Prologue: Beautiful to Bitter

Story by RzrBlader on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: If you are under the age of 18 or are offended by pornography or more specifically, furry porn, then it is advised that you hit the "X" button on your window screen. Yiffstar nor I am responsible of what you view on this site. This story also contains some cursing, so if you are offended by this also, then leave. So you can either read this story at your leisure or just leave. Krystal, Fox, and everyone else from the Star Fox games are owned and copyrighted by Nintendo™. I am not stealing, nor copying anything from Nintendo™, therefore, I cannot be sued for whatever reason you may have. That is all. Now onto the story!

    • * "Damn it! I've been shot! Krystal, do you think you can get him?!" Fox and Krystal were training in a simulation room on the Great Fox. "Don't worry Fox, I've got him" And with that, Krystal pulled the trigger on her blaster and shot the enemy simulation and it disintegrated. "Alright Fox, I got him! Are you alright?" "I'm fine. Thanks for getting the last target" He was holding onto his shoulder where he was shot. Even though it was a simulation, the pain was all real, but at a much smaller scale. "I'm amazed Krystal, your marksmanship skills have really improved over the last couple of weeks. You learn a lot faster then me, that's for sure." "Well, I do have a good teacher with me too you know." She gave Fox a little wink and they walked out of the simulation room. "Dang! I can't believe that simulation got me. That's the first time in a while" Fox said in a disappointed groan. "You're being too hard on yourself Fox, you need to take the time and relax and not push yourself so hard" Krystal said in a cheery voice to cheer her friend up. *Sigh*"Maybe you're right Krystal, maybe I just need to relax a bit and take a load of my shoulders." "Exactly. So, where's Slippy and Falco anyway?" "I think Slippy is in the hanger room making some adjustments to the Arwings and Landmasters. Falco said he took his Arwing; didn't want too wait for Slippy to finish something that was gonna take too long; and practice his flight skills. Both of them left a while ago though." "Honestly, I have to say Fox, all of you work so hard to help this team and I feel that I haven't contributed anything...". "Don't be ridiculous Krystal! All this training we've been doing is really going to help us when we have to go planet-side to accomplish the jobs we've been hired for! Please don't feel that way; we are all grateful for everything you do. You're always keeping our spirits up when things look bleak; you're always there when someone is upset and you make them feel better, and me especially. I think that all this time we've had together has really brought us together." "Oh thank you so much Fox! That really means a lot too me!" She gave him a big hug and a little kiss on the cheek; which made him blush wildly. "Still a little shy about that it seems, eh Fox?" which only made him blush more. "I suppose we'll just have too spend more time together huh?" Sure, I'd like that Krystal. So in the meantime, you want to catch some dinner? My treat." "Well, I'd be rude of me not too right?" she giggled. At that moment, Slippy came out of the hanger room down the hall and walked up to them. "Hey guys! How'd your simulation training go? Did it seem real enough for you Fox?" "Yeah, a bit too real. It felt like I really got hit by a gunshot. I've got to admit Slippy, you may be an amateur at flying, but when it comes too mechanics, I'm really impressed!" "Ah thanks Fox! Now if Falco would only admit it..." And as if on cue, Falco came walking down the opposite hall where the docking bay was. "'Sup everyone? What's going on?" Falco said in his calm, collected tone. "Well, me and Krystal were gonna go out to eat. So what do you too have planned for the rest of the day?" "A quiet dinner for too, eh? Getting a bit romantic Fox?" Falco always loved to pick at Fox's soft spots because he knew it bothered him. "Shut up Falco." He punched him casually on the arm. "It's just a normal dinner where we can just relax." "So you wouldn't mind me and Falco joining would you Fox?" Slippy and Falco were playing along just to get Fox riled up. Fox shot them a pissed off glance telling them to back off, but making sure Krystal didn't notice. "Alright, alright! No need to get pushy Fox, I was just asking! Yeesh!" Fox changed back into his relaxed attitude knowing that Falco was just messing around. "Alright then, you two go have some fun out and I'm just going to chill here if you need me." "Cool. Thanks Falco. Thanks Slip. Well, were gonna head out now, see you guys tonight then!" "See ya Fox, see ya Krystal!" Falco and Slippy said in unison. Fox and Krystal walked out of the Great Fox and out into the crisp night air. "So where do you want to go out and eat Krystal? I'm none too picky." "Anywhere is fine. I don't really mind where we eat." "Alright then, how about the Blue Moon? I hear they have some of the best food in Corneria." "Falco was right! You ARE getting a bit romantic, aren't you Fox?" she just laughed at how he was choosing a popular but romantic restaurant. "But seriously, that sounds really nice." They both got into Fox's aircraft and took a 7 minute flight to the Blue Moon and found a spot to park in.
    • * Fox paid for the check and held Krystal's hand as they walked out of the restaurant. "That was a wonderful dinner! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it." "Well I'm glad you like it and you're welcome. We should do this again sometime." "Yes, we really should" she looked at her watch "Wow! 11:23 already? We should probably get back to the Great Fox and get some shuteye. That sound good to you?" "Yeah, I'm a bit tired myself. We should head back." They walk back to Fox's aircraft and rode back. They enter the lounge room and see Falco fast asleep on the couch. Krystal gently hit him in the back of the head. "Wuzzat? I'm awake, I'm awake...Oh, it's just you two. So, how was your romantic dinner?" "It was great, and I see that you are having fun here" Krystal was joking around with him and Falco nodded and fell back asleep. Fox and Krystal left the lounge and headed to the sleeping quarters. Fox walked Krystal to her room. "Thank you ever so much for a wonderful evening Fox. I really enjoyed myself." "You're welcome Krystal. I had a lot of fun myself. We really should meet up like this again. Well, anyway, I'll be seeing you tomorrow morning. Peppy said there was some kind of meeting he wanted to everyone to go too. Well, good-night Krystal. "Good-night Fox" she lightly kissed him on the cheek and Fox did the same to her; while blushing of course. They hugged and Fox walked down to his room. When Fox walked into his room, he looked at the clock which read 11:49 and he striped off his clothes except his boxers and crept into his bed.
    • * There was a huge explosion and the sound of metal being torn. Fox was thrown out of bed and realized it was 2:37 a.m. He put on some pants and ran out of the room only to meet Slippy, Falco, and Peppy already there. Peppy was talking on his wrist communicator with ROB who was saying that a large sheet of the Great Fox's surface was ripped out by some unknown object; and that same hole was right over Krystal's bedroom. Fox immediately ran to her room only to see a gaping whole in the wall, the sheets to the bed on the floor, and Krystal's communicator totally smashed. "No! No! No! Damn it! What the hell happened?!" Fox looked frantically around the room looking for any evidence of the scene. All he found was Krystal's necklace lying on the ground.... "No! She's been kidnapped!" Fox said yelling at the top of his lungs over the sobs and tears that were coming along. Everyone else ran into the room and stared in shock. All they saw was the hole in the wall and Fox crying....
    • * This is my prologue for my upcoming series. I apologize if my next chapter takes some time to come up, I've been rather busy as of late.