Chapter 2, getting to know the neighbors
#2 of Wild, wilder, and crazy
Jean was quite deep asleep when the day's morning rolled around, still slumbering in his bed wearing just his underwear as was his preference when the apartment door across from his own opened up.
He was jolted awake quite suddenly when his doorbell rang, and let out a soft groan, "W.. What now?" He rubbed his eyes, grabbing his pants which were laid on his bedroom floor earlier, a bit wrinkly now.
When he walked out of his room he thought he heard soft murmurs from past his door, then another bell ring.
"I'm coming!" He called out, letting out a loud yawn, and hearing a soft giggle come right afterwards from behind the door curiously.. was this Elena and Bob, playing a trick on him? Doubtful..
When he opened the door he was surprised to see two people standing there, a tall female Kuwala, wearing a scanty short green leather skirt along with a blue, snug tank-top, rather form fitting with her large bosom, double CC he guessed, and looking a bit embarrassed.
Right beside her was a male Dingo, wearing a open green jacket and yellow shirt underneath, and below was some baggy gray pants. His right arm was wrapped around her waist, good indication of a couple.
The lady spoke first, giggling softly, and speaking with a light Spanish accent,"I'm sorry sir, we thought you were a early bird from what your neighbor Francine told us."
Francine was a 32 year old lupine lady that lived to the left of Jean. She was a kind woman who had gone through some heavy hardships before, including a marriage that was killed after seven years from her rat-bastard of a husband Tod, from what she told Jean at least.
The male Dingo smiled gently and spoke with a light Japanese accent,"I'm sorry to, we didn't mean to wake you up there. I'm Arata and this is my love Alondra. We're your new neighbors." He smiled a little wider.
Jean nodded to them, still finding it hard to keep his eyes completely open which he felt bad about, "Pleasure to meet you both." He smiled back. "I'm sorry about no shirt here.. let me get one."
Arata shook his head, "No worries there, we don't mind, though I'd like to make up for waking you up, buy you some breakfast, as was our plan anyways."
Alondra nodded in agreement, "Yeah, please let us get you a good meal, get to know each other too."
Jean looked a little hesitant, as he had meant to look for a job some more today.. but ah what the hell? It would be rude to turn these nice people down."Alright, I'll take a quick shower and be ready in a few minutes."
Alondra and Arata nodded and Arata spoke,"Great! We'll be waiting in our apartment, need to move around a few things anyways."
Jean nodded and closed up the door, walking swiftly to the shower. It was nice to get to know a few more people he thought, and these two seemed very kind people, generous too, so he was motivated to get ready quickly, showering swiftly but not too quickly, and donning on a light gray t-shirt and dark blue pants.
Jean came up to his neighbors door and raised his hand to knock, but paused as he heard some conversation lightly, "You sure he would want to?" It sounded like Arata's voice, then Alondra giggled gently, "Oh I wouldn't be surprised if he was interested.."
Jean wanted to hear more but decided he didn't want to be more rude then was for eavesdropping on what little he did, and knocked on the door. A little shuffling was heard and the door opened up with Arata holding it.
"Very quick!" He smiled, "Alright, let's get down there."
He and Alondra walked in front while Jean was behind, part of him wondering if they were talking about him.. and if so what were they speaking of? As he wondered and walked, he found it a little hard not to look over Alondra's small skirt, not short enough to let people see her panties easily, but enough to let the imagination wander... assuming she was wearing panties, a thought that Jean admonished harshly in his mind.
When they got outside, Jean was surprised to see the car of Elena and Bob pull up, both getting out and looking at Jean and the people with him with some surprise.
"Hi there Jean!" Bob said, he and Elena smiling. Elena was wearing a blue long-sleeve shirt and tan jeans, while Bob wore a red cotton jacket, closed with a blue t-shirt underneath, and black pants.
Jean nodded, "Hi guys! I'd like you to meet my new neighbors." Alondra and Arata looked at each other, a bit surprised, but pleasantly so and looked at the two nodding politely.
Alondra spoke first, "Pleasure to meet you both!" They walked over to Bob and Elena, shaking each other's hands.
Bob nodded, "Yeah, very nice to meet new friends of Jean's. He never said anything though."
Arata spoke, "Yes, well we just moved in yesterday while he was gone actually, pretty quick move, and we were... busy with moving things around so we couldn't greet him." Elena's lips smirked briefly at the male's pause but quickly turned back into a smile.
Alondra spoke, "We were going to take Jean over somewhere for breakfast to make up for waking him up this morning.. would you like to join us?"
Elena looked at Bob and he looked at her, nodding with a wide smile, then he turned to look at the couple. "Sure that sounds fine to us."
Alondra and Arata smiled and nodded, "We'll follow you two to the best breakfast place you know, since we're still new here." Arata offered.
Bob nodded and he and Alondra got back into their car while Jean followed Alondra and Arata to their car, getting in the backseat.
Jean was glad for this nice coincidence, though he was a little uncomfortable about his neighbors getting to know his friends so quickly, he would have liked to have a little time to get to know them all better before introducing them, make it a little more easy to manage conversation in case there was anything in particular that offended the neighbors he should be aware of, he was a little socially paranoid like that..
Elena looked at Bob as they drove on, "Wow, this is quite a surprise.. but they seem like very nice people."She smiled and he nodded, "Yeah, pretty cool people."
A small part of his mind wandered a little over that short skirt on Alondra, though he didn't really show anything on his face, Elena could tell.
"Yes it was short.." She snickered softly, and Bob looked at her strangely, "Um.. what?"
She looked back at him and giggled, "I know you're thinking about it just a little, hard not to, it was just a few inches away from showing people her underwear... that's assuming she was wearing some."
((Great, you tease, get me wondering that..)) Bob thought, chuckling gently. "Yeah well, I'm not thinking on it much.. can't get into a car crash of course."
Meanwhile in the other car Alondra was driving while Arata looked back at Jean, "So what are your friends like?" Jean looked at him a little curiously but answered, "Um.. they're nice, they like to go clubbing now and then, and they' a little bit joined at the hip."
Alondra looked at Arata curiously, and he grinned at her, making a small gesture with his hands hidden at his lap of intercourse, to which she grinned and giggled gently.
"Oh really? So they like to fuck allot?" Jean blushed at her language but nodded.
Arata smiled, "Well we don't have anything against that, we enjoy sex quite a bit too."
Jean felt he should have guessed that, then a thought came to his mind, not a bad one, but a uncomfortable one.
He nodded, "I see.. I think you'll all get along fine, they're very nice." Alondra giggled softly and Jean looked at her curiously briefly, then smiled.
A few minutes later they arrived at the place Elena chose for breakfast, a nice little homely restaurant a few city blocks away called "Sweet Sunrise."
Arata and Alondra smiled as they got out along with Jean, looking over the front. "This looks very good, "Arata said and Alondra nodded in agreement.
Bob and Elena came over and Bob smiled, "Yeah this is one of our favorite places to go to. Jean comes with us now and then here but he tends to prefer getting a sub-sandwhich for breakfast."
Jean rolled his eyes a little but said nothing, and followed the rest as they went inside, got a large table and sat down.
They all thanked the waiter who came over and handed them their menus, telling them the special was ten percent off a ceasar chicken salad, then left.
Elena checked over her menu briefly, making a selection then folding it down waiting for the others, looking over the two, having quite a few questions, eager to get to know these people more, but patient.
Everyone else soon put their menus down and as they waited for the waiter to come back Elena started up conversation.
"So tell us about you two.. how did you meet?"
Alondra smiled and looked at Arata, giggling softly, causing him to blush a little. She answered, "Well I was traveling through Japan, touring it with a friend of mine on a impulse.. I'm a big tourist." She smiled a little wider, "And in Tokyo I met this handsome devil.." She murred gently, her left hand quietly sneaking down to rub his left leg gently, getting a brief grin from his lips.
"I met him at a small restaurant much like this one that his family owned. He was working there for the time being and when me and my friend ate.. he couldn't help but look in my direction every so often." She let out a soft murr, Elena, Bob and Jean smiling as they listened.
"After we finished our food, I could see he was too shy to get a number or anything from me-"
"That's not true.. I was just waiting for the right time." Arata stuck his tongue out at her and she laughed softly along with the others.
Alondra continued, still stroking his leg. "Well as I was saying, after food I told my friend to wait for me while I walked right up to him as he was serving a customer..."
She paused briefly to see the predictable look of embarrassment on his face, then continued on, "And I asked him when he was getting off work.. he was so cute, taken off guard."
Arata smirked, "How could I not, such a pretty lady talking to me.." He moved his right hand discreetly to lay on the one on his leg, squeezing it gently.
She smiled, "And after a few moments he told me, and I told him where me and my friend were staying.. He came over hours later.. and my poor friend couldn't go to sleep." They both chuckled, while Bob and Elena smirked lightly, Jean rolling his eyes just a little.. they did seem just as horny as Bob and Elena... maybe more.
Arata continued the story, "And after that night we kept on seeing each other, my parents didn't mind, though they thought I was a little too young to be so serious with someone... We eventually decided we wanted to travel together and become mates.."
Elena mmed softly and nodded, her eyes locked on his as she continued from that point, "So we got married... that didn't please either of our parents but we really wanted to be together.. we knew it." She smiled, leaning over to kiss his lips softly.
Arata pressed into the kiss a little while Elena blushed softly as she,Bob and Jean watched,smiling at the two lovebirds.
Arata pulled away and chuckled softly, "Sorry, we got a little lost."
Elena shook her head, "No that's alright, we understand." She stopped from speaking further when the waiter came by, taking their orders then leaving.
Elena continued with her question, "So you two travel allot?"
Alondra nodded ,"Very much! We've traveled across several states here, and many places in Europe, meeting allot of other nice people, it's how we got introduced to swinging."
The eyes of the three friends nearly popped out, Jean clearing his throat, "S.. Swinging?" He didn't have anything against that lifestyle but it certainly caught him and the others off guard, making him just a little uncomfortable strangely though he wasn't sure why.
Elena and Bob looked at each other then them, Bob asking, "And.. you've been swingers for how long?" Elena felt like she might admonish him on that question, but she was curious as well.
Alondra looked thoughtful for several moments before answering, "I think it's been... almost seven or eight years.. we've had allot of.. adventures.." Her tail swayed a little, and Bob's mind wandered slightly, as did Elena's, but they snapped out of it moments later.
Jean could tell his friends were wondering about it just a little, and it made him feel more uncomfortable, but he tried to push those thoughts aside, asking his own question, "Tell me about where you've been in Europe... it sounds like you've been to some awesome places."
Arata smiled widely, and nodded, "Oh yes, we've been to Paris for nearly a week, a little too short for us but we saw some wonderful sights."
Jean nodded, "That's wonderful.. um.. have you been to Russia?"
Alondra shook her head, "Sadly no, we were running low on cash at the time so we moved for a few months in Italy to get a job, it was a lovely place though."
Elena and Bob looked flabbergasted, Italy... they couldn't help but feel a little jealous, but hid it as best they could.
Arata continued, "But we'd love to visit there someday, though.. we've decided for now we're going to settle down for a bit.. relax ourselves some." He nuzzled his mate gently.
A few moments later Jean spoke to them, "Our food's here." The waiter he spotted with their meals came by and they ate, speaking now and then on what they had done, and Elena and Bob told them about how they had met themselves in highschool, though not highschool sweethearts, they had dated briefly, then got together again years later and dated for about a year before getting hitched.
Jean was asked about his life, a little sensitive for him, but he told them about his years with his parents, living with them until he was twenty-six then moving out to the city, where he met Elena and Bob, strangely enough, at the DMV.
They got to talking for a bit, and the two offered to take him out to dinner because he had failed his driver's test and he was feeling a bit depressed over it.
Alondra nodded when the story finished up and looked at Bob and Elena, "You two are very sweet to have done that."
Bob smiled, "Well Jean needed a break and we figured he could use a couple of friends here, and we all got along well."
They continued talking, moving onto media, movies, books and such, found some similarities, and some differences, but all in all they weren't too different in tastes.
The subject of gaming wasn't brought up, much as Jean would have liked that, he didn't figure Alondra or Arata were gamers.. a fact he would have been mostly wrong of because they enjoyed playing a few games and had a small collection they took with them.
When they were all done Arata smiled widely, "Thank you both very much, this was very good food."
Alondra nodded, "Mmmhmm, this was a great time, we're glad we met you three."
Jean, Elena and Bob smiled and Bob nodded, "Your very welcome, I hope we can have more breakfasts together like this, perhaps lunch or dinner as well hopefully."
Alondra and her mate agreed, and reached for their wallets, Alondra speaking as she did so, "We'll be paying for this though if that's alright, since were going to pay for Jean's."
Bob looked at his mate, both not quite feeling comfortable, it felt more like they should be buying this as these were new friends, but Elena looked at them with a thought. "Alright, but later tonight, dinner, on us, at another great place I think you'll both love." She smiled widely.
Alondra and Arata looked at each other briefly then back, Arata nodding, "That sounds wonderful. But we need to move things around, so perhaps tomorrow night.."
Bob nodded, "That sounds good, neither of us have work then I think."
Alondra nodded, "Alright, it's a date." She giggled gently. "What time?"
Elena gave them a time and a restaurant for them all to go to, and they all left for their respective homes, with Jean riding with Alondra and Arata, who talked to him about how much they liked his friends as well as him, making him smile, glad this happened.
Alondra and Arata were happy they had met them too, but they were thinking of doing more then dinner.. if the two would be interested.. they felt Jean might not be so, noticing his shyness, so remained quiet.. until they got into their apartment, grinning and talking over how much fun this could be.
Jean meanwhile was groaning softly as he felt a little stuffed, and turned on his television and one of his gaming systems, just relaxing for the rest of the day, feeling things were looking to turn out much better.