Meddle Not in the Affairs of Dragons
Had a little bit of burst inspiration in the morning before my shift at work started, so i snuck onto Google Drive and wrote this up real quick :3.
Sapphy wasn't have a very good day that day, so i decided to write this out to help cheer her up. Mistress dragon is a hungry girl, and her attendants need to be prompt to keep her fed. otherwise she might get... impatient.
Sapphy belongs too
Gnarl belongs too
Meddle Not in the Affairs of Dragons
"H-here you are, mistress" the small, brown feathered gryphon murmured under his breath, as if scared speaking too loud might get him in trouble. a broad, polished silver ladle was raised up with one arm, dangling it carefully upwards lest he risk spilling the thick scoop of soft serve ice cream cradled within it. he could see a soft puff of steam escape her lips as her maw opened, thick dribbles of saliva dripping from the top of her muzzle down into the bottom of her mouth as it hung open expectantly, a sight he had seen far too often and one that both entranced him, and terrified him to no end.
The towering blue dragoness' mouth suddenly snapped shut around the spoon, the powerful grip of her jaw and fangs leaving visible teeth marks long since engraved into the silver of the spoon, and small drag marks as he struggled a bit to pull the spoon from her lips and leave the ice cream behind. Finally pulling the spoon free from her jaw, he gulped a bit, as he saw her powerful throat bob, a small but visible bulge sliding down it as she swallowed the fist sized glob of ice cream down whole. It was only when he heard a slight snort of impatience that he snapped out of his trance, almost frantically reaching back down to the massive 10 gallon barrel of ice cream to scoop up another helping for his mistress.
When he raised the spoon back up this time, a flush of terror washed through him as his realization came too slow. it was already too late. one of the Sapphire skinned dragoness' paws shot up, gripping his comparatively lanky arm in her powerful grip, all but engulfing it from the elbow down to the wrist, and pulled him forward. a soft yelp escaped his beak as he stumbled towards her, spoon dropped down onto the floor between her broad footpaws, as he smacked face first against her exposed belly. he could hear the low, rumbling gurgle of her hungry gullet booming through the flesh of her abs, which only furthered his terror of what he knew was to come.
The paw she held on his arm tightened its grip, pushing the gryphons arm against his side, as her other paw slid up to do the same to his other arm as well. Slowly he was dragged upwards, head rolled along her stomach, up over the front of her ample bosom, and finally stopping when his beak was brushing against her chin. Slowly, worriedly, his head raised up to look at her grinning muzzle above him, only to see her maw open wide and expose itself once again. those polished, saliva slickened fangs gleaming in the light, lining the inside of her almost turquoise colored flesh inside her mouth. he barely had time to let out a yelp before her muzzle snapped forward, and those powerful blue lips clamped closed around the front half of his face.
Her jaw began to stretch, contorting and expanding to sizes unnatural for a normal muzzle as he felt himself pushed upwards. soon his entire head was pressed inside of her mouth, surrounded on all sides by the spittle soaked walls of her maw, his beak already pressing into her throat. Her paws gripped tighter to his sides as they slowly raised the gryphon upwards, holding him upside down as her head leaned back to accommodate it, and now let gravity help her as she began to push him downwards. Soon his shoulders, then arms, then waist and even his legs disappeared into her maw, while his head was ground down into the pulsating walls of slickened muscle that were inside her throat, forcing him deeper and deeper down into her gullet. Finally it was just poor Gnarl's tail sticking out of her lips, as she pursed them and slowly sucked it inwards as if a piece of large spagetti. a final, loud GULP seeming to resonate through the room as the gryphon was forced down the rest of the way into the large dragoness' stomach, trapped curled up in the tight, stretchy confines of her belly.
The sapphire dragoness grinned toothily, one of her handpaws lowering around to rub across her now distended gut, fingers gently stroking along the outline of the gryphon turned snack. Her eyes widened a bit as she felt a sudden rumbling coming up from her chest. Her maw burst open wide and. "UUURP" a booming belch rumbled through the room, as if signifying the finality of her meal. the sound seeming to only make her grin proudly rather than in embarrassment. An almost affectionate pat is given to Gnarl through her belly as she rumbles out softly, tauntingly...
"Scuse me..."