The Lost One: Acquisition
#9 of Chronicles of the Lost One
So here's the next chapter. More stuff happening! Do let me know what you think by voting/commenting!
Sam started to panic. Not only was there a large ship openly firing on the one she was occupying but she was stranded here with no knowledge of how to operate it. Alarm klaxons were going off everywhere she looked and every blast from the ship made the hull shudder. She searched everywhere on every panel for something, anything that would aid her in preserving those she strove to protect. One blast struck particularly close to the area she was and it threw her into the captain's chair.
Sam sat there dazed for a second before she realized there was a small robot floating in the air in front of her. Not knowing where it came from, her hackles raised as it seemed to study her. Up and down it floated as it's optical eye zoomed in and out. She was ready to ignore it and renew her search when it zipped in close enough that her breath fogged its lens. Before she could swat it away a small arm reached out from its side and stabbed her in the temple.
Pain. That was the only thing that she could think of as its tendrils snaked their way through her brain. She swatted the floating assailant away but the arm broke off at her temple. Unattached it continued its assault of her nervous system for another minute that felt like an eternity of pain to Sam. As the pain faded and the movement stopped, Sam came back to awareness of the assault on her ship. She didn't understand why she considered it her ship but she needed to look at the panels again. What was once alien characters scrolling the screens now became diagnostic lists and schedules for her. She now had the option of raising shields, which was the first thing she did, and releasing repair drones to repair damaged hull sections. The shields went up and immediately the shuddering from the impacts ceased with a readout of only two percent of the hull damaged. Not bad for four minutes of continuous assault.
A message popped up as a video conference with the attacking ship. Sam glanced towards the ship and realized it was not the panels showing the information but her own vision. She just gave the thought of answering the call and the little robot she swatted away popped back up into her view. It brought up a view screen equivalent to Facetime back on earth. In the screen was a very angry looking badger man. Unfortunately he started shouting at her in another language she didn't understand. With a sigh she tried the first language she had learned.
"Do you speak any other languages? I have no idea what you're saying."
Her comment only seemed to anger the badger further but a second individual came into the screen, a fox, and translated, though he skipped the obvious expletives, "you are to surrender your ship to the Aggregar Dominion or reinforcements will be called in to blast you out of the sky."
"You know what. Screw you. I just killed hundreds, if not thousands of Vey'Ral to get hold of this ship. I'll be damned if i'm going to let you try and muscle it away from me." With the thought of weapons a large list popped up in her vision listing off the twenty light cannons, twenty medium cannons, fifteen heavy cannons, and a single dreadnaught. She set every one of them to ready and aimed them at the single ship. Sam heard alarm klaxons going on on their end and a confused look on the captain's face. A few words were exchanged and the white stripes of his face suddenly turned very white as his face fell. Sam found out she also had access to a warp jammer and a few tractor beams as the ship started to turn away. She didn't allow them to move much further away as she got the captain's attention again.
"Quit being a little bitch! Face me or sit your ass down and listen!"
She watched as the captain sat down in his chair, after a translation, and perked up his ears. Sam disengaged the Dreadnaught completely once she noticed how powerful it was and set all guns to standby.
"The ship I boarded this vessel through is in the hangar bay. We were attacked by the Vey'Ral and brought here against our will. After dispatching the few that had been in the boarding party I set about removing the Vey'Ral from this ship. It was in that process I found and released fifty or more women who were chained up. They are currently searching the ship for any remaining." Sam let the fox finish translating and continued, "those women are currently in need of help. All of them are pregnant with Vey'Ral and are probably a long ways from home. I know that if i were in their position I would be scared and emotional. Can you people help me get them home or at least direct me to where I can bring them? Assistance from other people got me into this situation but i can at least help those here get home."
The fox finished translating but didn't even let the badger speak his mind though Sam could tell he wanted to, "this has suddenly become a diplomatic situation. As chief diplomat I will do my best in assisting you. Our sensors indicate that you have 76 adults currently aboard your ship and another thirteen in a small ship in your hangar. We can guide you to our planet of operations. There is an Office of the Lost there that we can use to help these women get home."
Sam gave it some thought, "that sounds like a good idea. How far is it to this planet and how welcome will I be in this large of a war ship?"
The fox looked embarrassed for a second, "ahh, yes. About that. We should leave ahead of you to warn our planet of your approach. Your ship is quite infamous and to have it suddenly show up at our planet would raise a rather aggressive response. Travel time to Agrenar is about three hours for our ship and it will take us about an hour to smooth things over and let them know this ship is no longer in Vey'Ral control. If you can time your arrival with that timeframe and stop far enough away from the planet to not be aggressive, that would be wonderful."
"I can do that. My ship tells me its only an hour and a half travel time to arrive so i will wait three hours before i embark. I hope your negotiations are successful and good luck to you." Sam released the remaining holds she had on the other ship and noticed something, "oh and just a quick personal question. You wouldn't happen to be related to a Linley from Cordon 5, would you?"
The fox's ears perked up rather quickly at the name, "Linley? She is my daughter. Where did you learn her name?"
"I found her a few days ago, injured and dumped into a garbage bin. I brought her to a hospital to be healed. If you're her father then that explains why you two look alike."
"You are the one who found her? Oh thank you! This makes things much easier for me. It had become a rather huge story on my home planet about a female Vey'Ral saving the daughter of a chief diplomat. Now that i have seen you i can see why she thought as much. I will use that as leverage to get you permitted into the system."
"Yes well, that is fine and all but can you refrain from referring to me as Vey'Ral? I am most definitely not one and it is a very sore subject."
"On that subject, if you don't mind me asking. What race are you? I've never seen anything like you."
"I'm a hybrid. I'd rather not disclose of which two races though."
"Very well then. Our star drive is powered up. We should have everything situated in four hours from now."
"Good luck. I hope you don't need it."
The view screen went blank and the little robot floated off to another section of the room. Sam turned around to the sight of about twenty women all armed to the teeth and very naked. Thankfully none of them had their weapons aimed at Sam though they were definitely keeping an eye on her and around the room. The Sergal woman stepped around the crowd and approached Sam. She wasn't too sure she liked the woman's smile.
"Good to see you survived! You took control of the ship as well. Very impressive. By all accounts this ship was supposed to be dead in the water. So I saw most of the conversation but i need to ask, what are your intentions with us?"
Sam just shrugged, "I'm not sure. I think there are some in the Office of the Lost that are using the system as a delivery service of women to the Vey'Ral. It might be safer for me to take everyone home but i will leave that decision up to you. I am willing if you want to ask around. For now though, i have a few things i need to pick up from the hangar bay and a long list of things i need to read and learn about this ship. It looks like it is very complex. That and i have a lot of repairs i will need to make in order to have this thing operational again," Sam rubbed her temples and sighed, "I am going to be very busy for a very long time."
"Some of the women are engineers, gunners, nurses, salesmen. Those who stay can assist you. I'm sure they'll do so gladly."
"That sounds very helpful. If you want to help get people settled, there are rooms for a crew down a level. They haven't been used much but i'm sure you could make use of it and maybe find some clothing. I don't know how men will react to a group of naked women parading around."
The Sergal woman just grinned as she turned back to the crowds to find out who wanted to stay and who wanted to go through the Office of the Lost. Sam started her trek through the ship to get to the hangar which was a couple miles away. Thankfully she didn't have to go up or down any floors to get to the hangar bay she was headed to. She started going through the lists of materials and resources she had available while she walked. All of her cannons were energy based and the Dreadnaught was a planet killer, capable of wiping all living matter from a planet up to 50,000 miles across. Apparently it also doubled as a ship destroyer when charged to a low setting. She moved on from weapons went through the list of drones she had available ranging from salvage and hull repair up to a set of ten ninety foot long attack drones. The list was 486 in total. She was slowly absorbing the details and uses as she went. The systems of the ship was next including life support, medical, engineering, and navigation. She started with navigation right as she came up to the small ship that brought her here.
Sam ran a quick check of the ship to see where everyone was so she didn't get any surprises and saw everyone was still kicking back on the bridge. By the time she had her bag of equipment she was starting on engineering but had to pay a lot of attention to the details since they were a lot more complex than the other systems. As a test she ran a personnel check on her ship and saw that two thirds of the women were now down in the commons area and getting settled into rooms.
She was about to step off the ship when she heard footsteps approaching. She waited to see what was going on and saw five of the women jogging towards her. Sam raised an eyebrow at them and leaned against the entrance to the medical bay. The five women who had had their clothing ripped off and raped were all there approaching her. One of the ones she saved from impregnation was first to speak.
"Please take us with you. Our captain wants us to kill ourselves. We don't want to die! We would rather accept exile."
Sam just shrugged, "alright. What can you ladies do?" Two of them were engineering, one was navigation, and the other two were guards, "well can't say i have any need for guards but you're still welcome to join me. We're headed to Agrenar, which if my nav computer is right, is Cordon 4. We can see what you want to do from there. For now i have another two hours to kill before i need to engage the star drive and head there so there are some things i want to take care of. You engineers may be able to help me with them. The rest of you can get comfortable on the ship where you like. There's food, beds, clothing, and showers."
They talked amongst themselves while Sam waited patiently. The three that she didn't need went back into the ship to get everyone's personal items and the engineers followed Sam, naked, to the drone bay. Their jaws dropped once they got there and even Sam was a little awed at the massive rows of robots and AI controlled craft. They walked along a path to where Sam needed to go and they immediately saw what had to be done. The medical robots were completely torn apart and needed to be reassembled. They let Sam know they could take care of it and got to work. Sam noticed they hadn't had a chance to clean up since they were raped and offered them the chance now that they knew where to go. They gladly accepted and Sam directed them towards the commons rooms. The last stop Sam wanted to make before she went back to the control room was activating the clean up robots that kept the ship tidy and removed anything that was deceased to the processing room to be converted into usable material.
When she got to the room it was a mess. The deactivated robots were scattered across the room and piled against walls in areas. Her least favorite robot showed up once she was there and brought up a video of what needed to be done to reactivate them. Thankfully it didn't involve activating each individually but instead a complex process of levers and buttons on a control panel. It took a few minutes but everything went into place and the robots all started disentangling themselves. Once they got to work, Sam started getting inquiries from them regarding the removal status of different bodies in the ship. She approved all Vey'Ral to be sent in for processing but she had any of the women who had passed collected and laid out in a bay in the hangar. She didn't know if anyone grieved over bodies but she would save them just in case.
Finally time came to head to the control room. Sam passed by many women who had found clothes that fit and a few that found their nudity exhilarating. All of them seemed to have a little reverence for Sam for helping them and some smiled when they saw her. Sam finally felt good since she had left Earth. She had finally found a purpose for herself. She arrived in the control room with a smile and sat down to start the procedures to launch to Cordon 4. The system checked trajectories and plotted the course to outside the view range of the planet so she could hail them when she arrived.
The ship shuddered slightly as the star drive wound up to speed. Sam found an intercom feature and announced their departure in ten minutes. She didn't see any seats or harnesses so she figured it wasn't an issue with travel. Once the drive was up to speed the shuddering stopped and she made the jump. She thought that you might blink and you were there but it looked a lot more like the travel scene of Stargate, following a set path through space and around stars and planets at a very high rate of speed. It was fascinating to watch for the first time for a few minutes but it eventually got boring and she rested her eyes until the ship made a slight shudder when they came to a stop.
She was plenty far away from the planet and could barely see it in the window. What she could see not too far away though seemed a little odd. A large cluster of ships was headed towards the planet. Sam thought it looked something similar to a colony cluster and sent out a hail to them. What she got back was not what she was expecting. A Vey'Ral's face came up on the screen and a huge grin flashed over his face as he saw Sam and the other women walking around behind her. He said something that she still couldn't understand but the cheer from behind him was universal. Battle.
The ships started turning about and heading towards her. Some of them were pretty big too but none were quite the size of her ship. Alarm klaxons went off around the ship as she brought up her shields and armed her weapons and drones. The few women who were in the control room saw the maniacal grin on her face and left the room. Sam only said one thing as the women shuffled out of the room, nervous.
"Let's see what this baby can do! Vey'Ral, meet the Doom Hammer!"