Far Future - Comrades

Story by stoicwolf on SoFurry

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Well, it has finally come to this...

Alright, before I begin, tl;dr: yes. I'm insane.

A long, long time ago, I got the idea to make a generic epic legend story thingy. I did a few small writings to start that, but they were lost over the years. After some time, I did remember a story arc I was planning for that story, and that became the basis for this story, which I decided was to happen far in the future of the original story, hence the title.

While I had a story, I lacked names. But being the creative person I was, I simply returned to my past...

In my younger years, I had a great time just thinking up names. One of these names was based on a few friends that were rarely seen apart. I took one-word descriptions of what each was and threw them together. It was a very unique name, but I had no use for it, so I put it in cold storage until the time was right.

Now to actually comment on the story itself!

I started writing this in...like 2007. It was terrible, and due to how that year eventually turned out, it was left incomplete. I picked it back up in 2008, and it promptly died again. I revisited it from time to time over the years, but only last year did I actually start to really work to improve it. I finished this chapter up and just left it, since releasing this just didn't seem appropriate at the time.

But the time is now! It goes out now because, well, I can now accept the backlash that this could cause. I'm probably being paranoid here, but yes, for the three people or so that could do that, I believe the point has been reached to let this out because I'm sure negativity won't happen. If it does, well, so be it. I'll cross that bridge if needed.

Oh right, story description time: something about patriotism or corruption or freewill or something like that. I forget. Haven't actually read the thing in ages, so, uh, yeah...

God, this comment is longer than the actual writing. I really babble on needlessly when I don't need to, but yet I can't write to bust out of a paper bag. >.>

Read this then critique it harshly! It's the only way I'll learn not to write terribly...or at all...

1 - Comrades

The glass door showed not was behind it; only the reflection of the approaching soul to its threshold. The view was nothing new to the reflection, but was not something he wished to dwell on. The glass had on it a large aging wolf in a tattered green military uniform; old but presentable. His red & blue eyes hid years of experience and horrors, but above all, his stare held one thing above all: purpose to serve his country, to do what was needed.

Remember why you're here. You're doing this for your country, he thought to himself. You are in the right.

Everything that lay beyond the door was his focus. It had been so for ages before, but now it was for a different reason. With a breath out to calm his nerves, he extended a paw and pushed the glass, letting him into the grand building that hid behind it, entering the vast atrium of the Agency of Intelligence & Defense. The tallest building in the city, the Agency had a grand glass facade used to showcase the slowly escalating and shrinking center core of balconied floors, a beacon of the openness of the bureau.

After taking a few cautious steps through the lobby, he realized that he was for the moment completely alone, but still surrounded with potential enemies. The curtains, the carpet, the fountains, the plants, they were all against him. All of them and more showed the symbol of the Great Union: the scythes, shield and eye. That symbol, a part of his life since the beginning was now the bane of his existence.

Looking at the many floors that he would need to travel past, he knew full well what could be happening on each of them. Beneath his feet was a vast network of corridors that led to other government buildings of importance and to places unknown. That knowledge would be invaluable if something unexpected were to arise.

But now was not the time to lose focus.

The wolf walked straight ahead toward the glass elevators that would take him to the top floors, the place of greatest danger in his mission. There was usually a guard or gate set up there to prevent any unauthorized entrance to the main part of the building that the elevators serviced, but to his relief and surprise, nothing of the sort awaited him. Upon pushing the lone up button on the wall, the middle elevator opened without delay and he entered with the same swiftness. Inside, the floor selection buttons were lit up, waiting to be pressed. The button with the number 50 was the lucky one. The doors closed as the machine began its slow upward climb to the top.

The soldier stood at attention, peering out at his slowly rising surroundings, stirring up long ago memories. The great glass facade meant to bring in the light of the world outside always showed another dark and dreary day in the Great Union, but no one ever seemed to care. On every floor, the Agents were always concerned with getting this paper in and confirming such and such that they rarely looked outside. The closest any of them came to doing so was when they walked the balconies to reach the elevators.

If only the other agents could see the right, instead of being consumed by their world. No matter. I'll open their eyes soon enough.


With each passing floor, he had yet to see another living soul since he had arrived. He knew that wasn't the case for himself, as the cameras that closely guarded the building must have alerted the security force to his presence, so the question remained.

Where is everyone?

Today didn't seem important, but then again, he had been wrong before...

DING! The alert shocked him. His heart rate and breathing began moving at full pace. Have I been spotted? He looked around the elevator and saw nothing amiss. The dial above the door now displayed a 50. He was at his destination.

Don't get jumpy. They can feel your fear. Remember your training. It's served you well before. It matters even more now.

The elevator doors opened. It was now the point of no return. He closed his eyes, took a breath and walked out, stifling his nervousness. Before him lay a simple room holding the entrance to the most sensitive location in the entire building. The only thing occupying the space was a desk in front of its locked doors and the secretary that acted as sentry. The back of a chair was facing him, its occupant busy in what sounded like a personal call.

They couldn't have gotten someone more professional? It's not like the one at this desk has an important job to do or anything. At least getting through this will be easier than I expected.

"...even if it it's not now, you don't have to worry...No, no, not at all girl. You just take your time. There's no hurry." The secretary continued on chatting on her phone, oblivious to the world around her. She swiveled her chair, giving out an occasional reassuring "uh huh" as her conversation went on.

The visitor stood silently at the desk, waiting for her to notice him. I don't have your time. There are things to be done.

After a few minutes of being ignored, he couldn't wait any longer. He gave out a polite cough.

"Oh...uh dear, give me a moment. Got a job to take care of." She pushed a button on the phone console, holding her "important" call and replaced the handset. She slowly rotated her chair around. "I'm sorry for the delay sir, but there...was..." she couldn't finish.

The panther's large yellow eyes opened wide with fear, her maw agape. The stranger had seen that look before. Nearly everyone shot him that wide eyed stare of awe, and for good reason. Not many ever get the chance to be before one of the greatest beings that had ever worked in the Agency.

He opened his muzzle. "I would like to see the Head of Intelligence," he said in a low, gruff voice.

"Y-Yes. As you wish sir." Her nervousness showed through but obedience was swift. Reaching around the desk, she pushed a button, allowing the doors behind her to open. "I'm sure you know the way. I'll tell him you're coming." She reached for the phone again.

"That will not be necessary." the wolf said bluntly. "I would like this to be a surprise." He forced a coy smile.

"I, uh, sir, you cannot, um..." She stammered, at a loss for words. Most that faced him went through the same thing. They just couldn't question him, even when their tails were on the line. Being a hero did have its advantages, even if its perks were ill-begotten.

Knowing how this always played out, he walked calmly around her desk and into the open office.

The hero was now in enemy territory, his old home. A sea of cubicles, the Department of Sensitive Intelligence was where all high level Agents were stationed between missions. Protected from all possible threats, this room contained and gathered pivotal information about anything that could undermine the power of the Great Union. Of course, now here he was, about to do just that, and no one was the wiser. A bright red carpet was rolled out amongst the normal gray one. Emblazoned with the Union's insignia, it lead straight ahead to an elevator at the other end of the room. That would send him directly to the only one he needed to talk to.

All around him, the furious busy work for the protection of the nation was being done; Agents getting raw data from everywhere to know more about the country. But with his arrival, the furor of that work gradually slowed down; the workers taking notice of the foreigner in their domain. From cubicles all around, eyes began fixating themselves onto him, talking amongst themselves in hushed whispers.

What could they be seeing? A great Agent? A broken down Agent? My tail? Do their thoughts even matter? They're doing terrible things, even if they don't realize it. Their opinions are none of my concern.

The elevator was in sight to take up to the high office, its door open in anticipation for its next occupant. Some of the agents had begun walking toward him, congregating at the elevator. Some seemed ready to ask a barrage of questions, hoping to pick his mind for his vast expertise or an autograph.

I have no time to deal with you lot. Without a word, he stepped inside and turned back to them, giving out a weak nod and forced a smile. Gotta appease them somehow or they'll get in my way. The door shut quickly on the awed agents, allowing the wolf to relax away from their gaze. In this elevator, there were few buttons and little light. The only function he knew for it was to travel from this floor to the office of the Head of Intelligence. Pushing the up button, the elevator started its ascent.

Practically no time at all had passed before he reached the top. The door opened, revealing an office before him. The vaulted ceiling gave the cramped room a larger appearance. On one side, bookcases were lined with old binders and worn out books that didn't look to have been touched in ages. An array of monitors flickered on another wall, pictures of locations all over the building on their screens. A doorway on each side of the room lead to other areas that had were currently closed off. The metal floor below his paws contrasted with the faux authoritative comfort the occupants of this room had tried to employ. Insignia adorned curtains hung against the large window wall, itself a continuation of the building's facade. A large desk was stationed at the other end of the room in front of him, right before the window. It was unusually clear of anything personal or professional. The accompanying large backed chair was rolled off to the side. Standing in front of the window wall was a large figure staring out toward the world, paws behind his back, tail listlessly swinging back and forth.

"Well?" A voice came from the creature, loud, thick and stinging.

"Well what?" The stranger said with a tinge of contempt.

"Well, go ahead and congratulate me." The husky said with glee as turned around to look at his visitor. Even though his fur was graying from age, he had kept in great physical condition over the years that few would believe he was in his elder years. His uniform was adorned with various buttons and patched on ribbon replacements of medals and awards earned from years of Agency service. His narrow white face contrasted with his off-black eyes. His paw extended toward the wolf, an awkward smile creeping up on his muzzle. "It's an honor to be congratulated by someone such as yourself, Comrade Smudge."

"Who said I was congratulating you, Comrade Yevin?" The wolf stood still, making no attempt to shake the husky's paw, leaving it be.

"Hey, comrade, at least address me by my proper title please," he retorted, taking back his paw, using it now to bring his chair to him. Taking a seat, he leaned back and rested his booted paws upon his desk. "I'm now Intelligence Director Yevin."

"Must I?" His disrespectful tone growing more apparent. "I don't work here anymore, remember?"

"Comrade, I'm shocked," he said whilst moving his paw towards his chest in an overly theatrical move. Even if he didn't look it, he had been known for being dramatic. "I know that you know how important this position is. I'm now in the line for succession, as well as being in charge of the most prestigious and important department in the entire Union. Voget himself appointed me his successor you know," he smiled.

"I highly doubt that," Smudge said dryly. "I've seen others that are much more competent and deserving of this position that could take on this job and its immense responsibility. Even Voget knew that. I'm sure he wouldn't have chosen you." A furious tone appeared in his voice. "And take your boots off that desk. You're not a soldier straight out of the academy anymore. Show some respect for the office."

"Calm down wolf." Yevin said. For once, his words sounded sincere, yet still biting. "I don't want to hurt you Comrade."

"I want to see you try husky!" the wolf snarled, his red and blue eyes now locked into the husky's black ones.

An awkward silence filled the room. Neither of them wanted to break it, not knowing what the other would do next. After some time, the husky nervously chuckled.

"I know what's gotten into you." The dog erupted in laughter, slapping his paws against his knees. "You're jealous!"

"No, I am not." his comrade stayed stoic.

"Yes, yes you are. It explains everything!"

The wolf stood there in silence.

"Comrade, we've known each other practically since we were born. There isn't an honor or award or medal that you have that I don't. We've done much together, up to you retiring. But me, I kept going, kept doing what we were born to do. And now that I am one of the most powerful beings in this country, what do you do? You just waltz in here for no other reason than to conveniently undermine my greatness."

Anger emerged from the wolf. He slammed his paws against the desk, getting face to face with his comrade. "What greatness? What have you done that is so great? What have you done to improve the world?"

Fury engulfed the husky. He quickly stood up, his eyes locked on to the wolf. "Don't you dare try to undermine my accomplishments. You of all beings know should what I have done. Hell, we did some of those things together. We've done more for the Union than I can remember. We've sacrificed our lives for this country so we could bring it safety, prosperity and influence in the world."

The wolf took a step back. "And how did we do all those things? Sabotage? Deceit? Destruction? Murder?" A black paw took aim at Yevin. "I know that you killed Agent Voget."

"How dare you make false accusations against me?" The husky snarled. "He was my com---"

"He was nothing to you. He was only an obstacle that you needed to get rid of!"

"He was a great leader and you have to accept that he is gone, comrade. Accusing me of killing him for personal gain is a waste of your time, but then again, you living is a waste of time, you lowly piece of s---"

The large paws of the angry wolf lunged forward across his desk, soon grasping the Intelligence Director around his neck as they tumbled to the floor. The husky tried to break free, grabbing his attacker's arms and flailing as much as he could, but the weight of the wolf on him and the hold on his neck was too great to break out of now.

"Listen, comrade. You may think you can outsmart me by pretending that it didn't happen, but your subordinates aren't the same. They've gone to see the old and pathetic Comrade Smudge and they've told me all about your hand in the assassination. And they also tipped me off on your real intentions." The husky's eyes opened wide with fear. His gasps for air growing more shallow.

"You are too dangerous to live." Without releasing his grip on his victim, Smudge picked up the nearly lifeless husky and slammed him into the window. He had expected for the window to shatter, but his assassination attempt had not gone so smoothly. Not even a crack had appeared from the hit.

Knowing he had little time, he decided on a new approach. Knowing Yevin wasn't any real threat to him anymore, he released his neck. The husky took a relieved gasp of air, life slowly returning to him. Smudge didn't give him time to recover. He lifted his victim above his head, and quickly threw him against the window. This time, the window had given way, but not enough. The glass had begun to crack, but had still not shattered, leaving the husky in a pile on the floor before it.

This is it. There's no way he can escape. Just throw him through the window one more time and the world will be safe.

He picked up the husky. This time, the wolf took a few steps back, planning to have a running start for the final throw. The husky had recovered enough to start putting up a fight again. He began to elbow and kick his attacker, but in his weakened state, his blows had no sway. Smudge began to dash toward the window, prepared to do his deed.

"Goodbye comrade," the wolf said in a sarcastic tone.

With all his strength, Yevin delivered a knee to the wolf's chest, knocking his killer off balance, releasing him from his grasp. Without another thought, he staggered as far away from the wolf as he could. He reached his desk quickly before a paw latched onto his leg. Not wanting his target to get far or get any help, the wolf tried to knock the husky off balance by pulling on his leg. His tactic worked, throwing the weakened canine back onto the hard metal floor. Getting up, the wolf grabbed the husky again, determined to throw him out the window immediately, but his attempt was thwarted, the husky grabbing onto his desk. Yevin used his legs again to his advantage, kicking Smudge in the stomach, causing him to recoil back. Keeping his eyes on the assassin, the husky stood up, bracing himself on his desk, waiting for the wolf to retaliate. Smudge regained his focus and dashed toward his comrade.

You're not getting away from me now---

A loud scream filled the air. The wolf had been struck by immense pain, collapsing to the hard floor below. Sprawled out, he could barely move his body of his own accord, other than the odd spasm. His eyes struggling to stay open. It felt as all of his energy had been drained from him. Whilst trying to move his head up, he noticed something he didn't before. Everything that contacted the floor had thick rubber legs. It now made sense.

I've been given an electric shock. But how!?

Comrade Yevin came into view above him. The husky transfixed his gaze on his would be assassin and started laughing, coughing at times while he continued to recover from the Agent's attempts to subdue him. "Do you really think you can put one over on me comrade? I knew that you would be a thorn in my side, so I've made plans for you. I sent those agents to you, knowing full well that your delusions of grandeur would lead you right to me, for you to stop me to 'save the world'."

"They...aren't...delusions," a weak Comrade Smudge stuttered.

"Silence!" The Intelligence Director slammed his paw onto the desk. Instantly, another blast of electricity coursed through his comrade. The wolf screamed as long as he could, the pain too intense to do anything else. The husky kept his hold on whatever button he had that kept the shock coming, not letting up until he was sure the wolf was incapacitated.

"You cannot stop me. Nobody can. Voget tried and look what happened." The weakened wolf stared back at his former comrade.

"You bas---"

Yevin slammed his boot on his neck, finally letting go of his button. "You will not disobey me! I am all powerful! I am your new master! I am the new ruler of this world!" Knowing he was now in control, the husky crouched down and stared right into the wolf's tired face. "And when all my plans have been fulfilled, you will be the first to bow down and serve the new Emperor of the World." He removed his boot from his captive's neck and gave him a swift kick to the head before returning to his chair.

"You really should have gotten some footwear when I told you to before, but no. You're too stubborn to listen to me. It was for your health you know." Yevin was sure the wolf was out cold by now, if not dead or dying, but he had nothing better to do until the security guards arrived other than berate his would be assassin.

After a few moments, the elevator opened up. Two large guards emerged from it. The dobermans, one older, one younger, seemed ready for a more hostile confrontation, clad in riot armor and holding sizable guns. They stared down at the nearly lifeless body before them, their boss sitting at his desk, roughed up but in no danger.

"Are you okay sir?" The elder guard gathered the courage to speak first.

"I am doing fine. Had you not arrived in time, I'd be a splatter on the ground before this building. Why may I ask were you not here earlier? Better yet, why were you not at your posts?" Yevin barked at them, an assassination attempt only aggravating his temper.

"I'm sorry sir. We were..." the guard continued.

"No excuses!" The husky yelled. "Just take the assassin to the hold."

The younger guard hadn't taken his eyes off the lifeless mass on the ground since he arrived, mesmerized by the being. Wide eyed, mouth agape.

"Sir," the youth spoke with confused innocence. "Is that...?"

"He is my newest prisoner," Yevin interrupted. "He is accused of treason, sabotage and attempted murder. His sentence is life imprisonment, but first I want him to meet the Crash."

The young guard responded. "But sir...?"

"Are you undermining my authority?" An angry Yevin said. "I don't care if you have any feelings about him one way or the other. My orders are absolute. You will follow them or you will join him in the prison, you understand!?"

"Yes sir. It will be done." The both of them responded with a nod. The dobermans carefully picked up the wolf's body and carried him away to the elevator. Even branded a traitor, he was still to be cared for with dignity and respect, but it would not last. His fate had been sealed.

The elevator doors closed, taking away his greatest threat. Comrade Yevin kicked his feet up on his desk, relaxing and recovering from his fight. After a moment, the adrenaline died down enough to have his thoughts clear. Everything was slowly falling into place. Maniacal laughter filled the room.

"Goodbye Comrade Smudge."