Becoming: Part 1 -Lost
*Hello everyone, this is my first story that I've every posted on the web, so I apologize in advance if there are any mistakes. If there are any formatting errors, it is most likely because I am doing this on my IPod. Constructive Criticism is always appreciated :D
Alright, enough chat, on to the story.*
Darkness-nothingness, that was all there was. It was beyond creepy, beyond scary, beyond even terrifying; all that existed here, was an absence of light and an absence of any sign of life- except for the panting. There was a constant panting, one that came from something that had been running for its life.
Alex ran. He ran until he couldn't run anymore, and then he started to run again. The darkness around him--it consumed him. It was eating away at his soul, at his sanity. He couldn't remember anything. He had woken up, discovered that he was not at his home, that he was not anywhere he had been before or anywhere that he recognized. That was when he began to panic. The darkness slowly got through to him, causing him to imagine things. In his mind, he saw monsters, he saw horrible, ghastly things. But in reality, there was nothing. That was when he began to run.
He ran. He tore through the nothingness and he didn't stop. Not until he was gasping for air and calluses had grown on his feet from the friction of his shoes. After several minutes of re-gaining his breath and calming himself down, Alex looked around; already knowing that all he would find would be more of the same. However, he was wrong. Off in the distance, there was a dim light. Normally, he wouldn't have been able to see it, but his eyes had adjusted to the dark and any light, no matter how small, stood out like a lighthouse to him. He began to walk toward it. His walk eventually turned into a run, which, in turn, turned into a full-on sprint. The light grew larger and larger, until it replaced the darkness. Now everything was light; it filled Alex with hope, with relief, and with a small sense of clarity. None of it made any sense to Alex, he knew that. But the light made it feel as if it didn't need to make sense, as if it didn't matter. As if nothing mattered anymore. But then suddenly, it all came crashing down. Alex was back in the darkness, there was a chocking feeling in his neck; he couldn't breath! He feel down to the ground, rolling over and clutching at his neck. The pain was becoming too intense... He blacked out.
He woke up to yet another bright white light. But this one was different, it was much less intense, his vision was blurred and there seemed to be a focal point to the light, rather than it being equally bright everywhere. He looked around to get a bearing of his surroundings. He was in a bed. The sheets, pillows and walls of the room were all white. There seemed to be a sanitary, clinic-like smell to this place. Suddenly, he realized that he had been holding his breath from when he woke up. Alex exhaled and a pain exploded from inside his throat. His hands instinctively reached for his neck, but were restrained by something. He cried out for help, ignoring the pain this caused. A woman in white, who happened to be passing by heard this and immediately called for assistance. She then rushed in, followed by a group of men. The sudden movements that these people made scared Alex, and he blacked out once again.
As Alex awoke, he quickly, and unpleasantly realized that he had a major migraine. The room was considerably brighter than the last time he was conscious. Light was now flowing in through windows that Alex had not noticed before. The pain in his throat seemed to be gone and his headache was now calming down. Although his arms and legs were still chained to the bed, he managed to prop his head up against the pillow and look out into the hallway that ran parallel to the exit of his room. He weakly called out "Hello?", which earned him the attention of a woman who then proceeded to enter his room, pick up a clipboard, and start writing on a piece of paper. Looking at his surroundings, Alex asked cautiously "Where am I?" Without looking up, the woman said "Don't worry, you're fine". She then put the clipboard down, looked up, smiled at him, then turned and briskly walked away. Before she turned a corner, she was confronted by a man in a white doctor's coat. They had a short conversation that consisted of hushed whispers. Although they were several feet away from his room, Alex could make out the words "how could", "not tell him", and "family". After a few seconds, the man sighed, looked up at the ceiling, looked back down at his feet, then at the woman. He said "fine" very definitively then walked away. The woman that had previously checked on Alex was about to continue on her way, then she paused turned to the left and walked down the adjacent hallway.
End of Part 1
*I'm not sure if this will be considered "good" or not but if anyone likes it, feel free to comment and I'll happily continue on with the story :)