A City Boy and A Country Girl (1)

Story by SurryKitten on SoFurry

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#1 of A City Boy and A Country Girl

This chapter is just the beginning. There will be many more to come. It is about a mare name Sarah who has lived in the small town of Rabun her whole life. It's a lovely place to live unless you're in high school. Sarah happens to meet a boy named Adam, and he is from the city. She wants to be kind to him and be his friend, but he doesn't seem to take interest in her. He's too busy getting his ass kicked by a big pit bull on steroids, but Sarah's determined to be nice. What could possibly go wrong?


What is that beeping noise? Sarah slowly opened her eyes to see the sun shining in through her bedroom window. Her eyes felt heavy, but she knew she had slept enough, because six hours is enough for any teenager of course. She turned her head slowly to look at the alarm clock on her desk, but it made no sound. Raising an eyebrow, she moved onto her knees on the bed and peered out her window. The beeping noise was coming from a moving van across the street. Guess someone finally decided to buy the place. It was pointless to go back to sleep. Her mother would be up soon and yelling up the stairs to proclaim that breakfast was ready, and after breakfast, Sarah would be forced to do chores around the farm. Slowly, she pushed the covers off and got up to stretch. As she walked to the bathroom, she bumped her hips into her bedside table and almost knocked over a vase of flowers. It was hard being a mare sometimes. She had grown into her hips when she was sixteen, and she was still not used to them a year later. She always thought they were too wide, but her mother just told her they were "child bearing hips." Whatever that meant.

She quickly brushed through her long mane and threw the black threads up into a pony tail to resemble her actual tail. She tied a cute bow around her tail and slipped on some cutoff shorts and a red tank top. School was starting in a few days, but the weather was still fairly warm. It'll change as soon as the leaves do. Her mother was in the kitchen pouring pancake batter into a pan. Sarah could see her hair was still a mess, and she was still wearing her silky pink night gown. The one her father had always liked.

"Morning mom!"

Her mother turned around and welcomed Sarah with a smile. It was good to see her smiling again after the divorce, but there were lines of worry and heartbreak in her smile. For anyone who did not know Sarah and Juliet, It would have been hard to tell that they were related. Yes, they both had black hair and the same dark brown eye color, but their coats were completely different. In that way, Sarah resembled her father more. Her mother was a beautiful brown mare, but Sarah was mostly white with several black spots. In elementary school, the kids always made fun of her. They told Sarah that she was adopted, and her real father had actually been a Dalmatian. Her father was black, and he only had two white spots on his coat; so, for a while, Sarah had actually believed she was adopted, and sometimes she really wished that she was. Maybe then she could have gotten out of bum-fuck nowhere.

"Morning sweetheart. I made pancakes for you this morning. I know school starts in a few days! Oh, are you excited? It's your junior year. Oh, I'm so proud!"

Sarah slowly peeled a banana and looked up at her mother, "Really mom it's not that big of a deal. You only need an IQ above zero to get by in my school."

"Oh, hush," Her mother said while piling pancakes onto the breakfast table. "By the way, there is a family moving in next door. I hear it's a mother and her son. Maybe he's your age and you could actually get laid."

Sarah leaned forward cupping her nose with her hand as she began to laugh. She had just taken a sip of milk, and she could feel the liquid rising and threatening to come out of her nose. Her mother was always a joker, but was she really joking? It was hard to tell.

"Oh yeah mom. That's really what I need. A nice fuck buddy."

Her mother smiled and took off her frilly "kiss the cook" apron. She had left Sarah alone to eat breakfast so that she could get ready for work. Sarah leaned back in her chair, and she began to look around the room. The kitchen hadn't changed in seventeen years. Didn't we used to have blue curtains instead of white ones? Yeah, they were blue at one point. I think. There were the same old appliances and wallpaper that depicted fading flowers. To her, it seemed like nothing ever changed in this part of the world.

A few days passed, and school had started. Yay...? Since it was such a small school, the students kept their lockers every year. Sarah was one of the lucky few that had actually managed to snag a top locker for her entire high school journey. She opened her locker, and took out her gym bag. Unfortunately, gym class was first thing in the morning. Every student thought it was ridiculous, but the school board was determined to make everyone hate the little town of Rabun. As Sarah shut her locker, she heard commotion down the hallway. She walked down the corridor to find a group of people huddled together in a circle. It could only be one thing--a fight. On the first day of school? It seemed ridiculous, but sure enough, there were two males fighting in the hallway.

She did not approve of violence, but she moved closer to see who was involved. She could make out Alec for sure. Alec was the high school jock. Every high school had one, and Alec was the perfect boy to fit the mold. He had developed muscles when he was young, and he continued to make them bigger by lifting weights. Some people even suspected steroids. That would explain his irrational and furious outbursts. He was a very tall pit bull who always dated the head cheerleader and never got in trouble for anything. Who could the other poor soul be? She could see a male on the ground, and she knew it was the new boy who had moved into the house across from her. She knew it was him for two reasons. One, He was a Doberman, and there were no other Dobers within a fifty mile radius of her town. Two, she didn't recognize him, because he was the first newcomer in two years.

She stepped forward through the crowd. She wasn't sure what she could do, but she thought she could jump onto Alec's back and cause him to stop.

"Hey! Get off--"

Before she could finish her sentence, the Dober was thrown in her direction. Their bodies connected, and Sarah fell backwards. The boy landed on top of her, but luckily, her head missed the floor. Their eyes locked for a moment before they both realized that he was bleeding on her. The blood was coming from his muzzle, and he cupped his hand over his mouth while mumbling what sounded like an apology to her as he scrambled to get up.

A deep voice rose above the others, and the students began to scatter and run back into the classrooms. It was the principal. He had heard the commotion and come to stop the fight. She saw the boy and Alec being escorted to the principal's office, and she slowly lifted herself off the ground. Her new shirt was now covered in drops of blood, but she didn't really care about it like most girls would.

She made her way to gym class, and she changed into her gym shorts and a tight tank top. She was doing her stretched when she would see the boy on the other side of the gym. The teacher made her way into the class and announced that they would just be throwing basketballs around for the whole period. Sarah was perfectly fine with that, and everyone else was as well. Trixie, Sarah's friend since the sixth grade, made her way over, and she began to throw her basketball at the hoop; She missed every time.

"Man I saw that fight this morning. You got nailed Sarah-Ann!" Trixie said with a smirk on her lips. Sarah's real name was Sarah-Ann, but most people just shortened it to Sarah to save time. Even her mother shortened it. If she heard her full first name, she usually assumed that she was in trouble.

"Yeah. Hey, do you know anything about the new boy?"

Trixie raised her eyebrow, "Why are you interested?"

"Well, no. I just thought since you're in on all the gossip you would know." Sarah could feel her cheeks turning red again. She hated the tingling and burning sensation of blushing.

"I know his name is Adam. I don't know his last name. It's something weird. I heard he moved here from Los Angeles! Ha! A city boy here? I mean how do you find a town like this in Georgia from California?"

"It does seem a little odd," Sarah said as she looked over at Adam. Their eyes locked again, and she quickly looked away. "What else did you hear?"

"I hear he's a foster kid or something. Maybe adopted? I'm not sure. All I know is that the woman he lives with is not his mom. Maybe they're lovers. Oh! That's a good one!"

"Don't spread rumors about him. He's having a hard time as it is with Alec being a complete ass hole."

Trixie let out a quiet sigh. "Yes my queen!"

Sarah rolled her eyes and continued to shoot hoops for the rest of the class period. She tried to keep her eyes off of Adam, but she kept wanting to glance over at him. Though, she was afraid that if she looked, they would make eye contact again. She didn't want to freak him out. Don't look! Is he looking? Just stare at the ball! No, that makes you look stupid. She shook her head gently, and she heard the bell go off. It was time for the next class.

As the say went on, she saw that she had two other classes with Adam. They had English class together, and they were in the same science class. Sarah sat down at an empty seat, and watched as Adam walked into the room. There was only one seat left, and it was next to her. When he sat down, she gave him a soft smile.

"Um, hi. My name is Sarah-Ann, but people usually just call me Sarah for short. So, I know you're new and all, but I could show you around town and school if you like. I think we are neighbors too so I--"

He held up a paw in front of her, and she looked at it confused. Was he telling her to be quiet? He looked over at her from his seat with a blank expression.

"Look, I'm new. Yes, I am, but I don't need anyone to show me around. I don't need any friends, and I don't need a girl trying to stick up for me in fights or offering to show me around just so she can spread shit about me later."

"But I--"

She started, but he cut her off again.

"Just leave me alone, and please stop talking."

She looked forward and tried not to feel hurt. She was just trying to be nice, and he was being an asshole. The teacher got up in the front of the class and smiled happily.

"Welcome everyone! I just want to let you all know that in my class, we will be doing more hands on experiments than lectures. So you will all need a lab partner. I've already selected your partners. There is a list going around. One of the glorious things about high school is getting to know someone else. If you don't like your partner, that's too bad. There is no switching unless you have a severe allergic reaction to your partner. Then I may reconsider."

The list went around the classroom until Sarah picked it up. Her eyes scanned over the paper and landed on her name. She moved her eyes to the right and let out a soft sigh. The name beside hers was none other than Adam Haase; the friend she had made just seconds before. Handing the paper over to him, she laid her head back and mumbled a single word.
