Part 11 News of Kaous Comes Out

Story by Dragoune on SoFurry

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#11 of The Land of Marnex: Evil Regins Again

I am so sorry for making you guys wait this long I am going to make a journal explaining why so that you can read this without having to deal with a long speech. If you are under 18 leave or lock your door.

Part 11 News of Kaous Comes Out

It had been a week since Dragoune came from water training, and not much has happened since then. The Elemental Beings kept their word by not calling Dragoune for more training, but from time to time he would ask them some questions about attacks or his ancestor.

"He was a great dragon the best of his kind. But also he was somewhat of a prankster." Firen told him once.

"When we first came to him he thought it was a weird dream, but when he started noticing Kaous's handiwork he came to me before I said to come for his training."

"Did he ever survived the battle with him?" Dragoune said but then knew the answer already.

"You would not be here if he did not but it really took a lot out of him and he had to rest for a good four full days."

"When did he become king?"

"Right after the fight, there was some who disagreed, but it did not last long."

"Was he like me?" Dragoune asked shyly

"In looks yes, but he was a white dragon with second color at all and he did not have a r-" Firen was saying but stopped himself from finishing, but Dragoune knew what he was about to say and decided that the conversation was over.

"I will talk with you again Firen, until then goodnight." Dragoune said growling a bit.

The next morning was welcomed by Saneira who sat up and stretched. She looked down and rubbed her belly which was quite large since it was the second month. She smiled and then looked at Dragoune who was still asleep. She laid down on her side and watch him sleep, he looked so cute when he was asleep. She kissed him on the lips not waking him but getting a sleepy grin from him. She could not help but giggle a little, which woke up Dragoune.

He saw that Saneira was watching him and smiled he then looked down at her stomach and it made him smile even more broader. But it soon faded away when he noticed that something was different. She looked bigger then any pregnant dragoness. Saneira saw his expression and asked.

"What's wrong?" But Dragoune got up quickly without a word and went to where they kept the books searching for one in particular.

"What is going on Dragoune?" Saneira asked getting worried because he has never ignored her like this before. He kept flinging books trying to find what he was looking muttering stuff like:

"I know it is here somewhere." Or

"I specifically asked Drixin to get it so it must be here." One time when Drixin came back from Dragoune's city to report Dragoune asked him to get a certain book about dragoness pregnancies when he started noticing that Saneira was getting bigger. Finally he found what he was looking for a quickly searched through the pages. In the meantime Saneria was getting more and more worried but also a bit agitated at being ignored, but before she could say anything Dragoune said.

"Aha, found it!!" with a smile on his face but again it quickly faded into worry.

"What is it?" Saneira demanded

"Saneira you will be having two eggs instead of one." Dragoune trying to smile but failing.

"How do you know? I can only feel one." She said.

"The reason is because that the second one is right behind the first." Dragoune said Saneira could not believe her ears she was going to have two eggs in which she wished for. But then she saw Dragoune looking worried at her.

"That is a good thing isn't it?" hoping that it was. Dragoune only stared at her trying to figure out on how to tell her this.

"Saneira there is a reason why dragoness should only have one egg. The reason is that when one of them goes down the other will come along at the same time. Only a small of dragonesses survived two eggs the rest had...." He could not bring up to say it, but then suddenly grasped Saneira into a hug and kissed her on the head.

"Do not worry Dragoune we will think of something." Saneria said not really believing her words though. That day Dragoune and Saneira did not come out of there room and whenever Crosain Siss and Traisa even came near Dragoune and Saneira growled.


Near the end of the day though Dragoune and Saneira went out of the room and told at what they had found out.

"There must something in the same book to help you." Siss asked but Dragoune shook his head while she was saying that.

"I read and reread that entire book there is nothing." Dragoune said after that there was a long silence.

"Well we cannot worry about it now. Let's just go to bed and everybody will feel better." Crosain said, everybody did but they did agree with him.

The next day however everybody did feel a bit better, Dragoune was playing chess with Crosian while the three females were out sunning themselves. Dragoune hated going up against Crosain or Volaxone in a game of chess because he would always lose like he was right now. He only had a knight a rook and a pawn left and Crosian had both his rooks a bishop a knight and a pawn in which was blocking Dragoune's pawn. Dragoune had his king as far has he could get it his knight protecting it. He looked at the board and saw that if he used his rook to take out Crosain's pawn, buy some time, plus have Crosain not notice any of it, he might get his queen back. It all seemed impossible especially Crosain not finding out his tactic, but it was his best bet. He put his rook where Crosian's pawn was and was glad that nothing else could touch it. Crosian moved his bishop closer to Dragoune' king, Dragoune attacked the bishop with his knight. Crosian just moved his knight on the Dragoune's side of the board from where it was in the middle. Dragoune started moving his pawn forward two spaces to go. Crosian moved his rook and said.

"Check" Dragoune moved his king closer to Crosain's knight and Crosian again moved his knight. Dragoune again moved his pawn one more square to go. Crosain moved his other rook and said.

"Check" Dagoune again moved his king. Crosian did nothing at his move which made Dragoune think.

'What is he up to?' seeing nothing for him to attack his king he again moved his pawn. In which Crosain switched with the queen.

'I got him now' Dragoune thought with a grin.

"Checkmate." Crosain said with a big smile.

"What do you 'checkmate'" Dragoune said

"See for yourself." Crosain suggested. Dragoune put his hand on his king ready to prove that Crosain was wrong. He looked for places to move which ended up putting himself in check. After a while he tipped his king until it fell and said.

"You win." Crosain was about to say something but Traisa yelled.

"Something is coming in from the south." Dragoune and Crosain went out and looked for it. Dragoune spotted it at first because he had the better eyes; he squinted trying to see what is coming towards them. They looked like three gryphons all carrying something like a blanket and whatever was in there must be pretty heavy. When they got closer Dragoune spotted Drixin among them and said.

"Don't worry it is Drixin with two allies." Everyone relaxed because they all were getting tenser and tenser when the three gryphons got closer. When they landed Drixin came up towards them and bowed down to Saneria and Dragoune.

"Your excellencies, sorry for the early intrusion...." He came once before to report not too long ago and he usually waits at the most two weeks before he comes back.

"....but when I got to Rovino's castle he was no longer there I had a search party to go and look for him. It did not take long to find him, but we found him in this condition." He showed that Rovino had a massive amount of minor injuries, not one scale was in a perfect condition.

"He will live thankfully, I don't know who could of done this, but if you want I will organize a party and track the bastards down." Drixin said angrily and wanting to do just that.

"That will not be necessary, you and your comrades of done well Drixin, you may go and get some rest." Dragoune said.

"Yes your majesty, but may I point out that we should tell everyone now that a follower has been attacked?" Drixin asked, but Dragoune was hardly listening because he was staring at Rovino disgusted that this happened to his friend.

"What happened to you old friend." Dragoune said quietly.

"Dragoune?" Saneira said.

"What? Oh yes of course Drixin, you are absolutely right, make sure that everyone knows that evil has returned to Marnex. Leave Rovino here we will make sure that he will be safe." Dragoune said

"Yes your Excellency." Drixin said with a bow and left with the two gryphons.

That next couple of days went by quite quickly, but they were pretty much uneventful. Everyone had taken turns taking care of Rovino but he did not wake at all until one time when Dragoune was reading a book he heard groan. Quickly closing the book and looking up he saw that Rovino was sitting up on the edge of the bed that they made. They both stared at each other for a moment.

"YOU!!!" Rovino roared at the top of his lungs and running towards Dragoune talking him on the ground. Dragoune was surprised by this attack and if was not he would not have retaliated anyway because he knew why was doing this. Rovino quickly got back up and put his foot on Dragounes throat making sure that huge claw of his was on neck.

"Give me a very good explanation why I should not kill you right now." Rovino said

"Will you let me up first?" Dragoune said

"No" Dragoune shrugged and started telling the story of what happened, when he got to the part where they had to move to his old lair that is when Rovino let him up and noticed thathe was not at the castle. Dragoune rubbed his throat and continued, when he was finished they both were sitting down.

"I see well I am quite surprised at why you did not tell anyone sooner, everyone out there is thinking that you gone corrupt just like your father." Rovino said

"I know but if I told everyone that I could not beat Kaous there would have been mass chaos in which Kaous wants, so it was a lose lose situation." Dragoune said

"Well at least you decided to tell them anyway and they will have a better chance." Said Rovino, Dragoune nodded.

"You get some sleep I will be fine now." Rovino said Dragoune did going to his and Saneira's room. When he got comfortable next to her, she said sleepily.

"The end of the second week." Dragoune kissed her gently on the cheek and both fell asleep.


What will happen to the eggs or Saneira? and What would the population of Marnex will think when they here that their king is no longer in control of the kingdom? Find out on the next few chapters.

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