midnight love

Story by SeB the bunny demon on SoFurry

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This is the longest thing I ever wrote so far. And it is something I'm prude of it is feathered in the Rainfurrest Anthology 2013 "dancing in the moonlight" there are several other stories in that book that are about thousand times better than me so if you don't have it look it up.

Tony put the quill down on the desk and looked over at the wolf sleeping in the bed. Tony looked around the room. It was not small, but not big. The furniture was all made of wood and seemed to have grown out of the walls. The smell of spring was always in the room and the bed was fit for a prince. Tony smiled and picked up his quill and started to write, softly saying, "People say love is like fire. Once you get to close, it burns. But what they don't tell you is if you get burned by love, then the one who truly cares for you will help." Tony kept on writing all through the night and as the moon set and sun rose Tony finally finished. He crawled into bed and looked out the window. He was inside a tree and there where fairies flying around outside, smiling at the beauty of how the morning sun caught the dew and made the light dance all through the grove of trees. It seemed to make the fairies sparkle even more as he drifted off sleep.

This is the story of Tony Rose. A young painter who lived on the outside of town and spent his days tending a small garden or collecting flowers to make into pigments for his paint. It's the Middle Ages and witch hunters run through villages proclaiming who is a witch and who is a warlock and what their punishment will be. The village where Tony lived was far out of the way so they never got visitors but they had heard the stories of what witch hunters did. The small town was just below the castle where the King's Baron lived. Baron Winhelm was a fair man, but not one to be crossed. And so the stage has been set for a grand story to be told and the curtains must rise like the morning sun.

As the sun rose on the small hut by the edge of the woods, Tony, a rather small fox, walked out yawning and stretching his arms. He wore loose-fitting pants held up by some rope and a white shirt with no buttons so it exposed his red-furred chest. He was by no means fat, but nor was he skinny. He was the right weight. He fit his frame, and nothing more. It was no longer cold now that spring had come and as the morning dew melted in the sun Tony walked over to a large barrel filled with water. Cupping water into his paws he splashed some on his face rubbing it in to get any muck out of his fur. He grabbed a piece of cloth by the barrel and dried his face. Going back inside his hut he grabbed a bundle of paintings next to the door. Tony walked into the village with his stack of paintings and his smile made the day brighter just be looking at it. Once in town Tony started to go to all the local places to try to sell his painting, steering clear of the butcher's shop. He was greeted with smiles everywhere he went, but sadly no one wanted his paintings. Sitting at the village's tavern he looked over at the stack of paintings as he nursed his mug of mead. Finishing his mug and setting the last of his money down on the table, he grabbed his paintings and started to leave when he bumped into a large white wolf. Spilling all his paintings Tony looked up from the ground, "I'm sorry good sir I should watch where I'm going. Hope I did not hurt you."

Looking down at the fox, the white wolf bent down and picked up one of the paintings that fell. While the fox rambled on, the wolf looked at the painting of a sunrise, and a beautiful one at that. He had captured the fire of the sun in reds, oranges, and yellows; the sky was lit up with greens, purples, and blues. Just by looking at it the wolf felt better, like an infectious giggle. He realized he had not said anything and was still just standing there as he looked back down at the fox who had by now gathered all of the paintings but the one held by the wolf. The fox remained on the ground with his paintings clinched close to his chest and shivering slightly. The wolf took a deep breath and closed his eyes, smelling the fear from the fox. Taking a quick glance around the room most of the other patrons were looking at him, waiting to see what he would do. Looking back at the fox he reached down with one paw and held it out for the fox to grab so he could pull him up off the floor. When the fox grabbed it the wolf pulled him up taking another glance around the room. This time most of the patrons went back to their drinks and conversations. The wolf held out the painting and smile, "Could I buy you a drink, my friend?"

Tony took the painting, nodded meekly as he had always been shy around new people. In his little village he knew everyone but this tall white wolf was from out of town and wolves had had a reputation of being bandits and such. Sitting back down at the booth he just left, the wolf asked for two glasses of whatever tasted the best. Coming to the table he sat down and smiled. The barmaid brought their drinks soon afterward. Tony took his mug in hand and took a small sip just as the wolf started to talk. "I'm sorry about running into you there. It's just I didn't see you. My name is David, what's yours?" Tony gulped and in a weak voice said, "I'm Tony Rose, Mister David." The wolf laughed, "Please just call me David." Pausing to take a drink the wolf continued, "You know, I would really like to see the rest of your paintings, do you mind?" Tony shook his head knowing he would just be made fun of by this new wolf in town.

David looked at the fox knowing that something was wrong, but just couldn't put his finger on it. The first in the stack was of a frozen lake looking to be untouched by people or animals. It was as though he had truly taken snow and painted it onto paper, just as he did with the sunrise. Setting it to the side he glanced up at Tony who was trying not to look nervous, but was failing. The process continued as David would look at a painting, set it in a new pile, and then look up at Tony. He would then reach for the new painting and soon there were no paintings left. David finely spoke, "I'll take them."

Tony looked up. He had been trying to bite one of his nails without drawing suspicion, but at the wolf's comment a fire burst into his eyes. "I'm sorry, but I can't just give you my paintings. And I don't care if I bumped into you. I said I was sorry, but that's no reason why I should have to give you all of my paintings", Tony said putting a little too much force into his words. David was stunned and stammered, "No, no, no. You don't understand. I don't want you to give me your paintings. I want to buy them. Here, this should be enough. I just wished I had more I could give. I'll be in town for a while longer but if you have any more I'd love to take a look." David put a small bag on the table. Tony reached for the bag and opened it. It was filled to the top with gold coins. Taking one out, he looked at it. It felt real and it looked real, shiny like gold. Putting the coin back into the bag he looked up at the wolf and asked the simplest question in the world "Why?" David's deep green eyes looked deep into the fox's pale blue eyes, "Because I love your art and because any one who can paint the sunrise and a frozen lake and make them look as beautiful and real, so much to the point that I could feel the snow or the sun on my face, deserves all the coins in that bag and more." Smiling, David gathered up his paintings, paid for the drinks and walked out the door.

Tony stood frozen until David started walking out the door. He quickly grabbed the bag of coins and sprinted over to David, jumping in front of him and holding out his arms so he could not pass. Tony gasped for breath, "Will you come back to my place? I have more paintings and I know you're not from around here and we don't have an inn, just the tavern, so you won't have a place to stay dry if it rains and it may ruin the paintings." David smiled a half-smile and looked up at the sky. It did look like it would rain that night and it was already starting to get dark. "Okay, I'll take you up on your offer, but on one condition. You let me help with the work around the house as I won't let you take care of me like I'm some prince." David grinned, thinking about his joke. Tony pretended to think it over. He chewed on his bottom lip trying to make it look like he was deep in thought then sighed, "Okay, but I get to cook. No offense but it doesn't look like you know how to cook." Tony glanced at the small burns that covered David's hands that looked exactly like the burns he use to get when he first started to cook for himself. David's face looked shocked and in an over dramatic voice stated, "Well, I never."

By the time they got home it was very late. The moon was well above the tallest tree of the forest as they walked into the small hut. Tony lit some candles in the one room. It was covered wall to wall in paintings and in the back there was one painting that was covered up leaning against the wall. There was a small table where two could eat in front of a fireplace. Hanging over the fireplace was a black pot and skillet, along with three cups and plates made of clay. In the back, there was a small bed where one could fit and there was another mattress under the bed frame that was held together with strips of leather. Tony pulled the mat out from under the bed and on it were a thin blanket and a pillow. Tony then walked over to the fire place and grabbed his flint and steal hidden next to it and quickly lit a fire so they'd be warm stacking enough wood on it to burn all night. He stood up and looked at David, "I'll be taking the mat on the ground so please make yourself at home. There's an outhouse and a barrel of water to wash your hands, just don't use the barrel for drinking water." Tony giggled just thinking about all the mistakes he'd first made.

David was listening, but only half-heartedly as he was taken aback by the paintings. Setting his paintings down by the door, he looked at the fox, "I can take the mattress and you take your bed."

Tony laughed at the thought. "Well, I am the host so I decide where I sleep and I am going to sleep on the mat on the ground and you will sleep in that bed. Even if I have to tie you to it" Tony said, jokingly.

David sighed and shrugged his shoulders looking around again, "You painted all these?" Tony nodded. "They're beautiful. It's amazing what you do with your bushes." Tony looked down at the ground. David could see that he had said something wrong but before he could say anything Tony had all ready walked outside to get ready for bed. David sat in the chair waiting for Tony to come back and when he did Tony said in sad voice "Good night and could you blow the candles out when you're ready for bed, thanks." Tony took off his shirt and rolled it up to use as extra padding for his pillow and he lay down without saying a word. David felt like he had been given a blow to the heart. Everything had been fine till he opened his mouth. Walking outside and looking to the woods he saw several bright glowing orbs, all floating, chest-high. Too big to be fireflies, David walked over to them and started talking to them. What he did not know was Tony was peeking out at him from a crack in the door. By the time David was done talking to the glowing orbs and was back in the house, Tony looked like he was still sleeping. David laid on the bed too hard for his liking, but he felt it better then to wake up Tony just to complain. And so he started up at the ceiling where there was a painting he had not noticed before. It was of the stars at night with the moon and little puffs of clouds. Once again it was like Tony had taken bits of the moon and stars and painted them onto the canvas. Soon he felt himself falling asleep even though he was not tired.

David woke up to the sound of an axe chopping wood. He swung his legs over onto the ground and looked at the table. He saw a plate of cheese and fruits with two slices of bread. Eating quickly and patting down his fur so it did not look so messy, he walked out to see Tony with his shirt off in the heat of the sun chopping fire wood. When he looked over at David he swung the ax into the stump he used to hold the logs up and walked over saying, "I'm going to town to get some food. I won't be long, would you like to come? "Tony walked over to the water barrel by the house and scooped some water into his paw and splashed his face and chest. He put his shirt on and walked back to David, looking at him. David looked down at the fox and smiled, "Okay, when do we leave?" Tony smiled and ran inside to grab the coin bag, coming back outside he said, "right now."

On the walk to the village Tony pointed out all the plants that he used to make his paints and by the time they got to the village they were laughing just like old friends who had known each other their whole life. Walking to the small farmers market, Tony picked enough fruits and vegetables to last at least a month. He even borrowed a wagon from one of the farmers he had helped that summer to get it all back to his house and still there was more than enough room left for meats and whatever he wanted. lt was almost like the coin bag kept filling up after each time he used it.

Tony walked into the butcher's shop. The big bull turned around with a bloody meat clever in his hand and glared at Tony and the wolf. In a gruff voice he said, "I'm sorry but I told you yesterday I don't want any of your ugly paintings so get out." Tony bit his lip to keep from saying anything and glanced over at David. His hands where clenched into fists and he was baring his teeth looking over at the butcher who was snorting and cracking his knuckles. The clever had been imbedded into the wood counter top all the way to the handle. Tony could smell the adrenaline in the room. There was going to be an all-out fight if he did not stop them right now. Tony held up his coin bag and shook it saying, "I'm here to buy meat nothing else." The butcher looked over at Tony and shook his head, "I know you don't have coins. That's just some bits of metal." Tony opened it and put some coins on the counter, "I want this much meat and will wait outside while you cut it up. Just call for me when you're done." The butcher look stunned. Scooping up the coins he glared at them then took one of his small knifes and cut a tiny sliver off one coin. It was real gold. Glaring at the wolf he said, "Get out. I'll call you when it's ready." David stormed out of the shop and slammed the door. He then turned to Tony. "Why did you do that? He was a jerk and rude. You should have let me beat him up", David said in frustration. Tony just looked at him and said, "Because he is well respected in the town. He served in the king's army for a time and came back here. He has always been mean to me, but that does not mean I need to start fights that I'll regret later." Tony placed a paw on David's arm and tried to look into his eyes but David was looking away. Tony sighed and sat down on the hard ground in the shade of the cart.

When they got their meat they headed home. They had spent the whole day shopping and the ride back was very quiet, neither wanting to talk. Back at the house Tony made a soup which they ate out of new bowls. Once the dish was done Tony announced he'd be going to bed. Stacking on fire wood he then got ready for bed, but just as he was about to lay down David said, "Tony." Tony looked up and David said, "Goodnight." Tony sighed, "night" and was in bed pretending to be asleep. David once again walked to the edge of the woods and Tony peeked at him. He saw that the floating orbs had come back, but this time there was a third person spying on them. It was the butcher who had followed them home and was watching from the side of the road. When he saw the lights he ran back to town to tell the baron they had warlocks in their town.

Tony had decided to follow David as soon as he saw him walk into the woods. Watching where he stepped he barely made any sound. David was walking through the forest like he owned it and it seemed as if every tree and flower he passed bowed to him. He was surrounded by the glowing lights. They flew all around him. Soon David was in a clearing and the full moon was out and there was not a cloud in the sky. David started to glow. A shining yellow like the sun and wings seemed to grow out of his back. They were thin like insect wings, but they shined like gold. Suddenly David turned to face Tony and held out his hand like he was offering to dance. The orbs of light that had been around David now flew over to Tony and he could see that they were really little fairies with leafs as clothing. They flew all around him and pulled on his clothes, moving him towards David. Soon he was out in the clearing with David who was still holding out his paw, smiling. Now Tony offered his hand to David who pulled him in tight, taking the lead he started to dance around the clearing and suddenly there was music. But not one instrument. It was the music of the forest and it was more beautiful than any music he had heard. It was all around him. The moonlight started to bind around them and suddenly they were floating in the air. The moonlight seemed to hold them in the air as David spun around and around and around. They went high and higher with each spin and soon they were dancing high above the village. Tony could see the next village over and the village after that and the village after that. He looked deep into David's deep green eyes and tears flowed from his eyes at the sheer beauty of everything. David looked at Tony and taking his hand from his back, wiped away a tear, tilted his head and leaned in, kissing Tony. It was a kiss like Tony had never experienced in his life. He felt the love and passion from David and found himself kissing back as they danced in the sky surrounded by moonlight with the whole forest singing. And when it was all over and they could dance no more they lay in the field, Tony snuggled up on the inside of David. Even though it was cold that night they both stayed warm.

Late in the morning David woke up to find Tony gathering flowers of all colors but mostly silvers, blues, greens, and yellows too. Tony looked over at David and smiled saying, "I think I found something new to paint." David looked up at the sky and smiled walking over to help pick flowers. Once they had enough they walked back to the house the whole way holding hands and Tony asking questions about David and what it was like to live as a fairy prince.

But when they got home they found a troop of armed soldiers and someone in a leather jacket that reached all the way to the ground. He carried a big book with a silver cross inlaid on it. He took of his hat with a wide brim and everyone could see he was a rabbit. He kept his ears flopped backwards and wore a mask to cover his mouth so only half his face looked at Tony and David. He saw them holding hands and the baskets of flowers and he said something to the sergeant of the guards. Suddenly David and Tony were being pulled apart. They were bound and gagged; they had hoods put on their heads; and they were thrown up onto a horse like saddle bags.

The rabbit was a witch hunter and a good one at that. He sat down in a chair across from the wolf called David who he had separated from the fox, Tony. Reaching over and pulling the hood of the white wolf he looked deep into the green eyes that seemed to hold the whole power of the forest. Removing the gag the witch hunter asked "are you part of a cult?" David stared at the rabbit and all his hate and rage was being poured into the icy eye stare of that wolf. The witch hunter blinked then recovered and said "have you made a deal with the devil?" Again the icy stare. Finally the rabbit put the gag back over his mouth saying "fine then I'll just have to get the answers I'm looking for from that fox you like so much. Maybe I'll use the brander?" David struggled against his restraints. His eyes said everything. He was in love with the fox and he would kill anything that got in his way. The rabbit closed the door and look at the guards "tell his majesty this one is guilty. He confessed. I'll go talk to the next one."

Tony was scared and when the room started to heat up he became even more scared. The door shut suddenly making him jump against his restraints and the hood was yanked away. Suddenly he was pushed next to hot coals in a pan and an iron poker glowing red hot. The witch hunter was in front of him and in a cold voice said, "Now my name is Kane. I'm going to take that gag off and ask you some questions. You're going to give me the answers I want." Tony nodded vigorously. Kane took the gag off and said "now are you part of a cult?" Tony looked at Kane and said "no I'm just a painter." Kane shook his head "I'm sorry not what I was looking for. Let's try this again. Did you sell your soul to the devil for a bag of gold?" Tony started to sweat from the heat, "No I got that bag from David. He paid me for some of my paintings." Again Kane shook his head, "Well, it's of no use. I tried." Shrugging his shoulders, he picked up the hot iron bar.

David heard the first scream and that's what gave him the strength to break the leather bindings. He ripped off the gag and kicked the wood door to his cell down. The guard behind the door was smashed and knocked unconscious and with a quick punch to the face the other guard was knocked out too. Running to the other side of the hall, he bust opened the door just as Kane was about to burn Tony again. Kane turned around as the door opened and lunged at David but he quickly side stepped the iron bar and punched the rabbit so hard he went flying across the room and was unconscious before he hit the ground.

David ripped off the restraints and hugged Tony keeping him close "I'm sorry I'm so sorry I should have been faster I'm so sorry." Tears flowed from his eyes like a river. Tony pulled back from the hug and looked at David "I love you more than life itself." Tony leaned in and kissed David. The burn on his cheek still hurt but he did not care. Pulling back he said "come on we need to get out of here." David looked over at the witch hunter laid on the ground and in an angry voice said "What should we do about him?" Tony shook his head "we don't have time." Running to the dungeon gate the pair grabbed the keys off one of the unconscious guards then they made a break for the dungeon entrance. Opening the gate that held them from freedom they sprinted out of the castle court yard and over the draw bridge. David looked over at Tony and held out his hand as they made it to the village, saying as he ran "take my paw." Tony smiled and reached for his paw. Once he had it they started to glow a bright yellow and slowly as they ran through the village they started to rise. By the time they passed the butcher's shop they were as high as his building and they went higher still till they were running on the clouds. Tony smiled and looked over at David who smiled back. In no time at all they reached Tony's house because they had traveled a straight line instead of the road which curved every which way. Once they had landed Tony ran into his house.

Tony stopped dead in his tracks. His house had been destroyed; all his paintings had been ripped to shreds; the table had been smashed; even the bed and pillow ripped apart. Looking to the corner where the painting was covered up, he saw it did not escape the damage. Tony ran over to the place he kept his paint brushes. They were spared from the destruction and when Tony held them up to David, he smiled. David was not looking at him he was looking at the one painting he had never seen, the one in the corner. Walking over to it he knelt to his knees and folded the canvas back to its proper place so he could see the whole picture.

It was a painting of him walking through the forest. The trees and flowers all pointing to him as if they where bowing. His wings were out and exposed and he had the yellow shine to him. David looked over at Tony who was looking way and down at the ground. David walked over and knelt beside him tilting his head up to look at him. Their eyes met. He did not need to say anything as he knelt and kissed Tony. Standing up they both walked hand in hand out of the house. Tony stopped and looked at David, "what will we do?" David looked up at the sky, the sun was setting and the moon was starting to rise. He said "I can take you anywhere in the world but if you come with me you can never go back to the land of mortals." Tony looked down at his bare feet then looked up at the darkening sky "I want to dance with you forever in the moonlight" he whispered in David's ear. David looked at Tony and smiled and started toward the forest but Tony stopped him "wait, one moment, I need to do something.

Tony ran into the house and grabbed his flint and striker. Walking over to the nearest painting he struck the flint lighting it on fire. Soon it spread and Tony walked out of the burning house not looking back until he was safely in David's arms. David looked down at the fox in his arms "we could have come back for them." He said laughing slightly. Tony looked up "no, if I leave the world of mortals, I leave them nothing because they gave me nothing and tried to take everything from me." David hugged Tony tighter in the fire's light and whispered softly into his ear "I'll never leave you." They turned from the inferno and walked into the woods.

By the time the moon was at its peak they finely reached the fairies' village. They were again surrounded by the small glowing fairies and with each step they took the world seem to be getting smaller until soon they were surrounded by fairies of equal height. David looked over at Tony and laughed at Tony. His eyes had grown huge and he was looking at everything with such wonder, like a blind man who had seen for the first time. Walking through the trees at ground level and being barley an inch was a new experience for Tony he looked up and saw fairies fly from tree to tree. Most had stopped to gawk at the prince and the mortal fox. Some of the female fairies looked at Tony as if he was the scum of the earth. Tony ignored them as he had seen that look before. It was the look of petty women who were jealous and Tony wanted nothing to do with that so he kept walking and tried to ignore the holes they were trying to bore into the back of his head. Soon David and Tony were at the back of a great oak tree with two wide doors and David looked around. They had a crowd around them but they were far enough back that David could talk to Tony in private "Tony before we go in I must tell you about my father." Tony focused on David "ok tell me." David took a deep breath "in the fairy culture, the one thing that is held in the highest regard is art, any art. Dancing, singing, music, even painting; and every year a fairy presents their art in a fair. Last year at the fair I decided not to do anything and I was caste out of my father's court until I had found true love and true love had found me." David looked at Tony with hope and wanting in his eyes. Tony stared back and he leaned up to whisper into David's ear "I give you all my love freely I will be yours even if you do not want me." David gripped Tony in a hug that could crush a bear and they held hands as they walked into the court of the fairy king with their heads held high.

The doors opened to a round room that had been carved out of the tree. At the far end sat a wolf as white as David and next to him an empty thrown. Tony looked at David with a question and David shook his head meaning, I'll tell you later. The wolf on the thrown sat up as soon as he saw David walk in with the fox. When they were kneeling In front of him he saw they were holding paws. The king standing from his chair said "so my son has returned and with a fox I see but where is your true love? Or have you forgotten why I banished you in the first place?" David looked over at Tony but before he could say anything Tony stood up and said in a voice of confidence, "I love him with all my heart and soul. I will love him at sunrise and sunset. I will love him as the moon rises and moon sets. And I love him more than love itself." The king started to walk around the fox eyeing him up and down from all angles. Then in a gruff voice said, "and what of you son? Do you love this mortal fox just as much?" The king used the word mortal like an insult. David stood up and reached for Tony's hands looking deep into his eyes he said "I love him so much I will give up my immortality to be with him forever." There was a gasp from the crowd of fairies in the room and the king started to laugh so hard that he had to grab his sides. Getting control of himself he held out his arms and in a booming voice said, "than I propose a challenge. Fox, I can tell you are a painter so if you can paint something that brings tears to my eyes then I will give you a most treasured gift, immortality. But know one thing. If you win you will be a fairy and must live by fairy law." Tony took a step forward saying coldly "and if I lose?" The king looked up at the ceiling and then back at Tony saying "if you lose, you and my son will have to leave and I will strip him of his immortally where you can both live a short life. David looked over at Tony and nodded. Tony held out his paw to the king "then we have a bet." The king took Tony's paw and shook it "I hope you win."

Once they were in their room, Tony laid out his brushes. Some of the bristles were bent but he just molded them back in place. David looked at Tony "I could get you some new brushes?" Tony looked at David "I can't. I love these brushes and I think they have at least one more picture in them. I will need flowers. Silvers and golds, deep blues and greens, please will you help me?" David smiled and took him to the garden to pick the flowers he would need and soon they had two baskets full and they were back in the room where an easel had been set up and on it a canvas as white as snow. Tony looked at David and said, "Could you please wait outside? I need to concentrate." David smiled and walked outside closing the door, sitting in front of it just thinking how his mere presence was enough to break Tony's forces. As the night wore on and the sun came up and set Tony never left the room and never asked for food. By the second night David was pacing in front of the door contemplating if he should open it or not when suddenly the door opened and Tony walked out with his head held high and looked at David with a weak smile and said "Could I have something to eat?"

Once they were before the court, the king stood and walked over to the easel and slowly removed the cover, letting it fall to the ground. And no sooner had the sheet hit the ground did the king of fairies fall to his knees and weep tears of love. Looking at the painting again he saw it in all is beauty. It was a fox and a wolf dancing in the sky. The moonlight seemed to carry them higher. It was like Tony had stopped time and put every feeling of love and joy and happiness into his paints then brushed it onto the canvas. Looking up at Tony and David, the fairy king said "please stay and paint for all fairies. You have won and you will be with my son for all eternity and you have my blessing." Tony looked at David and grabbed both his hands leaning in to kiss David and David leaned in to kiss him.