crimsons lost memories chapter 1
#1 of crimsons lost memories
hi everyone please be nice this is my first story so i would like some criticziam but please if some thing needs to be fixed tell me.
"Ow my head,what the hell my head fells like it just had a building droped on it." i said I looked around and saw that i was in a field.Wondering why there was no blood where i think my head hit i noticed something was not right i had big ears and felling around i noticed i had no clue what i am. I was a strange creature that i assume i origanly was but i also couldnt remember my name.Wondering where i came from and how i got here i just decided to walk and follow a path i found. After what felt like hours i could see that about mabye there was a forest ahead. As i got closer it seemed like a small forest and i was wondering if i could get through it. When i got closer i let of a scream seeing that it was bigger then it seemed. Not caring any ways i enterd the forest.
When it got dark i decided to try going a little more before i tried to rest till morning. After couple more hours i decided to find someplace that would be nice enough for me rest on. Finding a small patch of grass i decided that it would do. I wouke up to nothing but a whole body aching."Hey what the hell do think your doing here i thought i had already told you lucarios to stay away from our area?" a voive aske out of nowhere. I turned around after cracking my back to see a humanoid creature that was really strange. It had red and black hair and a strange hair style that went behind it and a strange blueish ball near the end.I was confused at it and since it didn't want me here i turned around and walked away.Befor i knew it the creature was on my back and slaming me on the ground face first." OW you know that fucking hurt and i dont even konow what you are talking about. I just woke up not knowing anyhting about me!" i yelled.
"You think im stupid i see that you lucarios can't stay away from our home and now you are going to pay the price." it said.
"Sister whats going on here? And get of him you dont need to do anything to him." another voice said but more calm voice. I saw this this creature that had fourlegs and had flowerbuds around its neck and antennas on its head."Now let him go." It said
"Fine then you dont always have to ruine my fun sister."She said. She asked me who i was and i told who i dont know who or what i am. I also told them that i need to find out who did this to me. I noticed that they turned around to talk and tookthis as my chance to run. Befor i could even get five feet away i got grabed around the waist with some sort of vines.the other one came over and grabed my neck and gave me a glare that made me think that it would be worse next time."By the way what did you mean when you called me a lucario? i asked
"Your a lucario a pokemon. You have a clueless look still so we will explain when we get back to our house. By the way im a bayleaf and my sister here is a zoroark. My name is Leaf and she is Ruby."Leaf said.
"Now for his name lets see ill call you crimson for now till we find a better name for you." Ruby said. I agreed even thoug it was a terrible name i didn't have a better one. I followed them backe to their home and was supried that it was cut out from a huge tree."Welcome to our home we will stay here for to night." Ruby said.
"So how are you two exactly going to help me with this little problome i have?" i asked
"Well right no I will gather some suplies while Ruby shows you where we sleep. We only have one room so you'll have to sleep in our room."Leaf said
"Follow me and I will show you where our room is. I personally think you should sleep outside but befor we go to be you will need to make your own bed." She said.
"At least im not going to sleep outside and that hella hard fucking ground."I said
"Go see if my sister needs any help if not find someting to do that doesnt involve me." she said. I went to the see if Leaf needed any help. When i came up to her i asked her if she needed any help. She nodded and said that there are berries near here and i needed to go get some for the trip. I went to find the berries that she described and when i found them i filled up a bag that Leaf gave me. When i got back i gave the berries to her. She gave me a smile and said that i can help her divided the berries and then she'll get me some berries for me to eat befor we get to bed."Leaf why are you two helping me anyways. I dont well exactly know you two. And not exactly didn't have a good impresion on your sister." I said.
"Well i like the adventure and challenge and my sister needs to get more and i think this will help her." She said.
"You two done yet we need to get his bed made so he has a something to sleep on." Ruby said. Leaf nodded and i went to go make a makeshift bed out of what they have in their room. The material was weird they had leaves bunches of tall grass tied together and just something that still looked uncomfortable to me. Even though i decided to just try making one the best can. Looking at it i couldn't help but laugh at how bad it was. Leaf came up to me after I made it and laughed at how poorly made it is. She told me that its time to eat and well talk more then."Crimson have never mad a bed befor cause that is a terrible job." Leaf said. Befor we got to where the set up a table Ruby came up and without warning kicked me in the the head.
What the hell you bitch you kick me in the head and im still hurting there!" I yelled.
"Well i decided that your not staying here and for you to leave. Sister we are not going to help him at all."Ruby said.
"ok then see you two im gone now and goodbye leaf and bye you bitch." i said. I left the tree and started going and decided to go all night cause there is no time for resting since I stayed at there home for to long. I found the end of the the forest about a couple hours after morning. But before i could go any further vines sudennly wraped around my neck and pulled me backwards to the ground. I started to panick and try to pull the vines off."Hey i told your stupid ass that me and my sister are going to help you wether you like or not. You are pretty fast for how far ahead you were."Leaf said. I looked at her and still trying to pull off her vines she had around my neck." I'll let go of you when you say your sorry for yelling at us." She said
"Only when your sister apolagizes first for kicking me." I said. She let go of my neck with one vine and saw that she used it to bring her sister who aplogized and they through my bag that was packed with the suplies for the trip. Leaf pointed to where we were to go and told us how long we are going to travle so we dont get to tired since they had to follow me through the whole night. They found the a path for us to follow and i keeped my distance from both of them cause i was getting sick of them hurting me all the time."Hey Leaf Ruby where you going and whos the Lucario." A voice from behind sad.