Jumbe and Sala Chapter 2 The Journey Begins
#7 of Jumbe and Sala
The Journey Begins
Jumbe and Sala start their journey to the land of plenty.
Jumbe trotted all night. It worked out that Sala was a deep sleeper, she hadn't awoken once, even with all the bouncing. As the sun slowly rose up in the east, he finally stopped, his paws dog tired. His eyes traced over the grasslands, looking for a good spot to stay. He finally found one, an opening in a cave that was just big enough for the both of them. He moved over to it, putting her inside, letting her sleep a little bit longer as he went looking for breakfast. He was tired, but they needed to eat, especially her. He didn't want to leave her, but he leaned down, giving her a lick on the top of her head, "I'll be back as soon as I can, honey." He turned around, trotting away.
Sala yawned, eyes slowly opening. She groggily started to take in her surroundings. She was in a small cave. She didn't know where she was though, just in a cave, and her father wasn't with her. Her mind raced, not sure what to think. Her first thought was that he was dead, but then something more rational ran through her mind, he was probably getting her something to eat. Almost prophetically, she looked up to see her father dragging an impala carcass towards the cave's opening, plopping it down right outside the cave's entrance. Slowly, she crawled out, giving her father a warm, lazy, tired smile, "Good morning, daddy." She said before nuzzling his front legs, purring, "Where are we?"
Jumbe looked around, "I'm not entirely sure, but we are closer to the land of plenty I've heard about. It's time for breakfast before I get some rest." The cub looked at him, tilting her head, "We're not travelling during the day?" The elder hyena smiled down at the lioness cub, "We can, but daddy needs to sleep, he was up all night carrying you." She nodded and smiled moving over to the kill to start pulling off a share. Jumbe moved beside her, nibbling over the ribs. In a few minutes, the carcass was reduced to nothing. With a full belly, the two went into the small cave, snuggling up to get a few hours of rest before moving on.
When they finally awoke once more, the sun was high in the sky. Jumbe and Sala awoke, yawning. The big hyena rose up, stretching, his pearly whites shining a little as he looked down at his adopted daughter. "We'd better start moving. There is still much ground to cover before we arrive at our final destination." Sala rose up, nodding as she yawned, "All right, daddy. I'll follow you." He smiled down at her, giving her cheek a nuzzle. The pair slowly moved out of the cave at a slow walk into the hot sun.
The second day of travel was slow, the sun following them all the way, hanging in the sky until it finally set. They broke camp when the sun set, Jumbe leaving Sala to hunt, finding more small game for them to eat. Once his cub fell asleep, he picked her up by the nape, trotting as he made his way through the darkness, thinking only about the prize at the end of the journey.
He'd heard of this land of plenty when he was a cub from some birds that had landed near him. He knew it was ruled by a lion pride, but he didn't really care who was in charge, so long as there was enough to eat and the potential to find a mate. As the stars passed overhead, he wondered what the Matriarchs of Old had in store for him and his daughter. He only hoped the journey would be easy, and that he wouldn't run into any members of the clan that had killed his family.