
Story by Xavius T on SoFurry

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A/N:I don't own Tonight by FM Static. Yeah, that's all I'm going to say.

Even though night began to approach quickly, the fox didn't care. His body melded with the tree as he stared at the ground, tears hidden away behind his blue eyes. Slowly, he slid towards the ground, the shadow next to him starting to creep over him. "Wonder how long it's been since that day?" He began to remember once more, the night it all began.

"Hey Trevor!" A voice shouted from behind the fox, making him spin around. "I got us tickets for FM Static! The ones you've wanted for the past month and a half!" Standing before his eyes was the most beautiful wolf he had ever seen. Pristine black fur reflected the summer's sun quite peacefully underneath that blue shirt. Even his gray shorts seem to fit perfectly against his fur. When those amber eyes stared at him with that puppy love, he could melt in any weather, and when those hands touched him...


"Oh...Sorry Ray." Blushing, he gave a smile to his lover. "That's great!"

Nodding to him, Ray smiled. "So, foxy. What were you thinking about?" Crimson poured forth even more upon the fox's cheeks. Though shorter than his black-furred lover, the white fox wasn't a shrimp. Both were over six feet, and were one of the most athletic and 'manliest' men in their high school. But that didn't mean that Trevor was always masculine. Whenever he was around Ray, he found himself more submissive, calmer. It was different than when he was with his other friends. They brought the joker out, and let him run rampant.

Trevor tried to think of a good cover for his zone out, but it seemed that he hadn't needed to - the wolf was already pressing his lips against him, making the fox forget about it. "Come on, let's go home and take a shower. And then we can have all the fun you want tonight." Dreamily, his tail wagged behind him as he followed after Ray, going towards their apartment in the city. Now he just couldn't wait to get home and clean up. And in two weeks, he'd be with his lover at the concert of the year. Yeah it was perfect for him.

"Mmm... How much I loved that night. Might have been the hottest one in a while. And damn were you a god in bed. You always knew how to make me moan." He gave a faint smile as he stared at the sunset. "Mhm. Best night of my life. Well besides the night I met you...."

The ball dribbled in and out of the fox's hands as he made his way around the court. Though there weren't any others in the place he knew in his head where they would be. Shooting the ball, he cheered to himself as it sank in the basket. Freshman year was going to be the best. He would try out for the basketball team, and would hopefully show off his great moves.

Grabbing the ball again, he made his way to shoot a foul shot, barely sinking it in. His technique, he knew, was all right, but he wanted to make it better. That way he would be ready. As he was jumping to shoot another basket, a voice spoke up behind him.

"You know, if you bend your knees, you can get better accuracy." Startled, Trevor hit the backboard, and the ball soared over his head into the arms of a black wolf.

"..Thanks." He muttered as he held his hands out for the ball again, trying to look away.

Smiling, the wolf dribbled a little before shooting it from half court, sinking the ball in perfectly. "My name's Ray." Watching the ball go into the basket, the fox started to blush a little. "And I've seen you practicing out here late at night recently. Don't you think it would be better if you had someone to practice with?"

Trevor peered back at the wolf, before shrugging. "Trevor, and I don't really know anyone to practice with, Ray."

"Well now you do." The wolf picked up the ball as it rolled towards his feet and thrusted it at Trevor. "Come on, I'll help you."

"Alright." Muttering while he caught the ball, the fox began to practice again, this time chatting up with Ray.

Later that night, both teens found themselves under the moonlight covered with sweat. "Mmm.. Good game Trevor." Stripping off his shirt, Ray smirked a little, panting. "Been a while since I had to go serious on anyone."

Giggling a little, Trevor shed his shirt as well, finding it a bit useless in the heat of the night. "Well, you're the first I've seen that can three point shoot from half court - except for those professional players." The fox took in a deep breath and stared up at the sky, watching the stars twinkle. "Mom is probably worried about me, so I should get home soon. I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"

Ray chuckled and nodded, before sighing out. "Yeah..." Standing up and stretching, the wolf peered at the fox once more. "Hey Trevor..." He mumbled outward, a little blush becomes hidden beneath his midnight fur.

With a questioni9ng glance, Trevor looked over at his new friend. "Yes? Wha--" Cut off in mid-sentence, the wolf pressed his lips against Trevor's, ears folded back. Startled by the kiss, Trevor didn't pull back immediately, though his eyes did shoot open. When he did get control of his body, and have the ability to withdraw, he couldn't. Not when this kiss felt so peaceful. So he did what he felt he should do, and pressed into it, paws wrapping around the wolf's neck. Contently, they kissed under the moonlight.

When the kiss broke, both looked at each other's eyes, in silence. "Trevor... You're beautiful."


"Shh... Don't say it. Alright? Not yet, not until we're both ready for it."

Nodding, the fox stayed silent, before he stood up and kissed the wolf again. "I should get home. See ya tomorrow." And he sped off towards his house, his mind still spinning with the thought of the kiss, the first kiss he ever experienced. That night, he couldn't sleep at all, not while his mind kept thinking of the beautiful wolf he shared a first with. "..."

"Heh. Silly. Didn't want to tell me till our junior year that you had your eye on me for the months of summer. Still that first kiss was the best. Under the moonlight with your silky fur. It was a stunning sight for me to take in at such a young age."

"Though now I understand why you didn't want us to say it back then. We were kids, barely entering high school, and we knew nothing of such a thing."

"Yet...I wish I had said it back then. It would have been so great. Well, at least I would have said it to you, before..."

After their senior prom, Trevor and Ray found themselves both within Ray's car. Everyone knew they were a couple, and they were even nominated for King and Queen - which both got a good laugh at - and they were enjoying the twilight years of their high school career. Next month was graduation, and after that, it would be college, jobs, and a lifetime together.

"HEY! Look, it's our song!" Shouting a little in his happiness, Trevor turned up the radio to let the song play out for both of them. 'Calling You,' a song by Blue October. That was the song for their first night together in bed, and since then it was their song. Both began to sing with the chorus as they continued down the dark road. No worries crossed either's mind as they stared at each other for a little while.

Time went on as they went towards their home in the city - the place for the senior prom was in some boon dock area that they couldn't figure out where it was without leaving four hours early to find the place - as both talked about their college choices. "So...SUNY?" Ray muttered, "That's where you want to go?"

"Yeah.. I got the acceptance letter last month from them, and well I'm alright with changing cities. What about you?"

"Well... I've gotten a few acceptance letters, one from SUNY as well."

"Are...are you going to go there?"

"Maybe... It -would- be a big bonus if I had a hot and sexy fox to room with every day." Blushing to his lover's comment, Trevor nuzzled his neck. "Well it's true!"

"I know..."

While they were talking, a car entered Ray's vision, but he didn't pay much mind to it. It -was- a dark back road after all, and people used it to bypass a lot of the traffic. "I can't wait till after graduation. There's something I just want to give to you. Just for you."


The car came closer as they talked, seemingly swerving towards them, but it could have been a trick of the mind. It truly was late at night, and the headlights were strong. "Yeah. I thought you would deserve a great graduation present."

"Aww thanks sweety." Smiling back at Ray, Trevor looked over at the road, before screaming. "RAY WATCH OOOO-!" Before Ray could see the car crossing over the lines, he felt the impact. For Trevor, time slowed down. He could see the fear in his lover's eyes as the glass shattered behind him. No sound came through to him as the world came back. Blackness surrounded his vision as he felt the world fade away again - in his failing vision he saw a hand reach towards him, his lover's.

"...I..l--" Silence poured through again.

Wincing, Trevor closed his eyes as he started to cry again. "Why.. WHY? Why did you have to leave me that night?" With fist balled up, he punched the ground, as the tears dropped off under the moonlight. Behind the tree there seemed to be a small stone, flowers blooming beside it. "Why the hell would you just go and leave me here!? Don't you know how much I needed you then? And how much I need you even now!"

Sobbing to himself, the fox couldn't hold back anything. If he didn't let the tears flow freely, he was sure going to find a way to just kill the sadness. Over and over again, he punched the grass beneath his paws, fighting with the demons of his own past. "Dammit Ray!"

As the moon still hung high, and the tears ran dry, Trevor stared at the tombstone. In his head, he remembered the concert again, and a song he never understood till a few months afterwards. "Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up... I need your loving hands to come and pick me up." Sniffling, he continued singing, "And every night I miss you, I can just look up and know the stars are holdin' you, holdin' you, holdin' you tonight..."

Wiping his eyes, he got to his feet and kissed the stone. "I don't care what you said anymore. I love you, Ray, and I will always love you." Turning towards his car, he stared back up at the stars, "I just wish I could have heard you say it underneath those stars that night."

Even two years later, he felt the pain from that night. Alone in college in New York, Trevor still comes back to the grave every week, to remember back those days he felt so alive. "I love you..."