Final round: The championship part 1

Story by Vampire Panther on SoFurry

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Sorry for the long wait everybody, but I finally got some inspiration back in my dueling life. I know Battle for the bronze ended in a draw, but I decided to leave it that way and don't worry Jackie will get another chance in the future. Now is the championship it's me against Angel the Vampiric, enjoy everyone.

All day Smith tried his hardest again to have a rematch with Jackie, but the tournament official's wouldn't give him his rematch. Smith storms off back to his hotel suite instead of going home, because he wanted to see who would win the final's. Same with Jackie he stayed to support me, while me and him took it easy. Angel was in her room fixing up her other deck just for me. "you served me well my Lighsworn's." She put's it away and pull's out her other deck, smirking slyly.

The next day, fur's fill the seat's of the stadium to watch the final round take place. I sit in my locker room, thinking to myself 'ok, I made it to the final's. I just gotta stay calm.' Jackie knock's before coming in with a smile on his muzzle.

"you good to go my friend?" He ask's

I look at him and smile back with a nod. "I sure am Jackie"

The announcer comes out to the middle of the arena to start the show, in the back. Angel put's on her duel disk and insert's her deck in the slot, blowing out air. "here we go." She makes her way to the arena as the announcer call's her name. The crowd cheer's as she walks to her side, then I get announced and the crowd really goes wild for me as I wave to them, smiling. Jackie and Smith stay in back to watch the duel.

Me and Angel stare at each other as we acivate our duel disk's and drew our 5 cards, both saying "let's duel"

My LP:4000 Angel LP:4000

"I'll start." Angel draw's her sixth card, smiling "I play Silver Fang in attack mode." She play's her card and a white wolf appears on her field ATK/1200 DEF/800

"Kind of a weak start don't you think my dear?" I ask, thinking that's all she's gonna play.

She smirk's, "you may think so tiger, next I play Full Moon. Which raises his attack and deffense power by 300." A moon appears over her Silver Fang, it's attack point's growing ATK/1500 DEF/1100. "I set 2 cards face down and end my turn." 2 cards appear behind her Silver Fang.

"my turn." I draw, "I summon my Topaz Tiger." A topaz crystal appears and shatters, revealing my tiger ATK/1600 DEF/1000, "when he attack's a monster he gains 400 extra attack point's, attack my tiger." ATK/2000, my tiger roar's pouncing at her wolf.

"I don't think so, go Negate Attack." Her trap card flips up and my tiger stops and leaps back to my side.

"good one, I play the field spell Ancient City-Rainbow Ruins. I set 2 cards face down and end my turn." 2 cards appear face down behind my tiger.

Angel draws her card, "I play Cup of Ace, heads I draw 2 cards, tails you draw cards" A gold cup appears and a coin is tossed from the cup and it lands on heads. Angel draws 2 cards.

"I summon Arcana Force 7, The Chariot when he's summoned I toss a coin. Heads and if I destroy your monster I get to take control of it, tails you get my monster." Her monster takes to the field ATK/1700 DEF/1700 and a coin is tossed, landing on heads again. Angel smirks.

"I've alway's wanted a tiger on my side."

"Then come and get him if you can" I stand ready for her attack

"attack my chariot." her attack lands and my tiger appears on her side of the field.

My LP:3900 Angel LP:4000

"I'm not done yet, attack my Silver Fang and Tiger." They pounce at me and both attack's land.

My LP:800 Angel LP:4000

I hold my chest from the direct attack's, one eye closed looking at her. I see her smirking at me

"your move handsome."

I slowly draw my card, Jackie watches the tv screen "come on Spence, you can do it."

"Do you ever shut up Cypress?" coming from Smith. Jackie looks at him.

"I can shut you up Smith." He growl's at him.

"bring it on" said Smith

"I summon Sapphire Pegasus." A sapphire crystal appears and shatters, revealing my pegasus ATK/1800 DEF/1200. "thanks to him I can play a Crystal Beast from my deck to my spell and trap zone." I search my deck and play a Cobalt Eagle, a cobalt crystal appears behind my pegasus. "I activate my face down card Crystal Release and power up my pegasus by 800." ATK/2600 "I also activate my second face down card, Mystical Space Typhoon" my card revealed itself, blowing her face down card away.

"attack my tiger" the attack lands, going to my graveyard.

My LP:800 Angel LP:3000

"I set one card face down and end my turn" a card appears face down.

"I must congradulate you Spencer, you're the first duelist in this tournament to make me lose a life point."

She draws her card, "this'll help, I play Swords of Revealing Light" 3 swords appear on my side of the field.

I look at them "oh no"

"Oh yes, Spencer. I play a monster face down. Better think of something quick, or I win. Your move"

I draw, thinking to myself 'she must be stalling for something, but what?' "I summon Amber Mammoth" an amber crystal appears and shatters, revealing my mammoth ATK/1700 DEF/1600. "I play Crystal Blessing, I can bring back my tiger in my spell and trap zone" I place it there, a topaz crystal appears next to my cobalt one "3 more, your move."

Angel draws "nice, I play another Cup of Ace" and the same thing happens, she draws 2 cards "lady luck continues to favor me"

"For now"

'if only you knew what I drew dear Spencer' she smirks at the cards in her hand.

for give the shortness of it, but it continues in the next chapter. Thanks for reading