Odd Friends PT 2

Story by devsnake78 on SoFurry

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"So, honestly, you don't care that I'm gay?" I asked Regan. My face easily portrayed shock.

"Not used to that, huh?" Regan asked me after glancing in my direction, "I used to be like that, too. Then I just stopped caring what other furs thought of me." It took me a minute to realize what he was saying.

"So wait you're gay too?" I asked him. Regan just nodded. My mind gears whirred.

"Is he for real?" I thought to myself, "Wait, the test." I had invented a test. Not a paper test, but a test of trust. I wanted to believe him, but without evidence, he might lead me into a trap. Again. Plenty of others tried to do that to me. I used the test on them and they always were proven liars and people to stay away from. Maybe he'll pass. I dunno.

"Hey, I need to ask you something." I told Regan after class.

"What?" He replied questioningly.

I whispered in his ear, "LGBT meeting in music room number 2 at 5:00. Meet me outside the room." He looked at me kinda funny.

"Unless, of course you have football practice."

"No, I don't, but why are you telling me this? You just met me!" Exclaimed Regan.

"Doesn't matter. I'm required to tell you about it." I told him. He just shrugged his shoulders saying okay, and walked off. The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. When 5:00 rolled around. I stood outside music room number 2's door and waited. I saw a tiger coming down the hall to my left. Yep, that's Regan.

As he walked over to me, he asked, "So now what?" I looked around and saw nobody hiding or anything.

"You passed." I told him bluntly.

"What?" Was his response.

"You passed the test determining whether I could trust you or not. I think I can trust you." I explained.

"Hmm... Interesting test." He told me as we were leaving the school

"Yeah, but it works. You're the first person to pass!" I exclaimed, "It doesn't mean anything other than that I can trust you."

"How do I know I can trust you?" Regan asked me.

"Umm...you play football." I stated.

"Right." He snapped his fingers.

"Anyways, I've gotta go. See ya around." I told Regan as I began to walk off.

"Wait," I turned around to see Regan shove a piece of paper in my face. I opened it seeing that it was a phone number.

"Text me at nine tonight!" Regan yelled to me as he jogged off. I stood there feeling very confused. But, I couldn't dwell on it as I had to head home.

Hey peoples! Ummm... I have three spots for OC's open. Tell me their NAME, species, their appearance, their personality, orientation, and how you want them to enter in the story and what sort of roll you want them to play in the story. Thanks guys!