Chapter 01 - Arrival

Story by Alexjamesrook on SoFurry

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#1 of Life's Secrets

So, this is my first post on this site and it's mainly to avoid having this and it's far future chapters posted on the same site. I'm not going to say much about that as it is the far future of this story and, therefore, you shouldn't know it yet.

The title is still in the works. This is to be the story of Trevor Athos, a ordinary teen who woke up in the wrong bed (Or rather, no bed at all). Now trapped inside the digital world, what shall he come across in his quest to explore it.

Trevor stared up at the bright blue sky. He blinked a few times, finding himself momentarily blinded by the sudden change of lighting. He was confused as to the reason. Had he been dreaming? One moment he was experiencing the detention assigned to him by one of his care takers and now he was experiencing the bright outdoors.

No, that couldn't have been the dream. The time that nightmare would have consumed was almost as frightening as the events themselves. No, yesterday he had awoken in a bed, this morning he had awoken in a bed but now he "woke up" in the middle of an open plain? The grass upon his fingers felt real enough but could this be the dream? How could he be certain?

Trevor's mind pondered upon the truth of the situation. He watched a cloud float across the sky, looking to find anything unusual about it. He tried to think of how he got here and where he even was. That did it, he had to be dreaming. Any moment now Father Joseph would find him and....

Trevor barely caught the sudden change in scenery. From his right, a grey object suddenly emerged and now took up entire field of vision. Eyes widened as if trying to take in more information. Barely allowing himself a gulp from relief, he rolled away from the direction it came from and threw himself to his feet.

Skidding to a stationary stance, Trevor took a look at the environment he had previously been ignoring. The grass rolled over gentle hills, going and going into the distance. A small pool of water rippled gently in the calm breeze. However, Trevor spent almost no time examining these minor details.

His focus was immediately drawn to a set of figures engaging in combat. The first was a rather stumpy looking creature; not really short, but rather wide for an individual of its height. He had sickly green skin that seemed a little lose for his body. It easily hefted a war hammer in its hands, swinging it with a power to be feared.

Its combatant was harder to get a description of. Trevor caught brief flashes as the figure as it darted around its target. It seemed to give a quick tap and disappear, confusing the target more than actually hurting it. He winced as a lucky swing finally connected, sending the fleeting figure a good distance away and finally offering a good view of it.

The figure rolled to its feet, clutching its side and panting heavily. Trevor could tell it was clearly the tallest individual here, though distance and a hunched stature made it hard to tell by how much. The figure was humanoid in shape but seemed to have additional qualities added to it. Almost like a genetic mixture of it and a fox.

A sharp muzzle protruded from its face, ending in a black dot for a nose. Two long ears poked up from behind its head twitching slightly every now and then. Fur seemed to cover its body from head to toe, seeming white at the core but with dark tips at the eyes, fingers, feet, and tail. It was hard to tell though, as over the fur, an additional suit of leather cover its body. The armour had many straps covering it, holding the outfit pressed against its skin from its wrists to its knees. At each wrist, a small tuft of fur poked out. Its fingers were tipped with sharp claws as were the three toes of each foot.

With a last deep breath, the fox regained control of itself and stood up straight. Its hands flew back. Fire erupted around them. It stomped forward. It thrust its hands forward. The fire leapt off its hand. In an instant, it had created a fireball and sent it flying at the goblin it had been facing off with. However, the attack was made in vain.

The goblin had plenty of time to react, and chose to knock the attack off course with its hammer. The fox made a couple more attempts at the same manoeuvre but they wound up just as fruitless. One of them even made contact with skin but the fire quickly faded and the burn seemed to receive little notice.

Figuring the one with the weapon was the one who almost smashed his face in, he sided with the fox like creature that probably saved him. Certain that this match was pretty one side while not so on the fox's ability to retain its former speed, logic said he needed to do something fast. It was clearly strong enough to handle anything he could do.

With the brute focused on the fox, Trevor decided to rush at its back. It may not have noticed, but the fox went wide eyed in surprise. "Stay back!" it yelled before narrowly sidestepping an attack. It made a deliberate attempt to keep the creature facing away from Trevor.

As Trevor got close enough, he threw himself on the ground and began rolling on the ground. He had turned himself into a human log. Though a little squishier than a log, he still carried enough weight and momentum to trip his target.

Feeling the brute fall over him, Trevor quickly planted a foot on the ground and used it to launch himself back at his opponent. He placed a knee against his side and a foot against his face. Using it as leverage, he grasped the weapon of the fallen beast and attempted to wrench it from its hand. With a fair amount of resistance, he managed to pry the weapon out of its owner's fingers. Shortly after taking possession of it, though, he felt a sharp tug on the back of his collar.

Trevor was lifted up into the air as the Goblin returned to its feet. It suspended Trevor in the air, keeping him of the ground and at his full arm length. Trevor swung pretty helpless while attempting to lift the hammer up for use. It wound up uselessly swing at his side a bit before he just threw it back, trying to keep it from its owner.

"That thing is heavy!" Trevor declared as heard it collide with the ground about a foot behind him. "Still, I took it away; what do you plan to do now?" Trevor smile triumphantly as he crossed his hands. The brute gave him a quick confused look before reeling back a fist to just punch him out.

"I see," Trevor state. "As a counter-proposal..." Trevor added as he swung his legs up, grasping them around the goblin's arms. This elevated himself a bit more and allowed an attack he had kept hidden to swing harmlessly beneath him. Well, harmless to him anyway.

As if silently planned, the fox had quickly taken the hammer and gave it back to its owner in the most aggressive manner possible. It didn't know how, but somehow it knew he would dodge when the time was right. As the plan executed itself perfectly, the hammer made a hard impact with the goblin's chest. The fox may barely have been able to lift the hammer itself but was still able to put plenty of power into the attack.

The brute toppled over, releasing Trevor and allowing him to drop to his feet. It struggled for a few seconds to regain its balance but it was too late. In the end, all it could do was hold up its hand and await the final blow.

Trevor smirked; glad that his plan had worked out though a bit differently than he had initially planned. He didn't entirely approve of delivering a finishing blow but this wasn't a local he could relate to. He sorrowfully watched the murder take place with glassy eyes. A curiosity took hold of him, though, as the final blow was delivered.

It was a blow to the head, sure to shatter the skull of any human in the goblin's place. He heard such a crack happen but the skull wasn't the only thing that broke. The handle itself seemed to shatter as the creature suffered an instantaneous death. The broken body dissipated into dust, slowly progressing until both it and its owner were floating specs of blue dust.

Trevor watched in astonishment as the dust spread out. It seemed to go in all directions before simply fading away. His astonishment was cut sure as the surviving creature suddenly grasped him by his collar and hoisted him into the air.

"Do you realise...?" The creature started to say. It didn't take long to catch on that the only thing she was holding up was a shirt.

In an instant, Trevor had slipped out of the green polo he'd been wearing. Wasting no time, he rushed at his former ally, burying his face in its chest. He reached his hands around its thigh and press it's back towards him. He then stood up, hoisting the bewildered creature in the air.

The fox flailed it's arms around, trying to get ahold of something to stop what was suddenly developing. It barely had time to grasp the short fur on Trevor's head when he suddenly reversed directions. Wrapping his hands around its waist, he bent forward at an alarming rate, slamming it into the ground, stunning it with the moment of sharp pain.

Taking advantage of the moment of shock, Trevor finished up the pin. He moved his right arm around and grabbed its left hand, holding it painfully under its back. Simultaneously, he rotated his legs around, wrapping one around his opponent's waist to hold the lower body in place while pressing the other against her chin, both locking its head facing up and pinning its other arm to its chest.

"Do I realise what?" Trevor declared as soon as he was sure he had the creature locked in place. He had to admit to be nervous about actually attempting this but this wasn't the first time he'd taken on someone...something larger than him. His face was locked in a snarl though a grin of triumph could also be seen.

The fox struggled for a bit but found itself unable to do much beyond struggling. For the most part, it found itself held in place, save for its legs and tail that swung around uselessly. It couldn't believe how strong the pathetic creature was. None the less, it had to show him that he didn't stand a chance against digimon.

"You're human?" the creature asked.

"Yeah," Trevor responded, unsure as to the questions meaning. With a quick manoeuvre, the hand pinned under her managed to grab the wrist holding it while her other hand managed to get ahold of an ankle.

"Then this'll hurt!"

Trevor looked blankly for a moment but quickly understood its intention. As the grip was held, his wrist and ankle suddenly started to burn. He tried to resist reacting but the feeling was just too sudden. He gasped as he retracted his limbs, freeing his prisoner.

With the additional room to move, the fox pulled her legs in and kicked Trevor away. He skidded back for a bit before allowing himself to roll back onto his feet. His opponent pulled it's legs in again and back flipped into a full upright position. In an instant, Trevor raised his hands, ready to fight should it choose to attack again. It was only now that the creature decided to actually take a look at this human.

Trevor wasn't short for his species but he was for her species. The only fur he appeared to have was a patch of straight brown hair on his head an another patch under each arm. Similarly colored eyes stared at her with a deep determination emanating from them. Unlike humans she had heard about, his had a very masculine appearance to him. Muscles his shirt kept hidden now seemed to bulge in eager anticipation. She found herself staring more than she was comfortable with.

"I don't want to fight you!" the fox declared. "I'm here to protect you!"

Trevor didn't lower his guard in the least. "By making threats? Interesting way to treat your new ward."

"You shouldn't have jumped into that fight. You could have been killed!"

"You were about to be killed! You should be thanking me!"

"I didn't need your help!"

"Then I don't need yours! Leave me alone!" With that, Trevor stormed off. He didn't care where he went, it's not like he knew where he was or which direction he should go. All he knew was that he didn't want to remain here.

The fox growled, pissed about the whole encounter. First she saved the pathetic creature only for him to throw himself back in danger. How dare he claim that he saved her? If he thinks he can take care of himself then good riddance!

As she turn opposite of him and took a step, her foot caught on something. It wasn't attached to the ground but the green color almost hid it amongst the grass. It was just a superficial article, returning it was of little significance. However, she felt should anyways.

As she turned to give chase, felt the article ripped from her hands. "Give me that!" Trevor yelled as he quickly began dressing. He didn't hesitate for a moment before turning around and storming off again. The fox clenched her fist in rage but decided she was definitely following this offensive cretin.

Without turning around, Trevor asked, "So now you're following me? A few moments ago, you were going to run away!"

"Like it or not; you're weak. Any digimon would easily destroy you?"

"Digimon? Is that what you are? It looked like you were having a hard time with me earlier."

The digimon blushed under her fur and looked away. "You just caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting you to attack me."

Now, Trevor stopped and turned to face the creature. "Is that so? Are you ready now?"

A grin grew upon the digimon's face. "Of course!"

"Good!" Trevor declared as he turned back around and started to march again. "Maybe, then, you'll be useful the next time we get attacked."

The digimon's eyes twitched. "You're not going to fight me?"

"Why do you want to fight me? I thought you were trying to protect me."

"I am, but that was obviously a challenge. When you asked if I was ready, you were then supposed to attack to prove you could defeat me!"

"So you agree that I could beat you!"

"I didn't say that!"

"And I didn't say I was challenging you. You're not an enemy so I won't attack you."

"Then what was that earlier?"

"Well I can't remember the last time a friend of mine picked me up by my throat and asked me if I knew what I was dealing with."

The digimon looked away and muttered. "That's not what I was going to say."

"Paraphrasing; I did cut you off. To answer that question, though; Yes, I do realise that you, 'digimon', are stronger than me and have decided not to care."

"Well then, what would you do if I threw my fireballs at you instead?"

"I'd dodge them and approached when you threw the third one."

The fox was struck with confusion. She decided to ignore the question of his ability. "Why the third one?"

"Because it's your limit. After the third try with it, you kind of just stood there and waited for him to come after you again."

Trevor was more perceptive than the digimon had considered. Perhaps, he could come to be useful as a partner. If she could assume his mind was always this sharp, he could catch an enemy's weaknesses while she was distracted with the battle itself.

"Where are you going?" Trevor shrugged. "What are you looking for?"

Trevor's response was no different save that he felt an elaboration was in order. "I'd say I was sleeping, but that thing you did with the fire hurt so I can't exactly support that theory anymore. If I knew how I got here, I may have simply sought a way back. As is, though, I don't know how I got here and don't desire a means to go back. Don't know where I am or what all nearby, so I have nothing specific to go after.

"In conclusion, I'm not..." Trevor suddenly halted and turned his head. The digimon attempted to look at what he saw but it couldn't pick up anything out of the ordinary. "That looks interesting," he stated as he changed his direction and made for a new target.

"What?" The digimon asked, still perplexed as to what Trevor saw. "It's just a forest."

"Yes it is. Let's see what's inside!"