Love Between Friends 01

Story by AlexTheWusky on SoFurry

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#1 of LBF (love between friends)

the start of my personal writing project, so far there are a total of 7 chapters and i am working on the 8th. i hope you enjoy my stories, and just so you know i am open for commissions. there is some mature content in this one.

Love between friends

Chapter 1: Curiosity By: AlexTheWusky

I yawned as I slowly blink my eyes open. I look to my side to look what time it is.

5:43 am

Dammit. I hate it when I wake up before 6. Oh, I sooo want to go back to sleep, but then I'll probably won't be able to go back to sleep.

I threw off the blanket and move my legs to over the edge of the bed, a shiver going through my body as the cool atmosphere made my naked fur stand on end.

Yeah. I sleep in the nude. Problem? So I like nothing wedging my ass as a sleep or chaffing my ass and balls. Don't get me wrong, I wear boxers when I get dressed, but I just like snoozing in the buff.

Well, since I'm awake, I might as well take a shower. I then walked over to the bathroom down the hall and switched on the light as I walked in. Then take a moment to look at my reflection in the mirror.


The young tiger then examined himself. His body was toned in an athletic way, as he is apart of his school's soccer team. Black stripes painted his body in a somewhat memorizing fashion on his white, furry pelt.

His sleepy, blue eyes looked into the exact, same pair of eyes in the reverse world in the glass in front of him. He scratched his abs as he then went to the shower. After obtaining the right warm temperature of the indoor rain, he stepped into the shower and soaked his body in the heavenly hot water.


"God bless us everyone. We're a broken people living under loaded gun. And it can't be outfought. It can't be outdone. It can't out matched. It can't be outrun. No!" Gotta love Linkin Park! Especially since they just came up with a new album. I just sang to myself as I started to lather my body up with shampoo.

After I rinsed, I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. I then dried myself off and wrapped a towel around my waist as I then stepped out of the bathroom. When I got to my room, I dried off my fur and threw the towel aside and then got dressed.

I yawned as I was treading towards the bus stop. My heart pounds every morning as I near the stop. Now why am I anxious? Well, I don't really know. But I always get like this towards a certain someone.

My heart pounds deep as I look to see him there. A fine specimen of a black wolf. His name is Justin Kale. We've talked only once, mostly because I get so withdrawn around him, and mostly because he probably not interested in me.

I don't get it. I feel really . . . weird around him. I feel just like my dad says he felt when he first met my mom. Does this mean I . . . like him? But wouldn't that mean I'm . . . well, gay? I don't know. Why am I stressing about this? He's probably not interested in me even if we did talk more


I looked to my left to see if he's coming. He should be here by no- there he is. I murred silently as that white tiger comes over. Oh my god, he is the most adorable thing to ever walk on two paws! I know he's on the soccer team. And oh, is he sexy! Every time take a side glance at him in the locker room when he changes, I just want to pounce him and lick his face! But I don't think I can chance it. What if he's a hater?? Then he'd pound my face into the locker! Still . . .

Oh my god, he's right in front of me! His back is to me! He's just a few inches away from me. I wonder if he'll pay attention to me instead of the outside of the buses window?

My eyes wonder down as I looked at his rump. Oh, his butt is so cute! Even if he's wearing pants . . . I wonder if I could . . .

The wolf's paw then started to move towards the white tiger's rump. His heart pounded and throbbed every second that his paw got close to groping that fine, feline ass. His palms began to sweat as his hand trembled at the tiger's tail missed brushing his paw by an inch.

The large, yellow bus then grunted and slowed to a halt as Justin's paw was half an inch from touching the feline's tush. Mike the tiger then stepped onto the bus, unaware that a few of his inner questions were about to be answered.

The black wolf quickly pulled his paw back as the tiger went on. He hoped that no one had seen what he was edging to do. As he got on the bus, he took his usual seat: behind whichever seat that Mike took.

I walked into first period, Biology. I then crossed my arms on the desk and huffed as I rested my head on my arms.

"Fuck. I was so close! Why don't I just ask him? Oh sure, that's a great idea; if he's gay, we'll just bask in the sunset like an idiot chick flick. If he's a homophobe, he'll go out of his way to humiliate me and/or I'll lose half my blood from a beating. But he's just so handsome! It's almost worth the risk . . ."


The day rolls on. Justin and Mike share second, third, and sixth period. Team Sports is their sixth class. The white tiger's locker is exactly three lockers away from where Justin's locker is located. Every few minutes, the wolf's eyes would dart to Mike and drink a sip of his tasty body, and dart right back to what he was doing.


I made my way back to the gym in the line that the teacher always made walk in. Justin always walked a couple people ahead of me. I turned my head a little to get a good look at Justin's firm butt cheeks. The thing that always gets me going is the way his tail curves up and turns into itself. My shorts where starting tent in the front. I had to do something to get rid of my boner, but I had no idea what do to. I only walked slowly hoping that it goes down in time. Hopefully by the time I get to my seat.

I got to my seat and sat down but my boner had not gone down yet. The gym teacher started his safety speech, but I didn't hear a single thing he said because I was stressing about that natural but annoying appendage in my shorts.

The teacher ended his speech and soccer began. I quickly got the ball and passed it to justin he kicked the ball to the goal but it was blocked by that stupid jock. His name is Nathan he's a nutless, witless, cheetah. Captain of the football team (of course). Now it was the other teams ball. I kept trying to recover the ball but with that hyena Rico constantly rushing me I couldn't get any where close to the ball. Jennifer finally got the ball away from Rico she passed it to Justin who passed it to me and I passed it to Jacob. Jacob then kicked it out.

Coach threw the ball back into play and Loren was the first to get it she kicked it toward our goal and jacob blocked it Jennie (thats Jennifer's nick name) kicked the ball up in to the air. I only stood there in awe and I felt the spikes of cleats on my shoulders I looked up and justin leaped off of my shoulders and up in to the air, to recover to ball and nearly knock the wind out of the goalie. The only reason we got the goal is the goalie fainted and the ball rolled on to the ground. The clock sounded right after that and me and Justin were lifted by all the other team mates. just seeing him with that huge smile on his face just makes me feel like there peace in the world no matter what is going on.


I looked out of the corner of my eye and mike was looking at me, I turned my head and it was like time just stopped and nothing could end that happiness.

Just then an egg hit Mikes head and I heard the school jock yell that one word that all jocks call guys who like other guys.


At first i was Pissed that one those roid-monkeys threw an egg, then I was relived that Justin was alright, I realize that it was just an egg but it could have been something more dangerous.

Like a brick, anyway back to the story.

Once me and Justin were let down from the celebration mosh pit, I walked into the school and to the locker room, Mike was standing in front of a mirror with a washcloth in his right hand. It looked like he was trying to wipe the egg out of his fur.


God, that fucking douche.

I can't believe that he threw an egg at me, I mean really an egg. And I just got a new hair do.

I wiped at what remained of the egg and seeing how some of the egg got in to my chest fur I decided to take a shower. I mumbled to myself as I walked over to my locker. When I got to where my locker was justin was grabbing a bottle of body wash and one of those weird looking scrubbers, I looked at my locker and apparently I forgot to bring my scrubber from home.

Hey, justin do you have another one of those? I asked as he turned around and gave me a taste of black chocolate.

Um, I don't think I do, we can share this one if you like. He said as he juggled the scrubber in his hand?


Without another word we both walked to the showers, being community looking showers there where no shower curtains which both rocked and sucked at the same time, it sucked because I had a weird birth mark right on the top of my tail but it rocked because he could get to look at his butt and "other things".


Oh my god, I though I would never be able to do this, I'm walking to the shower with the guy I've thought of for years. I was celebrating in my mind, but my body was just walking. Mike walked in front of me and i followed slowly behind when we reached the showers . I watched the football team whip each other with towles and i noticed, drake a husky and wide reciver for the team, his red tip was poking out. I guess no one knows that because they were all talking about what they were all going to do this weekend, and he was just sitting there. We finnaly found a shower that wasnt be used by the football team. Luckily there were two right next to each other, strangely these two were covered by a shower curtain.

"well this is weird, I never noticed this here." I said looking at the shower

"yeah, me neither" mike said

With that we both walked in and the shower had a bench and some towel racks full of items like body wash and shampoo. It was still a little weird to have no one notice this before. I looked at the sign that was nailed to the wall. It said "lovers shower" I opened my mouth in shock. I looked over at Justin and he was looking over at me. I looked into his eyes and saw the need to have someone in his life to love, someone to hold when he is scared, someone to care about. I reached over and grabbed his arm and pulled him into a hug.

"I love you mike. And I will never hurt you." I whispered into his ear. I felt his tail start to wag back and forth.


"I love you too, Justin" I said to him still locked in a hug and not to forget our testicles and sheaths touching. I felt a wet sensation on my left leg and looked down.

"looks like someone is happy to see me." I Said with a smile on my face. Just then the next hour bell rang and we had to get out of the shower.

"come over to my house after school." justin said as he grabbed my butt cheek and squeezed. Justin walked out of the shower.

To be continued

What will happen in to part 2.