Be Yourself
A little thing I just thought off
People will come along in your journey through life, some saying you need to change and be like them to be successful. This is a misconception, your uniqueness is what makes you who you are and how you are successful in your own way of living. These views will be strengthened and changed as you fail time and time again. But each time you will stand up to become stronger than before. The darkness will seem insignificant as the light of your experiences guide you through. And this instinct to overcome our failures keeps most of us going, improving, and growing. Those of use who are sheltered will look up at those who overcome their problems, see our suffering, and still be amazed every time as we come from the ashes to dredge on with more confidence than we had going down.
It is those who look up, convinced by their peers and leader that they can never be like this. I was always told I would never measure up to them because of all my learning disabilities. Things that were simple and only took a few days would take me weeks or more to overcome my hurdles and put something to memory. Some would avoid their problems, opting for easier things to learn, but I've learned one thing, never set easy goals, even if others push the idea. When you accomplish something easy, there's little growth, but if you try with all your might, and succeed. That's where growth comes from. Love yourself and those around you. Forgive those who held you back, because without them you wouldn't be as strong as you are.