A Bronze Rising: Father Issues

Story by Shalion on SoFurry

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#11 of A Bronze Rising

It seems Tobias' loyalty to the Bronze is greater than that to his family. Excellent.

I moved my hand just in time, catching the large bolt in the fleshy pad between my thumb and first finger. With the range less than fifteen feet, the heavy crossbow packed enough power to punch through the scales on my palm. Ruby dragon-blood - distinct for its particles of metallic sparkle - welled up around the wound. Hissing more from shock than pain, I eyed my opponent evilly. The human clearly knew what he was aiming for. If I hadn't blocked the projectile, it would have punctured my neck-heart, the muscular complex of valves under my throat whose purpose was to keep me conscious while suffering high gravity forces resulting from fast speed aerial maneuvers. Injuring it would likely not have killed me outright, but would have resulted in excessive bleeding and a high possibility of losing consciousness as well as incapacitating me in general for at least a few weeks.

The reality of injury resulting from this insect raised my fervor. My tail moved for my while I was studying the effect the human weapon had had on my hand. The sharp arrow head came down, blade first and as wide as the human was tall, as the silver-furred human was winding up his contraption. With surprising nimbleness, he dodged, dropping his crossbow which crunched with a satisfying_twang_ under my tail. Rolling, Tobas' father came upright with his great axe in his hands. It was baffling what he thought to accomplish now that his projectile weapon was destroyed.

He was running towards my underbelly and after studying him for just a moment, I lifted my tail and brought it back down, flat side first like a club. The human dodged, but the impact on the ground clearly threw him off balance. It didn't matter either way, however. I had moved my claw in anticipation for his dodge and now I grabbed his about his stout midsection. One arm remained free, but his weapon was pinned against his side. The fight was over.

Tobias was now yelling for me not to slay his father from his window. I raised the little human attacker, still struggling against my grip and cursing all the while, to face his son. One part of me imagined closing my hand until Tobias' father was reduced to paste between my fingers. I might not have resisted temptation if I wasn't willing to sacrifice the time I had spent habituating Tobias to my presence. Lowering my head to be level with the second story window of the house and with Tobias. "As far as I'm concerned, your father's life is forfeit." I said, gesturing with my nose and shaking the stout human a little for emphasis; he pounded his fist against my finger and even tried biting on my scales, still cursing and promising retribution if I laid a claw on his family. "The only reason he remains alive at this moment is because you and I have unfinished business."

"No! Leave my son out of this, Beast!" shouted the man in my claw and I wished I had a means of silencing him except the obvious permanent way.

Tobias yelled from the widow with surprising force. "Shut your talk hole, Pa! You're making it worse! I told you there was nothing you could do, so be quiet now!"

His father's eyes bugged open and I deduced that Tobias had never spoken to him like that before. "Sir." the young man said, addressing me now. "Please spare my Pa, he's old and stubborn as a mule and won't listen to reason when it spits in his face."

If my claws weren't skewering the older human, he son's words were from what I could tell of the expression on his face. Still, I said, "I can't abide a human trying to kill me and living."

Tobias' face screwed up as if he were about to burst into tears, but then he spoke with a sudden resolve, "A trade then, Sir Dragon. My life for his. I'll be your servant for the rest of my life if only you'll let him go."

"Tobias! Don't you g-"

"I said to shut it Pa! It's my decision. I'll tie you down to the wagon and ship you to the capital if that's what it takes to keep you alive! You've done enough already."

The older human subsided into silence and even ceased his struggles. One wouldn't be able to tell by looking that he was in the clutches of an enormous dragon; he was in his own world of conflicted hurt, rage and compassion.

"My father locked me in the attic when I told him where I'd been for the last few days and what I was going to do. J-just hold him for a minute. I'll be ready soon." The young human disappeared from the window and I was left outside sitting awkwardly on my haunches with a human who'd tried to kill me in my paw for several minutes. I looked down at the scruffy man, but he wouldn't meet my gaze. I had nothing to say to him and he evidently had nothing for me either.

There was some more excitement from inside the cottage, an argument between one of the females inside and Tobias. Eventually my erstwhile companion emerged from the house. The silver-haired man began to struggle again, not in order to kill me, but seemingly to kill his son. "My Regiment cloak! and my Uniform! You get your cheeks out of those before I tan your arse, boy!"

Tobias did not fill out his father's clothes very well, but the quality of the fabric was in another class entirely from what I had seen of these farmers so far. Fashioned of thick wool died a dark green fringed with brown, the uniform was decorated with brass buttons and emblems as well as several emblems attached to the outfit with needles behind. Tobias removed these and reverently placed them on the window sill. I hoped that the dress would not have implications for Sir Ronald beyond my intentions, but there was no doubt that Tobias was dressed sharply enough to be my mediator.

As far as Tobias' offer went, I was still uncertain. I had been expecting continued service from the young human already, so it seemed that he was getting something for service already offered, but I did not want to waste anymore time discussing the matter right now. I lowered Tobias' father to the ground, but did not release him yet. "I cannot allow a dragon-slayer to live in my territory, but we can discuss the matter later."

Tobias nodded, deliberately not looking at his father who had fallen silent with his son's cold refusal to answer. "Agreed." he said and walked over to my free paw. I opened it and he climbed on, staying gratefully clear of the arrow which punctured it. "I don't think I'll be welcome home again soon, anyway."

I could not help but notice the enormous amount of trust Tobias was putting in me nor the level of sacrifice already demanded of him. I wondered if there was more to his motivation than simply keeping his family safe. I released the older man and he strode stiffly into the cottage before slamming the door so hard that the hinges broke and it hung askew. More cursing erupted from inside. I lifted the young man to my chest, mindful of his placement in regards to the bolt lodged in my flesh and made ready to fly. Strangely, I was stirred to say, "This will end in your favor, Tobias."

After a few moments, the lad responded, "I know... M'lord."

My wings snapped as they drew taut. The wind from my wings cause the small metal bits Tobias had taken from the uniform to tumble to the dirt as we departed.