The ones left alive: part 3

Story by TF141john on SoFurry

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#3 of The ones left alive

Climbing, subways, and large caliber weapons! The next chapter of "The ones left alive" is here. Please rate and fave!

I woke up in a familiar fashion, hungry and tired. What was new to me was the two fox children trying to open an M.R.E from my rush bag. "You can have one, but they don't taste too good." I opened theirs and grabbed some powdered milk and a muffin top. I got up and walked over to the balcony. My fur shined in the rising sun and made me feel warm all over. I spotted Alexis over by our camp stove and walked over to her. "Good morning Benjamin." She called over to me as I walked into our makeshift kitchen area. "'Morning to you too Alexis." I grabbed a bottle of water and sat down by a map and some vitamins. "Any idea where to go next Ben?" I looked over at the various points not marked by a black X or a blue O; they either belonged to raiders or the undead. I saw that there was a spot that we had not checked an old abandoned airport. "There! The old airport, we can signal the army there." Alexis walked over and shook her muzzle. "Could be dangerous, it is surrounded by the undead but it is a straight shot to it from here." I managed to track a single route that made it simple to get to the control tower; from there we could signal someone.

We both agreed that the children should stay here; we didn't want to lose them along the way. The boy knew how to use a gun and had a .357 magnum but no bullets. We picked up a few rounds in the store and gave him a few for him to use. I grabbed my climbing gloves and bag, filled my magazines with bullets and my bag with three days worth of light foods and the rifle in a sling. Alexis walked over to Alicia "Alicia, were going to be gone for a few days. Your brother is gonna keep you safe and we'll bring back your father and some people to help. If you want to contact us the radio over there can get us at 13.3AM frequency." She smiled and gave both of us a hug before we left down the rope ladder to the ground. "Pull it up!" I yelled to the young Tod, he pulled the only way up or down to our hideout. We walked over to our other secret stash and Alexis pulled out her crossbow and her quiver from a car's trunk, making sure to leave it exactly how it looked like before. We made sure to leave no traces that people lived around here to protect both us and now our new guests from any raiders getting us in our sleep. The buildings around us seemed to weep and groan with huge whale like sounds as we walked pass the shopping center, and while we were heading down the highway our path was impeded by a collapsed building. "Great, nowhere to go but up!" I grabbed a pipe and climbed up to a window ledge and then I let down a rope for Alexis. "Thanks Fox boy!" I grinned and pulled her up. We went inside and found the elevator shaft to get to the other side of the street. "Now to go down!" I grabbed the cable and slide all the way to the bottom, where the building went into the subways. It had a nasty smell to it and I detected gas. "Smells like..." I cut Alexis off "White Phosphorus, get the masks." She nodded and we put on our breathing masks, and pulling our flashlights out too. We navigated the underground before but this was unmarked territory. I heard something further down the tunnel and leveled my gun at it. "Don't shoot!" The voice cried and something in a Hazmat suit stepped out of a corner. "Who are you?" I yelled to it, but it kept it slow shambling pace toward us. "Don't shoot!" It cried again, strange. When it got close enough I realized something was very off about this person, I saw that their eyes had turned milky white and that his skin was peeling off. This was a sure sign of infection and then that was when it yelled at me. "DON'T SHOOT!!!!"

The cry echoed through the tunnels and waves of the things poured into the area near us. "Damn it!" I closed my hand around my knife and stabbed the Hazmat zombie before returning my attention to the increasing hoard. "Ben, we need an escape route!" I looked around for anything that might be of use, and there it was right in front of us. A gleaming beacon of .50 caliber firepower, the Browning M2 Heavy Machine gun, set up in a quad formation. "Oh yeah! This is gonna be good!" I said, lining the guns with its first bullets and climbing into the seat. There was a back part with an M249 SAW, so Alexis covered my rear. "Here they come!" Alexis called over to me.

By this time I had made a Journal detailing some of the more unique infected, so it didn't surprise me when I saw a hulking biker zombie with a sledgehammer lead the group. It took a few seconds to figure out but I finally found the trigger for the guns, and I made sure that they knew it. Volley after volley came of white-hot tracer rounds hitting the undead and blasting them to pieces, limbs were torn off and body cavities now even more open. Soon there were only a few hundred of the things left, and Alexis was blasting away with the SAW and knocking back wave after wave of them. Soon the top right gun ran dry, and the bottom left after that, so I knew we would be in trouble if we stayed here any longer. I spotted something very interesting and as soon as the last gun went click I ran over to it and smiled with glee. A belt of Shells for a shotgun and right next to it a matching twelve gauge. Alongside it were a pile of hand grenades and some plastic explosives with a clacker. "Hmm, new toys!" I grabbed the shotty and loaded the maximum 7 rounds into it. It was a pump action so I kept my distance and started the quick run to the exit just meters away from us. One of them almost got my tail but instead got a boot to the mouth from my partner. "Thanks!" I said before letting a blast of buckshot into a previously beer loving zombie. "Don't mention it!" She said before hitting three zombies with her P220.

We finally got into the open sunlight and ran for an abandoned taxi depot. "Get inside quick!" A voice yelled to us from the door. I wasted no time in running headlong into the door and tumbling inside. Two people locked the door after Alexis ran in with a bit more grace. "Thanks" I said rubbing my head and getting up from the floor, which was covered with broken glass. "Don't mention it, my names Jackson." A rather skinny looking "regular" (The term for non-Anthro people by Anthro people) "That over there is Mags; she doesn't really talk at all." He pointed over to a woman regular sitting at a desk loading ammo into magazines. "And for the one who let you in is young Jimmy, cleaning his gun." He said motioning over to the young Raccoon cleaning an M1911A1. "Glad to see you found the old gun emplaced in the subway, she's been wanting to be used and you sure gave them a hell of a time! Say, do you got anything to eat?" Jackson said and I threw him a can of...I dunno but it was unopened and not dented but we had no can opener to use on it. He gave it a shake and smiled "Pork and beans! I love this stuff!" He said grabbing his can opener and clicking it on to the rim. "Bullshit, how could you have known that?" He finished with the can and showed me the contents. "Magic baby, magic!" He took a spoonful and walked away to eat. "Hey Jimmy!" He yelled over to the Raccoon after he swallowed "Show these two the spare room and allow them to rest up."

He walked us over to the upstairs part of the building and to a room made of plywood and sheet metal. There were three beds and several sleeping bags around. "This is where we all sleep; the beds are reserved for Jackson and Mags of course." I tilted my head in thanks and he took two keffiyeh out of a sack for us. "These work better for when the dust storms start near the airport."You and the rest should come with us Jimmy! We all have a chance to get to a better place!" He thought about it and nodded, he said it was a great idea. I felt so weak after running for my life that I just collapsed onto a bag and just slept there. It seemed like a few minutes crammed into a few hours but it only felt like a second later that Jackson called us down from the roof and we made our way down where he had made soup from cabbage and some kind of meat. "Dig in, it's good!" I could hardly contain my delight at the hot homemade soup. "Jackson-" Alexis begun but was cut off again "Just call me Jack." She cast a sidelong look at me and went on. "Jack, there is a chance that we can be taken out of here and rescued by the army." He looked up from his beer and looked absolutely ** ** thrilled about it. "We have recovered the Presidents children and are going to the airport to signal an airlift for us." He looked at us like we were the messiahs "We would like to know if you wanted to go with us." He nearly was at a loss for words but he eventually got out a "Yes". "Good, we leave tomorrow." Everyone cheered at the announcement and we celebrated the chance of freedom to a better life. Jackson brought out some good German beer from his personal backpack and we all had some, enjoying the night until everyone was either too tired or too drunk to go on. I was still sober and knew I still had to do my daily routine. I set up the camera and got prepared to create a video log of today's events. "October 24, 2016, 1400. We made contact with a group of survivors and are now continuing to the airport south of here, where we are going to signal the military for us to get the hell out of here. The children are still at the Estate Hotel and you need to know the call sign from operation market garden to get in. Once again, this is Benjamin Stamm and we are the ones left alive." I shut down the camera and sat under the open stars, looking and thinking that it was looking back into me as I fell asleep.