My Quotes. 1. My greatest!

Story by teachmehowtodebkeh on SoFurry

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#1 of Quotes

I really love reading comments! Please tell me which ones you like and which ones you have to disagree with :) I want as many comments as there are views, so don't just run away shyly! Go ahead and comment!

-Also editing in new quotes. If you want to keep following, then I suggest you fav this NAO!-

Reason: I only come up with a few a month. It will take years before I make another upload of the official "My Greatest" and just ordinary "Quotes"

_ M _athematicians are called geniuses because they proved 10+0 is 10. But I believe its 100. Having the power to believe is more important than proven facts. And true geniuses are born if they can turn a 10+0 into 100.

D ont fight to be noticed in this world, people will push and step on you. Be an idea, and ideas are bullet proof.

Y ou can only make a change if you truely want it. Clinging on to bigger things limits us and our capacities. Its foolish to fear what we cant see and know.

W e fear things we cant see or possibly know. A common fear is death, after all, we're only human. Its silly because we end up spending out entire lifetime trying to find out who we are. We are not lions, we are not mice, we are not even our true selves. We wont know what kind of people we are until our death.

T he greatest stories begin with all the failures the main character has done. But at the final terms of events, a plot twist, a good deed will be done, so great it can shatter all those failures. Your life too is a book, you cant give up until you have your plot twist, your tale.

T ime has power, it can erase pain and hatred itself. But you can always carve the good times onto our hearts. Time is also precious. If you can put every second of every minute into the quality of life that you've lived, then you'll have a life worth remembering.

E ven in the darkness, as long as a single ray of light exists, then it can reach you and open your eyes.

W hen ever there is light, there will always be shadow.

W e wage wars to protect things precious to us, thats when we think we are the good. But if we choose to ignore things precious to our enemies, thats when we wil become evil.

I f water is supposed to be blue, then why is snow white? I think it's soul got so cold it forgot the color its supposed to be.

When we are young, we are scared of death, so we wish to live up to an old age. But once we become old, we are more close to dying and we become even more scared of death.

You have to live up to your dreams. You cant stop just because "They're dangerous". If you cant die having your dream fulfilled, you will only end up waiting to die.

Kind people are not precious because theyre rare. Theyre precious because they remind us how precious the world can be.

If happiness was given a form, I think it would resemble glass. People who try being perfect will clean that glass so much until they can no longer see it and claim it never existed. But bright people can see light reflect from that glass and know it exists.

When God gave us the power to kill, he did not intend us to "protect". Instead he cursed us. Because no matter how we use this "power" we could never build happiness upon the deaths of others.

Learn to see the whole forest and not just a tree. Just like the smart can see the meaning in the differences, as the dumb can only see the differences.

My Quotes. 2.

1) If you force a ring on it will never come off. Then you will have to cut off your finger or let your finger rot. But then there are other kinds of rings, rings that you can slide on but you choose to never take them off. 2) Medicine can help heal...

Kohaku, What's Happiness?

5Th of November, 1997. Thats when I was born. April 2nd 2013, is my death. My name is Kohaku, age 15, boy, London. When people think they've lost everything, they could never be more wrong. I already lost the most important thing to me, it meant more...

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Speech 3. Perfection.

We try reaching a new level, we see that every single day of our lives. Phones, computers, music, science, and even humanity. We are creatures that can truly take joy in _trying_ to exceed our grasps, even if we know dead-well that it's impossible. But...

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