Chapter 1: The Adventure Begins
#1 of Warrior of Legend
The intro for a tale set in the wild west involving Akiana and the adventure therein. Hopefully worth a read as this idea has been on the shelf for awhile now. So read and rate if its worth it. Enjoy.
An elder fox sat near the camp fire once more tonight. It was colder than most would like it to be but still the elder persevered through it all.
As she spoke the warriors and cubs around her listened. Her voice raspy and aged. "Gather around young ones. For I have another tale to share with you tonight.", as she began her story, "It was many moons ago. Times were hard for everyone on the plains. Food was becoming scarce and the tension was rising over the last few remaining hunting grounds..."
Akiana stood at the bend of the river and looked down into its clear waters. There were no fish in which to gather and feed the growing needs of the tribe. It had been 2 months since the last fish was caught and now things were growing more dear.
The plains off to the south was a barren wasteland now that the buffalo had gone and moved on. There was so little left to feed the growing number of young ones and elders. Many warriors had to make due without food for so long that some of them were forced to scavenge the scraps from the wolves. It was becoming a tiresome chore just having to live day by day.
Something had to be done and soon. If not then a once proud fox tribe would fade from the plains like the last burning embers of a dying campfire.
Gazing to the river once more Akiana finds no peace in herself. The rivers flowing waters reminding her of the questions weighing so heavily on her mind. "Why me?" she asks as her reflection looks back, "I know I must be strong for my people and for myself. If I won't who will?"
The walk back to camp was quiet in a sense that many were out scavenging whatever food they can find. The center of the camp was Akiana's target and the most important place for one of her stature. There she would find the elders tent and hopefully get answers to her questions.
The elder fox sat outside his tent looking around and smiles as Akiana neared the tent. It was comforting to know that no matter how hard things were it never broke the hearts of the old ones. Ever since Akiana's own father was taken away this elder had taken his place her my heart.
Akiana's father was a great warrior and it hurt everyone to bid farewell to such a great fox. He had killed many a wolf in his day and in the end was taken by some sickness. The elders said it was something in his blood but Akiana knew better. She knew there was more to it than that. Being only a cub back then she knew it was better to not question what was told. But she knew it was something else. She could feel it in her gut.
On the last day her father was alive. It burned in her mind and tore at her soul as she watched her father take his last remaining breaths. He was trying to say something to Akiana over his coughing and wheezing which had begun to grow out of control. Then he lay motionless, eyes closed.
Akiana would be lying if she said she didn't miss him. But now she does, more than ever.
Akiana bowed her head to the elder fox and kneeled in front of him. His hearing was fading and so was his vision but Akiana could only come to admire such a furson. He was one of the few remaining elders left and Akiana found it hard to believe that things happen to you as you grew older. She was only 24 according to the moonlight calendar and still had a ways to go before she hit the elders age. By then he would be gone and she didn't know if she'd take his place.
The elder spoke, his words low and full of pride. "Ha'ko Ma'ki desh'onai'." He greeted.
Akiana bowed her head once more before sitting down in front of him. It was dusty outside and Akiana felt sure the elder wouldn't mind her stirring up a dust cloud as she sat down.
"Ha'ko my elder." Akiana said. There were many questions on her mind and she tried her best to narrow it down to the most troublesome of the group but was interrupted.
"I sense trouble within you child." the elder said. "I've seen this in a vision and can only offer you this-.", the elder produced a single small pouch from his buffalo robe and handed it to Akiana. "-take this and find a place where the water burns from the fire beneath." he said. "There you will find the answers which you seek."
Akiana took the pouch in her hand, it was lighter than it looked and had a beaded design reflecting the tribe. She bowed her head once more before walking away but stopped when she heard the elder's voice once and turns in response.
"The journey will be perilous but you must go it alone. That is the path foretold to me and chosen for you." The elder fox dropped his gaze from Akiana, "May you find what you seek. Ahk'shi Ma'ki Desh'on'ae"
"Ahk'shi dek'ahi" replied Akiana as she continued walking away, eyes affixed to the ground as she pondered the elders words, for they held the answers to the questions she seeked.