Feeling out of this world part 5
Sorry it took so long to make part 5
Feeling out of this world part 5
Once we woke up of course Alexander was watching me sleeping.
Do you ever sleep?
Alexander-nods his head no.
Well it's time to go to school sadly. Come on let's go change.
Alexander-I don't have any cloths.
What do you mean you don't have any cloths. Is it dirty?
Alexander-Nods his head yes.
Oh that why I woke up in sweat. Lets go and see if we have any spare cloths that will fit you but let's not wake up your mother. Once we found something of mine that actually fitted him he was so excited because it was mine.
Alexander-I'm like BOY FRAN!!!
Ok ok let's go and wake up your mother. Once we went to wake her up she was in a cranky mood because he kept on hearing Alexander say boy fran. She was already dressed so we just had to go to school. Once we left the village area we all transformed back to our normal forms I lost my white and gray fur and Alexander lost his white and gray fur and Alexandria lost her black with purple form. One we got to school everybody soon realized that Alexander had a crush on me and Tony and Chance were no help on keeping it on the down side. So the day went by fast and turns out Alexander had almost all my classes together with me sadly Alexandria didn't. By lunch me Alexandria and Alexander were sittin down on the curb and I felt like we were a real family. Sad thing is that Alexander kept on playing with hair and I kept on purring sadly. Tony and Chance kept on laughing. I told them to knock it off its not funny.
Tony-Ok so lets hurry to class.
Once we started to get up Alexander somehow tripped and he hurt his foot. So sadly I was the only that Alexander wanted to be picked up by. I had to carry him on my back and it's really embarrassing when your son knows you love it when people love it when you play with your hair. That's when I realized my wolf ears replaced my human ears and he kept placing his hands on top of my head and played with them the whole way. Luckily nobody saw them and so luckily it was just a bruise. The rest of the day went by fast and luckily that was the last day for the school year. So once we went to the village he kept on yelling boy fran let's that's when I tuned him out and focused on Alexandria. She was awfully quite for this whole day. Alexander soon realized that I wasn't paying attention to him so he bit my wolf ears.
Ow hey what was that for.
Alexander-Boy fran no listen.
Ok sorry. Alexandria why have you been so quiet lately.
Alexandria-Oh just thinking.
Ok I want to talk to you about something later on.
Alexandria- Ok.
You And Alexander go on ahead I gotta do something.
After they I turned into my hybrid state and just sat on top of the water fall. Sometimes I like to sulk thee for a little bit. Once I finished I decided to play the flue for a little bit. No one knows that I can play the flute and pretty well if you ask me. The music that I was playing was a soft melody with a slow tempo. By the time I finished I placed it back in its secrete spot, and of course Alexander was curled up in a little ball right next to me. It started me for a brief second so I just sighed and curled right next to him I kept on hearing him purr and his tail wouldn't stop wrapping its self around me. Once I woke up it was the middle of the night and of course Alexander was already awake stating at me with his tail swinging from left to right.
Jezz do you ever sleep.
Alexander-Boy fran are we lost.
No we're not that far from urge village. Once we got there Alexandria was crying with Shade next to her.
What's wrong Alexandria why we you crying?
Alexandria-I thought something happened to the both of you. I sent Alexander to find you , but after he didn't return I thought something happened to the both of y'all.
I'm sorry we lost track of time.
Alexandria-Ok but never do that again ok.
Shade-Remember what I told you ok.
What did he tell you.
Alexandria-Oh nothing much giggles.
I'm bit even going to ask.
Alexander-I found out something about boy fran.
Alexandria-What is it hon?
He gestured her come here and sadly I couldn't hear what he told her.
Alexandria-You like to wrap your tail around someone else's and you purr when you like it.
With embarrassment I place my tail in between my legs and my ears down.
Alexandria-Aww is someone embarrassed?
No you're the one that's embarrassed.
Alexander-Boy fran embarrassed.
He climbed on top of my shoulders and said lets watch some tv. Once we got in a comfortable position Alexandria sitting up and me laying down her lap and of course Alexander was cuddling himself on my chest. Once we decided to watch a horror movie it was a big mistake. Turns out Alexander is scared just as easily as Alexandria was. So they were both placing there faces on my chest. Once it was done it was 12 already. I have never seen Alexander so terrified in my whole life. Since we had separate rooms one for me and Alexandria and one just for Alexander. We was so scared I had to sleep with him in his room. We wouldn't let me go and even get a glass of water without him going along. The cute thing about it was his tail would wrap its self on around me. He didn't even realize it till I told him but I never told him. Once we went back to the bed he nuzzled his face to my chest and said boy fran you make me feel safe. Well I gave him a kiss on his forehead and told him I won't ever let anyone hurt you. We passed out in a minute. Apparently Alexandria was scared to the point that she came and slept on my side. Alexander wasn't there so I was kinda scared since we would always wait till I woke up. I noticed that there was food in the air so I went to go check if that was him. He made eggs with bacon for a kid he sure is good at making food. Shade was at my door telling me that he had great news for me.
So what's this great news you have ?
Shade- well we were wondering that if your wife had always wanted a daughter.
Yes for some time now since she has felt out numbered in genders. Why do you ask?
Shade-Well we made a daughter out of a old ritual sadly we didn't have any of your wife's DNA so we used some of Alexander's.
Ok that's not a big deal how old is she?
Shade-How old is Alexander?
A year younger then me.
Shade-Shes 15 then.
Well hey Alexander how do you feel about a sister.
Shade-She's going to have similar qualities like Alexander. So there might be a change exact replica but just as a twin.
Well that's not a big deal so wait you haven't even seen her yet.
Shade-No in our culture it is a big insult to the man if he isn't the first to see him or her.
Well lets go see your new sister Alexander.
By the time we got there Alexander so so excited about his new sister.
Shade-Enter this door and see your new sister Alex and Alexander. When we stepped in she was a twin of Alexander. Alexander just stood there speechless. Shade then walked in and said oh this is bad.
What's the matter shade?
Shade-Alex come out side real quick.
Shade-Your son has imprinted on his new sister.
Ok so what's the big deal.
Shade-This is the kind like you and your wife but this one is different he see her as his mate not mother.
That's not a big deal.
Shade-Yes it is because if anyone and I mean if anyone tries to make her sad or unhappy he will do anything to make her happy.
How do you know he's imprinted on her?
Look for your self.
When we went back inside to see her I was amazed. Alexander was in the arms of his new sister.
Well someone likes his new sister already.
Alexander-Yes I like her so much.
Well do you want to pick her name out.
Surprisingly she looked just like her bother the only difference is that Alexander has blue eyes and she has red.
So what's it going to be?
Well that's a pretty name do you like it. She nodded her head.
Well then Elizabeth it is then. She then whispered something to me and I just was amazed they are twins. She whispered in my ear and said that Alexander is her boy fran. Well lets go Alexander and Elizabeth so you can see your new home. By the time we got home Alexander couldn't control his total both of their tails were wrapped around each others. I couldn't help but giggle a little. Alexandria was already awake and she was wondering why there were two Alexander's. I explained that you have been wanting a girl so she got one. She asked what her name was and I told her it was Elizabeth. I also in private that he imprinted on her. Once we were done Alexandria couldn't help but think it was adorable that Alexander was doing whatever Elizabeth needed. That same night I realized that we didn't have a bed for Elizabeth. I offered her to sleep with Alexandria but Alexander insisted that he would share his bed with her. There wasn't any problems with that so we just said ok. After I woke up I didn't see Alexander that morning a little puzzled I went to go check his room. He had made a breakfast for Elizabeth and was feeding it to her.
Well well well Prince Charming I can see that you like your new sister more then I thought. Surprisingly he spoke in full sentences unlike his normal way he talks.
Alexander-Yes I do really like my new sister.
Elizabeth-Alexander is it ok if I go her me some apple juice.
Alexander-No let me go get it. Elizabeth-Why won't you ever let me go get stuff that I need?
Alexander then did something I was amazed he had his ears down and his tail was down to.
Ok Elizabeth want to know why he does stuff like this to you and only you?
Elizabeth-Yes is that ok with you Alexander?
Alexander-I hope I like what you're going to say dad.
He imprinted on you.
Elizabeth-What's that mean?
It means he has a special bond with you and no one else will ever be able to.
Elizabeth-Giggling she says so he basically has a HUGE crush on me.
Kinda well I guess I will leave you to love burgs alone now.
Blushing Alexander says ok dad. The last thing I saw before the door
closed was Elizabeth snuggling her face in Alexander's chest and him purring. When I went to bed Alexandria asked where I went I told her that I just went to go check on the two love burgs.
Well are you hungry cause I'm starving.
Alexandria-Yes so what should we eat?
How about I go and make some eggs.
Alexandria-Ok I'm going to take a shower.
By the time I was done cocking them Alexandria came in some casual cloths.
Those look awfully familiar.
Alexandria-Baby these are yours.
Oh wow baby come and eat.
After we were done I called Alexander and Elizabeth to come and watch come tv with us. Alexander came out carrying Elizabeth on his back.
Elizabeth-Yay that was fun.
So do y'all love burgs want to watch some tv or go to the park.
Elizabeth-Said park.
And of course Alexander said park to. Alexandria wanted park and so I guess I was outnumbered 3 to 1. By the time we got there Elizabeth couldn't control herself on going. I sat with Alexandria and we just sat there. Alexander was pushing Elizabeth on the swings then Alexandria said she had something for me.
What is it?
Alexandria-Lets play some fetch.
Oh no
Alexandria-Oh yes.
We played fetch for about an hour then I pounced on top of her and kissed her. After that we laughed and laid down on the meadow. Elizabeth was tired so Alexander carried her till we got to the house. I asked Alexander if he was tired but he insisted that he kept on going. After we got there Alexander carried her to their bedroom and Elizabeth wanted to go and make her self something to eat. Of course Alexander didn't listen and made her a PB&J sandwich with some chocolate milk. After that we magically go to Alexander's perspective and not mine.
I hope you liked the snack I made.
Elizabeth-Yes it was tasty.
So did you like going to the park today?
Elizabeth-Yes Alexander it was fun especially when you pushed me on the swings. Can I ask you something.
Sure what is it?
Elizabeth-Do you like me?
Uh...I... Yes
Elizabeth-Well good cause I like you to.
As a brother?
Elizabeth-No something else.
Elizabeth-As a boy friend you silly.
Oh that's great then.
Elizabeth-Come here I want to give you something.
What is it. She leaned over and kissed me. I just started hyperventilating and passed out. For anyone that is confused I was in Alexander's perspective so that happened to him not me. No back to my perspective. Elizabeth ran to us and said that Alexander passed out. I ran over to go see what happened I asked her if she knew what happened. She said that she kissed him and that he fainted. I fell on the floor laughing I couldn't help my self. After he woke up he asked what happened I asked him how was his first kiss. He was embarrassed and did what his father would do. Whimper and put his tail between his legs and blush. It's ok Alexander I'm just messing with you. Now it's ok we all know you like your sister and you have imprinted on her so since she's not technically blood related you can date her.
Yeah I don't see the harm in it.
Alexander-Thanks dad.
Ok but or thing.
If I ever and I mean ever catch you having sex with her and your not married to her. I will pimp smack the living shit out of you into a new life.
Alexander-Giggling ok dad don't worry.
Right after that I was amazed by how fast Elizabeth enjoyed being Alexander's girl friend. After I told him he could date his sister he was already holding hands and tails wrapped up with each other also I would catch them once in a while licking each others lips. The thing is that they are physically 15 but mentally they are kids so some parts of them are mature and some isn't Alexander is really mature with Elizabeth but when he plays around with her they are kids. Like he would pull her tail and she would of course tell on Alexander. The one thing she has in common with her boy friend is now Alexander got her to wake up earlier then I do and tell boy fran.
Alexander and Elizabeth-BOY FRAN!!
Oh god you got her saying that now. Just great well at least Alexandria isn't doing it.
After they licked my forehead they asked if it was ok if Elizabeth could sleep in the same bed with Alexander because she's getting a little scared to sleep alone.
Oh yeah that's right you have been sleeping in his bed and he's been sleeping on the couch. Well I guess theirs no harm in this so I guess so. They both yelled yay in excitement that when they woke up Alexandria.
Alexandria-What the hell was that.
Sorry baby the kids are just happy go back to sleep baby we will be quite.
Alexandria-Ok night baby.
Ok guys lets go and watch some tv while your mother sleeps.
Elizabeth-But I'm hungry.
Alexander-I'm hungry to.
It's adorable when you agree with your sister.
Alexander-I don't agree with her!
Ok Elizabeth are you still hungry winking at her while Alexander didn't see.
Elizabeth-No I'm not hungry anymore are you Alexander?
Alexander-No how I'm not hungry anymore.
Elizabeth-Ah ha so you do agree with everything I want to.
Embarrassed Alexander goes into his room and curls up in a ball on his bed.
Elizabeth-You don't have to be embarrassed because you agree with everything I say.
Alexander-I'm not embarrassed I'm just tired.
Elizabeth-Baby you literally slept for 12 hours.
Alexander-Maybe that's not enough sleep for me.
Elizabeth-Baby come here so I can nuzzle my head in your neck.
Alexander-I don't wana.
She then pulls him by his tail and his face blushes thru his orange fur.
Alexander-Hey don't pull me by my ...
Elizabeth- Baby I know that you love it when I do this even tho you don't want to admit it.
Alexander-But how I never told anyone.
Elizabeth-Baby you sleep talk.
Elizabeth-Well at least if you don't want to tell me something all I have to do is just wait till we go to sleep.
Alexander-Wait what else did I tell you?
Elizabeth-Giggling oh just how much you absolutely LOVE IT when I tickle you but you also said you wouldn't admit that.
Alexander-Well shit wait why are you coming over here?
Elizabeth-Just cause.
Alexander-No you better not tickle me.
In two seconds Elizabeth pounced on top of Alexander. He just sat there and whimpered.
Elizabeth-Aww baby don't be sad I just want to see your reaction.
Alexander-Don't please I'm going to cry I'm that ticklish.
Of course she didn't listen to Alexander and she started to tickle him. Sadly he wasn't lying when he said that he was going to cry he did and she just said sorry.
Alexander-Ha ha ha. Please stop I'm starting to cry.
Elizabeth-But this is so much fun.
Sadly of course he wasn't kidding when he said he was going to piss himself.
Elizabeth-Eeww you're so gross!
Alexander-Blushing Well I told you did you think I was kidding?
Elizabeth-Well yes this is so gross.
Alexander-Go take a shower then.
After Elizabeth was done with her shower she asks her dad where did Alexander go. He says he went to go skulk like he would do. After about an hour or so she finds him at the top of the mountain unaware of her presence she noticed that he had a hat on and a guitar. She just stood there and wanted to see what he would do. After he was done she found out he had a beautiful voice and could play the guitar. Apparently he didn't like it when people found out he could play. After Alexander was done she jumped on his back. Now on the floor Alexander startled asked what he was doing here. She didn't say anything all she did was take his cowboy hat and wore it.
Alexander-Can I have my hat back?
Elizabeth -In a sec.
Alexander-Ok so wait how much did you hear?
Elizabeth-All of it.
Alexander-Please don't tell anyone. And give me back my hat!
Elizabeth-Uh who's in control of you right now? Me so you shouldn't make me mad we wouldn't want another accident would we?
Alexander-Uh fine so what are you going to do since you're the boss?
Elizabeth-Hm how about you go and give piggyback ride to our home and I can forget this ever happened. Alexander-Whispering the one time I don't want to play with her it's the time I need her to be quiet.
Elizabeth-What was that?
Elizabeth-Now pick me up so I can have my piggy back ride!
By the time they got home Alexander the only thing that kept him going was Elizabeth was so happy that she was getting a piggyback ride home.
Alexander-Dad you can take it from here.
Jesus's Alexander I knew you imprinted on your little sister but you went through all this trouble just so you could please your sister. Wow something about you is just plain messed up. Once we were about to go to sleep I noticed that Alexander and Elizabeth's tails were wrapped around each other and she was snuggled in Alexander's chest purring herself to sleep. Before I went passed them I heard Alexander ask why she was purring.
Elizabeth-Because I feel safe in your hands.
After that she just snuggled her face in his chest.
By the time I woke up I didn't find Alexandria next to me since she woke up before I did.
Alexander do you know where your mom is?
Alexander-No dad I thought she was with... No stop no I don't want to ... Ha ha ha stop baby don't tickle me!
Ok ok you're the stronger one in this relationship! Baby that wasn't fair you caught me off... Thud No please no more! Dad help me!
Sadly I had to go help my son because he was being tortured like his dad.
Elizabeth-Dads not going to help you. He's going to leave AHH! No dad stop I'm ticklish please ha ha ha!
Now are you going to tickle your big brother and boyfriend?
Elizabeth-No dad.
Alexander I think she needs to be taught a lesson. Wouldn't you say hm?
Alexander-Ok I will go first.
Alexander got on top of Elizabeth's stomach and said you shouldn't have tickled me. She looked at Alexander with puppy dog eyes and said in a baby voice please don't tickle me.
Alexander-Aw I hate it when you do puppy dog eyes. Fine dad we aren't going to tickle her.
You sure Alexander you don't want to get payback for what she did?
Alexander-Sadly yeah I'm not going to tickle her.
He got off of Elizabeth and she just pounced on him now Elizabeth was on top of Alexander.
Alexander-Seriously you're going to tickle me even after I didn't tickle you back?
She just nuzzled her face on his neck and said that's why I love you. His tail was swinging from side to side in delight.
Elizabeth-Just cause you didn't tickle your girlfriend/sister I'm going to reward you for that.
Alexander-How are you going to do that?
Elizabeth-By softly biting your wolf ears.
Alexander-Wait how did you know I like it when you do that I would never tell you that.
Elizabeth-Giggling she says not when you're awake that is.
Alexander-You got to be kidding me I said it in my sleep.
Elizabeth-You also told me you love it when I play with your hair when you lie you blush a lot and your tail goes in between your legs and you love it when I'm on top of you. You said something about feeling safe giggling she says so I guess that makes me your security blanket.
Alexander-Oh god you better not do any of that stuff you heard ok.
She just walked next to him and nuzzled her face in his neck. I guess we both fell safe in each others hands. After that I just left the to of them alone. I went to the kitchen to make some food for the three of us since Alexandria wasn't here. Now we go to Alexander's perspective after his dad left the room.
Elizabeth-Hey Alexander can you do something for me?
Sure what?
Elizabeth-Get on your knees real quick.
Uh sure. Now what do u want me to do now that I'm on my knees?
Elizabeth -Close your eyes so I can give you something.
Ok. She then softly bit his ear and he just stood there embarrassed because he was purring. After she was done she just giggled that it actually worked. She got on top of him so she was on his stomach.
Elizabeth-All of this playing had made me tired.
She wrapped her tail around mine and just purred while nuzzling her face in his neck. She softly bit his finger and giggled saying the last thing you said you find it adorable when I bite you softly.
Sigh just take your nap so I can see your cute face when you sleep.
Elizabeth-Yawn good night baby.
After she laid down for 20 minutes Elizabeth was already asleep.
I wonder what made her so sleepy. Now we go back to my perspective. Hey Alexander finally you got out made you some food if you want.
Alexander-Thanks dad.
Also what took you so long and where's Elizabeth?
Alexander-She tired she took a nap on top of me so I had to wait for her to fall asleep.
Also one last thing you no nothing goes by this house without me knowing right Alexander? Blushing he says yeah why. I know that you play guitar and you sing with a hat.
Alexander-How did you know that?
Son I'm sorry to say this but I didn't even know.
Alexander-Then how did you figure it out?
Let me just say this you are not the only one that talks your girlfriend you should listen to her when she's asleep.
Alexander-He he he thanks dad.
Also you didn't hear this from me ok.
Alexander-Ok dad thanks.
After that I went to the living room to go watch some tv and guess who the hell was sleeping on the couch.
Well speak of the devil why did you sleep on the couch?
Alexandria-Well your tail was wrapped around me and you were so hot I was sweating second your purring in your sleep yes you heard me in your sleep. If that wasn't bad enough you kept on snuggling your hot self on me and I was sweating.
I'm sorry don't be mad at me Alex.
I'm not mad just happy you are here.
She caught me off guard and pounced on me and said I'm sorry he just nuzzled her face on me and she just giggled asking so you are happy by the looks of your tail. Embarrassed I say my tail is like that because you startled me.
Alexandria-Yeah you're just startled that's it.
I get even redder then before and she says aww you're so adorable when you get embarrassed. Of course my childish side kicks in and says I'm not cute and does a pout.
Alexandria-Is that your child side speaking?
Alexandria-Well come over then so I can lick you behind the ears.
Sadly I go embarrassed cause she's never done that to me so I don't know what to expect and to my surprise it feels great. I just kept on purring and my tail going side to side.
Alexandria-I guess you like it.
After that she just looked at me because I didn't respond to her when she kept on licking the back of my ears I got so comfortable I had my tail wrapped around me and was nearly asleep after that she just giggled and stopped licking me.
Why did you stop licking me?
Alexandria-Because you look adorable and I couldn't help my self and watch.
Pouting I say can you do it again. That's when Elizabeth finally woke up and of course Alexander was carrying her not letting her walk. Alexander you truly imprinted on your big sister. Blushing he just carriers her to the couch and asks does she want anything. She says she wants to go make herself some oj but Alexander insists on him making it. After about five minutes Alexander come with a glass of OJ and Elizabeth asks what took him so long. After she took a sip she new that he had made it fresh just for her. She said you're the best boyfriend ever and gave him a lick on his lips. Embarrassed he just lies down next to her on the couch. We watch tv for about 20 minutes Elizabeth suggests that we go out of the village and go see a movie we all agreed so we first had to go and change and get ready. After we were done we started to walk out of the village before it hit me Elizabeth is pure magic so what would happen if she went outside the village. We went to go see Shade and ask him what would happen he said that because she is a hybrid she can't transform into human because she is magic. He just said to cover her wolf parts and it shouldn't be a problem.