Just Another Lonely Pup (prologue)

Story by Doshi on SoFurry

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#1 of Just Another Lonely Pup

All of this story is based on true events, but the names have been changed.

"15...16...17...18..." I felt ears perked up as Mike counted of another number, just as they'd done every other number. It's a weird reflex thing, but I always notice. I looked around the dark closet and wandered if I should have hidden under a jacket too. He was really close now to finishing. I placed Luo by the wall. "Hide over here, so we don't get it." I whispered to the plush. "He'll never find us in mommy's and daddy's closet." I moved close to the walls of the closet and curled in the corner. That way only my black-furred back was showing.

"19... 20, READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!" Here he comes. I placed my hands over my muzzle to keep from giggling. I listen closely to his footsteps against the wood floors in the kitchen downstairs. After a moment, I couldn't hear his footsteps no matter how hard I tried. I slowed my breathing and curled my tail. My heart was beating faster as each second passed.

My parents' door creaked open as someone entered the room. "Morgan," a voice called to me in a hushed whisper, then a loud cry echoed through the house. I shivered in terror quietly whimpering as I curled tightly. Opening the closet door, Chris said, "Go to your room, the game is over." "Bu-" Before I could object, another cry followed which this time I recognized as Mike. "Come on!" he urged as he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the closet.

I was scared as Chris drug me through the hallway commanding me to be quiet until we reached Mike and mine's shared room. "Go in and hide in the closet under all your toys, blankets, and whatever." he ordered. "W-why? Wha-" "There isn't anytime for this. Do as I say." Chris gave me a look that made me terrified because I could not only hear the quiver in his voice, but I could see the fear in his eyes. He closed the door behind me after grabbing a hockey stick that was laying on the ground.

I did what I was told and hid myself under all that I could with Luo. I stayed quiet and eventually fell asleep hidden away from whatever was happening throughout the rest of the house.

Years later, now I know what happened that day... Not the details, but the rudiments. Micheal, or Mike, is my brother that is a year older than me, and Chris is my oldest brother, 3 years older than me (Both have the same father, but we have different fathers). Something happened to Mike, something that has hunted him for years, and still today... Before this my biggest worry was when my dad was coming home, which he never did because my mother divorced him for being a liar and a racist. But, this day changed my life, my mother never knew what happened up until a few months ago. This started the 4 of us off: the first thing on the base of their cheating father, and my lying racist dad. I don't know what's worse now, that I almost forgot about this or that I didn't believe it for years. Sadly, yet at the same time gladly, I cannot tell this part of the story because I don't know it... I'll tell what happened as I remember coming to terms with truth, but it will only be a side story that will be scattered throughout my memories.