Chapter 2: Trouble at Ravenfold
#2 of Warrior of Legend
It's a rough start but Akiana perseveres on her journey.
Akiana decided to embark on my journey the following day. She would need to gather some supplies and other needed materials before attempting such a quest. "But where to begin?" she asks herself. Akiana only knew of the general area surrounding the camp, namely the plains off to the left and the Ravenfold river to the right. She pondered the journeys meaning well into the night.
The next morning Akiana awoke in her tent, head still boggled with questions regarding the journey. The elder fox had given her a destination but neglected to point me in the right direction. Against her better judgment Akiana dared not question the elder but that wouldn't stop from her questioning herself. Throwing her buffalo robe aside Akiana got up to stretch. Her body had all but rested but her mind still harbored the questions that needed answers. Grabbing her pack and bow, she exits her tent. The sun had barely begun to come over the horizon and painted the sky with its orange essence. The many shades of purple blending in so beautifully caused Akiana to admire the view for a few moments. "Not a bad day to start out" she said, "But where would I go?" A few other warriors were around the center camp fire, basking themselves in its warmth as they seen Akiana and bowed their heads for a moment. Akiana wanted to warm herself further but there still was a journey to embark on.
Taking it in stride Akiana walked to the edge of the camp, stopping only to look back and say her goodbyes. Akiana needed to feel that sense of home and belonging before she departed. It was a short, quiet goodbye but a farewell that needed to be done.
"I wish Arukai was here" Akiana mumbled to herself, "She would accompany me, much to the dismay of the elders. I sure could use the company."
Turning her back to camp proved a hard thing to do, especially in such times but Akiana had to find out why they were suffering.
The first few miles Akiana wanted to stop and turn back when she seen a familiar sight ahead, the Ravenfold river. Stopping at the rivers edge Akiana had herself a drink.
It wasn't till she was done when Akiana saw a shadow creep behind a bush and realized she wasn't alone. "Arukai, I sure could use your help right now." she uttered in the moment of silence and unplanned discovery. A wolf appeared from behind a bush, his bow drawn and pointed straight at Akiana. Suddenly two more appear from both sides of Akiana's view. She figured they had been gathering water when they spotted her coming their way and planned an ambush. And she fell for it.
"Curse my mind" Akiana snarled under her breath, "Had I not been so lost in thought I would've picked up their scent." Which by now she smelled so clearly. It was musky with a hint of buckskin and sweat which only got stronger as they got closer.
Maybe they won't see me as much of a threat if I don't make any sudden movements Akiana thought. Then again why take the chance?
"Well, well. Look what we have here." spoke the wolf from behind the bush as he came more into view. "The legendary Ma'ki desh'onai' herself."
The two wolves off to both sides laugh and proceeded to come closer keeping their distance from Akiana in case she tried something funny.
"I'm not here to fight." said Akian, "I'm just passing through the same as you." Her words truthful and solemn.
Akiana watched as a wolf, most likely the leader of the group, come across the river and stop just out of arms reach before her. His bow ready to deliver the end of the lone vixen's journey.
"You walk in wolf territory fox. So openly in fact that it causes me to wonder why?" he said.
From the look in his eyes Akiana got the sense that maybe he was rogue and these two were his followers. Akiana knew the wolves didn't see eye to eye with the foxes and things like this were bound to happen.
"But why now of all times?" Akiana thought to herself.
The wolf lowered his bow and walked around Akiana, somehwat proud of his newfound catch. He had a good reason to be, he had just caught a vixen and not just any vixen, but the leader of the fox clan.
It came as no surprise when he boasted about wolven superiority over fox kind. He droned on about how the wolves were just wasting their time keeping a truce with such an inferior clan and how if the wolves wanted they just wipe out the fox clan, they could.
"They could die trying." replied Akiana, "Not one life is worth more on this world than any other." A lesson Akiana was sure this wolf didn't heed to.
"You speak as though your life depended on it" came the wolfs voice over the noise in Akiana's head as she worked out the scenarios in which to save herself. She knew she could take him with relative ease but what of the other two. Her bow was still harnessed onto her pack and in the time it took for her to get it undone, the other two wolves would have put two arrows into her and add another notch to their bows.
A big notch Akiana hoped.
Akiana thought about surrendering but then she would be at the mercy of these wolves, which right now would still end up with her dead, sans scalp and probably her virtue too.
"Are you with Seto and his group of wolves?" Akiana asked in desperation. If he was maybe they would back down and let me pass. If they weren't then my problems only get worse thought Akiana.
"I am. But he is not here fox." came his reply.
The wolf stopped just in front of Akiana and smiled, a condescending smile.
I figure hes sizing me up for the kill and was pretty sure of himself thought Akiana. The next few moments will surely be my last if I don't do something. Anything. Better to die on my feet than at the feet of a wolf, especially this one.
Akiana sized up her opposition: he was a wolf and that meant he was stronger than her. His two friends would kill her the moment after she killed him. And she was alone. The odds were set. There was no way this was gonna end with them just letting her go, she realized that now. "Arukai, I could use some help right about now." she said to herself.
The breeze shifted and Akiana picked up another scent on the wind. The wolf had smelled it too and got behind her. It was neither wolf nor fox that they smelled and that meant only one thing, coyote scouting party.
"You afraid of a couple of coyotes?" said Akiana, taunting the wolf behind her.
Akiana had already said her goodbyes and seen her last sunrise. It was a good day to die. And she was ready.
From behind a small hill emerged the coyote scouting party who, upon seeing the three wolves with a vixen captive, quickly drew their bows and alerted the rest of the group.
Akiana figured there were about six or seven, just enough to turn the wolves attention from her.
The party leader emerged from behind the hill and stood before them. Akiana noted the scar across his face, along with the tomahawk he carried, that had a few scalps bound to the hilt. Akiana felt happy that they were there but that feeling quickly faded when she realized their leader knew who she was.
He wasn't smiling about it either like the wolf had done earlier. No he was standing motionless and wary of the situation. Akiana took it that he didn't count on seeing wolves let alone a vixen in their company.
They surrounded the four in a circle. The wolves faced them with a hatred in their eyes while Akiana stood there. Not much she could do, especially now.
The situation grew in intensity and became even more dire for the vixen. She knew not to make a move but couldn't say for the wolves in her company. If one of them made a wrong move, she would curse whichever one for all eternity.
"What have we here?" spoke coyote leader in a voice with authority over the situation.
"You dare trespass on wolfen lands". I should kill you all" spoke the wolf from behind Akiana.
Right, now he has balls Akiana thought to herself. A minute ago he was preaching to me about wolfen pride and now stands behind me, out numbered and without help. A wolf through and through, right up to the end. I didn't know whether to admire him for his bravery or shake my head in disagreement as to his convictions.
"Defiance will get you killed, wolf. You, of all people, should know that well. We are many and you are few." came the coyote leaders cocky reply.
"It's the fight inside of one that decides the outcome of the battle. Not your petty numbers." said the wolf.
Akiana heard him (the wolf behind her) spit at the ground and closes her eyes. Steeling her nerves she prepared herself. Her knife hung from her side, just within arms reach. She would have to choose her target wisely. The coyote leader was just out of range for a lethal kill and the two coyotes in front would have to do, but which one? Both had bows drawn and had her covered.
The next few seconds inched by and Akiana held fast to the notion, "It's a good day to die."