Not Alone chapter 2
#3 of not alone
This is the next part of the story, please leave a comment on how I could improve and I hope you enjoy it (please note I will be changing the point of view sometimes)
(P.S please tell me what you think and sorry for the mistakes)
When I awoke I was in the arms of Darius, who was holding me close to his chest, his fur was soft and comforting and he was sweaty from the game but he had a smelly manly to me . I wanted to stay there until I remembered what he did to me, I glared at him and pushed him away from me "Get away from me!" I muttered as I got up. I felt a lot of pain in my head as I got up but ignored the pain I was feeling. " Alex I'm sorry, that wasen't supposed to happen!" Said Darius with a worried look on his face. I got up and started to walk towards the locker room." Whatever just stay away from me!" I said while walking.
As I watched Alex walk away, I scolded myself Dammit why did I do that, what on earth was I thinking!? I thought to myself while I was feeling guilty for what I did. When I hit Alex with the dodge ball, I was aiming for his chest or something but not his head, when he got hit he fell back and his head hit the floor pretty hard. I ran over to him to see if he was ok but he had a nasty bruise not counting the bruise he got from the ball. I was going to go after Alex when a couple of other furs walked up to me " you nailed that tail raiser good man" said the bear, " that will teach that fag" said other. I started to go after Alex while ignoring them, but the lemur that was on his team stopped me " yo man that might not be a good idea " he told me in a warning tone. I look at him reluctantly "why, hes hurt and-" but the lemur cut me off " will you shut up for a moment and let me finish " he said bluntly I just nodded.
"good now listen up because if you haven't noticed he angry at you to dumbass" he said in a causal way. I paused and thought about what he said and I realized that he was right and I stay quiet. The lemur nodded " good, if you tried to comfort him right now, you will make things worse probably. Now come on class is about to end". When we were in the locker room Alex was already gone, I looked at his locker and saw that his gym clothes were shoved in there roughly. I sighed and changed into my regular clothes, when I walked out of the room and headed off to my next class
As the day went on I found myself thinking about Alex. I could still remember the way how is fur felt like, it was a soft like one of those big blankets and he smelled like lavender. I don't haven't meet anyone who's made me feel like this before but I'm not gay I'm straight. I blanked out of the rest of my classes. Until it was lunch, I bring my own lunch to school so I diden't have to wait in line. I saw Alex siting next to a ferret and proceed to sit near them.
As I left the gym I could still feel my pounding from the pain but I was also thinking about what happened earlier about what I said to Darius. Maybe it was a accident and hes really sorry but then again he might have done it to impress the other assholes that beat up gays, I had these thoughts going through my head during the class but before I knew it it was time for lunch so I when to my usual table. I got my lunch and as I walked back I saw Jasmine siting at the table.
As I sat down at the table Jasmine eyes widened as she saw the bruises " Alex what the hell happened to you?!" You see Jasmine is the type of friend that acts like she doesn't give a crap about anyone but really she cares for the furs that are in her small circle of friends, she won't hesitate to hurt someone whos hurt one of her friends. " I got hit in the head but I'm fine really" I tried to sound and look casual but that stopped when Jasmine touched the bruise on the back of my head, I yelped and flinched " that hurt don't touch it! " I snapped at her but Jasmine diden't even look hurt in fact she looked angry " your such an idiot sometimes you know that! You should gone to the nurse or something and your going to tell me who didi this because I'm going to make them pay!".
I could tell that she was getting worked up but I diden't want her to get into trouble " No its fine Jasmine, it was a accident this time so you don't have to hurt anyone ok?" I said to calm her down, it worked a bit but she won't forget it " still who did it? At least tell me who did it?" She asked me with concern in her voice. I sighed " it was a new guy but don't worry it was by accident so don't go off and hurt him, ok?" I diden't want Jasmine to go off and hurt him. Jasmine looked at me suspiciously " hmmmmmmmmm" she said out loud, " what? I asked while I trying to guess what she was thinking. " I find it a little odd that you don't want me to hurt this new guy, Oh I know!"she clapped her hands together while she was grinning at me. " for goodness sakes, what is it Jasmine" I said getting irritated with her but then I realized what she was thinking. She starts to laugh " Ha, I can tell that your crushing on the new guy, whats he like is he cute? " she said teasing me.
I started to blush " shut up! " I was beginning to feel embarrassed. Jasmine loves to do this to me " Ha I can tell, look your even blushing " said Jasmine while she was chewing on her food. " relax Alex you know I'm messing around with you". I started to eat some of the cafeteria food, I took a bite out of meatloaf and I nearly gagged at the taste of it, it tasted like someone left the meat out of the freezer and left there to rot, but I swallowed anyway because I have to eat something to get through the day. As I took another bite I almost choked because I saw Darius coming over to our table.
I couldn't help but feel nervous as I walked to there table because I wasen't sure on how Alex would react to me because he seemed pretty angry when he left. I stopped near the table and looked at Alex " Alex I'm sorry that wasen't supposed to happen please forgive me " I pleaded. Alex looked at me with a blank expression but soon it softened up a bit " I guess but don't just stand there, sit down because others are looking in this direction" he said in a voice that I couldn't quite place, was it nervousness or irritation, I'm not sure but I was happy that he forgave me and I started to wag my tail. I sat down across from him and a farret, who was watching me the whole time. We sat in total silence for quite for a bit when we were eating but the farret spoke up first " So you the new guy huh?" She said in a bland way, I nodded " yeah it my first day here". The farret nodded " well My name is Jasmine " " My name is Darius" I said trying to sound confident. Soon it was Alex looked over at what I was eating " ummmmm what are you eating?" He asked and from the way his voice I could tell he was uncertain maybe even nervous.
I couldn't help but smile at him because he looked really cute " I'm eating beef and vegetables and rice, I made it for dinner but I decided to take leftovers for lunch" I said smiling. Alex looked a bit surprised with his ears at attention " so you can cook thats cool I guess" he said while looking at his food with a distasteful look and I thought this would be a good chance to show him that I'm a pretty good cook " yeah its good try some " I offered him a spoon full of beef and rice. He looked at me with his ears folded back " what you mean off your spoon?" I could tell that he was blushing. I couldn't help but laugh " hahahah I don't mind, here say aaaaahhhhhhh " I said while raising the spoon towards his muzzle, He was blushing and with his fur it looked like a light peach color and Jasmine was grinning at Alex. Alex hesitated for a moment but took a bite, as he chewed he closed his eyes and moaned a bit " now thats pretty good ". Then the bell rang Dinnnnnnnng and we all got up, Alex was the first one to leave but Jasmine stopped me " You seem like a nice guy but understand this" she got up close to me " I swear if you hurt Alex in anyway. I will make you suffer understand me?" The sound in her voice was cold, serious and menacing .I stepped back because she sounded very intimating even though I was taller then her. I nodded and she left without a word or looking back at me.
Soon school ended and I started to walk home, near the end of classes of the day I was in a another class with Alex but I diden't get the chance to talk to him. It started to rain really hard as I walked home. I kept on walking but soon I saw a lone figure walking in the rain, as I got closer I realized it was Alex, so I ran to catch up to him.
As I walked away from the school I could still feel the pain from the bruises but not as much now and the rain diden't help one bit bit I wasen't really focusing on that at the time, I was thinking about Darius. Hes really attractive and he cooks. I'm still sorting out things but I can feel my heart beat when I'm around him. I was thinking of a lot of things even though it was raining but I diden't care about the rain. I heard someone running behind me so I look back and I saw Darius. " Hey Alex" he said when he caught up to me, he was literary soaked. I was surprised to see him here, did he live somewhere farther down or near by? I thought. " Hey man, do you live near here?" I asked because I was curious. Darius shook his head " No, I live kind of far from the school ", I thought he might catch a cold and diden't really think about what I was going to say next " your going to catch a cold out here, you can stay at my house until the rain clears up ".
Darius smiled at me which made me feel a bit warmer " yeah that would be nice thanks" So we continued for until we reached my house. I opened the door and we walked in " there's a fireplace in the living room go ahead and sit there while I go get some towels ". When I reached the closet I these thought going through my head, what on earth was I thinking! Bringing him here even though we just meet today, I sighed well he all ready here might as well let him stay for a bit. I walked back to the living room and sat next to Darius and handed him a towel. " thanks " he said taking the towel I gave him. The warmth of the fire was nice and comforting .
We just sat there in total silence, Darius was looking at the fireplace with a smile on his muzzle and I looked at him every now and then. I sat close to him and I could hear my heart beating loud and fast, why do I feel like this when I'm around him? I asked myself. I don't know what I was going to do. Suddenly Darius puts his arm around me and lookes me in the eyes. His eyes looked sort of foggy " Alex...." he said as his muzzle gets closer to mine. Time felt like it was slowing down around us, even the beating of heart seemed to slow down. I closed my eyes and then I felt his lips on mine.