Coming Home

Story by Kirun on SoFurry

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#2 of Life as a Lord's Pets

Sorry for the long wait. My good friend and proofer SkyWing was very busy with his finals and such to handle the editing. But he's good now, so it won't be as long a wait anymore. I hope you all enjoy this new chapter and look forward to more.

As before, I have both permission from both SkyWing and Kane Shadow Wolf to use their characters.

The two wolves saw another employee come open their door and recognized him as the same tiger who usually fed them. "Come on boys. Your new Master is waiting for you." he said.

They both hopped out excited to be able to move after their time in the cramped cages. They were escorted out to the front counter where the lord had just finished paying for them. Both wolves dropped their eyes and went to their knees before their new Master. The lord chuckled at their choice of action and petted their heads as a reward. "Good boys." he praised softly.

The salesman cleared his throat in order to gain the three's attentions. "Would you like to purchase collars for your new pets as well, my lord? We have a large selection of fine collars available."

The lord simply shakes his head. "No, I have plenty at my castle. Good day." he replied, then turned to his newly purchased pets and added. "Come boys, time to go home."

Both wolven tails began to wag excitedly. A home! both of them thought in their heads. The lord grinned and started to walk out the door, followed quickly by his new canine companions at his heels. Walking outside, the scene revealed to the wolves a small town that had some businesses, but mostly forests and farmland overlooked by the setting sun.

"This way boys. One thing you'll learn is I like long walks so you'll become used to them." Their lord and master said, already heading off to the town's forest outskirts. Both of them nodded their heads happily, as it sounded fantastic after the cramped quarters of the kennels, and quickly fell into step behind the larger male. After a while of walking down a well-attended path through the forest for a while, the lord slowed to a stop, and turned to face the pair behind him.

"Now, I already know your names from when I bought you. However, you don't yet know much about me. I am a lord of this region. My name is Ryker, and I am something of an oddity. I am a folf, or a fox-wolf hybrid. However, you will simply call me 'Master' as the laws dictate. I am a fair master, so as long as you obey the rules and try your best to be good, you will find a warm and welcoming home that you will be happy in. Disobey and misbehave and I will punish you. Do you understand?" he stated and inquired.

Both heads nod eagerly, but Fen tilted his to the side as a question popped into his head. This action didn't escape his new master's notice. "Yes boy?" he asked.

"Master," he started, looking towards him, but still not looking him in the eyes. "what are these rules? I only ask so that we don't cross them by mistake." he finishes shyly.

The folf chuckled a bit, smiling softly as he leaned in and ruffled one of Fen's ears between his fingers. "I'll tell you once I get you settled back home... your home now. For now though, let's just enjoy the walk and the evening. I won't punish you until you've learned the rules of course. I'm not like those idiotic masters that think a pet or slave will automatically know what they should or shouldn't do. Those unfortunate ones often have to quickly learn either through trail-an-error or from another pet or slave."

And with that, the folf simply started walking again, going down the trail. The wolves grinned, knowing they were fortunate to receive such a kind person as their master, and fell back into step on either side of their master. They enjoyed the walk, letting the muscles stretch for the first time in a while and relieving the soreness of not moving for a long time.

Eventually, the forest grew dark as they travelled onwards, and the path became lit by blazers or pillars around them. These lights continued along the path, all the way up to large castle at the very end. It was an impressive and marvelous structure, and was surrounded by more of the lush forest with a lake or pond being fed by a waterfall from behind the castle on its right side.

The full moon could be seen through the break in the trees, being reflected on the pond. The only path through the forest was outlined by the lit braziers and moonlight. The wolves could do nothing but gasp and stare in awe at the breath-taking sight. "Master, is this YOURS?" they both ask.

The folf chuckled, ever amused by people's first reaction to his home, both during the day and at night. "Yes, it is mine. And from now on, it's your new home as well. Ready to see it?" he asked.

Both wolves chorus in answer. "Yes please, Master!"

Their Master grins back at them. "Come boys. Welcome to your new home." he says, all three walking towards the manned front gate.