Coffee and love ch5
Hey guys. Sorry this one took so long to get out but hey, I'm sure it'll be worth the wait, I just had so much to do xD. Anyway back on topic, hope you like this one and please comment and maybe even fav I don't know, anyway, [took a while, hope you like, maybe comment, oh yeah...] almost forgot the ;D. Enjoy it, maybe a new one out in the next few days. here we go...
Luke entered the shop, wondering just what he was going to say, anything at al. He was so nervous, he could turn around and run right now but then he wouldn't see Zoe again, oh what to do? what he hadn't realised was that while his emotions and thoughts were waging a full scale war in the recesses of his brain, the English white wolf had already pushed the doors to cafe open! His nose was immediately assaulted by the smoothe smell of a mocha wafting past as an otter went to sit down with a small group in the corner. Luke could hear them mumbling; barely audible but he wasn't interested anyway, it all just added to the atmosphere of the place that he loved so much. He then remembered the reason why he was here after fretting about it for the past four hours; he was here to see that wonderful kitsune Zoe. And there she sat, with that familiar small, delicate smile plastered on her face. It was a warm look that was beckoning the wolf over, so happily he oblijed. Walking over ot her, she rose from her seat and embrased into an awkward hug. Luke returned the hug, taking in her amazing sent that he actually hadn't noticed on their first meeting; he didn't know what the entoxicating aroma was, he just knew that he loved it. "so, do you want anything, or..." was all Luke managed to say before she politely asked for a caramel latte. Without even having sat down yet, Luke turned around and headed to the counter where he was greeted by a familiar face. It was a fox named Laura. She had lush orange fur with white paws and a white tip to her bushy tail; it looked like someone had dipped the end in white paint. She had long black head fur that was tied in a single pony tail. "Hey Luke, who's that?" Laura asked inquisitively. "Oh, uh, i bumped into her yesterday and we're kinda on our first date now i guess." Knowing the kind of fox Laura was, the wolf was reluctant to relinquish such information as he had a hunch about what her reaction would be... and he was perfectly on the mark "aaawww!" Luke quickly shushed her as it was at that moment that Zoe was looking over. "Uh, anyway..." Luke ordered their drinks and recieved them promptly along with a sly smile from Laura that was meant in a 'she's out of your league' kinda way. But he didn't care, he gave her a smile back, took the beverages and returned to the kitsune who was waiting for him patiently at their table by the window. "Who was that?" Zoe asked. "Oh, that's Laura, haha funny thing, she asked me the same about you. "What did you say?" With that, Zoe knew she'd caught Luke off guard; she also knew he had no time to make something up so he'd have to tell her the truth. Luke opened his mouth to speak only to babble jibberish nonsence. She let out a small, cute giggle "again, i must say, you keep such a cool head under pressure" "that was a mean question and you knew it, but I told her your name is Zoe and that we're..." He cut off there not knowing if calling this a date was a bit forward (even though it obviously was a date.) Finishing his sentence for him, Zoe wispered "on a date?" This elicitaed a small nod from the now bright red wolf. He cursed how his white fur didn't cover it up. Zoe just giggled again, then leaned over and hugged him. Her fur was soft like silk and she was so warm, he could've happily stayed like that for hours but Zoe broke the moment by pulling away. Blushing herself this time, she tried to cover her burning chieks with her cup... but to no avail. When the coffees were reduced to mere dribbles in the bottom of their mugs, the two rose to leave. They left paw-in-paw as Luke offered to walk Zoe home; an offer that she gladly accepted. The walk was short and quiet, the two just enjoying the other's company. When they reached Zoe's appartment, she turned around and hugged her wolf but at this point she did something that Luke definately did not expect. After breaking the hug, she leaned closer and kissed him, her furry lips feeling warm and soft against his own. After a moment, he surrendered and allowed himself to be consumed by the experience. When they broke apart, the kitsune smiled as she said "I'll call you tomorrow," before she turned around, antering her appartment and closing the door behind her. After a few seconds, when he'd collected himself, Luke did a small fist pump in joy and left to his own home. She had seen his display of extacy through her peep hole in the door. She smiled warmly to herself and skipped off further into her home, desperately trying not to call him now. Dissappointed, she knew she'd have to refrain from calling until tomorrow. She could hardly wait.