The End of Everything - Chapter 1
#1 of The End of Everything
What's up readers! I'd like to know what people think of this story, so comments are greatly appreciated. I had a lot of fun writing this and I don't usually do much writing. But this seems like something I could keep up if there are people wanting more, so let me know what you think. Enjoy! :3
EDT: I'd like to thank Madwolf17 for the help in revising the intro to this chapter. I really apreciate it. If you haven't already, go check out his work. Thanks again :)
The world sat cold and dark for millennia after millennia. A few safe havens had sprung up protected by powerful mages, though they were still weak and few in number. The demons, responsible for the destruction of the world as we knew it, constantly prowled on the boundary line of every safe haven, making it virtually impossible to travel between safe havens short of teleporting. The first haven's name is Shourdan, and it is by far the largest. The population was mainly mages and warriors.
The haven's tavern was empty save for one lone wolf. The wolf was currently slouched over in his stool in front of the bar with his tail hanging limply; aura reeking of despair and loneliness. Yet the bar keeper did not speak one word of comfort to the depressed wolf; as if used to the sight of furs drowning their sorrows in alcohol. Instead the barkeep merely slid an unopened brew in front of the wolf when asked for another hit, without even looking at the sliding bottle the wolf waved his hand in a sweeping gesture and as if by magic the top popped off and the bottle flew straight into the wolf's awaiting paws without once spilling a drop.
The keep spoke up after seeing it "I been hearing about some reward for turning in a certain Mage. Not much detail on the fella, but any Mage not protected very well raises questions". The wolf finished his drink without speaking, put some money on the counter and turned to walk away. After he made it halfway to the door he herd a shot gun being pumped behind him, and he stopped. "Sorry, it's nothing personal. There's always a need for more money, and I could use the extra cash" said the keep. "Let's go. No funny business". As the keep walked around the counter slowly, he kept very careful aim. When he got within ten feet, the wolf turned and dashed at the keep. The startled keep tried to pull the trigger, but it was stuck. The wolf used telekinesis and held the trigger fast. The wolf cleared the distance in half a second, and grabbed the barrel of the gun. "If you know what's best for you, mind your place and leave me be". He growled through a snarl. Without any indication he did anything, he sliced the gun in half with his telekinesis and spun around, kicking the keep over the counter into his stock of liquor before falling to the floor. The wolf turned away with no remorse and walked out the door.
As soon as he left he heard many people running in the alley next to the tavern toward him. He figured the keep sent his men after him, so he jumped through the air using well trained skill and hid on the roof of the tavern. A few voices yelled out "find him", and others "he couldn't have gotten far". The wolf sighed inwardly and made for the border of the haven. He sprinted silently from roof to roof, occasionally stoping to check his surroundings. He had made it to town square when he noticed a ball of light shoot up from the ground. It was a sensor spell, and since the Wolf could see the light, whoever cast it could see him. The wolf sprinted towards the edge of town square and jumped over the broken, decrepit fountain and smashed the ball of light as he passed seeming to fly.
The warriors who scattered began to regroup heading for him. But there was no way the wolf was going to be caught. He shot towards the boundary wall with a huge group tailing. When he was still twenty feet away, he jumped halfway up the wall, leaving the group shocked stunned gaping at his impossible jump. He hit the wall hard causing cracks to spread, and shot upward running up the wall. He noticed one of the warriors had teleported as he cleared the top of the wall, and nearly ran into him. He lashed out with his left paw, trying to catch the warrior off guard, but he was prepared. The warrior blocked his fist with ease, and launched a telekinetic burst forcing the wolf back over the wall.
The warrior grinned in triumph as the wolf fell, then faltered and stared dumbstruck as the wolf caught himself mid-air and just stood in place over the precarious drop. The wolf smiled evilly and dissipated into smoke. Before the warrior could react, the wolf was behind him. Then it was his turn to go over the edge.
The wolf jumped over the boundary wall just as he heard the sickening crunch of snapping bones from too high a fall. As he neared the bottom, he caught himself and lightly floated to the ground, flowing the air underneath him to slow his descent. After he landed, he started sprinting into the wasteland. It was noticeably darker over the wall, and small creatures scuttled around the edge of sight.
The wolf continued sprinting for roughly a mile, dust and cold dirt sprayed up from his footsteps. When he felt he had gained enough distance, he stopped and surveyed his location. No powerful demons or creatures were in the area. He raised his head to whistle, cupping his hands around his muzzle to amplify the sound, and shot a crisp, clear burst of sound from his lips.
At fist, nothing. Then it got darker still despite how dark it already was, and soon a cloud of heavy darkness formed in front of the wolf. A faint growl could be heard inside the darkness before it erupted into an ear-splitting howl. The wolf stood with a straight face, quite unaffected. Inside the cloud a shape started to form, and grew more prominent. Another growl, then the creature started to emerge from the cloud.
It was a beast for sure. But more specifically, it was a feral canine with prominent wolf features. It's fur seemed to be made of darkness, not really having defined edges to it's pelt. And sparks and small flames danced occasionally along the outline. It was easily five feet tall to it's back, and it's face seemed to scream 'FEAR ME' as it stared its target down.
The demon fully emerged from the darkness and stared at the wolf. The wolf stared back without a trace of fear. Unexpectedly, the demon lowered it's head in a bow of submission, and the wolf let his hand rest on it momentarily.
"Hello Taurnic. Thank you for answering my call, hellhound of the dark plains" the wolf said in gratitude. "Of course, realm walker." Taurnic replied in a rough, low voice. "What is it you require"? The wolf tilted his head slightly in thought. "Just a ride. Not sure where, just away from that town" he said as he pointed back the way he had come. With that, Taurnic crouched down and the wolf jumped on his back then they sprinted off into the dark plains.
After a few hours of running, the drab scenery flying by, Taurnic changed in direction. "What's up?" The wolf inquired with a look of confusion on his face. "Something of interest has appeared." Replied Taurnic as he ran toward a small hill. He slowed as they neared the top, coming to a stop at the summit to look at the scene below. The wolf had to rub his eyes to make sure they weren't lying to him. Down in the bowl shaped formation of the surrounding land, was a young looking otter warrior standing to face three demons of varying type. He had white/silver fur, at least what he could see around his armor, thin maneuvering armor, and two wicked-looking blades in each hand.
The wolf was beside himself. He, In all his years of isolation, had never seen another warrior out this far in the plains. Usually they died.
The first of the three creatures, a beetle demon with two heads that spew acid and eight arms with razor sharp claws, launched the assault on the young otter. It lashed out with all its arms at different times as it aso tried to land a hit with its acid. The otter dodged each swing in turn with graceful agility, loping off an appendage every now and again. Within seconds the demon had lost all its arms and started backing away. The otter lunged forward and swung both blades simultaneously and sliced the demon clean in half. It's body pieces disintegrated into dust as its life was ended.
The other two demons, who had watched the first fall, decided it best to attack at the same time. They both lunged at the otter with incredible speed, only to notice their target had vanished from sight. He had teleported and was levitating in the air a few feet above them with his eyes closed and hands pressed together mumbling what seemed to be a spell. A large bright circle of light appeared beneath his feet, and arcs of lightning shot from it and torched the remaining demons, blasting their bodies to pieces.
The wolf teleported off of Taurnic's back to stand behind the otter as he floated back towards the ground. The otter dispersed his swords and started to walk towards where Taurnic was, although he most likely couldn't see him, until the wolf spoke up. "So," the otter whipped around startled drawing his swords again "what's a cute little tyke like you doing all the way out here huh?" "None of your business" came the cold reply as the otter's piercing crimson red eyes narrowed. "What do you want from me?" The wolf looked amused as he answered "nothing. I'm just curious as to why you're out here, and how you're still alive." An expression of pain and betrayal flashed across the otter's face for a moment, before returning to the cold expression he previously wore. "Still none of your business, but if you must know, I was banished from my home a few hours ago. And I fully intend to stay alive despite being thrown into this waste land."
The wolf's smile faltered and he felt genuinely sorry for the kid. "Hey, believe it or not, I've been on that path before kid. I was banished for something I didn't do about five years ago. As you can see it is possible to survive. You can lower your guard a little and stop looking at me like an enemy. I'm not gonna hurt you."
The otter's eyes shifted into what looked like hope as he asked "so there's a chance to survive out here?" The wolf smiled and said "yeah, and you have already gotten a lot farther out than anyone else I've seen out here before. But that doesn't mean you're guaranteed to survive out here. You're young and have little experience, and this is a very hostile place. Those demons you fought we're minor low class ones. How old are you anyway?" The otter looked down at his hind paws in embarrassment as he said "eighteen." "Eighteen?! How could someone your age do something to get banished?"
"Surprisingly enough, I was banished for murder." His ears swiveled back. "The murder of my best friend. I've known him er, knew him since we were both ten." His eyes filled with tears. "I don't know how they could be aware of that and still accuse me of killing him." He wiped his eyes clear, and pulled himself back to composure. "Anyway, I refuse to die until I can prove my innocence. He wouldn't have wanted me to suffer for someone else's actions."
The wolf couldn't believe this kid was out here for something so obviously not true. "It's kinda weird, but I was banished for that reason as well. Except it was my brother that was murdered. I remember that day like it was yesterday." The wolf said as his eyes glazed over a bit. "They found me sobbing like a kit over my older brother's cold, mutilated corpse; the way I had found him. They drug me away and banished me for murdering my older brother. Of course I was twenty-one at the time. And I'm going to find who really did it."
The otter looked surprised, then thoughtful."Well, I don't really want to die out here. And we both seem to have similar goals. Um, would it be too much to ask if I could tag along?"
The wolf looked thoughtful for a moment as well. "Well, you seem to have quite remarkable sword and magic skills. And you might make some good company." The wolf smiled. "It's been awhile since I've had a decent travel companion. I guess you can tag along," he turned and started up the hill he was on earlier to his waiting ride. "Hope you like hellhounds."
The otter followed slightly confused as he wondered what that could mean. As soon as they passed the summit of the hill, the otter jumped back reflexively and summoned his blades (which up close looked like 17th century Italian rapiers, except they had blue and silver finish with white hand guards). His body shot out a blinding light that brightened everything within a fifty yard radius. When it subsided, he had armor on that was twice as thick as his earlier armor.
"Woah calm down there, he is a friend of mine. Don't lop his head off!" Exclaimed the wolf, jumping in front of Taurnic. The otter looked unsure for a few seconds, then dispersed his armor (although he kept his swords in paws). He kept his guard up as he cautiously approached Taurnic.
The otter jumped and muffled a squeak as Taurnic spoke "I will not hurt a friend of the realm walker. Although it appears you are one as well. I might look into this later".
The hellhound bowed his head to the young otter. The wolf walked over to them and spoke to Taurnic. "Do you perhaps know someone that can carry my new friend?" Taurnic rose his head and bayed a sound of pure terror, crisp and sharp in the cold environment that raised the hair on the warriors' necks. Another cloud of darkness appeared as another hellhound formed and stepped out. He looked at Taurnic and waited to be addressed.
"Welcome, beta Luc. Luc dipped his head in response. "Thank you alpha Taurnic. How do you require my assistance?" "The realm walker has found a companion and requires another temporary ride." "I would be honored to assist the realm walker."
The wolf climbed his hellhound and Micah did the same, but a bit more cautious not knowing how much of what the wolf had said was trustworthy. Once they were settled, the wolf spoke. Mainly to Taurnic, but at the same time to Micah. "Okay. We need to get to the rebel camp stationed outside the walls of the fourth haven". As soon as he finished speaking the hounds took off full sprint, nearly making the otter fall off his. Once he was settled he turned his eyes questioningly. "There is a rebel camp? What are they rebelling?" The wolf looked amused. "They are ones who were wrongfully banished. Ones that I found before they were killed by the plains." The otters ears drooped. "Oh, so your just gonna bring me there with the rest then?" The wolf smiled thinking the kid looked adorable like that. "No, you made it a few miles out into the plains by yourself. That's a few more miles than I've seen anybody make it. Ever. The others can't make it out here to fight the cause, but you can. So if you want, I'll take you with me," then he added with a smile, "realm walker." The otter smiled back, then changed his face back to confusion. "What's the cause?" The wolf turned his attention forward as he spoke. "If you haven't noticed, everyone banished has been wrongly accused of murder. Included me and you. And with a little asking around, I've noticed something. Somehow they were all tied to the mages who have been holding up the shields around mount diablo, sealing up the portal to the underworld."
The otter looked bewildered. Then looked forward blushing in embarrassment. "I-I lived kind of a sheltered life. My parents kept me in the house all day. I knew that the world was devastated, but I knew no details." The otter said glancing back to the wolf sheepishly. The wolf looked at the otter shocked. "Then how did you fight so well if you've been locked up your whole life?" "Well, one day a few years back, someone threw a paper airplane through my window with a message written on it saying that I was special and could do something amazing." The wolf flashed him a skeptical look. The otter continued indignantly. "Hey, I lived a sheltered life. I didn't know there was such a thing as danger. It said to be awake at midnight, and something would happen. I was curious. So I stayed awake, and at directly midnight, a portal opened in my room, and I went. I was sent to a dojo of some sort and there was an old looking red hawk sitting on the mat in the center of the room. Long story short, he showed me that magic was real, I started sneaking out twice a week and he became my master, and taught me how to fight and use magic. He told me knowing how to defend myself in this world was not a bad idea. I didn't exactly know what he meant, but I was having more fun than I'd had in my whole life." The otter's gaze fell slightly. "He stopped opening the portal about two months ago."
The wolf looked at the otter with compassion, which surprised him. He had been so alone for such a long time that he forgot what a friendly conversation felt like, and how to feel anything toward anyone besides hatred or contemp. Then he realized he hadn't gotten the otter's name, and he hadn't given him his. "Hey, I never got your name?" The otter turned and smiled. "I didn't know if you'd want it. Thought maybe you didn't care. But since you asked, it's Micah. Might I inquire yours?" The wolf smiled, trying to recall if he had ever known someone else by that name, then turned back towards the front and said "mine's Jay."
. . .
The two warrior mages had ridden on the hellhounds for about an hour and ten minutes when they struck up another conversation. Micah didn't even turn his head as he said nonchalantly "so something's been bugging me." "Yeah?" "Well you said you were banished five years ago when you were twenty-one right? Jay paused for a moment. "Uh... Yeah?" "Well, to be perfectly honest, you don't look any older than twenty-one." Jay tried to keep a straight face, but Micah could see the alarm on his face. "Hey, it's cool. If its for some reason a touchy subject ill-" "No, it's all right. You're my warrior friend, and you'll be fighting alongside me so you deserve to know this about me. I-I just usually don't tell anyone because A. I don't have any friends to tell it to, and B. it's something not everyone would believe." "Wow, that kinda stuff huh? Don't worry I'm kinda gullible." Micah replied with a sly grin. Jay smiled a bit before continuing. "Well, when I was in my cell awaiting the trial of my brothers murder, I was so scared I was praying to anyone or thing that would listen. After some time I heard a voice; sweet and angelic. As I looked around a bright light blinded me. But after it dissipated, there was a weird humanoid appearing to be female with an aura of intense light surrounding her, as well as bright golden wings. She said she knew I was wronged and that I would be the one to stop the peril."
Jay paused momentarily to see if Micah was looking at him crazy, but was surprised again to see him staring at the wolf with intense interest. So he continued his story. "She said I was destined to be the one to end the peril, no matter how long it took. Then she started casted some spell on me while muttering 'until the end of darkness reign, the one of wrongness will remain'. It took me a while to realize what had happened. Right after they threw me outside the boundary wall to be precise. It was an angel, and she had granted me immortality until I had completed my destiny. Which I then figured was to end the rule of demons from the world." He finished and waited for the laughing to start. But when he looked at Micah, he was squirming and fidgeting excitedly, then he burst out "that is so cool! So you're immortal?!"
The wolf blushed, again surprised by the return of his emotions, and stuttered "w-well, only temporarily. I had hoped to do this before too long because I didn't want to celebrate the end of darkness by dying, you know?" Micah had started to compose himself. "Well I can definitely see why some people wouldn't believe, but if there are demons, why not angels? Oh! And while we are on 'the weird things about you' category, how come these hellhounds are listening to you. Aren't they demons as well?"
Jay rolled his eyes. Man this kid is something else. "Yes they are demons, but they are intelligent and honorable demons. And yeah I know that sounds odd, but one day while waking through the plains, I stumbled upon a large group of demons battling. I noticed it was a pack of hellhounds being attacked by a large group of fire-breathing centipede demons. I noticed a portion of the pack protecting the other portion of smaller and frailer hounds, yet they were still heavily outnumbered and stood little chance of surviving. I figured if they were protective of family, they must be intelligent enough to at least realize I was helping, so I jumped in and helped defeat the centipedes. After, they took interest in the fact that I was this far out in the plains, and were very grateful for the help. They told me how to contact them if I needed help, and we went our separate ways until I needed them. I am still very fond of them as they are the closest things to friends I've had since being banished." He finished as he scratched the back of Taurnic's head. He grumbled in appreciation.
"Well then, mister Micah. If you're so interested in my weird past, turnabouts fair play. What's up with that master of yours?" Micah looked thoughtful for a moment. "Well not much to tell really. He seemed to be really good at magic and technique fighting, and I didn't ask any questions about why he did anything because I was just so happy to be having so much fun for once."
"His name maybe?"
"I called him master Wade."
"Was that his real name?"
"He never actually told me his real name. There was a big W engraved in the ceiling of the dojo, so I came up with Wade. He never called me on it so it was how I referred to him"
Jay paused for a second trying to think of anyone that could resemble Wade. He was about to say something to Micah, but was cut off by Taurnic. "We approach the destination realm walkers." Jay and Micah both looked forward to see the massive walls of the fourth haven, Arcata, looming in the distance. Micah stared in awe, never before seen the walls from the outside. Jay grimaced and said "you'll be seeing a lot of these, they won't be interesting when your running for your life." Micah looked a bit skittish now as he warily looked at the wall, as well as around him to make sure nothing was going to appear to force them to run for their lives.
As they got closure they could see the oblong shape of something at the base of the wall, Micah assumed it was where they were going. They rode the rest of the way in silence.
When they got outside of the shacks (which is a compliment in all reality) of the rebel camp, they dismounted the hounds; Jay offering a word of thanks. "Thank you Taurnic. Until next time. Take good care of your pack." Taurnic grunted his approval. "I shall. I wish you luck on achieving your destiny. Until next time." Then he and his beta turned and sprinted away into the darkness leaving the two warriors all alone.
. . .
As soon as they entered the camp, they were swarmed by other furs thanking and congratulating Jay on another saved banished fur. It took a few minutes for the crowd to die down, but when it did they walked to the inner tavern for a drink. When they sat down, Micah ordered some water, and Jay ordered a beer of some kind. After their drinks arrived, Micah started asking a few questions. "So how does this place have food and water or whatever else?" "I sneak back into the sanctuaries, then steal and teleport large supplies of food stuff. I am technically the leader of this place because no one else can leave without dying, and I set up the barriers to protect this place from demons." Stated Jay looking quite pleased with himself.
Micah just started laughing. Jay stared at him flustered. "What? What's so funny?" "I'll tell you what's funny," he said with tears and laughter in his eyes, "I never pictured you as a 'Robin Hood'." He broke out laughing again.
Confused, Jay stared at Micah wondering what he had meant. Micah tried to talk one more time. "It's a character from one of the stories my mom would tell me as a young child! It's a guy who steals from the rich and gives to the needy, and you my friend, do not look the part." He laughed a few more times before stating to calm down again.
"You done?" Jay asked in amusement. Micah smiled and nodded. "Thanks for the laugh, I definitely needed it."
Jay resumed his regular straight face as he changed the topic. "Well the main thing I wanted to talk to you about is what your part in this is. When I said everyone banished was linked to a shield mage, I meant they were the sons and daughters of said mages. Including you and I."
Micah's smile faded. "What do you mean. I've never seen my parents use magic my entire life. They can't be mages. Let alone powerful ones." "Well you didn't even know about magic, and they shielded you from the outside world. They most likely just didn't want you to be part of that world and were just very good at keeping it hidden. Just tell me your parents' names and ill know if its one of them."
Micah just stared at the table trying to take in that his parents had been lying to him his whole life. "My mom's name is Laura. Ring any bells? If either of them were a shield Mage, it would probably be her." Jay mentally looked over a list of names and couldn't think of a shield Mage with that name. "Can't think of one. Try your dad." Jay picked up his beer to take a drink.
"Well I doubt it's him, but my dad's name is Felix." Jay's eyes stretched wide as the can dropped out of his grip onto the floor. His eyes locked with Micah's, overwrought with urgency. "Do you mean Felix Frost?" "U-uh, yeah. That's my family's last name."
"Shit." Jay stood up and made for the door. "Come on, we need to hurry. It's begun." Micah scrambled after Jay extremely confused. "What's begun? Wha-" Jay cut him off without looking as he made his way to through the corridors of the camp. "I've had suspicions as to why all these exact people had been banished but I wasn't sure. Now I am and we need to go. NOW!" "But what does this have to do with my father?" Jay whirled around to look at Micah. "Micah, your dad is the head shield Mage. It's his spirit's strength that binds all the spells tied to the other shield mages to the barrier around Mount Diablo. With the banishing of the shield Mages' children already weakening their spirits' and the barrier, then what would happen if the one holding it all together is weakened?" Realization hit Micah like a ton of bricks. "Someone wants to destroy the barrier sealing the underworld."