Siara's New Beginning

Story by Tafari on SoFurry

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#1 of The Story Of The Nemrock Girl

© Tafari - All rights reserved

The Story of the Savannah - Siara's new beginning

The day was hot, the sun at its highest and water would not be found within a few hundred Kilometres of where Siara stood. The young lioness was sat beneath a cool tree amongst the blazing dead plains of the Savannah to take a breath from her long journey. Siara had no choice being alone; she never wanted any of this. She once had everything, a caring family full of sisters, brothers and two loving parents until that one day took it from her, leaving her with nothing... no one.

This is Siara's story: - 4 Months ago

A cool breeze passed over Nemrock, a tall dome shaped ancient stone, riddled with trees and vegetation, not to mention the number of caves. The sun began to rise over the glowing horizon making everything glow in the beauty. The lions of Nemrock would always be awake just before the golden god of the Savannah rose.

Siara on this day had slept past sun rise for the first time since her birth. The girl found it a weird sensation to her as her eyes were strained from the invading beams of light hitting her eyes from the cracks in the cave roof. The young lioness rose to her feet and gave an enormous stretch and yawn, waking her up enough to make her way into the heat of the early morning sun.

Siara was a young and beautiful lioness. She stood tall for her age and also slender making her very agile in hunting. She wasn't very old but was nearing maturity yet still at the end of her cub hood. Her assets were pretty much developed as well as many other things. She wore a loin cloth made from antelope hide to cover her graceful young figure. The lionesses eyes were piecing and could attract the most attractive males in the lands.

As the girl walked down Nemrock towards the lions meeting grounds she feels a little uneasy, something was not right today. The thought soon passed as she saw her family laying there in the meadow at the foot of mighty Nemrock. A smile beamed across her face as she ran to the pride.

Two lion cubs were play fighting on top of what was a fallen tree, about the size of your average oak tree. Their names were Kai and Cumba; these were Siara's brothers of whom she loved very dearly. Cumba lost his footing and took a short but quick fall to the meadow floor, making Siara giggle somewhat. Her father and mother turning around to see the beauty of their daughter awake.

"Siara... my, you are awake awfully late. Is anything the matter my darling?" Siara's mother asked.

"... I don't think so; it must just be the hormones of my age. I am sorry Mother; I do not mean to be disrespectful of Father and yourself..." Siara returned to her mother, a little worried if she was in a spot of trouble.

Her mother laughed at Siara and smiled, "Its ok my Baby girl, your Father and I both know that our girl is going through changes"

Siara gave a small sigh of relief and made her way down to sit at the foot of her parents. She looked up to her Father who seemed to looking out over the plains, watching for unwanted guests.

Siara's father was not a lion to mess with, you could say that is why he King of the Nemrock plains. The tall lion stood proud as his golden fur blew calmly in the early morning breeze. He had not much history, nor many secrets to keep. He was one to keep his word and to protect his pride at all costs.

"It just better not be a common occurrence Siara..." the tall lion then commanded down to Siara, who was standing on a proud rock.

"Yes Father, I am sorry" Siara apologised in return to her Father. She turned her gaze to her two brothers who seemed to be making their way towards their sister.

"Sister! You're wakey! I and Cumba were getting bored of just fighting on our big mean tree! We wanted our big strong sis to fight with" Said Kai, making Siara laugh out loud. The young lioness was about twice the size of the two little cubs and she was almost a mature lioness by now. However, she loved to play fight with them a lot as she felt it helped keep them active.

"Sorry Kai and Cumba, I don't know what was with me this morning... I must have just been tired from Father taking me hungry last night..." informed Kai "but tell you what, let me go grab some breakfast and I will be ready to have a match, what do you think?"

Kai and Cumba's smiles spread across theirs faces quicker than a cheater after its prey "Oh yes! Hurry!"

Siara made her way off in to the cool depths of the Nemrock caves to eat her share of breakfast caught in the early hours of the morning by her Father. Suddenly the hairs on the back of her neck rose with a chill like cold water. The lioness shook her head rapidly until the chill went. Siara started to have thoughts going through her head as she left the cave, making her way back towards her brothers.

Her Mother caught a look of worry upon her daughters face and notified her father. Meanwhile Kai and Cumba ran up to Siara and pounced her to the ground, taking her by surprise. Siara burst out with laughter as she looked at the two lion cubs pinning her down by her shoulders. Kai and Cumba were taken by surprise as she rolled over and pinned each of them with both of her paws, making them unable to move. "One day guys, Dad will teach you that trick..." She smirked at them, leaving them in anticipation of a future lesson from their father.

"Everyone, I need you to listen... The scouts of the pride have given me some information that is not good. We seem to have some unwelcome guests on our lands... a lot of them" shouted her Father from the tall rock, Siara's ears perked up as well as the rest of the prides. "... in fact, I don't think there is enough of us to make any sort of retaliation if we were attacked. "Therefore, myself and a few other light footed females are going to try and either take them out quietly or try and fool them in to a trap... "

Siara couldn't believe what she was hearing at all, her ears twitched. A few minutes ago the entire pride seemed at harmony. Her Father did not seem to flinch at all when she fist set eyes on him when she awoke. The lioness's attention was drawn to a small lioness standing to the side of her father as she began to speak. Her name was Viorian; she was the lioness in charge of scouts and infiltrators of the pride.

"Morning my fellow Pride members, our intelligence is accurate enough to make a decision on how to act. We will not be able to flee as they will only catch our scent, our King and myself thought It was best if were attacked, then on the ground we know." Viorian shouted so all could hear "therefore, we must all stay. A team of lionesses and the king must leave after this announcement to make our attack on the intruders so I make the briefing to you all quick. We need all non fighting pride members to make their way inside the safety of Nemrock, there your scents should be concealed and give the enemy a harder job to find you... any members wishing to aid the attack may step forward now..."

The meadow stood silent, heads turned to see who would step forward.

Siara went to step up but her mother pulled her back, whispering in to her ear "This is a fight you will not win my baby girl..."

"... No more Volunteers? Then we must depart... be safe everyone and dear god, we hope to see you again!" Viorian wished to the remaining pride members. The King and his lioness run over the hill towards to the enemies' location...

"DAD!!...No!" Siara shouted and ran as fast as she could to the top of the hill where her father had just departed from. By the time she got there, her Father was gone in to the long grass of the Savannah plains. Siara thought to herself, she did not even get a good bye to her father.

Thoughts started ripping though her mind of what was coming their way. They all didn't even know what the enemy was!? Was it feline, Canine? She did not actually want to know. Her mother approached her from behind,

"This is going to be a difficult time for us Siara; we need to get inside of Nemrock fast as your Father and Viorian say's..." Her mother spoke, Siara looking over her shoulder to her and pauses for a few seconds.

"Yes Mother... Dad needs us to do what he says" Siara replied to her mother, looking back down from the hill to Nemrock, seeing all the pride taking shelter inside the strong walls of the ancient natural structure.

Siara and her Mother made their way back in to the rock, entering the cool dark space Echoes bounced off the walls with the sound of lions paw steps. Her mother ran forward and took lead of the pride. A small narrow corridor of rock, nearly vertical appeared before them. Siara's Mother led them all down in to the secret depths of Nemrock, where the light never shone and weird creatures lived.

"Everyone, its best to get some sleep... we may need the energy for the next few days" Siara's mother spoke softly. The Pride all took a space on the floor to sleep upon. Siara leaned against a wall with her brothers, shortly joined by her mother gradually falling asleep.....


Siara awoke in the darkness of the cave; she could not tell if her eyes were open or closed. It was quiet... to quiet. She tightened her arms around her brothers but only to find they were not there. Siara leapt up in a flash and turned around to look at wall, just seeing enough to see her family was not there.

"KAI! MOTHER! CUMBA...EVERYO..." Siara shouted before being grabbed from behind and dragged to the other side of the dark cave. The lioness shivered with immense fear, feeling a very strong arm around her neck and a tall figure behind her. Her mouth was covered by a large paw before a deep dark voice spoke quietly in to her ear.

"If you want to live... then you will submit yourself to us... or you will end up like your family" The mysterious figure whispered and lets her speak

"...What...Where's my family...? Who are you? Where is the Pride?" she questioned before being silenced again.

"Now now, your family are in a more... peaceful place now. You can join them if you want, or live with us..." He spoke again. "Come on; let's take a look outside then at the others"

Siara's mind was spinning with questions that she wanted to know the answer for right then, but she could not speak. The tall dark figure slung the lioness over his shoulder so he could climb out of the Nemrock caves and in to the twilight of the evening. Her eyes saw blood on the cave floor as she was taken out and believes to know the fate of her family already, as well as the entire pride.

The tall dark figure emerges from the cave along with Siara. She can only see the back of him but she sees she is quite high. He slings her down on to the floor and is suddenly taken a hold of by two small dark male lions. Finally, she gets a chance to look upon her captor.

"Oh my...god..." Siara says in shock and fear. She looks up at an eight foot tall alpha lion, all black fur and dark black eyes peering down at her. His figure was covered in pure lean muscle and Siara immediately knew that he was the leader. The alpha turns around to speak to his people...

"Look's like we have a live young female my Pride!" He shouted, a dark field of lions roared in front him. Eyes all looked up on the only golden furred lion around.

"Your pride was foolish to think they could survive an attack from us... especially when we out number them by double! But hopefully, you have sense not to attack now... especially when you're so young and... beautiful" He winked...

"STAY AWAY!" Siara shouted at him and tried to wriggle free of the two lions grips but they were too strong.

"Oh my dear, you don't have a lot of choice do you?" He smirked and gave a giggle "Our Pride has been with out a female for more than 5 years... I think you can guess how we all feel right now" The alpha said to Siara while pacing a meters. "Now, you have a choice my dear... become our pride female and we will let you live... or die with your pride..."

Siara sat there, she had no choice. A tear ran down a cheek as she looked up to the tall alpha that had no pity for her. The smell of blood was still strong in the twilight air. Yet she thought "...but you're a pride full of males... how are you even a pride!"

He laughed at her question "We are more logical than most prides rather than traditional, we have changed the rules... Most of us are brothers but we found out over time... a pride full of males is just unstoppable against one with just one. The lack of a female does cause certain issues though, mainly fights." He peers in to space for a second "So... have you made your choice!?"

She thinks and looks to the floor before sighing. Siara closes her eyes and admits defeat "I am yours..."

A smirk spreads across the lions face and lowers himself to her level.

"My my... have we got much in store for you..."


© Tafari - All rights reserved