D.E1 Chapter 60: Lost in Nightmares Part III

Story by GTHusky on SoFurry

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#36 of D.E1 (story part II)

Very difficult chapter to write... A lot of strong emotions. I hate putting my characters through these situations, but it's necessary for the story...

Anubis and Husky go deeper into that horrible place. Their mission is to rescue Fx, whether he's a live or not. A horrible task that will take both Evos to their physical and emotional limits.

D.E1 and its characters are all an original creation and © property of AJ Davies / Husky D GTHusky

Thanks for reading.

** CHAPTER 60** Lost in nightmares Part III

Lost in a nightmare... That's what it felt like. Surreal was the only way they could describe the situation they were in...

Husky and Anubis had gone far to rescue their brother Fx. They stepped where no other Evocanis had even thought of stepping willingly. But they would do whatever they could to bring Fx back; alive, or even if he didn't make it.

They had quickly realized how deadly the situation they've gotten themselves in was. There was a point were they ran through the strange ruined ship with the only purpose of escaping whatever had been stalking them since they first arrived. Fearful and without a planned route, both Evocanis were desperate. They weren't doing anything but running away from a situation that was far from their capabilities.

After all that running, they had finally reached a dead end. Turning around to face whatever had been following them, they finally saw it.

That blank mask... Anubis and Husky had never seen a machine face to face before, but they knew how they looked. And this monster was very different for some reason. The machine stood motionless, staring at them. It stood about thirty meters from where they were, showing no sign of hostility. But even though the machine didn't attack them right away, they could feel an unimaginable danger emanating from that mechanical being.

That sense of danger turned into fear when the machine slowly started walking towards them. Anubis and Husky were cornered, so there was no way out of that situation.

As this machine approached the two Evos, its strange appearance made itself more obvious. It was indeed very different from those Assassin Types that they knew from Canis Major's records, which usually stand nearly seven feet tall; this machine was much smaller, but equally terrifying. Its body proportions were different as well since the blades that Assassin types have as legs and arms were absent, having instead arms and legs very similar to that of a bipedal living being. Its whole body seemed as if unfinished for some reason with some panels of its artificial skin missing, but that never was a reason for the Evos to believe that thing would be less of a threat.

As it approached the Evos, the machine extended its arm towards them, as if asking them to get close to it; as if calling them. This was behavior never recorded before in a machine. This behavior made the Evos' fur stand erect as steel wire. The machine never stopped.

Soon they were so close that they could even hear that eerie buzz that the machines usually produce.

The machine's hand suddenly went from a relaxed position to a closed fist. Hissing sounds came from it as its arm suddenly turned into a huge blade. Husky and Anubis knew that the time to fight had come. If they didn't defend themselves, that machine would kill them in the spot.

"I don't know what is it that you want with us, but you've hurt us enough already." A now furious Husky said. "You killed my brother and for that I will never forgive you!"

Husky's hostility caused a strange reaction in the machine. The wires that came out of its head raised and wiggled as if they had life. From the machine, a nerve wrecking squeal came out. A battle between that strange mechanical monster and the two frightened Evos had begun.

Unexpectedly, the machine sprinted towards the Evos in less than a second. Husky couldn't even react when he was kicked furiously in the gut, sending him flying a few meters away.

"Anubis, look out!" Husky yelled while lying on the ground. He saw the machine heading directly toward Anubis, aiming its blade right to his friend's face. Surprisingly, Anubis evaded the attack by ducking and he immediately counter-attacked by hitting the machine with his elbow right on its face. That stunned the machine for a second and both Evos saw the opportunity to run back where they came from.

While running back, they heard this horrible squeal again, and turning back, they saw the machine standing up straight again and suddenly sprinting at an outstanding speed toward them. They had to fight. They couldn't allow that thing following them all around the ship. Besides, there was no way they could escape from it now.

"Shoot, Husky!" Anubis yelled.

Both Evos pointed their E.M.P pistols and opened fire at the machine without hesitating. Numerous rounds were fired, but the machine evaded most of them.

"Darn it; it's getting close!" Husky yelled as he noticed how quick the machine gained ground.

It was hard to hit such a swift enemy that could also jump against walls. And the closer it got, the faster it moved side to side, making it an almost impossible target for the Evos to hit it.

But Evos are very agile creatures. Their superior senses made them focus on their target better than most creatures would've been able to without a proper training. Some of the rounds shot did manage to hit the machine, stopping its progress. The machine abruptly fell on its knees, sliding through the ground while leaving a trail of sparks. But this machine was different. Were simple Assassins would fall by the hit of one E.M.P; this machine never lost its functionality.

"We got it!" Anubis yelled when he saw the machine on its knees.

But the machine raised its head and gazed on the two Evos with the empty eyes of its blank mask once again.

"Shoot, Anubis!" Husky yelled back when he realized that the machine was still functional. However, they had already emptied their guns. They quickly grabbed a new energy unit from their belt, ejected the empty one which left a small trail of smoke when it bounced out of the E.M.P pistol, and they quickly replaced it.

The time it took them to replace the energy unit, the machine was back on its legs. But something bizarre happened.

"It's transforming again!" Husky yelled. He raised his E.M.P pistol at the machine, but it was too late.

The other arm of the monster quickly transformed into a strange mass of metal. It looked like a flat metallic plating of some sort. It was like a mirror that had an electric field around it. Both Evos opened fire once again, but the machine did something they didn't expect. They both watched in disbelief when the machine raised the strange object and it started deflecting every single E.M.P round with it.

"These things got an E.M.P shield. Look out Husky!" Anubis yelled at his friend to duck since the E.M.P rounds they just fired, went directly back to them. They couldn't afford getting hit by one or they would fall stunned into the ground, leaving themselves at the mercy of that mechanical monster.

Before both Evos could react, the machine was already next to them. With its other arm that had turned into a large blade the machine made its first move. The primal instinct of both Evos made them react and dodge the attack. But the machine was too quick and it outperformed both Evocanis.

Anubis barely managed to dodge an attack directed to him by stepping back, but the machine's blade slightly reached his chest armor, leaving a scorching hot slash in it. A couple of inches closer and Anubis would've been seriously harmed. The machines now had weapons capable of cutting through the powerful Lanthracit plating as if it was made out of plastic. Their armor was useless now.

Husky didn't loose any time. He jumped at the machine with his Lanthracit blade, ready to slice the machine in half and save his friend, but he was met by a powerful back kick that once again sent him flying across the corridor. Husky was stunned by the impact. His lost his E.M.P gun as well as his Lanthracit blade.

Fighting to regain consciousness, Husky watched hopeless as the machine now went for his friend again. Anubis quickly pointed his E.M.P at the machine, but this monster reacted before the Great Dane could pull the trigger and kicked him in his hand-paws. The impact was so hard that it almost seemed as if Anubis' gauntlets cracked a bit. The E.M.P gun was now meters away from reach. Anubis yelped in agony due to the pain that the impact caused him. It was very possible that there could be fractured bones after such force, even with the gauntlets protecting his arms and hand-paws.

But the worst was yet to happen. The machine transformed its shield into something that looked like a huge pair of pincers. In a split second the machine brutally took grip of Anubis' neck with the pincers and brutally threw him to the ground. Husky could hear his friend gasping for air when the machine progressively tightened his grip, depriving Anubis of the precious oxygen.

Something started burning inside Husky as he watched his friend helpless. It was again that fury that made the pain go away and gave him the strength to get back on his hind legs. Husky's body moved almost automatically as he focused on the machine that was now about to impale Anubis with its blade.

Husky located his E.M.P and ran to recovered it. Once he firmly griped and pointed the pistol at his target, he shot four times. The four rounds hit right on target, causing the machine to let loose of Anubis. Now that Anubis was loose, the Great Dane kicked the machine by pure instinct, giving him enough space and time to get up from the ground.

Husky kept on shooting while Anubis managed to somewhat recover and pull out his Lanthracit two-handed blade. All those direct hits did manage to do damage after all, making the machine loose its balance and coordination. The monster managed to change its arm back to the shield to protect itself from Husky's shots, but it was met by a furious Anubis. The Great Dane didn't loose any time and attacked as mercilessly as the machine did to him and all his brothers. A powerful attack by Anubis severed the machines' arm, leaving it open once again to the burst of E.M.P rounds.

"Keep shooting!" Anubis yelled with a raspy voice. His throat was obviously hurt.

He didn't need to tell Husky twice though. Husky kept on shooting until his E.M.P pistol overheated.

But it didn't matter. The machine was in high disadvantage. Anubis didn't wait a second and severed the machine's remaining arm. Gushes of a green fluid spurt out from were the machine's arms were. The monster didn't fall to the ground but started shaking violently, while making horrendous sounds. Its face started melting and from it two glowing red eyes emerged.

Anubis didn't know what to do when he saw the twitching machine slowly walking towards him, shaking, squealing and spewing hot green fluid. What was worse, he could feel an enormous heat coming from the machine as it got closer.

"Get away from it, Anubis!" Something in Husky told him that they had to get away from the monster. And so they did. Both Evos ran back to the dead end and watched the machine as it got closer.

"Bad idea, Husky! We should've run the other way!" Anubis acknowledged.

"We'll see about that..." Husky uttered. He raised his E.M.P once again and shot at the machine. This time, it seemed that the machine reached its limits. It fell on its knees once again and as the twitching got more violent; smoke started emanating from all of its body. The Evos got ready for an explosion, but as soon as it started, after just a few strong discharges of energy and some pops and crackles, the machine stopped moving completely.

"Is it dead?" Anubis wondered. He held his throat and the pain could be heard in his voice.

The machine was now immobile; frozen in a kneeling position, with its metallic skull facing right at them. The liquid still came out of it, but it flowed freely rather than being spewed under pressure like before. The smoke ceased and its red eyes suddenly faded into perpetual blackness.

"I think it is..." Husky whispered. "Are you okay, Anubis?" He immediately looked back at Anubis who stood next to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I owe you my life, Husky."

"Let me see you neck, buddy." Husky said as he gently checked his friend's neck. Some blood could be seen staining Anubis' black fur.

"I'm okay, Husky. Thank you." Anubis gently replied. He didn't want to worry Husky. They had a mission and they had to fulfill it no matter what.

"It seems to be superficial, Anubis. Some antiseptic ointment should help that wound heal in just a few days." Husky took a very small tube of all purpose antiseptic ointment from his armor belt and gently rubbed his friend's wounds with it.

"It's fine, Husky. We need to get going." Anubis softly uttered.

"I thought that thing was going to kill you..." Husky was very affected for all that had happened. His eyes reflected sadness and anger at the same time. It was almost certain that he had lost his brother that day, but now he almost lost his best friend too.

"We need to find Fx, Husky." Anubis told his blue eyed friend as he placed his hand-paws over his shoulders. "Look..."

Glancing at the wall that had almost been their death sentence, Anubis noticed that there was some kind of hatch in it. This could be the path that should take them to Fx.

"Look at this, Husky. I think these are hinges."

Indeed they were. Four hinges held a round hatch on the wall. If they could somehow break through them, they could continue further.

"How do we know Fx was taken through there? That hatch doesn't look like it has been used in centuries." Husky seemed to be loosing hope, or he was just accepting their fate.

"I'm not going back the way we came. Not only more of these monsters might be looking for us, but I didn't notice another path that we could take. Here, help me out."

After Husky picked up his Lanthracit blade and reloaded his E.M.P pistol with the last energy clip, he helped Anubis cut through the hinges of that hatch. There were only four, so cutting them with the Lanthracit blades was relatively easy.

"Great. It won't budge." Husky said when he pushed the hatch with his shoulder. "I think this thing is stuck, Anubis."

"Allow me..." Anubis took some distance and fiercely kicked the hatch. After every kick, the hatch moved a couple of inches. It took Anubis three kicks until the heavy metallic hatch fell to the other side.

"You are very strong Anubis." Husky said. His relaxed nature seemed to be alive still, but the sadness in his tone had almost drowned that innocence that Evocanis are known for.

"You are very strong too, Husky. Now let's get moving."

Both Evos stepped into the room behind the hatch and were quickly disappointed by what they saw. A small room is all there was; very small indeed. It was a square shaped room and as strange as it might look, it had hatches on all its four walls, the ceiling and also the floor.

"We can't do anything with this! I knew we should go back!" Husky was now frustrated. Deep inside he knew that there wasn't any way that Fx could've survived, but something inside him told him otherwise. So every single second that they wasted it was one second they took away from Fx, judging by the scene of the crash and the large mount of blood he might've lost.

"No, wait!" Anubis yelled, trying to stop Husky from going back.

"Anubis, this is a dead end! We need to find another way!"

"Husky that's not what I meant. Come here!" Something was wrong with Anubis. His voice was full of fear. Through the tiny room they have just gotten into, he glanced back at the corridor were they came from.

Husky who had stepped out, suddenly noticed Anubis staring at the distance behind him. His eyes were full of fear.

"Husky, get in!" Anubis whispered, frightened.

It didn't take time for Husky to notice what disturbed Anubis. At the distance, from that same corridor they came from, that guttural wail made itself present again. It was as if someone had gained access to that area from where they originally came from. But more disturbing was the clanging noise that approached very fast. Metallic steps, just like the ones from those machines. Judging by the noise, they were many of them. If these machines were like the one they just fought, they had absolutely no possibility to come out alive from another fight.

"Husky!" Anubis yelled at his friend again. Husky was paralyzed, but the yell of Anubis woke him up from his stupor and quickly got in the small square room.

"Help me with the hatch. We have to seal it!" Anubis suggested. When he tried to lift the hatch, he immediately let out a yelp of pain. His wrists, although probably not broken, they were badly sprained.

With a huge effort from the two Evos, they finally lifted the hatch and placed it where it originally was. Quickly, both took out their Lanthracit blades and placed the flat part of the blade across the gap where the hatch fitted. The metal instantly started melting, soldering the hatch in place. It wasn't perfect, but it would hold.

Just in time, because they could hear a lot of movement at the other side.

"Do they know we are here?" Anubis whispered.

"I don't think they saw us..." Husky affirmed. "But I think it's now clear that we can't go back anymore.

"Don't worry, Husky. Look at these things." As they noticed before, the small square-shaped room had hatches all around. They did have a way out. It was just a matter of choosing the right path.

"We can open these, Husky." Anubis said. It was true, but which one?

Both Evos carefully examined all the hatches. Judging by their position, the ones in front and at both their sides were probably the best option, but also they could be a mistake. After all, at least two of these led to the same place they were a few minutes ago.

"The one on top, Husky." Anubis suggested.

"Are you sure?"

"Think of it. The one on our right will probably take us to the hangar area again. The one in front and our left will make us continue through this same level, and I'm afraid we might encounter these monsters again."

Anubis had a point. These hatches were a possible shortcut to different levels. Everything was uncertain though; they could avoid confrontation with the machines if they went to the upper level, but they could also miss Fx.

"How big can this ship be, Husky?"

"It is big, Anubis. You saw it!"

"I know that Fx needs us right now, but in order to get to him, we will have to be very cautious. If we can evade more of those things, we will be okay and eventually find Fx." Anubis had never sounded so wise. He was certainly helping his blue eyed friend not loose his hope. His idea had many risks, but how riskier the situation could be at that moment?

"You're right. Let's do it." Husky finally agreed.

Cutting the hatch above loose would be difficult since the hinges were probably at the other side. But the hatch wasn't as thick so the Lanthracit blades went through it relatively easy.

Being careful not to be burned by the molten metal that fell from above, the Evos finally made it through. Anubis immediately carried Husky and gave him a lift so he could sneak at the level above. It was not a pretty sight.

"Dead end!" Husky growled disappointed. All he saw was a huge mass of debris obstructing any possibility of getting through. Getting to the upper level was no choice.

"Now what?!" Husky yelled in anger and frustration.

"Husky... We still have these other options. Calm down, we will get out of this."

Husky was frustrated; both of them were. But somehow the once playful Anubis that never took anything seriously was being an amazing help. He was maintaining his composure and calming Husky down. That was the key for their survival.

After a minute or two, both Evos managed to catch their breath and think clearly. For some reason, Husky and Anubis looked t each other and without saying any word, they looked at the hatch below them. Something inside their mind told them to take that path.

They immediately kneeled down and started cutting along the gap that held the hatch shut. It didn't take too much time when the hatch felt loose enough.

"This will probably make some noise." Husky thought out loud.

"I don't think we can pull this thing up." Anubis followed. He realized there was no way of doing this delicately, so he advised Husky to get ready.

Both Evos took their E.M.P pistol out, stood up and prepared for the worse. A light kick on the hatch was more than enough to unlatch it from its frame. Both Evos were startled as they saw the heavy metallic hatch drop almost seven meters before it hit the ground with a deafening blast. They just hoped it didn't alert those monsters.

Husky peaked down the hole to check if there was any danger lurking below. It was a large corridor, also fairly lit, so there wasn't any possibility that a machine would be hiding in dark spots. The corridor looked relatively safe, and if something came for them, they would see it soon enough.

"It's clear." Husky confirmed. He sat on the edge and carefully dropped to the lower level. It was high, but not as high to hurt the strong and light weight bones of the two Evocanis. Anubis was next and he also dropped gracefully and almost silently.

"I'm tracing a map of the area. I don't think we will be going back up that way, so eventually we will need to find a new route to the hangar." Husky was clever. He locked in to their ships with the ComPod and the device traced a rough image of their surroundings based on their position. They were getting a rough map of the machine's ship as they continued their way.

It was frustrating to walk through that ship. The place emitted all sorts of crackling noises and strong deep growls at the distance. Some of the lighting systems failed or simply flickered. It was terrifying.

"Now what?" Husky whispered. His frustration was obvious as he felt they weren't doing any progress.

"I have a feeling, Husky. Let's keep moving." Anubis encouraged him. It was true what he said. Evos are very sensitive creatures and have a very strong sixth sense. Some call it intuition; others simply know it as instinct. Whatever it was, this feeling was guiding them deeper into the machine's ship.

Soon they encountered a different area. It was very confusing, but it almost seemed as if some parts of the ship didn't match. Whatever the reason was, they finally got themselves out of that long corridor and into a smaller series of hallways.

These hallways were very different. They were surrounded by piping across the walls, and the floor was again a series of drainages that let some light pass through the lower level. These hallways were small; hardly any space for two to walk through them. It was humid and the temperature a bit higher.

"Do you feel that Anubis?" a startled Husky asked. He sniffed the air around him.

"Wait... yes." Anubis perceived the scent as well. It was faint, but it was the scent of blood. And that scent definitely belonged to an Evocanis.

Maneuvering through the tight corridors, both Evos desperately tried to follow the trail, and it was soon getting closer.

"It's blood, Anubis. He's close, I know!" Husky kneeled down and found more droplets of blood scattered around the area. It was somewhat fresh. He didn't even have to sniff it or taste it, he knew it was Fx.

The scent was now too strong to miss. They went through a labyrinth of hallways until they reached an area with various doors. Some of the doors were collapsed, others were not there and others seem shut tight. But there was one room that caught their attention. They could hear noise coming out from inside it.

Husky clenched his jaws in fury. The trail of blood droplets went straight into that room and the noise inside was that very familiar buzzing sound that the machines made. If Fx was there, he knew a machine was with him, doing who knows what.

Husky was infuriated, but also frightened to death. He had accepted the fact that his brother was probably dead, but he never thought about the moment that he would actually encounter him.

Both Evos silently walked to the door with their E.M.P guns drawn. But Husky suddenly collapsed. He fell on his knees, crying. He couldn't do it. He couldn't dare to watch what had happened to Fx. Anubis knew what his friend felt. The Great Dane placed his hand-paw on Husky's shoulder and without saying any word, he continued on. He would face with whatever was of Fx's fate.

The powerful Great Dane slowly walked to the door; his fangs shining white and his neck fur bristled.

Husky felt like if he would pass out. He couldn't stand the pressure. The memories of his brother and Hasky suddenly came back and he couldn't dare to imagine a life without one of them.

"Husky!" A furious growl from Anubis brought Husky back. He saw it in his friend's eyes... Anubis unloaded his E.M.P charge to whatever was in the room. Immediately after, Anubis disappeared into the room, and Husky could hear him growling and fighting something. The sound of his two-handed blade slicing through metal ended the commotion. The fight was over.

"Husky, come here, right now!" Anubis yelled from inside the room.

Husky was paralyzed, but something in Anubis' tone made him realize that there was probably some hope left. Husky stood up and walked into the room. His heart barely gave a beat. He knew whatever he would see would probably change his life forever.

"We have to follow that thing, Husky!" Confusing words came from Anubis. But the scent in the room brought Husky once again back. The room not only had the scent of blood, but the soothing scent of his brother. Next to Anubis, a twitching metallic limb of some sort lied on the floor.

"Come on, Husky!" Anubis yelled, as he ran out from another door at the other side of the room. Husky followed.

With horror, Husky noticed not only a trail of blood, but also orange fur stuck in the drainages of the floor. A slight yelp at the distance made Husky's senses peak. The fury again... this was Fx softly yelping. Husky's eyes were blood shot. His lips curled all the way up. If someone didn't know the peaceful nature of the Evocanis, they would mistake him for a dangerous beast.

"We are coming Fx!" Husky yelled furiously, wielding his Lanthracit blade and running towards were the trail of blood went. They soon encountered another junction, but only one path was led by the trail.

Before they could make a turn a strange machine jumped from the corner. He identified this machine as a worker type like the ones that dragged Evos into cages thirteen years ago. This machine didn't startle Husky a bit, but instead it fueled his anger, launching himself directly to the spider-like droid. The attacks from the droid were easily dodged by Husky who countered attacked effectively and without mercy. This machine wasn't fitted for battle and it was soon shredded into pieces by the fury of the young Evocanis.

While Husky panted furiously, without taking his sight from the now dead machine, Anubis called him. Turning back at his friend, Husky saw it...


It was his brother indeed. Fx lied on the floor with his armor ripped away from him. His naked body was shaking and his breathing was paused and laborious.

"His arm is really bad, Husky. We need to get him out of here now!" Anubis yelled as he tried to sooth Fx by caressing him. His left arm was badly broken in the humerus, with a portion of it piercing completely out of his skin and being the main source of his blood loss. Fx didn't show any signs of being fully conscious, but with every exhale, he let out a soft and heart breaking cry. He survived the crash and was dragged throughout this horrible ship as if he was just a mere object. Husky's heart was torn into pieces seeing his baby brother like this. They still didn't know the full extent of his injuries, but Fx was alive...