Team X ch 4
#4 of Team X
Special thanks to:
Sgt_Andrews-John Andrews
Gold_Nightjar-Brantley Baker
Night Raid
It was now deep into the night and the village fell silent in a peaceful rest. There were a few anthros wandering along the rough dirt road, but the only ones that were not asleep in their beds were the ones that had no bed to sleep on and no home to sleep in. A young anthro tiger cup could be seen playing with only a small soccer ball and throwing it back and forth with his mother. The two both enjoyed the quiet night and took advantage of the open road. The cub laughed and smiled every time he threw the ball back to his mother. Suddenly, the sound of car engines caught their attention. The sound grew louder and louder and the rest of the anthros began to wake up in fear. The mother called to her cub to come to her and ran to the side of the road. Unaware of the sudden fear, the young cub followed. Soon, almost everyone went out side to investigate the loud noise. Eventually, a long row of military Humvees drove into the village. All of them having the same black coating. There was also a cargo truck in the back of the row; it was completely empty and waiting to be loaded with prisoners. Soon the Humvees stopped in the center of the road. For a moment, there was silence as all the anthros stared at the visitors. Finally, a man came out of the first humvee and as he took his first step on the ground, many other soldiers walked out of the other Humvees. The man was a tall and had a brutish figure. He was wearing a threatening black uniform with a small line of red on the sleeves. The same attire as the soldiers around him. He wore a very unfamiliar badge on his chest. It was a red dragon coiled on a knife. The man walked onto the streets showing his authority towards the anthros.
"Hello creatures!" He said in a menacing tone. His voice was loud and boisterous. It echoed through the streets.
"We are here tonight to make a statement! To better this misshapen world!" He continued. " order to better this world, we must take serious action!"
The soldiers began to spread out into the streets. Some of the anthros began to go back to there homes and hide.
"Now please, come with us to a better place!" said the man. "A place where you truly belong!"
More people began to leave as he continued to speak.
"Those who do not cooperate," Said the man as he pulled out a handgun. "Will die." The words left his mouth with little regret. He truly meant what he said.
He then walked over to the mother tiger and her young cub. He had a devious smile on his face as he walked closer to her. The tiger's eyes were filled with fear as she held her cub tighter. Once the man came to her, he rubbed his gun on the head of the baby cub and gave a menacing laugh.
"It is very cute." The man said as he circled the gun on the little cub's head. The mother tiger was frozen in fear.
"It would be a shame if something happened to it." The man continued. Then his playful face disappeared when he said. "Get on the truck."
The mother tiger quickly backed away and shook her head no. The man laughed a little and then pointed the gun to the cub's head.
"Last chance." The man said.
The mother tiger turned around and covered her cub from the direction of the gun. She could now be shot in the back, but her cub would be safe. The man clicked his gun and said.
"Let this be a warning to all of you!"
The man aimed for the mother tiger's head and was ready to fire, but, suddenly, an arrow pierced through the man's chest. The strike made the man fall down dead. All the soldiers looked around frantically for the source of the shot. The mother tiger took the opportunity to go hide in a building with her cub. Suddenly another arrow was shot directly in the front of first humvee. This time, the arrow was making a rhythmic beeping sound and flashed a red light. The soldiers started to walk close to it, until the beeping started to go faster and faster. Finally, the arrow exploded along with the humvee. The humvee burst into flames and spread out to burn two of the solders.
"First truck is down." Said TP as he stood on a vantage point on top of a building.
The soldiers were now worried. They aimed frantically all around the area, but were still unable to see TP.
"I'll take the two on the right, you take the three on left John." Said Nathaniel on the radio link.
"Got it." Repeated John.
Suddenly, Nathaniel leaned out of a window on the top floor of a building and began firing. John did the same thing in a building on the other side of the road. One by one soldiers fell to the ground. Then more soldiers came to return fire. Nathaniel and John quickly took cover and reloaded.
"Baker, your up!" Screamed John on the radio link.
Then, out from behind the building, Baker walked in the street holding a large M60 machine gun.
"Welcome to India!" He screamed at the soldiers.
Once the soldiers saw Baker with the machine gun, they tried to shoot, but Baker immediately began to fire the powerful weapon. Bullets sprayed the hoard of soldiers with a thundering sound. Then, John and Nathaniel started to fire their next round of shots. The soldiers were ambushed with numerous shots. The anthro civilians watched the battle safely in their homes, but were still in fear. Then, one of the soldiers began to scream out orders.
"Go fire the turrets!" He said. "The rest of you capture the animals!"
Then the soldiers ran back into the trucks.
"What are they doing?" Asked Baker on the radio.
"They're regrouping." Said TP. He then watched the soldiers run inside the Humvees. He saw a few of them start to drive off through the village.
"Where are they going TP?" Asked Nathaniel.
"Two trucks going north of the village along with the carrier truck." Answered TP.
Then, two of the trucks drove up the road and aimed their turrets at the team. TP was the first to notice.
"Everyone take cover!" He screamed as he quickly laid flat on the building. Baker ran and jumped behind a building. Then the turrets fired without any chance of stopping. The bullets shot through the windows as Nathaniel and John took cover.
"We need to get to the other trucks!" Said Nathaniel on the radio.
"Who's going to take care of these trucks?!" Said John.
"I got these guys!" Said Baker.
"I will stay on visual!" Said TP. "Nathaniel. John. You two go chase the others."
"Baker!" Said John. "We need an opening!"
"TP, you ready?!" Said Baker reloading the M60.
TP pulled out a sniper rifle and said
Baker then quickly turned from the building and fired the massive weapon at the trucks. He disoriented the soldiers as the bullets shot through the windshields. TP quickly shot the two gunners and drivers.
"Clear!" Signaled TP.
John and Nathaniel ran out of the buildings and on to the street.
"Which way did they go?" Said John.
"They went north! Go!" Said Baker pointing in the direction.
Nathaniel and John quickly ran north.
"Alright ya sons of a bitches!" Said Baker as he watched more shoulders recover from the distraction. "You wanna take this town, you gonna have to take me down first!"
He began to fire again.
Nathaniel and John ran from alley to alley trying to get to the other trucks. Suddenly, they heard screaming from a far.
"Come on, we're close!" Said Nathaniel.
They two began to run even faster. Their heart rates increased due to their apprehension. Eventually, the screams seemed to be almost right next to them. They hid in cover behind a building. Nathaniel peeked over at the scene. There was a large group of soldiers spread all over, taking as many prisoners as they could and loading them on to the large carrier truck. They handcuffed them and threw them inside the truck with little remorse. Then, a faint crying was heard. Nathaniel eventually discovered that the source of the tears came from an anthro-leopard. Her sobbing was abruptly stopped after a soldier slapped her across the face.
"Silence!" Said the soldier.
Nathaniel looked away and searched in his pocket for his silencer.
"What's the plan?" Whispered John.
"Pull out your silencer." Said Nathaniel. "We're going to surprise them."
John took out his pistol and screwed the silencer on. Nathaniel did the same with his assault rifle and pulled out a smoke grenade. He then looked at John and said.
"On three."
John got ready.
Nathaniel peeked over again.
Nathaniel threw the grenade and waited for it to take effect. Then, the grenade instantly sprayed out a thick gray smoke. It completely covered the area.
"Three!" Said Nathaniel.
The two both rushed into the smoke and began shooting. The soldiers were blinded and disoriented, but as for Nathaniel and John, they used their powerful sense of smell to pin point their opponents' locations. Many shots were fired and many painful grunts and screams could be heard, but nothing could be seen in the blinding gray smoke. Soon, many of the captured prisoners began to run out of the smoke and back to safety. Then, it was silent. Everything seemed motionless for a moment. But as the smoke slowly faded away, only Nathaniel and John were left standing. Every soldier laid lifelessly on the ground. Nathaniel and John were breathing heavily after the fight.
"Not bad." Said Nathaniel.
"Thanks." Said John. "Your not so bad yourself."
Nathaniel turned around to the carrier truck and said.
"Come on, let's help these people."
John followed behind him.
Meanwhile, Baker and TP were doing everything possible to hold back the remaining soldiers, but their efforts weren't as strong. Soon they found their selves greatly outnumbered and it didn't look like the situation was going to change.
Baker was shooting everywhere he could, but with every soldier he took out, three more appeared. TP tried to provide some help with his sniper rifle, but soldiers were now constantly firing back at TP after every shot he took. Soon, Baker had to reload his gun again, so he took cover behind another building while being shot at. Once Baker reloaded, he soon found out that this was his last round of bullets.
"Uh, TP?" Said Baker with a little worry. "How we looking up there?"
TP took the time to quickly look around and was shock when he saw that two more Humvees had arrived with many more soldiers.
"You don't want to know." Said TP.
"I'm running out of ammo man, we gotta think of something!"
TP pressed the button on his radio and said.
"John, Nathaniel, come in."
Nathaniel and John were freeing the prisoners in the carrier truck when TP called them.
"We got the trucks TP." Said Nathaniel. "The people are safe now."
"Nathaniel, we got, three more trucks coming!"
"Ah shit. Can you hold them off?"
A few shots were heard on the radio. Nathaniel repeated.
"TP, can you hold them off?!"
"Only for a few minutes."
"Alright, we're coming, just hang on!"
Nathaniel looked at John.
"They need back up, fast." Said Nathaniel.
John slowly turned to the empty humvee with a turret on top of it.
"You think the keys are inside?" Said John.
"Well, lets find out." Said Nathaniel.
TP and Baker were nearly pinned down. The rapid fire from the soldiers kept pushing the two back into cover.
"Hey, where's that back up?!" Said Baker.
"Just keep firing!" Responded TP.
And so Baker did, but it did little damage to the soldiers' formation. Then, there was a loud scream that caught both of their attentions. TP looked at the window of a building and saw a soldier threatening a family.
"Baker, I need you to cover me!" Said TP.
"Are you fucking blind?!" Said Baker. "There's too many of them!"
TP ignored Baker and pulled out his crossbow. With only one explosive arrow left, he put the arrow in the bow and shot down into the large group of soldiers. The explosion brought down a few soldiers and stopped the firing. TP quickly took action by going down a latter on the side of the building and running across the street. The soldiers were starting to recover from the blast, but Baker started to fire back with his last few bullets to cover TP. Once TP got to the building, he took out his two handguns and ran to the door. He kicked it down with his hoof. There were soldiers all around, but TP shot all of them down before they could open fire. TP then heard footsteps coming from the stairs. More soldiers were coming. TP ran to the first soldier to reach the bottom floor and choked him from behind. He quickly turned the soldier around and fired his gun at the remaining soldiers. Once the others were dead, TP snapped the soldier's neck. Then, TP slowly walked up the stairs, stepping over the dead soldiers. Once he reached the upper floor, he could hear heavy breathing. He slowly followed the sound, holding his handguns steady and in front of him. The house was nearly pitch black dark and only one room was lit up. TP soon reached a doorway and leaned against the wall. He stood quiet for a moment, listening to the rapid firing from outside and the sound of a terrified soul in the room. TP took a deep breath and rushed inside pointing both his guns at a soldier standing in the middle of the room. Although, TP froze when he saw that the soldier was pointing a gun to a family of anthro-tigers huddled together, trembling with their eyes closed.
The soldier stared at TP with an intimidating glare and said.
"Drop your weapon."
TP didn't move. He still had the guns pointed to the soldier and stared back at him with anger.
"I said, drop your weapon." The soldier repeated.
TP was still motionless and almost ready to fire. Then, the soldier clicked the gun. TP lowered his weapons and dropped them on the floor.
"Good." Said the soldier with a devious smile.
Then the soldier pointed the gun at TP.
"Big mistake." Said TP.
Then he grabbed the soldier's arm and pushed it up to the ceiling. The soldier fired the gun at the ceiling while TP punched him in the neck. Then TP grabbed the gun from his hand, spun around and kicked him in the chest. The soldier fell to the ground barley breathing. TP walked up to him slowly with the gun.
"You feel proud of what you do?" Said TP.
The soldier didn't answer. TP didn't say another word and pointed the gun to his head.
"Don't move!" Someone screamed.
TP turned around and saw a group of three soldiers in the hallway. One had his rifle aimed on TP. TP stared the man down while tightly gripping his handgun. The man didn't lower his weapon and the men behind him readied their guns. TP was outnumbered and although he new it, he didn't drop his weapon.
"Hey!" Said someone down the hallway. The soldiers looked down the hall to see Baker aiming his M60. The soldiers tried to quickly turn to Baker, but it was too late. Baker pulled the trigger and shot down all the soldiers with his last round. TP walked back to the soldier in the room. He watched as he struggled to breath on the ground. TP stared at the soldier in disgust. Baker escorted the family to a safe room and then walked back to TP.
"What do we do with him?" Baker asked.
"Leave him. We can get answers from him later." Said TP.
An explosion was heard outside that made TP and Baker run to the window. Once they looked out the window, it was almost like chaos. The army had the upper hand and began searching the house. A few anthros were forced out of their homes with guns pointed at their backs. Baker and TP were worried.
"How's your ammo?" Said TP.
"I'm out." Said Baker. "Only pistols."
Baker looked at TP and said. "What are we going to do?"
TP stood there silent trying to think of a plan as he watched the torture. Suddenly, a truck could be heard of in the distance. The engine was roaring and getting closer. Then a voice shouted.
"Come on, who's next!"
Baker smiled and said.
"Sounds like backup."
Then, the two were relived to see John driving and drifting on the road in a stolen humvee with Nathaniel firing the turret.
"Forget the tigers!" Screamed a soldier. "Kill them!"
The soldiers left the anthros and shot at the humvee, but Nathaniel took them all down with the turret as the humvee drove through them.
Baker backed up from the window and said.
"Come on! We have to end this now!"
"With what weapons?" Asked TP.
Baker walked over to one of the dead soldiers and turned his body over. He then saw that there was a bazooka strapped on him. Baker admired the weapon and gave a very sly smile towards TP. He unstrapped two bazookas and threw one to TP.
"Lets blow these bastards away." Said Baker.
TP nodded. The two then ran outside. The soldiers were first oblivious to them as they waited for John and Nathaniel to drive back. Baker and TP took advantage and aimed at the soldiers.
"Surprise!" Screamed Baker.
The soldiers quickly turned around, but by that time, TP and Baker had fired. Their shots created a massive explosion on the road, getting rid of all the soldiers.
"Whoa, shit!" Said Baker.
Then, the two were getting shot at from behind. They quickly took cover and reloaded. It seemed when time passed more and more shots were coming. Then, John and Nathaniel were coming back down the street heading towards Baker and TP. TP then looked at Baker and screamed.
"On my go, we fire!"
Baker nodded. They both waited. TP watched John drive up to them. Then he abruptly yelled.
The two fired again. This time, their explosion was massive enough to make two other Humvees catch on fire and explode. While the soldiers were trying to get back on their feet, Nathaniel began firing the turret again. Soldiers fell down by the dozens. Finally, after a series of more explosions, one of soldiers said.
The soldiers ran for their lives to get on the truck and escape. It was an ultimate victory as the soldiers drove off into the night.
The team regrouped in the middle of the road. John parked the humvee right next to Baker and TP and stepped out of the vehicle.
"Nice shooting Polkadot." Said John.
"Yea, thanks for saving our asses." Said Baker.
"Hey, it's what I do." Said Nathaniel with a smile.
They all shared a laugh.
Suddenly, TP saw a man at the corner of his eye walking in pain. Soon, the whole team looked and saw that it was the soldier that TP allowed to live in the building. The soldier then raised a bazooka and said.
"The weak must die!"
TP quickly pulled out his pistol and shot the man in the head, but it wasn't fast enough. The man was able to fire one missile. The missile flew into the air and made contact with the upper level of an old building.
"Get down!" Screamed Baker.
The top of the building exploded and caught on fire. Pieces flew everywhere as the fire's heat spread throughout the area. A few anthros ran out of the building most unharmed, others were limping and coughing on their way out. The team quickly ran to the anthros and helped them escape safely. Eventually, it seemed that everyone was out.
"Is that everybody?!" Screamed John.
"No!" Screamed a lion. "No wait! There's a mother in there with her child!"
Everyone had a worried look on their face as they looked back at the burning building. Then, Nathaniel quickly took action and ran inside the building. The others tried to scream to him, but Nathaniel ignored them. As he frantically searched the building, he was nearly blinded by the flames. The fire had reached the bottom floor and was spreading quickly.
"Hey, where are you?!" Screamed Nathaniel. He heard nothing but the fire burning through the building. Nathaniel covered his nose and mouth with his hands and ran upstairs. There was a large opening in the wall where the missile hit.
"Where are you?!" He screamed again.
Then he listened quietly. And, with a sigh of relief, heard the cry of a small child. He ran to the sound, moving pieces of debris out of the way. He followed the sound into a closet. He quickly opened it and saw a small tiger cub sitting on the ground with his injured mother. The cub had a small soccer ball. A piece of the ceiling had fallen on the mother and it seemed too heavy for her to get off.
"Don't worry, I got you." Assured Nathaniel.
He tried to move the debris on her, but it was very heavy. She screamed in pain and Nathaniel stopped. He couldn't do it alone. Suddenly a piece of the ceiling had fallen a few feet away from him and crashed through the floor. Nathaniel then quickly tried to move the debris again, but the mother tiger grabbed his arm and faintly said.
" baby...please."
Nathaniel looked at the child. He was clinging on to the soccer ball crying in fear. Nathaniel then looked back at the mother.
"I'll be back for you. I promise." Said Nathaniel.
Then he quickly turned to the cub. He picked him up along with the ball and stood up. He then saw that the ceiling was quickly falling apart.
"Close your eyes." Said Nathaniel.
The cub closed his eyes and trembled. Nathaniel ran as fast as he could to the stairs, but stopped when he saw that the stairs had fallen down. He looked around for an exit, and then he noticed the large hole in the wall. He took in a deep breath and held the cub tighter. He then ran to the hole and jumped out. Luckily, he fell on his back in a wagon filled with plants. He gave a sigh of relief, and then looked at the terrified cub.
"Shhh, it's okay." He said.
The rest of the team ran to him and helped him up.
"What the hell where you thinking man?" Said John.
"No time!" Said Nathaniel. "The mother is still inside. She's on the top floor and I need..."
Suddenly, a loud crumbling sound came from the building. Everyone looked as the whole building caved in and collapsed in flames. There was silence. No one said a word as the remains of the building continued to burn. The team had won the battle, but suffered one casualty. The little cub then ran to the building calling out to his mother. A lion held him back away from the building. The cub screamed and kicked to try to get loose. He still believed his mother was alive. He soon gave up and just hugged the lion while crying. Then everyone kneeled down to pray. The team did the same. With all the lives they took and all the lives they saved, that all didn't seem to matter any more. The prayer ended and the team stood up.
"Now what?" Said Baker.
"We find the person who called the attack." Said Nathaniel.
"And when we do?" Asked John.
"We kill him." Said TP.