw?" Drex asked while writing the answer he easily knew.
"All kinds, still life, life drawing, cartoons, comics, and just about anything else I can think of. Would you like to see some of it?" Jason asked.
Drex was taken aback by this. He had only met the wolf and he knew some artists that wouldn't let him see their work for months after he met them. "Sure! Let me see what ya got."
Jason pulled out a sketch book from his back pack and showed it to Drex. He had a happy look on his face, with only a minor hint of fear that the otter wouldn't like his art.
It was quite the opposite though. Drex was blown away by the pictures inside. Cityscapes, buildings, people of all species, cartoon characters, funny comics and more. "This is amazing!" Drex said in utter disbelief.
Jason's eyes lit up at that and he blushed a little bit. "Thanks, I am glad you like them. My dad always liked my work. I figured he was just being nice." His toothy smile suggested he was quite happy with the compliment.
"Well, he was being honest. Your stuff is really good. Your attention to detail is something else. I try to get as detailed as I can about my writing but I don't think my mind could even think up pictures as good as this," Drex said handing the book back to the wolf.
"You like to write?" Jason said with an honest look of curiosity.
"Oh, you weren't here when I introduced myself. Yes I love writing. My family always says they think I am really good so they sent me here hoping I could make something out of it. Being so far from home is making me a bit home sick though," Drex said writing the answer to another question on the group project.
"That's cool, I really love reading. I am mostly interested in fiction though. I don't want to read a book about some famous guy's life. That just never interested me. Do you have any of your stuff with you?" the wolf asked, genuinely interested.
"Sorry, I didn't bring any with me, I left most of it at the dorm room," Drex replied.
"Oh, I see. Maybe next time. So you live in the dorms here? That's cool. I wish I was that close. I wouldn't have to wake up so early," the wolf yawned at his own words.
"You live off campus? Where about? I'm new here, so I don't know the area that well," Drex said as he entered the final answer onto the group's paper and put it aside.
"Wow, you're really good at this stuff. You knew most of those answers without even looking in the book. Oh, sorry. I live about a ten minute drive from here in Sothern Highlands."
Drex knew the area wasn't the best part of town but aside from that, knew little about it. "Oh, that's cool, do you drive yourself here?"
"Psh, I wish. My mom drives me. We only have one car that she drives to work. My dad takes the city bus to his job. I have to take the bus home because they don't get off until late," Jason admitted.
"I could drive you home today after school if you like. I wouldn't mind getting to know the area better," the otter suggested.
Drex wasn't sure why he offered the wolf a ride having only met him that day. Was he flirting with the wolf? He'd done it so little he wasn't even sure. He never had a boyfriend or even fooled around with anyone so this was all new. He wasn't even sure if the wolf was gay.
Jason's eyes lit up at the offer. "Really? I don't want to be a bother."
"It's no trouble at all. I'll tell ya what. Meet me at the west parking lot after school and I will drop you off," the otter said.
The bell rang with that and the class was finished. "That's really nice of you. I will take you up on that offer. Thanks!" With that the wolf turned and headed for the door, before exiting, he turned around and waved to Drex with a warm smile on his face.
Drex was glad the wolf had accepted. Even if he wasn't gay, he wanted the wolf to be his friend.
The rest of the day actually went by at a rather slow pace. At break, Drex told Colin about the wolf and his offer to take him home.
"Aww, how cute, Drex finally found himself a boyfriend," the tiger teased.
Drex blushed a little. "He is not my boyfriend. He is just a friend in need of a ride. Anyway, I'm meeting him after school to drop him off, you wanna come?"
"Unfortunately I have to get this homework done. My Intro to Computer class's teacher is a real hard ass, wants us to do a three page report on the different types of RAM and how they differ." Colin sighed and said, "Anyway, I wouldn't want to interrupt your date." He now had a sly grin on his face.
"I should punch you," Drex said as he held up a fist.
They both laughed a little at the joke and then the bell rang for the final class of the day.
Drex's class was math, and he hated it. He never was good at math and his teacher wasn't much help. She droned on about sine, cosine, and secant until his brain was numb. He would try his best to pass the class, but hoped Colin would be able to help him with it.
When the bell finally rang, Drex was one of the first ones out. He was excited to meet the wolf in the parking lot.
When Drex arrived there, he didn't see the wolf, so he waited for a minute. It didn't take long for Jason to come out the same door Drex did.
"Sorry, I hope you weren't waiting long, I got a little lost again. This place is so huge!" the wolf said with a grin.
"Heh, don't worry about it, my car is this way," the otter pointed into the lot and they headed toward it.
They arrived at a new blue compact car. It was a very nice make and model and Jason was blown away by it.
"You really drive this? I never thought I would meet someone that actually owned a car this nice!" Jason said.
"Yeah, it was a going away present of sorts for me when I moved up here." Drex felt a bit bad that his parents would just give him a car while Jason had to ride the bus home every day. He pushed that thought to the back of his mind as he unlocked the doors with the remote and they got in.
Jason looked around in wonder at the inside of the car. He slid his hand over the smooth leather seats.
"So, where to?" Drex asked, snapping Jason out of his amazed stupor.
"Do you know how to get onto the 95 going south?" the wolf asked.
"Yeah, I found that one yesterday. Pretty sure I remember how to get there," the otter replied. With that, they were off.
On the way to Jason's house they talked about their interests, many of which, they shared. They both loved fiction stories of all kinds. They both loved going to the movies and liked the same genres.
"I like to play some video games," Jason said as he made sure Drex didn't miss his exit. "I really like Dance Master, I play that in the arcade whenever I can."
"I've played that game, I'm not too bad at it," the otter said with a smile.
"Oh? That's cool," the wolf said with a grin. "Exit here and take a left on the next street."
Drex did as he was instructed and drove down the winding roads until he reached Jason's house. It was a small one story house with a small, but well kept yard. It almost seemed as small as Drex's dorm and was a dwarf compared to Drex's house in Hillsbury.
Drex was about to say goodbye as Jason was getting out of the car, but Jason turned around and said, "You want to hang out some? My parents won't be home for a while. My little brother is home though."
Drex was sort of surprised but wanted to hang out with the wolf some more. "Sure, why not," he said as he turned the keys of his car, silencing the engine.
Jason led Drex to the door and unlocked it. He held the door open and allowed the otter to enter first. He closed the door behind them both. The living room greeted them right behind the front door. There was a small couch in the room facing a rather old looking TV that was turned on.
When they entered the house a head popped up from behind the couch. "Hey Jason, how was your first day?" The younger wolf looked at Jason then to Drex. "Who's that?" the young wolf asked.
"Heh, you could be a little more polite ya know," Jason said with a grin. "My first day was cool. Drex, this is my brother Sammy. Sammy this is Drex,"
"Oh, hello," Sammy said. "Was it your first day at school too?"
"Sure was, it was a lot of fun, what grade are you in?" Drex asked.
"Fifth, I've been going for a month now, Jason is lucky, he got a whole month before he had to go back again" Sammy said, a little jealous.
"Well, I happen to have to wake up two hours earlier than you, I think I would take that trade off," the older wolf said with a smile. "We're gunna go hang out in my room for a little. If you need anything let me know."
"Kay," Sammy said and turned back to the TV.
Jason led Drex down a narrow hallway that split off into three doors. "This one's my parent's room," pointing to the door at the end of the hall. "This one is Sammy's," he said, pointing to the door on the right side of the hallway. "This one is mine," Jason announced, pushing open the door to reveal his room.
There wasn't much inside, a cheap computer and desk, a bed, and a dresser with a small TV on it was the extent of the furniture in the room. There was some artwork framed on the wall in the room. Drex noticed Jason was a bit worried what he would think of his room.
"Wow, these are really good, did you make these as well?" the otter asked as he looked at the paintings.
The wolf grinned and Drex could tell Jason was happy that the otter liked his room. "Yeah, I made that one when I was in tenth grade," he said pointing at the picture Drex was standing next to. "This one here, I made when I was in my senior year," he motioned toward the one over the bed.
"Cool, I never met an artist quite as good as you," Drex admitted.
Jason sat on the bed and offered Drex the computer chair which he took.
"So why did you decide to go to Portworth?" the otter asked.
"Well, I was given a scholarship to go there. I sent in some of my art and they offered to pay half of the tuition. I still have to make payments on the other half though, so I took up a part time job. My parents work two jobs as well to help me out with it," Jason said this without any look of embarrassment at all. "So how about you?"
This sent a pang of guilt through Drex. "Well, I said I wanted to go there because they have a really good English program. They also have a good IT program that my friend wanted to go to so we went for it. I didn't get a scholarship though, the school said I was to 'financially stable' for one." Drex felt even more guilt flood through him after saying that last sentence.
Jason didn't seem to mind at all though. "Oh, that's cool. I heard they're really good for art as well. My parents insisted that I get a good education regardless of what they have to do to get me it. I had to practically beg for them to let me get a part time job to help them out. I work at the book store down the road from here. I have today off, but I start again tomorrow after school," the wolf said proudly.
Drex felt bad that he was being put through school just because he asked while Jason had to struggle just to get by. He tried to push the thought aside, but it kept resurfacing so he tried to change the subject. "You like to play any sports?"
"I use to run track in high school, but it was just for fun, I wasn't that good at it. How about you?" Jason asked.
"I did join the swim team back in high school, but I found I liked swimming for fun much more than for sport. I gave it up and didn't do any other sports in school," the otter admitted.
The pair talked for hours. It was just past seven and Drex hadn't even realized how late it was until Jason's mother came home.
"Jason! Could you come here and help me with the groceries?" They both heard Jason's mother shout from down the hall.
"Sure mom!" Jason yelled back and got up off the bed.
"I hope she doesn't mind that I came over. I didn't realize it was so late," Drex said almost apologetically.
When they both left the room they were greeted with the warm smile of Jason's mother at the front door. Her expression didn't change even when she saw Drex, which he guessed was a good sign. She was a middle aged wolf and he could tell Jason got a lot of his features from her. She had a warm and welcoming feel about her which made Drex relax a little.
"Who is your friend dear?" His mother asked as she set a bag down on the small table next to the door.
"This is my friend Drex. I met him at school today. He gave me a ride home," Jason said as he gave his mother a hug. He then went out the door to grab some of the groceries out of the car.
"Well, that was nice of him." She looked up at Drex and extended a paw to him.
The otter walked over and shook it. "Nice to meet you Ms. Brigam."
"What a polite friend you made there Jason," she said as Jason returned to the house.
Drex saw Jason holding a few bags and said, "Need a hand with those? I can help."
Jason blushed a little at the gesture and said, "You're my guest. It'd be rude."
"Not at all, I insist," Drex said and walked over to Jason.
"If you're sure," Jason said and handed a bag over to Drex. "The kitchen is this way."
Drex followed the wolf into the kitchen and his mother followed behind them. They unloaded the car of it's belongings in only a few trips. The otter noticed there wasn't much and that guilt flooded back into him again. He knew he shouldn't pry but he couldn't help but feel bad for the family's struggles.
"Thanks for the help boys. Will you be staying over for dinner Drex?" Ms. Brigam asked.
"Oh, I wouldn't want to impose," Drex said, remembering how little they had brought in.
"It's no trouble at all. Jason needs more friends like you," she said.
"Mom!" Jason seemed a bit embarrassed.
"Sorry, sorry, but will you stay dear?" she asked again.
Drex looked over at Jason whose face almost pleaded for him to stay. "If you're sure it is ok."
Jason's face lit up at this and said, "It's fine. Right mom?"
"Of course dear, now go have fun. I will take care of dinner tonight," Ms. Brigam said as she turned into the kitchen to prepare dinner.
Jason ushered Drex into the now empty living room.
"Where's your brother?" The otter asked.
"He is probably doing his homework. Kinda nice that I don't have to pester him to do it," Jason said as he flipped the TV on.
"Huh, that must be nice. My brother is older than me, so I always had him bugging me to do my homework," Drex said with a bit of a laugh.
They sat side by side watching TV for a little while when the door opened again.
Jason got up and went to the door and Drex followed suit.
"Hi dad. How was your day?" Jason asked as he hugged his father.
"It was fine, but more importantly, how was your first day of school?" his father now noticed Drex. "And who's your new friend?"
"It was awesome. This is Drex, I met him at school today and he gave me a ride home. He wants to be a writer and he liked my artwork." Jason was talking about the Drex quite avidly and made the otter slightly embarrassed.
"Well, he seems to have made quite the impression on you." He went over to Drex and extended a paw to him which Drex shook. His ears felt red hot by now.
Jason's father was quite an imposing figure. The well toned and tall wolf barely fit in the threshold of the house. He had darker fur than Jason and dark brown eyes.
"You should stay for dinner Drex," Mr. Brigam went on, "I'm sure we can find a place for you."
"He already is dad. Mom offered him," Jason said with a grin.
"In that case, I am delighted to have you." the older wolf said.
While Jason's dad looked intimidating, he seemed to make you want to hug him. He seemed to always be in a happy mood and had an air of kindness about him.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go say hello to your mother. Nice meeting you Drex," he said before walking toward the kitchen.
Dinner was just about ready and Jason's mother poked her head into the living room and said, "Could you get your brother, it is time to eat."
"Ok mom." Jason got to his feet and Drex followed. He showed Drex to the dinner table in the kitchen and said, "Take this seat. It was my sister's but she moved out a while back, so it's empty now. I'll be right back after I get Sammy."
The table was a circular shape and had 5 chairs around it.
Drex did as Jason said and Jason returned shortly after with his brother following along behind him. Jason sat next to Drex and Sammy next to him.
"Oh, you're still here? I thought you would have left by now with Jason's boring company." Sammy said with a nudge to his brother.
"You wish dork," Jason retorted.
"I think Jason is pretty nice actually," Drex said.
The wolf blushed more than ever at this and had a bit of a smile on his face. The otter noticed this and wondered if the wolf was interested in him.
Dinner for the Brigam's consisted of a beautiful pot roast. There were also potatoes, and a garden salad. It all looked and smelled delicious and Drex couldn't wait to dig in. The family said grace, which Drex rarely did and then began to help themselves.
They all talked about their day and asked Drex how his went. "It was great. Exciting and scary at the same time. The highlight of the day was meeting this cool new friend of mine. His artwork is simply amazing," Drex said with a slight look over at the wolf.
He saw Jason's reaction and how cute it was. How the wolf smiled and looked down at his food happy at the compliment.
"So, do you live near by Drex?" Mr. Brigam asked.
"I live in the dorms at the college. My house is in Hillsbury about three hours from here." Drex said as he enjoyed the most delicious pot roast he had ever eaten. "Ms. Brigam, this is wonderful, I've never tasted anything so good."
Her face lit up at the compliment and said, "Why thank you Drex, it's nothing really."
"Hillsbury? I've been there a few times. Nice enough town. A little too industrial for my tastes, if you don't mind my saying," Mr. Brigam said.
"Oh, not at all, I agree with you. It is absolutely beautiful here though. I was actually considering living here once I got out of school. The beauty of writing is I can do it anywhere and have it sent off to be printed." Drex said as he finished off his meal.
Dinner was winding down and it was getting late. "I think I'll be heading back now. Thank you for inviting me to stay. Dinner was really great, and it was nice to meet you all," the otter said with a smile.
"It was nice meeting you Drex. Have a safe trip back," Ms. Brigam said.
"You come back soon. Ya hear?" said Mr. Brigam.
"Thank you both, I will," Drex told them.
"You aren't as annoying as Jason's other friends," Sammy said with a grin.
"Why thank you for the compliment," Drex laughed.
"We're going to head to bed. Why don't you walk you friend out Jason?" Mr. Brigam said.
Jason nodded and started to walk toward the door with Drex. Jason opened the door and allowed Drex to exit first. They walked toward Drex's car.
"It was really nice meeting you Drex. I'll see ya at school tomorrow," Jason said a tad nervous.
"I had a great time, I'll be looking forward to seeing you there," the otter said as he hit the button to unlock his car door.
Drex extended a paw out to Jason who took it in his. He shook the paw gently and put his other paw on Drex's arm.
Drex's heart was pounding. he wanted to just pull the wolf into a hug but was so afraid of rejection. He had just met the wolf today. There would be other days to explore this he told himself. There is no need to rush...
Drex didn't have time to think about it for very long as the wolf pulled him into the hug himself. Drex had no idea how to react, he had never had a man want him before, never knew what it felt like to have someone hold him in their arms.
Jason noticed Drex wasn't doing anything, just standing there stunned. He pulled away and said, "I...I'm sorry, I just...I."
Drex saw the obvious look of hurt in Jason's eyes and it suddenly became clear to him that Jason was feeling the rejection he feared so much. Whatever doubt he had before was gone as he took the wolf into his arms and gave him a gentle kiss on his cheek. "You have nothing to be sorry for." That's all the otter said, that is all that needed to be said as they stood in the street embracing each other.
As they separated, Drex saw Jason's expression of absolute joy. It melted his heart and he just wanted to hug the wolf again, so he did. Jason hugged him back and this time kissed the otter's cheek. They pulled away a little and looked at each other, eyes shining in the ample moon light.
Drex put a paw on Jason's cheek and for the first time in his life, he pulled the wolf into a deep kiss. They massaged tongues back and forth. The otter had no idea what he was doing. He just did what felt right and hoped Jason would approve. It seemed the wolf did approve and they continued as time around them seemed to stand still.
They broke the kiss, looking at each other with expressions of wonder, joy, happiness, and excitement all mixed into one.
"That was wonderful," Jason said, almost in a whisper.
"I hope I did that right," Drex said slightly embarrassed now.
"You've never kissed someone before?" Jason looked stunned but Drex soon found out why. "I haven't either. That was a first for me as well." The wolf looked just as vulnerable as Drex felt.
"You were amazing. I wish I could stay longer, but I really need to get back." the otter said, regretting having to say the words.
"It's ok. I'll see you tomorrow morning. It will make it that much easier to get up in the morning," Jason said with a happy smile on his face.
"It will indeed. I'll see you then," Drex replied.
With that, they regrettably pulled away from each other and the otter got into his car. He waved one last time to Jason before turning on the ignition and driving away.