The way she hunted me: Preparations

Story by vulpes noctis on SoFurry


A sort of "in-between" for my next chapter, please enjoy

To those of you that are kind enough to read my stories and do enjoy them, i apologize, it's been a while because i've been through some stuff with some people. Please enjoy this story, I'm sure you want some more of Mary and believe me, she is on her way, think of this as a teaser to get you interested again. If you haven't read any of my stories before this, then this will make no sense at all and you'll have a bad taste in your mouth... and ill laugh at you. Anyway, please enjoy and Credit to Pual Rueger for editing this for me before hand.


I woke up to the smell of bacon...

A great way to start the morning as a teenage wolf (as you tend to be hungry) but unusual with only having a dad. After a few minutes I stretched my usual Saturday stretch and then felt awake enough to go downstairs and check on things.

"Dad?" I called as I walked downstairs. I followed my nose and the smell of cooking meat.

"Dad?" I asked again as I walked around the corner and into what I can only describe as heaven. On the table were 3 trays, one stacked high with pancakes, another on which 10 pieces of perfectly cooked bacon simmered, and on the last was a pile of ham. After I took in the surroundings I looked around and located my dad sitting at the other side of the table smiling like and mad pancake king looking out over his work."...Are you trying to fatten me up and eat me?" I asked with fake caution in my voice.

"Of course not!" he laughed "Today's your big day!"

"I'm getting all of this because of a date?"No, the other big thing happening today!" he teased.

"Can't believed I've waited this long to go on a date then" I said as I took my place at the table and poured some Syrup on my stack of pancakes."From the way you described her she sounds like she was worth the wait."

I didn't Respond, to my father it may have looked like I was playing it cool, but under my pancake scarfing exterior... I was worried about the date.

Before long it was time to get ready to go, I got showered and then dressed in my best tennis clothes, a white collared Tennis shirt and white tennis shorts to match (hey, its hard matching with black fur). Dad reminded me of the time and we were off.

For the first five minutes the car was completely silent, I must have looked nervous because my dad looked over and asked:

"Nervous?"No" I lied quickly.

"it's okay if you are.." he pushed.

I found this hard to respond to, so as any good teen.... I didn't.

"Now I get to give you the stereotypical parent advice for your date..." At this he coughed once like he was adjusting his voice to sing.

"Be yourself.. " he started and interrupted himself in a higher voice "But Dad, how could that possibly help me?"I only looked at him as he rambled.

"Well my clueless son, women like confidence!"

I opened my mouth to respond to my dads teasing, but before I could protest my dad clamped my muzzle shut with his right hand.".. And by confidence" he continued "I don't mean, 'you HAVE to like me', I mean 'I'm confident we're going to have fun together."

"Dad?" I manage to mumble through my closed muzzle.

"What Aaron? I'm trying to parent the hell out of you!" he responded in mock anger.

"Both hands on the wheel, you're going to kill us both."

"OH," he said "I'D hate to kill you before your date!"

"My dads such a goof" I thought, but I was already starting to feel better about how the day was going to go.


Small i know, but ive already almost finished my next chapter and i've got paul making sure i don't take another year to do it. And Please do comment, it makes it so much easier to write knowing people like what im doing