Krystal's Story Ch. 2
#2 of krystal's story
"So luke, how many more evolutions will it take before I am an actual kyubi?"
"I'm not really sure, but I think it's going to take about three, maybe two."
"Ok, hope this doesn't take too long."
"Heh, me too." Luke said. Suddenly he stood still, sniffing the air. "Krystal, use aura sense quick, I think someone's been following us."
"Ok... oh shit, we're surrounded. Its team rocket and they've got guns." Just then there was a loud bang, and a small dart appeared on the side of Luke's neck. Luke collapsed instantly, while at the same time I jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding getting hit myself. "Luke!" I yelled, and then I noticed that he was still breathing. I tried to get to Luke, but if I came close, more darts would come flying towards me. "I'm sorry Luke, I got to go. I'll find you soon..." I said as I ran, sobbing from the scene. It took all my willpower not to turn and try again, but I knew that if team rocket captured me, the world would be in serious trouble. I kept running until they were on the edge of my aura senses range, and I followed them from there.
Many hours later I ended up outside an underground base for team rocket. I memorized the way to the base and went to get help.
*Luke's point of view*
Damn my head hurts, well at least Krystal got away. I think as I look around. I am in a large cell, which could clearly keep a legendary captive. I hear a noise from down the hall and walk to the bars.
"Oh good your awake," said a scientist who walked up to me. "Lucario is it?"
"Please call me Luke, and what do you want with me." I replied.
"Pleased to meet you. Finally, a pokemon who doesn't try to blast his way out of the cage, and is quite polite to top it off. We are in need of someone of your talents, and we, when it became clear you wouldn't join us willingly, decided to capture you. You are currently the subject of a genetic research program, in short, when we are done messing with the blood sample we took from you, you will become a bio weapon."
"Sounds painful. I'll let you know now that I can't use attacks anymore; my nerves were fried by a thunderbolt."
"Oh the transformation should fix that. Well I have a schedule to keep; I'll be seeing you tomorrow with the changed blood. And yes, it will hurt." the scientist said as he walked away.
The next day...
"Good morning luke, would you mind stepping out here please?" said the scientist as he opened the door to my cell.
"Needle time right?" I asked.
"Yes, but this is the least painful part."
"No offence, but if this succeeds and I escape, I'll kill you on my way out."
"None taken, I would do the same thing if I was you."
"Ok, any news on Krystal?"
"Yes actually, she is alive and well, currently looking for a way to save you. Now this might sting." The scientist said as he poked the needle into me. "All done, please go back into your cell and lie down, I don't want you to hurt yourself."
"Sure" I said, and as I laid down, I felt a searing pain shoot through my body, and I blacked out.
When I awoke I didn't feel any pain, although I realized I could sense aura again.
"Welcome back Luke, the experiment went perfectly. Please step out of the cell and come with me." I heard the scientist say from the doorway.
I got up and he led me through a series of rooms to a laboratory. I noticed many more scientists working on various projects. We finally stopped at a door marked training area. We walked through and the scientists instructed me to test out my new strength.
After a long session of testing my limits the scientist took me to another room, but this one was different.
"Well, unfortunately I have to mark you as a member of team rocket. Don't worry, it's just a tattoo, but it can't be removed. Right paw please."
"Ah well, Krystal should understand. Speak of the devil..."
"What was that?"
"Oh nothing. I hope your not using the generic R are you?"
"No, you will be marked according to the squad you'll be in. you'll be in squad 13. Hope you don't mind a yin-yang."
"Not at all." I said as I contacted Krystal telepathically. 'Krystal, can you hear me?'
'Luke! I see you got your powers back.'
'Yeah, I take it you have found a way to get me out of here?'
'Yep, do you need to finish anything there before I rip the place apart?'
'Yes, I'm going to take out one of the pokemon teams. I'm on my way to meet them right now.'
'Ok, one problem though, I need you to be out of the base before I destroy it. There is also another mew project in there, black mew. You must rescue it. If it gets trained as a weapon, we are all screwed. But if we can get it on our side, we should be able to destroy team rocket.'
'I'll find black mew first. Then with it; I'll escape. Dam, things just got weirder again. Luke out.'
"All done." The scientist said as he put away the tattoo needle.
"I have heard rumor of a new Mew project, is it true?"
"Ah yes, black mew. Do you want to see her?"
"Sure, I'll even train her to use aura if you want."
"That would be wonderful, but first I want you to help us wake her up. she is in a self induced coma right now."
"I'll see what I can do." I said as we headed down to a lower level.
We soon arrived at a very large, very thick steel door.
"Wow, this just has 'something important and dangerous in here' written all over it. You guys should really consider smaller doors."
"I know its cliché, but the designers were hell bent on installing it."
When we entered I got my first look at black mew. She was the same size as the original mew, just her fur was black. I also noticed a green stripe running from her forehead to the tip of her tail. She was being kept in a large glass tube filled with some liquid. I tentatively reached out for her consciousness.
'Leave me alone' I heard her sob.
'Don't worry, I'm here to help. My name's Luke, I can help you escape this place.'
'How can I trust you? I barely woke up, and already they were trying to force me to do things that I know are wrong.'
'Please, I know it's hard, but you have to trust me. I'll help you escape, I know a way out. I have been... changed by these people. I can help you become stronger, and my friend on the outside will help protect us. With your help we can destroy team rocket.'
'... okay, I guess I need to wake up first.'
'Yes, but I'll be there. I'm the only pokemon in the room besides you.'
'Okay, but if you have lied to me, you'll wish you were never born.'
"Sir, I think she is waking up!" one of the attendants said, and indeed she did wake up.
"Would you mind if I was the one who took her out of the tube? She is very scared right now." I asked.
"Not at all, after all you saved the project."
I jumped up onto the tube and quickly pulled black mew out.
"Mew" she said weakly
"It's okay, I'm here." I whispered. "Would you mind if she stayed in my cell, at least until she has mastered aura? It will help her learn." I asked the scientist.
"Not at all my boy, if it will help her become stronger."
"Thank you." I said as I picked her up and we headed upstairs.
'Krystal, I have black mew, I'll need a way out soon.'
'Just say when.'
As we walked down the hall through the lab I said, "Sorry professor, but I must take my leave" 'Krystal now!'
"What do you mean?" he replied puzzled. Suddenly a large energy beam tore through the lab from above. I quickly ran to the hole and scaled it. I was on the surface and running into the woods in no time. I could hear large explosions behind me as Krystal blew apart the lab.
*Krystal's P.O.V.*
I made quick work of the research facility, man it feels good to just let loose. I quickly caught up to Luke, and man was I surprised. Luke's fur had turned pitch black, and his eyes, wow, the iris was green, but there was no white. Where there would normally have been white, his eyes were black. The spikes on Luke's arms had become blades, and his fangs had become more prominent. He was truly a fearsome sight.
"Luke! Wait up." I yelled. He stopped and allowed me to catch up. "What did they do to you?"
"It was a genetic experiment, although, I can't say it is without its benefits."
'uh, luke? You can put me down now.'
"sorry about that, Krystal meet Black Mew."
"Pleasure to meet you."
'likewise. Hmm there is a strong pokemon approaching from the south, I'm not sure but the psychic signature feels like mine...