When it Rains it Pours, and other updates.

Story by James Matrix on SoFurry

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I have had a *terrible* week and I'm so over it. It's been brutal but it's over and things are calming down. Anyway, not here to bitch, so updates: got a new chapter slated to be Ready Wednesday and one each week after. Schools wrapping up and works gonna be the only big thing so I'm getting back to writing. That said, starting mid May, I'll be off the grid for 7 weeks at boot camp as I have joined the US Navy Reserve to help pay for my nursing school. Not that I'm bringing a lot of stories to the table or all that often but anyway, that's it. Not disappearing for too long. New stories, I'll be gone for awhile soon, until then, new chapter of Looking for Love Wednesday. Thanks for the watches and everything and reading this block of text. :) Stay safe wherever y'all might be!