Chapter 3: Midnight Whit

Story by BlazeTheCharmeleon on SoFurry

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#4 of The Journey

*Authors Note: It's been a hell of a two months. The world around me has changed, I've been redefined as a person and blah blah blah. Typical adolescence, I'm sure many of you know the drill. I do apologize for the wait (even if no one has been waiting), the show WILL go on :)** *

I made my way back into the woods, the moon was darker than normal. Whoever was following me did a damn good job of being hidden, as the only slight recognition I had of them were faint footsteps. I was unable to position them psychically, and that generally meant one thing, a dark pokemon.

There was wood beside an empty fireplace, with a torn note reading "Extra." A gesture of kindness I would imagine. I started a slow burn. Whatever was following me would make its move before daylight. I stared up at the stars, something I had always been fond of doing, wondering what it was that was following me. It had several opportunities to strike, yet it remained still in the distance. It started to bother me, was it waiting for me to sleep? What did it want with me in particular? Under normal circumstances I could have put it together, but something was different about this. Something sinister was about it. I would have to find out, one way or another.

"You should work on your footing," I said looking into the fire.

"Well well, don't you have good hearing?" I heard in a high pitched cocky voice.

"Would you care to join me? It's much nicer over here." I said in a half sarcastic reply.

"True, true, but fire is so dangerous, plus I hate how much light it gives off."

"Well if it is not my fire, then what is it you want with me?"

"You will know in time, but first let me introduce myself."

She walked out from the bushes, walking in strides that showed no hidden motive.

"So it's been an umbreon following me, how delightful, so much for staying hidden."

I wanted to get it over with, yet the sudden change of tactic intrigued me. "Me following you was enough to frighten you." she jauntily said.

I was a little disgruntled "Oh, are you a psychic now?" The idea seeming plausible.

"Oh, don't be silly. That's as dumb as the idea of a psychic charmeleon."

That one hit hard "Well aren't you the clever one, let me guess, trainer taught it to you?" She had far too much confidence to be alone out at night in the wild.

"He did indeed" She said with a smirk.

Even through the taunting there was something I liked about this girl, however through this conversation I noticed something. My guard was extremely lowered, and I felt slightly weaker.

"Clever and sly, I almost didn't notice the charm." "You know very well it doesn't matter if you notice it or not." She winked, turned around and presented herself. She obviously wasn't going make this easy.

"Psychic, charm, AND attract. If I didn't know any better I'd say you haven't been in a battle your whole life." She vanished and reappeared on my chest pushing me to the ground.

"I don't need to battle to make my trainer happy." She said seductively.

I pushed her off, "It's going to take a lot more than that to get me."

"You obviously have a strong will, I like that, but this is mind over body, and the mind always surrenders with the right push."

I hadn't had to deal with something like this before, but I couldn't give up ground here. "Oh I wouldn't be so sure."

"Oh no? I've gotten a kadabra before, and he had this same cocky attitude before hand as you did."

I flinched, bad move. "Ah, and it all comes together," she triumphantly said.

It really didn't matter to me. Contrarily I was proud of my heritage, but she had gained ground in this situation, and she knew it.

"There's something about you I like girl, and I assure you it has nothing to do with the fact that you're using most of your moves to seduce me."

"And what would that be?" She asked in an innocent voice.

"You remind me of myself." Her expression changed at this, the smirk on her face lost for a few seconds. There was a moment of connectivity, it was brief, but it was there.

"Interesting." The conversation was leaning towards the direction she wanted.

"Can we put the games aside for a moment?"

"Put the games aside? Why? They're so much fun!" She seemed less enthusiastic about it this time.

"In all seriousness I need to know, why is it that you chose to follow me tonight only to seduce me. If sex was all you wanted you would have been more outright about it"

She sighed, "My master.... sends me out at night to "practice" for him."

Her eyes barely started to tear before she shrugged it off. The picture had been painted. "I'm sorry."

She started to become angry, "What's it to you?" The tears slowly coming back.

"What it is to me is something that should never be forced upon someone, it pains me to see this happe-"

In rage she hit me hard, and leapt on top of me. "Leave it alone! It doesn't concern you!" She barked into my face.

I had many options here, and truthfully I did not think it through. I did what I felt was right at the time. I grabbed her, and hugged her. "LET ME GO!" She started to kick and scream as I restrained her.

This dragged on for a good 30 seconds, and then, tears. Lots and lots of tears, I had never seen someone else like this, hell I've barely seen myself like this. She hugged me back and we lied hugging. She must have cried for an hour, and when she finally stopped, she kissed me. I had not kissed anyone before, and it was clearly obvious as I jumped a little when it happened. It didn't matter, It was one of the best experiences I have ever had to this day. It lasted until the sun started to come up, then we fell asleep, in each others "arms".