Spyro's Affliction Part 3 - A dangerous idea
#3 of Spyros Affliction
Part 3 of my Spyro Story.
Have fun reading ;) ^-^
Hey there! Part 3 of my Spyro Story is already ready :D Have fun reading and if you like please rate, comment and fav ;)
Spyro's Affliction
Part 3
A dangerous idea
Spyro was kept at Malefor's home for ten days now and he relinquished the idea that he could ever flee from this place.
He sat in the big throne room next to Malefor on the stony floor and looked to the window with a blank glance. The sun was slowly going down and the rest of a red, warm summer shine lightened and warmed Spyro's face. He accepted that he would be Malefor's slave for lifetime and would never be rescued from anyone.
"You've done your job well in your last days, Spyro. And I think you're ready for the next step."
Malefor said.
"You see, we found an invader at our area some days ago. And I'll have a special task for you. Come with me, and I'll show you what to do."
Malefor growled and stood up from his throne. The metal leash, wrapped around his hand tightly, he walked through the big hall, with Spyro, some steps behind him.
Together they walked down the long stony staircase, away from Malefor's home and to the big entrance hall, which looks like a huge cave, dug into the rock from the inside.
On a place of the cave, a lot of apes stood around something and were very upset.
Malefor and Spyro stepped to that place and the guards let them pass through and were completely silent.
Malefor grinned as they stood in the middle of this place and saw, what caused this excitement.
There was a huge iron cage and in the middle of it, a black character was crouched together on the iron ground.
Spyro was ripped out of the emptiness.
He screamed and ran to the cage.
He was restrained from Malefor, who hold him back with the chain and sent some evil glances to him.
"Silence, Pet!"
He screamed and Spyro shivered, lowered his head and sat still on Malefor's side.
"As you can see, we caught your little friend, Cynder, two days ago as she spied around here."
Malefor continued as he looked to his pet.
"Well, we don't need any Spys here and I don't need her anyway. So the thing I want from you is to kill her."
Spyro looked up to his master with shock and fear in his eyes.
No.. Master, please.. I.."
Malefor screamed at him with an angry instructional voice and Spyro broke off his speaking immediately.
"We can make a deal. You'll kill her and I'll let you free from your chain and you have more clearance. Isn't that generous from me?"
Malefor grinned.
"Anyway, you have time till tomorrow morning, if you couldn't manage to kill her till then, my guards will do it and you can have a seat beneath me to see this spectacle."
Malefor laughed. He fixed the chain to the cage, turned around and made his way up to the tower again.
Spyro kneed in front of the cage and broke out in tears.
He saw his unconsciousness friend lying there and thought about all the times, they were together. He missed it to play with Cynder in the snow in winter and flying together over grass green valleys and feel the strong spring breeze. Spyro lay down beneath the cage, and cried out all the pain he had. It was a horrible feeling to be reminded at home with no chance of escape. All he just wanted is to die in these minutes of incredible pain. He rolled up like a hatchling and after some heavy sobbing, he fell asleep.
"Pssst! Spyro!..."
Spyro was wondering. Did he really just hear a voice? He awoke anxiously and slowly opened his eyes.
"Pssst, Spyro! Wake up!"
Now Spyro really heard something. Something Familiar.
He rose up and looked to the cage.
Cynder was standing in there, awake and looked at him with joyful eyes.
"Spyro! You're awake!"
She screamed in joy and had a big smile on her face.
"Cynder! How did you get here? Why are you even here? What about the others?"
Spyro said in excitement and considered Cynder carefully.
"Woah, woah. Question after question, boy!"
Cynder joked and continued.
"Well, after you were gone and I found out I have to say I was really depressed first and thought I couldn't live without you. But after some time I got an idea, how to get you out of there. I offered the elder dragons my plan, to storm Malefor's Mountain and kill Malefor, because all of his warriors are still standing in front of the valley waiting for the signal to attack. Ignitus and the others believed that before we were able to have a chance to kill Malefor, the valley would be destroyed. So the thing they did is to wait and sit on their lazy asses. I didn't want to wait and so I decided that I'll rescue you. Well, unfortunately I got caught in front of the mountain as I sniffed around."
Cynder told Spyro and smiled.
"Do you know, what they'll do to you?"
Spyro asked upset.
"Nope, not a clue. But I think it won't be funny at all"
Cynder joked again.
"That's not funny, Cynder!"
Spyro screamed at her with despair...
"That's not funny! They'll kill you."
He screamed at her with tears in his eyes.
"I have to kill you."
He said with a lowered voice.
"Oh Spyro, It's sad to see, how they broke you. You were so strong hearted and brave. Now look at you. You are the slave of our greatest enemy. You stand there with no more might in you. Just the hope, to protect us all. And that's the only reason, that you are still here and alive. Am I right?"
Cynder said and looked at Spyro with misery.
Spyro didn't dare to look at her. Of course she was right. He knew it. But it was so hard for him to make decisions right now. Every wrong step could cause more pain and suffer. He didn't want this.
Spyro broke out in tears again and it took a while, till he was able to speak again.
"You see," he started "sometimes I wish I could be dead. That I'm not the person, who has to do all this tasks. Why... me? And why is everyone so cruel to me? Couldn't the valley live in peace for all time? That's the only thing I want."
Spyro said and sank his head again.
"Because you are the one, who can fulfill this dream. Don't you understand Spyro? YOU are the purple dragon. YOU have the power to bring this world peace and hope. Just think about, why Malefor only wants you for not attacking the valley. YOU, Spyro, you are the one, who is able to defeat hate in this world and bring love to all of his people."
Cynder said and Spyro got sensitive.
"You think so?" he asked.
"But I can't do anything as long as I'm here. Malefor keeps me as his slave and If I would flee, he will destroy the valley."
Cynder thought about the whole situation a time and got a brightened idea.
"What, if you just kill Malefor?"
She asked and looked at the purple dragon with excitement.
"What?!" Spyro asked upset.
"Kill him? That's.. That's impossible! He is a great magician and has a powerful brain. In all the years, we chased after him, we never got a chance to even hurt him."
Cynder grinned and replied
"Nothing is impossible, Spyro. And think about it. We're here in the middle of his home. So we don't have to chase him any longer. And we are two. He won't even have a chance. I have a plan, listen closely"
Spyro was uncertain and but gave the plan a chance.
"And you think that will work?"
The young male dragon asked in disbelief.
"Trust me. Everything will be fine."
Cynder replied.
"But for now, we have to wait till tomorrow. I think I'll go to sleep now. I'm glad to see you, Spyro. I was afraid I would never be able to speak to you again."
"I'm glad to see you too, Cynder. I missed you."
Spyro laid his head on the ground and fell asleep with a smile on his face. A long time passed since that happened the last time.
"Wake up you maggots!" A loud voice roared in the peaceful scene of sleeping and woke both dragons up.
Malefor stood in front of the cage and looked at both with an angry face.
"So," he started to say and looked at Spyro with disappointment. "I see you didn't manage to kill your friend. So it will be a pleasure for me to help you out." He said and had a disgusted face.
"Guards! Make everything ready for the execution!" he screamed to his ape warriors with an angry voice.
"And make an extra place for our little friend here next to me." He added and stared to Spyro with a grin on his face.
Spyro just stood there and watched to his master with disbelief. Is he really that cruel?
"But.. Master!" Spyro said and started to implore Malefor. "She is harmless! She was just wandering around here! Why.."
"Silence!" Malefor screamed to him and punched right into his face.
Spyro fell back on the cage and collected some more punches from some guards till Malefor gave the order to stop.
"I thought I taught you better." The dark master answered and looked right into Spyro's eyes. "I thought the time had come, where I could give you more freedom. But it looks like I erred in this assumption."
He turned his back to Spyro and moved on, to the execution place with Spyro's chain in his hand
Spyro looked to Cynder with fearful eyes and he received a short smile and an eye blink.
Spyro followed his master to the stage and took the place next to Malefor.
The dark master pulled Spyro's chain tighter gave his pet an evil glance and sat down on a chair. Spyro sat next to him on the stony ground. Finally Malefor looked forth, to a big empty place in front of him.
Cynder was moved out of the cage and to the place in front of Malefor. She struggled with all the force she had and threw lots of nasty words to the guards, which held her. She was kneed down on the floor and her head was pushing down on the stony ground, letting her breath the dust of cold stone. A huge amount of ape guards built a circle around her and waiting for the cruel scene to start.
One guard moved over to her and held a huge axe in his arms, waiting for the signal to kill.
He looked to Malefor and he just grinned and gave a short nod to the waiting ape.
"Now see and learn, how cruel I can be, my pet. And maybe you'll understand how pleasant it's for you, to be my servant." He said to Spyro.
The little dragon first looked with disbelief to his master and finally to the guard, watching his move, when he swung his axe over his head. Just in that moment everything was silent and even Cynder stopped her swearing.
The huge axe hit the ground and stuck in the stony ground a little bit. Cynder was gone and the only thing, she left behind was a huge amount of fog.
"W.. What happened?"
Malefor stood up from his throne and watched with disbelieve to the empty place.
"Where the hell is this piece of scum?!" he shouted.
"Right here, you bastard!" Cynder shouted and appeared out of the fog, 6 feet in front of him.
"Spyro, now!" Cynder screamed and shot a ring of poisoned steel with great speed to Malefor. It hit his arm and he dropped Spyro's chain on the floor.
Spyro flew up in air and turned all the guards into ice with a mighty freezing breath out of his mouth.
He turned to Malefor and shot a few fire breathes to him. Malefor dodged all of his attacks with not much effort but didn't recognize Cynder behind him. She poisoned her horns and rammed them straight into the scales of the dark master.
A scream of pain was released from him and a second later he disappeared in a dark fog.
"W.. Where.. Where is he? Have you done it?" Spyro hurried over to Cynder and asked her.
"It's not over now. Be prepared." Cynder replied and strengthened her defensive watching closely the area around her.
"I'm here you fools!" A shout was relieved and both young dragons looked up in shock.
Malefor flew over them and looked down to them with an evil face.
Spyro and Cynder immediately shot another attack up to him but it was too slow. He vanished again and appeared behind them, holding both of them around their necks, letting them struggle for air.
"You know," Malefor started and looked deep into Cynder's eyes. "You really hurt me. And I don't like to be hurt." He strengthened his grip and tears shot into Cynder's eyes.
By now it was hard for her to breath. She rung for air but the only thing, she could manage to get was a slight squeaking.
"And you," Malefor looked to Spyro and got even angrier. "I'm very disappointed of you my pet. I expected much more of a purple dragon. I thought you could step in my footprints one day and rule this empire, which was a hard bunch of work for me. But now, I think the only way to solve this problem is to wipe out the era of the purple dragon and to kill you." Cynder already fainted under the huge pressure of Malefor's huge paw. Malefor lost a teardrop, and tightened his hard grip. Now Spyro rung for air and it was impossible for him to breathe.
Malefor continued with wet eyes.
"You know, I'm not evil. I just have a different view of things. The only thing I want is to feel love and have a family. But things went different and people understood me wrong and they were afraid of me. So no one liked me. You can't imagine, how lonely I often feel.."
Spyro saw Malefor's lips moving but he couldn't hear him anymore. His view went darker and vanished second to second. For a short glance he thought he would see the elder dragons stepping into the huge stony room. But that couldn't be. He thought it would just be an optic deception and it's over for him. A short while later he fainted in Malefor's giant hand and didn't feel anything anymore.
Suddenly he woke up and saw himself lying on the stony floor. Cynder lay next to him, but Malefor was gone. He felt a huge amount of energy pressing him down on the ground again. He looked up and saw an explosion in Malefor's tower. The dark master flew out of the broken wall, smoking on his whole body and the four elemental elder dragons after him. All of them were up in air and Spyro fainted again, smelling the dust of war and destruction in his nuzzles.
Spyro woke up again. This time he lay in a big fluffy bed with a silent atmosphere around him. No screams of pain and creepy howling in the middle of the night, letting him awake.
He still was very weak, but stood up, plodding, to see what's going on. He was in Ignitus' room and remembered the night, he left his beloved home.
Spyro opened the heavy door and stepped out of the room with a smile on his face.
He stepped out and needed to blink immediately. The sun of a bright nice day was shining right into his face. He smiled and made his way to the big council hall, where the elder dragons sat in a circle, having a chat.
As Spyro entered the room, they all looked at him with a graceful smile. Ignitus ran over to him and hugged him tightly.
"Spyro! I'm so glad you're Ok"
Spyro was a little bit confused about this whole situation and needed some report.
"What happened with me? Where is Malefor? And.. Where is Cynder??!"
Cyril, the ice dragon took place and told the young dragon what happened:
"After you were gone, Cynder was very sad first and after some days she was worried if you would be Okay and asked us for support, if we all maybe could storm Malefor's mountain and rescue you. We hold a council and decided that the best thing was, not to do anything and wait for a life sign of you. We all didn't know if you were still alive. And we thought if we would attack Malefor, his army will attack the valley and nobody would be here, to protect the others in emergency. Cynder didn't accept that. She knew, that you were still alive and made her way to you on her own. Well, after we figured that out, we hurried after her to stop her, but we found out, that she was already captured by Malefor's guards. So we waited for the perfect moment to come into play. Well, your try to escape was not that bad. Because of that, we managed to get into the mountain without being recognized. We managed to get there, before Malefor was able to kill you. We fought him, and gladly defeated him. We had luck, Cynder poisoned him. Other ways it would have been worse to fight against him and we brought you two back here. And we managed to break the spell of your chain, so we could remove it." He made a short pause to catch more breath for the next chapter.
"Malefor's Army finally pulled back and it seems that they won't attack anymore. It's over now. Malefor is dead and valley and all of his inhabitants can live in peace for now on. And we have to thank you a lot for all your efforts, young dragon.
What's about Cynder, well, she is still asleep. Our healers did the best and they still try, but it seems, she just won't wake up anymore. She is in my room, if you want to see her."
As Spyro heard, that Cynder was not Okay he ran out of the room, with fearful tears in his eyes, straight to Cyril's room. He opened the door with rush and saw Cynder, lying there on Cyril's bed. He moved closer to her and looked at her. It just looked like she was dead, but he saw her breast rising up and down.
"So she's alive.." he thought to himself and broke out in tears. He cried out all the pain he had and remembered back, the time he was sitting in this cold stony throne room next to Malefor with no sight of a happy live. The sun, he only saw in the evening which shone through the only hole in the mountain and into the only window in Malefor's room, gave him a short glance, how warmness feels. Then Cynder appeared and he was so glad, he saw another face than Malefor's or the ape guards'. He was so thankful, Cynder didn't belief he was dead and tried to rescue him.
He went over to her, gave the sleeping beauty a hug and left a kiss behind of her cheek.
Spyro cuddled into her and was about to sleep away, as he thought about Malefor. Did he really cry, before he was about to kill Spyro? Was he searching for love like all the other creatures, wandering around on this world? What a sad end for a sad emperor like him. Even, if he was evil, he was very soft to Spyro all the time. Malefor gave him everything he needed, just for a little bit of love and that he had to stay at the dark master's place. Sure, he punished him, if Spyro did something wrong. But that was his way to make things clear. Nothing wrong about it, he thought.
Spyro made a sigh and was just wondering about, what he'll say to the elder dragons, if they'll ask him, what Malefor did to him. Should he say that he was raped every day?
With this questions and the knowledge, that the valley would live in peace for the rest of his live, he slowly slumbered away and finally fell asleep with Cynder in his arms.
END of Chapter 3
Hope you liked it and please don't forget to rate, comment and fav ;)
See ya! :D