The voice (Day 1)
#1 of Voice
I got this inspiration from a ghost movie, so I'm using the same concept yet for a different plot in mind. It's gonna be a very short story series.
"Do you believe in ghosts?" the teacher said, tapping on the projection screen, "This is the topic of the day where we will venture into the world of supernatural. Some people believe in such existence with varying reasons, but there are no right or wrong answers as to whether they do exist or not. I want you all to form up in groups and discuss about this matter. In ten minutes time, I want a representative from each group to present their ideas and arguments. Now, move."
Rob grunted and started shifting places. It is a typical school day for this senior high school student in an English writing class. Really, ghosts? He thought bitterly. This was nothing but a waste of time. Rob hated writing these kind of essays, topics on grey areas of the world that he never wanted to touch. There's always an argument, a counter argument, an argument, an endless list which at the end of the day produces no answer.
He sat down with his usual group of friends, which were all the guys on the back row, taking out some spare paper, a pen and waited. His friends did the same thing as him and waited, probably for some form of inspiration to hit them. Rob's group of friends, including Rob himself, are what the classmates describe them as: Joker Jocks. All of them were in different sports group, from football, dragonboat, wrestling, soccer to Rob, who was in volleyball. One would not expect a polar bear to be in volleyball, but screw stereotypes; like he always say.
Rob and his group of friends are the ones who make classroom lessons fun. They like to joke around, make funny remarks but it wasn't nasty or mean... Though occasionally some of them were awarded detention when they accidentally cross the line of patience. Rob looks down at his paper, thinking what to write, after all he had to write something.
"I'll say I have to agree that ghosts actually exist," Rob heard from someone.
"Yeah, but all there will always be a counter argument for agreeing, this is so lame," Rob answered. All his friends nodded in reply.
"But don't you agree that ghosts exist?"
"Well, if there was actually an answer to that question, we won't we discussing about it right now in a writing class," Rob smirked.
"And if you're talking to one right now?"
"Yeah, yeah. If I'm talking to one right now maybe I'll consider again. There's a ghost in class right now!" Rob said loudly, eliciting chuckles from the class.
"Oh Robert Kalesmith."
Rob looked up at his friends, "What?"
Ven, the soccer vulpine answers him, "Well, might as well get started and crap something out at least."
In the end, the presentation was almost a joke. Every group in class almost had the same points on that subject, other than the nerdy one who had funny things like electromagnetism or something along that line.
Writing class finally ended after numerous slides from the teacher about ghosts, about different cases studies and at the end of the day the teacher didn't know if any of those were a hoax or not.
These kind of topics makes Chemistry so much easier. At least there is a definite answer of the problems given by the teacher. Now, stereotypically, Rob, being labelled as a jock should be a dumb blockhead. But no, he is actually the smartest amongst his group of friends, and have an interest in studying.
"Robert Kalesmith!"
"Okay, okay. Coming!" he replied as he packed his bag to go for lunch, heading out to the noisy corridor.
"Robert Kalesmith. You can hear me, right?"
"Of course I can, what do you think I am, deaf?" Rob chuckled.
"Can you see me then?"
"Of course, what are you talking about? Are you okay?" Rob said out loud to his friends over the crows.
His friends all turned back and stared at him while Rob raised his eyebrows, "What?"
Lenn the tiger frowns back, "Are you okay?"
"What do you mean?" Rob asked.
"Who were you talking to?" Lenn replied.
"You guys...? Who else?" Rob questioned while Ven pat Rob on the head making Rob jerk away from his touch.
"Nope, not a fever," Ven announced, "Are you that lonely? Get a girl man."
"Huh?" Rob scratched his head. I swore I heard someone. "You guys weren't calling me?"
"I think he might have contracted the Nerd Syndrome, guys," the bull footballer said, laughing, "that or he is pranking on us after writing class."
But I... No. I must be hearing things, Rob thought. "Hah, probably too tired from yesterday's volleyball training," Rob joked. His friends turned back with a "Nice try, Rob." and continued their way to lunch.
Throughout the day, Rob ignored all the voices calling his name, on responding to nudges. Rob figured that the tiredness was toying with his mind. A good night's sleep and it would be over. Rob stretched in happiness as he lied on his bed, deciding to have an early rest for the day. Not much homework to do anyway.
"Robert Kalesmith!" a voice growls out. Rob closed his eyes and covered his head with his pillow. The voice groaned then all of a sudden his pillow was yanked away from him. Rob opened his eyes very wide in surprise.
"What the fuck?!" Rob swore out loud and sat up, looking at the pillow on the floor.
"Rob, I know you can hear me, you even answered me!" the voice growled.
"What the bloody hell is going on?!" Rob yelled, pinching himself, hopefully to wake up from his very bad nightmare.
"You're not dreaming, this is not a prank and I won't hurt you, stupid bear," the voice said, obviously trying to hold his laughter. The reaction of Rob is freaking funny, but given the circumstances everyone would freak out like he is now.
"Get the fuck away from me, I didn't kill you!" Rob pointed at the pillow.
"Stereotypical. I thought you never believed in stereotypes," the voice said, almost lazily," think about it, if I really wanted to kill you, would I still be here calling for your attention? You're a pretty smart one, big boy."
Rob didn't answer him.
"Look, how can I prove to you that I'm not at all hostile? And seriously..." a voice said, before being interrupted by footsteps and a knock on the door. Rob's mom opened the door, "Son, is everything alright? I heard you shouting from the living room.
The voice continued, "You are the only one so far that can hear me."
"Did you just hear that?" Rob asked.
"Son? Hear... what?" his mom asked in return.
"See? Told you so," the voice said smugly.
"Oh, er... nothing. Just a bad dream I guess... Heh. Shouldn't have gone to sleep after a heavy meal," Rob lied, giving a very fake laugh.
His mom blinked a few times, "Oh sorry. I'm barging in your private time, am I? Well, pretend that I never interrupted you, son." She closed the door while Rob gave a loud groan.
"From what she just said, you must be pretty vocal in bed huh?" the voice said with a laugh.
"Shut up, ghost," Rob snapped back.
"Finally you have admitted my existence. To prove that you aren't crazy, the table lamp will light up in 3,2,1.." And the lamp beside Rob lit up.
"Okay! I believe you, don't do things like that again, it's freaking creepy," Rob said urgently as the lamp clicked off, "So what do you want from me? You want to possess my body or something?"
The voice laughed, "If I wanted to, I would have done so already. No, I don't want your body. I want mine."
"What?" Rob asked, "Your body? If you're a ghost aren't you already dead?"
"Nope. Apparently not. I don't know if I'm dead, but my body is really missing, if someone died, there should at least be a body or bones right..?" the voice said.
"Well," Rob said, thinking about the voice's words, "From your voice, you're obviously male. But I can't see you, how am I to know how do you look like?"
"Hmm. My name is Terry Harvoc and I'm a brown wolf?" the voice answered him.
"That's not telling a lot, Terry," Rob rolled his eyes. Robs and lumbers to his laptop. After some clicking and typing...
"You can't be serious," Rob complained, "You don't even have Facebook?"
"Nope," Terry laughs, "I guess I don't use social networking sites."
"Oh thanks," Rob said sarcastically, "No Facebook... How the hell am I supposed to find you? What do you actually remember?"
Terry was silent.
"Hello?" Rob asked, "Are you not here anymore?"
"The thing is," Terry said sadly, "I don't remember anything. I only know my name and I obviously can see myself so that's where the brown wolf clue came about. And that my body is missing."
"Huh," Rob snorted.
"I didn't know where I was or how I came about. The most I can remember is that I saw your GameOut card," Terry said.
Rob raised his eyebrows, "GameOut? I lost that thing ages ago."
"Yeah, but it had your face and particulars, so I travelled towards the address until I saw you this morning walking towards your school and I followed you," Terry said.
"Where did you find that card then?" Rob asked.
"Erm... in the drain beside your school?" Terry replied.
"Well, at least there's a start for you to investigate... Please help me find my body," Terry sniffed.
"Okay, stop crying, I'll try my best to help you okay? Wuss."
"Fuck off, you don't know how it is like, okay," Terry growled back.
"Chill bro, I'll just go to school and check it out for you tomorrow, okay?" Rob said.
Terry sighed and sat down on the floor. He could only let Rob do what he wanted in his own pace. Obviously Terry would want Rob to go and check it out right now, but how could he threaten Rob when Rob is the only one who can hear and help him?
"Do you know like why I'm the only one who can hear you?" Rob asked, shutting his laptop and laying back down on the bed.
"Probably because I saw your card first? I don't know," Terry replied. Terry looked up at the window, spotting the bear's reflection, but his... wasn't there.
Rob tossed on his bed, wondering what Terry was doing. Is the wolf standing, sitting, pacing around, or what?
"What are you doing?" Rob asked.
Terry raised an eyebrow, Rob wants to have a small talk with him?
"Sitting down, staring at your window?" Terry answered.
"I can only see your reflection on the window... I can't find mine,"
"That's just natural I guess," Rob chuckled, "You're a ghost. You can't touch me, can you?"
Terry laughed, "No I can't, and I won't disturb you. I can only see and talk to you."
"Are there... others?" Rob asked.
Terry flicked his ear, "You mean other ghosts?"
"I don't know. I haven't met any, though."
"Okaaay... So how is it like being one?"
"It is sad," Terry sighed, "Everyone can't see you, everyone can't hear you, and everyone can't feel you. It is like being isolated, forced to be alone in the world. You can see and witness everything, but... no one just notices you."
"I'm sorry that you have to go through this," Rob whispered, "Especially when you had no memories and directions. You must have been very scared..."
"Not really though," Terry said, "I found you not long after I've realised I'm a ghost, so I guess it wasn't that bad. I did panic a little when you won't answer me, so.... yeah."
Rob yawned, "Are you going to actually sleep?"
Terry raised an eyebrow and thought about it, "I don't know... I don't feel tired though."
"I am, so I'm gonna get some sleep first. Trust me; it's a crazy day not only to you, but to me as well. Put yourself into my shoes and see for yourself," Rob huffed.
Rob wondered if he has gone crazy or something... Talking to a ghost? That's like a cliché drama or movie. Why did his life come to this? It was still normal hours ago and now he is stuck... with a ghost.
Perhaps this was really a bad dream. Wake up tomorrow and everything will be fine...