Maire-chapter one
#1 of Maire
The pic used here was not drawn by me, it was done by Mido. Here is a link to her page
Chapter one
The lights in the house flickered off and on a few times as the storm outside raged on. A tree branch tapped on the window. There was a flash of light and the power went out. The fur on the back of her neck prickled as the thunder and lightning went on. She never really cared about storms that much, but there was nothing she could do about it. She just sat in the living room of her apartment and cuddled the teddy bear that she had since she was a little kid. She could still remember the day that her mother and father give it to her. She whimpered, as there was another clap of thunder. The lights came back on and she listened closely as the storm moved past.
She calmed down and walked to the bathroom to get ready. The girl slowly took off her clothes and stepped in front of the mirror. She was a very good-looking cat morph. She had a lovely coat, she had black and yellow spots all over her. She let out a loud yawn and made her way to the shower. The bathroom was not that big, but it had everything a young cat needs. It had a sink, a toilet, and a shower. She got the shower going the way she liked it and lightly stepped in. She let out a gasp and shuddered as the warm water rolled down her body. She placed her hands on the back of the shower and let the water run down her back.
"Maire, you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow," she said to herself as the water made her shudder more. She always loved to take warm showers before bed. It always made her feel so good going to bed after a warm shower. When she got out of the shower, she dried off and wrapped a towel around her as she walked to her little room. She had pictures of her family on the walls. She stopped and looked at one. It was of her older sister. She let out a giggle as she noticed once again that her sister had bigger boobs then her.
It brought back memories of her sisters giving her a little hard time about her small breast size, but that was the past. A yawn got through by surprise, and she knew it was time for her to get her furry little butt in bed and to enjoy a nice night's sleep. She had just made it under the covers when sleep overcame her and she passed out cold. The life of a single person has its ups and its downs, and falling asleep like this was somewhere in the middle for her.
There was a loud noise and she slapped around on the nightstand and hit the snooze button. She growled and rolled over to look up. The sun was just now rising. The room was bathed in a golden light. It made her think of growing up in the countryside. She rolled on her back and seat up a bit and looked around. She always loved this time of the day. The warm light coming into her room felt so good on her fur. She yawned and slowly got out of the bed. She giggled as she looked at her tail, it was all puffy.
"Well it's time to get dress and meet the day." She was digging around in her closet for some cloths when a box fall and hit her in the head. She fall back and a picture landed in her hand. In the picture were young boy and girl standing together, both with grins on their face. When Maire seen this, a tear to her eye and she laid the picture down and give a shudder. She had almost forgotten that part of her life.
She pulled her tail close and cried. She didn't like that part of her life. To her it was the most painful part she will ever see. After a while she got up and picked out a simple outfit for the day. She was going to make a trip to a place she hadn't been to in some time now. She didn't remember getting a shower and getting dress, then going to the train station. She like riding in trains even in this day of age. She looked out the window and being to think about the first day she meet the one person that change her life in so many different ways.