Hunter's Shopping Trip

Story by Andlat on SoFurry

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And here's another one! :3

Hunter could not help but strut just a bit as he walked into the department store. Today was the first day he was wearing briefs after two long weeks of baby time, during which he had been thickly diapered around the clock, in addition to myriad other babyish things. But today, he was a big boy and he had no plans of that changing any time soon.

He mentally ran through his list of things he needed to get: shampoo, deodorant, cereal, and some new tights, which he was going to surprise his sissy fox with. He chuckled to himself as he decided to go to the bathroom before he shopped. He could do that! He could use the toilet like the adult lion he was instead of being changed by Tani. She always made him say things like 'I'm a stinky baby' before she would acquiesce to changing him.

"Are you lost, little one?" Hunter ignored the bunny woman who spoke, assuming she could not be speaking to him. It was only once she touched his paw that he turned.


"You look lost, sweetie."

"I'm not." Hunter remembered to remain polite. "I have to get going. Lots of shopping to do." The bunny grabbed his paw.

"You were heading to the potty, weren't you? I'll come with you and help you change that diaper."

"Diaper?" Hunter said. He yelped as the bunny lifted his shirt and slipped a finger in.

"No diaper? Whatever is your mommy thinking?"

"I don't need diapers!" Hunter said. He looked around to be sure that no one heard his rather loud exclamation. The bunny simply smiled and took him into the family restroom, where a few other furs were diapering their cubs or waiting for their older cubs to use the bathroom. The bunny took the mortified lion over to an open changing table.

"Up you go." She said, pushing his butt until he had no choice but to climb up onto the changing table's contoured plastic. He felt horribly exposed as the parents watched out of the corners of their eyes, a few of them even blatantly staring as the bunny undid his belt. "Dark blue briefs?" The bunny tsked. "This won't do at all." She removed his jeans entirely, setting them out of his reach before returning to his waist to remove his underwear too. Hunter tried to sit up, but the maternal rabbit pushed him to his back again, running the black strap over his chest. "Stay still, kitten. I'll have you nicely diapered in a jiffy."

"I don't want to be diapered."

"I know, sweetie. My own cubs whined too when they thought they were ready for the potty. Mommy knows best." She pulled a package of wipes from her purse and went to work wiping the lion's lower half. Every time that Hunter squirmed, she gently tapped his thigh to remind him of who was in charge.

It did not take her long to have the lion suitably clean, although his bottom proved to be dirtier than Hunter had expected. "Someone still doesn't quite have the hang of wiping, hmm?" She said a little too loudly for Hunter's tastes.

She disposed of the wipes and her paw dipped into her purse again, this time emerging with a familiar item: Lion Pampers with patented Triple Thick technology. Hunter had gone through nearly two packs of them in the last two weeks.

"What's that for?" Hunter tried his best to keep his voice level.

"For you, of course."

"I don't want it!"

"I know, sweetie." Despite her sympathetic tone, the rabbit unfolded the diaper. "But you need it." She lifted the lion's legs and with the other paw, slipped the Pampers underneath his raised bottom, powdering him afterward.

Hunter stared up at the ceiling. Why was this happening? Why was everyone else in the sizeable bathroom going about their business as though this was the most ordinary thing in the world? The front of the diaper came up between Hunter's legs, covering his groin as the rabbit taped the garment around his waist. She smiled down at him as he stared at the diaper, noticing just how obviously the white plastic stuck out against his light brown fur. The diaper pushed his legs farther apart than normal and he knew, even without his prior experience with diapers, that he would have trouble walking normally.

The rabbit picked up the lion's discarded underwear. The scent of male lion pheromones rose from his briefs, starkly unlike the scent of baby powder that rose from him now.

"Be a good boy and throw these away for me, honey." The rabbit unbuckled him and the red-faced lion took the underwear from her. "Right over there." The rabbit pointed to a trash can clear on the other side of the room. Hunter sighed and began the journey, feeling as though every eye was on him as he waddled along. His t-shirt offered no protection as it fell only to about halfway down the diaper's bulk. He tried to think of a plan, anything that would keep him from having to return to the rabbit, but she had his jeans, which had his wallet and car keys. There was no way he would walk all the way home in just a diaper and shirt. "Yep! Just put those icky undies right in the trash can, sweetie." The rabbit called. He sighed and obeyed, shuffling back over to her.

As he drew closer to her, the rabbit folded his jeans and tucked them away in her purse. Hunter's eyes widened. What was she doing? There was no way he was going out there in just a diaper and t-shirt!

"Good boy." The rabbit said, praising him. "Now then, how about we go take care of your shopping, hmm?"

"What about my pants?" Hunter lisped around the pacifier. Why had he not taken it out? He reached a paw up, but the rabbit stopped him with a smile, taking ahold of his paw and not letting go.

"They'll be safe and sound right here in my purse. They wouldn't have fit over your diaper anyway, kitten." She let go of his paw for a moment to fuss over his shirt, rolling it up slightly so that Winnie the Pooh, Eeyore, and Tigger were visible on the front. She then took his paw again and led the waddling lion out into the store proper.

The rabbit had retrieved the list from Hunter's pants pocket and navigated the store with Hunter, gathering each of the items. Much to his dismay, she added two jumbo packs of Lion Pampers to the cart, seventy-five diapers in each.

"I don't need that many!"

"How many does your mommy have at home, kitten? No need to be bashful. Tell the truth."

"A pack of thirty." Hunter said. Vitani had bought them simply as a threat. He did not think she had any plans to make him wear them again.

"This way, she doesn't have to make a trip any time soon. I can't imagine that a kitten like you can stay dry very long." She patted his rump with a paw.

"I don't need diapers." Hunter grumbled, his bladder aching as he said it. The rabbit nodded, but just kept Hunter moving along, crinkling every step of the way.

It seemed to Hunter that the rabbit was purposefully taking him around the store in the most circuitous route, as though she wanted to maximize the number of people who saw the waddling lion in his Pampers. He tried his best to pull his shirt down over his Pampers, but there was no way he could hide it completely with only one paw, the rabbit still refusing to let go of his other one.

"Are we done yet?"

"I wouldn't want you to forget anything, baby." The rabbit replied. "I bet this will make you feel better." She returned the pacifier to his mouth before taking the opportunity to check his diaper. "Baby's still dry, hmm?" Hunter and her both knew that it would only be a matter of time before he relented and used the thick padding he wore.

The rabbit smiled as she took Hunter to the toy section, making a beeline for the baby toy aisle. Much to Hunter's dismay, she moved down the aisle and took the time to show him every toy in there. Hunter squirmed as his bladder ached.

"Just use your diapers, baby. That's what they're for." She contemplated a rattle, grinning from ear to ear at the lion. "Perfect. Every baby boy needs a rattle." She handed it to him and Hunter fumed. His bladder kept aching and he felt a little nauseous from all this embarrassment. His stomach was grumbling as though he might throw up. He hoped with all his might that she would just let this ordeal be over now. "Now you hang onto that, okay? Drop it and I might have to spank you on your tushie in front of the whole store."

Hunter could do nothing to hide his diapers as he waddled back to the front of the store, where the checkouts waited; one paw wrapped around the rattle, the other held by the maternal rabbit. It was hard to imagine how he could feel, much less look, any more infantile, the pacifier moving in his mouth anxiously. The rabbit found what must have been the longest line and waited, spending her time tickling Hunter in an attempt to cheer him up.

"I see a smile!" Her voice was sugary sweet as she kept up her tickling of the poor lion, who tried to bat her paws away, even as he giggled.

"What a precious baby!" A passing mother commented with a smile. "They're always cutest when you can see their diapered bums."

"Aren't they?" The rabbit replied, lifting Hunter's shirt so that the mother could get a perfect look at his diapered butt. "It's such a shame that my own cubs are too old for diapers now. They're almost in kindergarten."

"They grow up so fast. Well, some of them do." She smirked at Hunter before continuing along her way.

It seemed as though the cashier was taking as long as she possibly could with each customer, making extensive small talk with each and every one. Hunter sighed, glad that it was just a short drive home after this. He would endure without having to resort to using his diaper.

He whimpered under his breath, thankful for the moment for the pacifier's muffling. There were still two more people with overflowing carts in front of him and the rabbit who held him hostage and he really had to go! The rabbit smiled, fully aware of the lion's turmoil.

"Play with your nice new rattle, baby. It'll take your mind off of the wait." She said, shaking his paw and the rattle. Hunter grumbled as she kept shaking the rattle for him. His stomach rumbled again. There was only one person left ahead of them. He could do this! He clenched his tail hole, determined to prevail. It was so distracting to have the bunny waving the rattle in his face though! He batted it away with his free paw, but she would not be deterred. "Baby loves his rattle, doesn't he?" Hunter wondered why the other customers were not getting annoyed, but they all seemed to simply smile at him as though he really were a baby playing with a rattle. Why were they not noticing that he was a fully-grown lion trapped in puffy Pampers? He was so focused on solving that mystery that he forgot to clench against another spasm of his bowels before it was too late. His tail flagged and he filled the seat of his Winnie the Pooh Pampers, right there in the checkout lane. The diaper sagged even more noticeably as he began to wet his padding uncontrollably. The rabbit smiled and hugged him. "Was that so bad? Baby used his Pampers just like he should." Hunter was confused. His brain told him that he was much too old to have accidents like this, but both Tani and this rabbit were thrilled whenever he did. She had put him in diapers for a reason, after all. She had kept him captive, so it was not like he could have helped it anyway.

Hunter was still mulling this over when their turn came with the cashier. The cashier smiled at Hunter, but then paid no mind to him, at least until his two jumbo packs of Pampers came down the conveyor belt.

"Oh, I wonder who these are for!" Her tone was not that of one teasing someone her own age, as one might expect. She spoke to Hunter as though he was a little cub. Hunter nodded shyly, expecting that to be all that was expected of him, but the rabbit had other plans as she leaned over and whispered what she thought Hunter should say to the admittedly attractive lioness.

"Those are my Pampers." Hunter lisped around the pacifier. "I love Pampers and need them because I'm a baby." He lifted his shirt and showed the lioness his Pampers, his face burning all the while as his adult shame returned. Her smile was so wide and friendly that Hunter could not help but smile back.

"He's adorable!" She cooed. The rabbit nodded, fishing money out of Hunter's jeans to pay for the things that Hunter had come to the department store for. The lioness accepted the money and gave the rabbit the change without a second thought. Hunter squirmed all the while, feeling his mess pressing up against his fuzzy butt. The rabbit took his paw and led him away from the checkout. He smiled, eager to be changed, but she turned toward the exit rather than the restrooms.

"Aren't you going to change me?" He asked softly. The rabbit either did not hear him or at least pretended not to. She led him out into the parking lot, the warm summer sun making his mess even more warm and sticky against his fur. To his surprise, she walked directly toward his car, where a familiar face stood.

"There's my baby bear!" Vitani said, embracing Hunter and kissing him on the cheek. Hunter purred at being so close to the lovely lioness. She lifted his shirt slightly and pulled out the back of his Pampers. "Uh-oh! Someone's a little messy butt!" Hunter blushed deeply. Just that morning, he had been presented with big boy undies again, as well as made to parade around the house in nothing but them like an overgrown toddler. Now it was like that had never even happened; he was back to being her baby. "Look at all the Pampers you bought, Hunter! You must want to be my baby for a long time!" Hunter blushed, but she did not wait for his response.

Tani opened the back door of the car and beckoned for Hunter to climb in. He obeyed, automatically sitting down in his car seat before lifting his arms so that Tani could buckle the safety belts right between his legs, his mess squelching with even the slightest motion. The rabbit leaned in and returned the rattle to his paw, nuzzling his cheek and telling him to be a good baby for his mommy. With that, Hunter left the department store and began his journey home, back to where he would be a baby again.

Homework and Diaper Changes

Hunter hummed "I Just Can't Wait to be King" as he moved his Simba and Nala toys around, pretending that they were on their way to explore the elephant graveyard. He giggled into his pacifier, but then remembered that he was supposed to be working on...

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Hunter's ears twitched as he heard the door to his bedroom softly open. His eyes fluttered open and he looked over to see his mother slipping into the room. It was the middle of the night. What was going on? "Mom?" He mumbled, still half asleep. ...

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Lily's Tea Party

Andlat whimpered softly as his sister Ashley dragged him by the paw into the living room. He whined as he saw a little pink table set up with a Beauty and the Beast tea set in the middle of the room with three chairs occupied by dolls. He had a...

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